pdf generation of nested table using jspdf.js and autotable.js - jspdf

Nested table pdf which is wrong
I am trying to generate pdf for nested table,but not able to generate in a proper way.
Is there any sample to generate pdf for nested tables i.e tables into table.
Please help!


Excel to pdf conversion in rails4 with libreoffice

In a rails 4 application, how can I convert an excel spreadsheet file into pdf.
When I am trying to implement Excel to pdf the contents are listed in different pages if excel column size is large.
How to generate the pdf without moving data to next pages in pdf.
Please help,
So you basically have two options you can either implement this yourself and use a CSV gem/library (default CSV, faster CSV, or smarter CSV) assuming that by "excel" a CSV is acceptable. If a CSV is not acceptible you can use the axlsx gem instead. Then for pdf conversion you can use something like prawn. If you decide to build this yourself follow these steps.
Create a controller that will handle Reports, I suggest using the rails g controller report upload generate_table show generate_pdf generator to create a controller and a view for the upload process
Create a file upload form in the upload view.
On submit you will send the file to the generate action processing with one of the CSV or excel gems
Once processed your end product should be an array or hash (as an instance variable) and you can send that to the show action
In the show view you will iterate of that hash/array and incapsulate the contents in a html table.
On the show view you should have a button that will send that same hash/array to the generate_pdf controller action where you will use prawn to create a pdf, you can use something like send_data to the send the completed pdf file back to the user.
This is roughly how you could go about it less the low level details. Now if you wanted to use an out of the box solution you could use something like Ruport. Ruport will handle most of the heavy lifting for you the only thing is you need to have your models and associations set up to use it the way it is designed, and that may not be an option for you.

Generate multiple tables using ajax call

I am using jsPDF and jsAutotable to generate pdf for the table that is in the DOM.
First of all I want to create multiple tables that are present in the DOM using a button click.
Secondly I also want to create pdf file for multiple tables using an ajax call to the server using another button. I have tried to look around for some tutorial but have not found anything specific.
Can anybody help please.
I have been able to create multiple tables. Since I needed to create two tables in my pdf file, so I needed to call autoTableHTMLToJson function twice after getting the information from my html tables. After doing this you can define the options for each of the table also. Since there is very limited assistance available for js auto table so if anyone needs help in this regard just comment below, I might be able to help.
var elem = document.getElementById('employee-table');
var data = doc.autoTableHtmlToJson(elem);
var elem2 = document.getElementById('employee-table2');
var data2 = doc.autoTableHtmlToJson(elem2);

Ruby on rails AngularJS - create multiple models from direct upload

I recently am given a task by upper management to implement a mass upload coupon task. The goal is to allow users to upload an list of coupon codes (excel or csv), and subsequently giving these coupons codes attributes such as start date, expiry, quantity and so on.
I have already implemented a form to input these attributes. The current implementation method I am doing is as follows:
1.I upload a list of coupon codes (eg: 333245454dfee) and I do not write them directly to the database, instead I converted them to string and display on a page for the user to view. (done)
2.from that view page, there is a form with all the attributes. The user can then input these attributes. (done)
3.The user can create all of these coupons codes with the attributes set.
However, I am stuck now because I am unsure of how to mass create multiple codes and attach all the attributes to them. Right now, I can only create one coupon at a time.
So, to summarize, I would like to ask is it possible to
have a field that contains all the codes I have uploaded
I have others fields for different attributes
how to create all the codes I have uploaded as separate models.
I do not need the codes, I would like to hear what approach there are. I am thinking of creating a variable to store these coupons codes first, then loop them. But I have no idea how to do all of that by pressing one single button.
Thanks in advance.
Hmm, how I would approach this problem would be to have the user upload an csv file with 1 column and multiple rows of coupon. Using carrierwave to upload the file and parse the csv file. After parsing it, you should have an array of coupon and you can just input them into the database.
A good reference for your problem would be http://railscasts.com/episodes/396-importing-csv-and-excel

Create object in Rails from text file

I am building a site with Ruby on Rails where I can display items that are for sale. Currently I can add new items by filling a form with title, price, some text and upload a couple of pictures.
Since there might be many items I would like to have a text file with the data, one item on each line, data separated with comma or whatever. Then I'd like to give this file to my Rail's application that will create the items in the application. Would this be possible?
What you're basically talking about is importing and exporting CSV files.
You can learn about the basic ruby functions available to you when working with CSV files here: http://ruby-doc.org/stdlib-2.3.0/libdoc/csv/rdoc/CSV.html
Here's a video about exporting to csv and here's a video about importing from csv.
You essentially will call :to_csv on some collection, and then use CSV's foreach or some method of iterating the items in the CSV, and you will create your rows from the parsed data.

PDF generation: Can Data be filtered?

We are evaluating Orbeon for a very large form with multiple pages of PDF output. In order to streamline the output, we would like to generate a template-based PDF composed of sections of text dependent on how the user responds to a question. Can this sort of PDF be generated?
