Swift: How to get the Registration Token of Google Cloud Messaging - ios

I'm trying to implement google cloud messaging in one of my project, where a type-A user submit something, it will push the information to the server and it will send to a type-B user. If the type-B user agree the things that the type-A user sent, they would say yes and it will send that to server and return the information to the type-A user.
That's the idea. So, I follow the example at https://github.com/googlesamples/google-services/tree/master/ios/gcm, however I can only get the registration token printed on the output. If I want to get/retrieve the registration token to pass to the server, how could I achieve it?
In here, I've got the registration token called from AppDelegate and printed out, how can I return/get it outside of the AppDelegate?
Also, how could I notify the user when they turn off the screen? (send notification) Right now, I only receive notification from the input)
Thank you for reading the question. Any help/suggestion would be greatly appreciated.


flutter - How to keep user signed-in with Google

I have used Google Sign In to authenticate users with Firebase Auth, and I successfully get back my Firebase User. I want to keep the user authenticated, when they come back to the app. How can I do the same?
Users already stay authenticated. After you restart the app, Firebase reads the credentials from disk, and refreshes the user's token. Since this requires a roundtrip to the server, it happens asynchronously. So be sure to await _auth.currentUser() to get notified of the user's status.
Whenever I'm wondering how to do such things, I look at the FlutterFire sample app. This specific line can be found here.
Yes you need to do the auth.currentUser() function in order to keep users authenticated and the best part is that this function will work even if the user is offline, which makes it very versatile.

Automatically sending an activation key by SMS or email after registration

I'm working on a free iOS app; at the end of the registration (when the user has registered a good phone number and good email address) I want the user to enter a code which he has received on his phone or email.
But the problem is how to send automatically a SMS or an e-mail programmatically that contains the code?
I don't want the user to be redirected to a specific view controller to compose a message by himself (like with MFMessageComposeViewController or MFEmailComposeViewController)
just and only just the same appearance of SMS or email sent to users but with a different activation key (for the keys, I think about auto generated keys stored in a database).
And I think about the same way for forgotten identifiers, the user enter his email address or his phone number in a text field, and a message is automatically sent with the password and the username of the user, if the email address or the phone number entered is already existing in the database, if it is not, it shows an alert view with an error.
Does anyone have an idea for how to do this?
You can use the following services Parse.com + mailgun. Search on Parse.com for a tutorial using mailgun and it should accomplish what you are trying to do. On a side not, be careful when creating an app which does not allow the user to use it until they enter some access code, it is against the Apple rules and could lead to rejection.
I assume you have a server that generates this activation code that is sent to the user.
When the user enters the text field with the code he got it should be sent back to the server with an http request (use NSURLConnection ). The server should response to the http request with approval or error whether the code is right, or send the username and password and any other data the user needs to continue.

ios apple push-notification server side design

Our app users can login their accounts and if a user is logged in, then he can receive push notifications when someone added him as a friend. Based on my understanding, our server needs to record the userID and its notification token, so that any events happened to the userID, the server can find its token and send to apple APN. If this token is changed, we also need to update the record in server. I am not quite sure if my understanding is correct or not. anyone can help? Thank you.
Yes, you have to store on your server a unique ID for each user and its notification token. You should update this token stored on your server with a connection in AppDelegate method "didFinishLaunchingWithOptions". Everytime something happens, as a new friend request, your server have to send a new push notification using the stored token.

Obtain NEW Apple device token?

I am creating an app that allows the user to log out of the app and log in as different user if they want to. Is there any way to obtain a new device token from Apple once the new user logs in? Is there a way to force call the didRegisterForRemoteNotificationsWithDeviceToken method?
No, you can't request a new device token. They expire from time to time, and only then will you get a new one (or if you have a different app with a different bundle id, the token will be different).
Create a function to handle didRegister and call that from didRegisterForRemoteNotificationsWithDeviceToken. Then use that function when you need to force the call.
Since users are logging in, pass the information with the device token to the server every time someone logs in and associate the user to the token on the server side.
There is no way to get a different device token. You need to remove the token from the backend when the user logs out.
I'm not sure how it behaves in iOS7 and later, but prior to iOS7, all applications on the same device would get the same device token, and therefore what you ask is impossible. As of iOS7, each application gets its own device token, but I'm not sure if that token can change on consecutive registrations.
You can always force call the didRegisterForRemoteNotificationsWithDeviceToken by calling registerForRemoteNotificationTypes, but usually you'll get the same device token.
If the goal is to associate notifications with specific users, then as of iOS 10, you can try implementing a NotificationService extension to filter only those notifications associated with the currently authenticated user. While multiple users on the same device will be associated with the same device token at the server, the client will only display notifications for the current user - assuming that only one user at a time can be logged-in.
This approach also allows for having notifications that don't require authentication - just pass those through unaltered.
As mentioned above, you can force a request-response token update after user login by explicitly calling UIApplication.shared.registerForRemoteNotification (Swift 3+). Then send that user+device token combination to your application server for use.

Is there any way to send the email without opening the MFMailComposeViewController?

I need to send the email without opening the MFMailCompseViewController. I have searched about this and got some point like use the web service and another one is connect with gmail server through ask the emailID and password from the user.
My email format is fixed i just have to send the email to user whose id will be given by the user without showing any thing else.
Your existing research is accurate - you can connect to some web service to send the e-mail automatically, but you can't automatically create, configure and send using MFMailComposeViewController. The user always gets to see the presented controller and choose whether to do any editing and whether to send or not.
There is no way of sending an email directly from iDevice without showing the MFMailComposeViewController.
If it was possible it would be a great tool for mobile distributed spam bots.
Things to consider: MFMailCompseViewController is an interface for the user to compose an email.
If you want to use it, you have to hand over control to it. Apple does not expose the underlying functionality to you: it has to go through this view controller.
If you don't want the user to be aware that you are sending emails on their behalf (I assume it is on their behalf or you wouldn't need the composer view) you are probable doing things a little wrong; why would you want to send an unsolicited email?
If you want to report information from the device, implement a web service and send it to that. Email is meant for correspondence; don't hijack an account.
If you still need an email, have the web service create it
