Is there any way to send the email without opening the MFMailComposeViewController? - ios

I need to send the email without opening the MFMailCompseViewController. I have searched about this and got some point like use the web service and another one is connect with gmail server through ask the emailID and password from the user.
My email format is fixed i just have to send the email to user whose id will be given by the user without showing any thing else.

Your existing research is accurate - you can connect to some web service to send the e-mail automatically, but you can't automatically create, configure and send using MFMailComposeViewController. The user always gets to see the presented controller and choose whether to do any editing and whether to send or not.

There is no way of sending an email directly from iDevice without showing the MFMailComposeViewController.
If it was possible it would be a great tool for mobile distributed spam bots.

Things to consider: MFMailCompseViewController is an interface for the user to compose an email.
If you want to use it, you have to hand over control to it. Apple does not expose the underlying functionality to you: it has to go through this view controller.
If you don't want the user to be aware that you are sending emails on their behalf (I assume it is on their behalf or you wouldn't need the composer view) you are probable doing things a little wrong; why would you want to send an unsolicited email?
If you want to report information from the device, implement a web service and send it to that. Email is meant for correspondence; don't hijack an account.
If you still need an email, have the web service create it


How to securely email something to myself from an iOS app?

I'd like to implement a feature in my app where the user can enter some data, and upon pressing a submit button the app then logs into an email account and sends me an email (so that I can then view the data the user entered). I don't want to just store my password in plain text in the app, so are there any more secure ways to accomplish this?
I understand that usually it's best to just build a custom backend and have the app make a post request, but that won't be possible here.

Email sheduler functionality create in ios

In my application want to add functionality email sheduler
In this email send automatically as per time set by user
How can i do?
No, I guess that's not possible using any of the apple frameworks.
You can use Some web service when user set email Scheduler , and now from server side you can send email to user.

Altering the "From" or "Reply to" in google SMTP

I want to provided "Email a friend" functionality to my site. I have a ASP.MVC site and I am using GMail as our provider (google apps for business).
So, a user will press my "Email a friend" button and be asked to enter their "reply to email address" and the persons email the wish to send the email to. I then use our log in credentials to send the email. The problem is the the "reply to" address is changed to the credentials address.
So wants to send an email to He enters the correct email addresses for both tom and himself. But when tom get the email its reply to is "" which are the log in credentials.
I have done some research on this and as far as i understand this is not possible in gmail.... I believe.
My question is two fold.
Is this possible in gmail?
If not, how would i go about getting this functionality?
I know there are third party tools which do this and are free etc but we dont want to use these due to privacy issues.
Is this possible in gmail? AFAIK it is not possible to change the FROM address to anything that is not either the google apps account name for the SMTP settings or an alias of it. I believe you can change the REPLYTO address. In System.Net.Mail.MailMessage, there is a ReplyToList property. Are you setting the replyto there?
If not, how would i go about getting this functionality? Try something besides gmail / google apps for business. I have heard good things about SendGrid.
Also be careful with this. GA4B has a limit on the number of mails that can be sent in a specific time period. If you violate this, G will detect that you are abusing the service and lock the account you are sending mails from. They intend their service to be used by people, not machines, to send mail. All it takes is 1 automated attack on your send-to-friend page to disable your GA4B account, so consider a captcha or some other human-proof widget.

Form submission in iOS app?

Im really new to iOS development, but I have some experience in OSX. I am trying to make an app where the users fills out text fields with information and then presses a submit button. The contents of the fields that they filled out are then automatically sent to me via an email.
I built a similar OSX application that could do this, but I cannot figure out how to do it on iOS.
I do not want to use the MessageUI.framework because, as far as I can tell, the user must press the send button after it brings up the email form. I just want it to send in the background.
I have no problem hardcoding in the email address and password, or using the same email for send and receive. ex: to: from:
Any pointers would be sweet!
You have two options if you do not want to show the mail composer window to the user
Use an SMTP Client for iOS like this one and send the email from your app with the email id and password hard-coded in the app. But if you want to change the email id or change the password in the future, you'll need to update the app. So this is a less desirable solution
Create a web script on your server which accepts the form fields to be submitted by the user. Then from this web script, send the email to your email id (for instance, if you use a PHP script, use the mail function to send the email). Call this script in the app using NSURLConnection.
You are going to need to make a custom form and then send all of the fields in the form as POST parameters to a custom API that you make on some server. Then you can just redirect that as an email to yourself through something like SMTP

Implementing password reset method on iPhone and Android apps?

I'm having trouble finding a way to provide users a reset password method for my apps.
Unlike this question, I don't wan't to manage it locally, instead I prefer to validate the user by some sort of connection to my server.
Should I validate the user via e-mail? By sending him a link containing a key like:
I'm not sure how to make that work without using any webView.
Or maybe the best approach is to e-mail them a link to a website in which they can reset their password (like in Path).
Please, can someone point me in the right direction?
Any help would be appreciated.
The safest approach is to have your app contact the site, and have your site send an email to the user with a password reset link. It seems fairly common to provide a GUI in your app telling the user to check his email for the password reset instructions.
That way, if an impostor gets access to the app, he may not have access to the email or may not know the credentials for your site.
Your GUI could be done natively or with a webView. I am not sure why you are trying to avoid a webView in any event, but it is not required.
