iOS App Upload Warnings: checksum validation failed - ios

For first time I didn't get any error, but due to some reason the app got rejected.
But now I have tried twice, and getting this error, see image for reference.
Should I be worried about this, also I have tried uploading app using Application Loader and Xcode, it takes too much time and nothing happens even after 2 hours. My Interconnection is not bad. I can upload at 50-100 Kb/s.

How big is your app? One time I remember I tried to upload an app which was more than 512Mb, and it took more than 1.5 hours, also it failed a couple of times.

These warnings can be ignored, as with all these warning, my app is approved and will be soon available for download.
I had tried uploading using both Application Loader and XCode. I had also tried changing the port as some post recommend to upload the exported IPA via Application Loader, but finally I was able to upload it via XCode.
I got the above message when uploaded via XCode.
Prior to uploading I had validated the app and it was successfully validated.
Once you got a message of successful submission, wait for review and ignore these warnings`.


Build not showing up in App Store connect

I'm trying to publish my first app at Apple Store and use flight test, so I was following Apple Tutorial to upload an app to App Store Connect using archive.
Now I'm already have a build uploaded, as I can confirm by that error message I get when I try to upload it again:
But my Apple Store Connect dashboard do not show me that build uploaded, as you can see in the following image
I found similar questions in a lot of places, but just
one was exactly my issue. Unfortunately, it still with no answers.
Increment build number and version number to 2.1 (or whatever is one less than your latest attempt) and try again. Sometimes it takes time for upload to appear. But if the upload is successful it should appear under the Test Flight tab.

Application Loader getting stuck while uploading package to App Store

I am trying upload to my app to iTunes connect using Application Loader. Many times I have done this, but this time strangely while uploading it is getting stuck at, upload process
My app is of 14MB, upto 3MB it processed, after that its showing above screen. While searching about this, many were faced issue in authentication stuck, but here its authenticated, but in the middle of package upload it is getting stuck. I developed this app using Xamarin.Forms
Did anyone know reason for this? Its getting stopped abruptly in the middle again resuming like this its uploaded two build. Can I publish that build, whether it would have properly uploaded or not?

ItunesConnect processing app forever

I was uploading my application (v1.3 build 105) and I had some internet issue that I cannot process to upload it.
After that I tried to upload it once again. But build 105 was never available. I've changed application build number to 106 and upload it once again.
And now I have problem with internal testing, because I cannot select newest build (build 105 is still processing).
Do anyone had similar issue?
Thanks for any help
I have been through the same experience few times.
We upload builds with iTunes Connect and it can fail due to any reason, maybe the network etc.
It still appears in the iTunes build list with processing label as you have mentioned.
Then, you have to upload a fresh build with a new build number.
Sometimes, the new build takes 2 hours, even up to 6-8 hours to get listed for testing, and then this false "processing" labeled entry gets cleared.
I would suggest waiting for a while, and then you will be able to test your new uploaded build.
Yes, this issue happened with me too. Actually the problem is the uploading process did not finished and aborted due to slow internet connection. But meanwhile uploading, it creates a record in the itunesconnect whose processing starts at certain part of the app finished uploading.
But since the complete app is not uploaded. Therefore it remains in the processing state.
I am sorry, you will have to wait for some more time and this new build 106 will be considered and the older one will be removed from it.
Just a note-
Don't forget to refresh the page or logout and login again to see the correct status of your build. Simply switching tabs on itunesconnect won't help in many cases.
If possible try to clear cache/use different browser instance just to make sure that the status is updated.
I've created a new version of my app 1.3.1 (build 107) and now everything looks right, I can select build for testing etc.

Upload ionic app itunes connect

I'm trying to upload my application to connect itunes but I could not get. Valid from XCODE application without any problem, it also raises and spends the whole process normally. But over 1-2 minutes since connect receive an error, error that appears in iTunes do not understand.
This message appears next to the binary version of iTunes Connect a red alert icon.
I'm working with this application IONIC, it had already risen above versions without any problem to store.
I cleaned the project, it has made new applications in my environment itunes but nothing works for me. I'm not receiving any specific error. As I said earlier binary is validated from xcode.
This problem is mainly due to a plugin in particular, it was the PushNotification plug, take it away and I could upload my application without any problem. Now, there was never notice from Apple, nor stand that there was a problem with this. It was a matter of luck remove this plugin and it work.

updating my iOS app in appStore - Signiant Transfer Engine warning - app got rejected

I've submitted and updated my app successfully several times. Now when I'm uploading my app via XCode Organizer (not application Loader) I receive the following warning (3 times):
"Creating a new Signiant Transfer Engine because the previous transfer had to be canceled. This session is at risk of running out of available system resources."
First I didn't think much about it, but today the App got rejected by the App Store reviewer because it crashes on launch on the iPad air they use to test on.
Any ideas how this can be solved?
I found this discussion here: Application Loader, new weird warning about Signiant Transfer Engine which suggests to change the preferences in Application loader. But because I have not uploaded my App via application loader from the beginning I cannot use application loader to update it (at least I couldn't figure out how), so it doesn't help me.
What else could be going wrong? Any ideas welcome!
update: the app validates without errors and warnings. when uploading it it takes much longer than usual before I get the warning mentioned above. I have tested the app on multiple devices. Also the app is actually not targeting iPads, it's mainly made for iPhone/iPodtouch.
It works fine on all. The link above suggests that not all files are uploaded correctly when the error message occurs. So that could be the problem. But the question is how to change it...
I'm not sure, but I don't think the warning has anything to do with the crash or your app being rejected.
You could file a TSI with Apple, but I would try to find the crashing bug first.
