How to keep track of children processes in erlang? - erlang

I have a static list of "hosts" with their info, and a dynamic list of "host agents". Each host has one and only one agent for as long as it connects to the server by a TCP connection. As the host may or may not be connected, its agent process may or may not be started. When a TCP packet arrives with the host ID, I need to find out if the "agent" of this host is started or not.
Connection is responsible for receive and send data from tcp socket, parse the data to find out which host it should send to and deliver to it's host agent to handle.
Host kept host informations. Host agent handle incoming data, save host information to host and decide what to send in what format(e.g. ack to client with host id and response code).
And in the data packet, it specified source host and target host, which means it sent by source host and should received by target host. In this case target host could be connected in another connection. That's why a need a global map for all connections for the convenience of get the target host agent pid.
I have a supervision tree in which host_supervisor monitors all the host, and connection_supervisor monitors each connection, host_agent_supervisor monitors agent. host_supervisor, connection_supervisor are all supervised by application supervisor which means they are first level children in supervision tree. But host_agent_supervisor is under connection_supervisor.
Is it a good idea to store a map into db with host_id and
host_agent_pid pair?
If 1. is true, how to update the host_agent_pid
when something wrong and agent is been restarted?
Is there any better idea to implement this case? It seems my solution does not follow "the erlang way".

The simple, or quick answer to your question(s) are:
It's fine, though besides a map you could also use gb_trees, dict or an ETS table (maps is the least mature of all these of course). However, that notwithstanding, a key/ID to PID lookup table is fine, in principal. ETS might allow a performance benefit over the others because you can create an ETS table that can be accessed from other processes, eliminating the necessity for a single process to do all the reading and writing. That might or might not be important and/or appropriate.
One simple way to do this is every time a "host agent" starts, it spawns another process, which does nothing but link to the "host agent" and remove the host ID to agent PID mapping from whatever store you have when the "host agent" dies. Another way to do it is cause a mapping store process itself to link to your host agent PIDs, which might give you less concern for possible race conditions.
Possibly. When I read your question I was left with certain questions and a general feeling that the solution I would choose wouldn't lead me to the precise lookup issue you are asking about (i.e. lookup of the PID of a "host agent" upon receipt of a TCP packet), but I can't be sure this isn't because you've worked to minimise your question for Stack Overflow. It's a little unclear to me exactly what the roles, responsibilities and interactions of your "host", "host_agent" and "connection" processes really are, and if they should all exist and/or have separate supervision trees.
So, looking at possible alternatives... When you say "when a TCP packet arrives" I assume you mean when a foreign host connects to a listening socket or sends some data on an existing socket already accepted, and that the host ID is either the hostname (and or port) or it is some other arbitrary ID that the foreign host sends to you after connecting.
Either way... Generally in this sort of scenario, I'd expect that a new process (the "host agent" by the sounds of it in your case) would be spawned to handle the newly established TCP connection (via a dynamic (e.g. simple one to one) supervisor), taking ownership of the socket that is the server side end point of that connection; reading and writing the socket as appropriate, and terminating when the connection is closed.
With that model your "host agent" should always be started if there is a connection already and always be NOT started if there is not a connection, and any incoming TCP packet will end up automatically in the hands of the correct agent, because it will be delivered to the socket that the agent is handling, or if it's a new connection, the agent will be started.
The need to lookup the PID of an agent upon receipt of a TCP packet now never arises.
If you need to lookup the PID of an agent for other reasons though, because say your server sometimes needs to pro actively send data to a possibly connected "host", then you either have to get a list of all the supervised "host agents" and pick out the right one (for this you would use supervisor:which_children/1, as per Hamidreza's answer) OR you would maintain a map of host IDs to PIDs, using map, gb_trees, dict, ets, etc. Which is correct depends on how many "hosts" you could have - if it's more than a handful then you should proabably maintain a map of some sort so that the lookup time doesn't become too big.
Final comment, you might consider looking at gproc if you haven't already, in case you consider it of use for your case. It does this sort of thing.
Edit/addition (following question edit):
Your connection process sounds redundant to me; as suggested above, if you give the socket to the host agent then most of the responsibility of the connection is gone. There's no reason the host agent can't parse the data it receives, as far as I can see there's no value in having another process to parse it, just to then pass it to another process. The parsing itself is probably a deterministic function so it is sensible to have a separate module for it, but I see no point in a separate process.
I don't see the point of your 'host' process, you say "Host kept host informations" which makes it sound like it's just a process that holds a hostname or host ID, something like that?
You also say "it specified source host and target host, which means it sent by source host and should received by target host" which is beginning to make this sound a bit like a chat server, or at least some sort of hub spoke / star network style communication protocol. I can't see why you wouldn't be able to do everything you want by creating a supervisor tree like this:
| | |
map_server svc_listener hosts_sup (simple one to one)
| | | | | |
Here the 'map_server' just maintains a map of host IDs to PIDs of hosts, the svc_listener has the listening socket, and just accepts connections and asks hosts_sup to spawn a new host when a new client connects, and the host processes (under hosts_sup) take responsibility for the accepted socket, and register the host ID and their PID with map_server when they start.
If map_server links to the host PIDs it can automatically clean up when a host dies, and it can provide a suitable API for any process to look up a host PID by host ID.

In order to get a list of child processes of a supervisor, you can use supervisor:which_children/1 API. It gets a reference to your supervisor which can be its registered name or PID, and returns a list of its children.
supervisor:which_children(SupRef) -> [{Id, Child, Type, Modules}]


Can Windows Service be started by incoming TCP connection?

I'd like to make a small Windows Service, that would be shutdown most of the time, but would be automatically activated when incoming TCP (REST?) connection comes. I do not want the service to be running 24/7 just in case (albeit that might trn to be the least evil).
There were projects porting inet.d and xinet.d to Windows, but they are all abandoned, and introducing yet another dependency for a lean program is wrong.
However by the fact they were abndoned i thought it is now a standard Windows functionality?
Service Triggers documentation seems both incomplete and self-contradictionary.
A SERVICE_TRIGGER_DATA_TYPE_STRING that specifies the port, named
pipe, or RPC interface for the network endpoint.
Feels great, but totally lacks any example how to specify port and nothing but the port. But then:
SERVICE_TRIGGER structure seems to claim there is no way to "wait" on TCP/UDP connections.
SERVICE_TRIGGER_TYPE_NETWORK_ENDPOINT - The event is triggered when a packet or request arrives on a particular network protocol.
So far so good... But then.
The pTriggerSubtype member specifies one of the following values: RPC_INTERFACE_EVENT_GUID or NAMED_PIPE_EVENT_GUID. The pDataItems member specifies an endpoint or interface GUID
Dead-end. You have no choice but either Windows-specific flavor of RPC or Windows-specific named pipes. And you can only specify GUID as a data item, not a port, as it was told above.
I wonder, which part of documentation is wrong? Can ChangeServiceConfig2 API be used for a seemingly simple aim of starting service to respond to TCP packet coming to a specific port ? If yes - how?
there is also SERVICE_TRIGGER_TYPE_FIREWALL_PORT_EVENT but the scarce documentation seems to say the functionality is the opposite, the trigger is not remote packet incoming from a client, but instead by a local server binding to a port.
Some alternative avenues, from quick search:
Internet Information Server/Service seems to have "Windows Process Activation Service" and "WWW Publishing Service" components, but adding dependency upon heavy IIS feels wrong too. It also can interfere with other HTTP servers (for example WAMP systems). Imagining explaining to non-techie persons how to diagnose and resolve clashes for TCP ports makes me shiver.
I wonder if that kind of starting a service on demand can be done only programming http.sys driver without rest of IIS, though.
COM protocol seems ot have servers activation on demand feature, and hopefully so does DCOM, but I do not want to have DCOM dependency. It seems today much easier to find documentation, programs and network administrators for maintaining plain TCP or HTTP connections, than DCOM. I fear relying on DCOM would be more and more fragile in practice, just like relying on DDE.
DCOM and NT-RPC would also make the program non-portable if i later would decide to use other operating systems than Windows.
Really, starting a service/daemon on incoming network connection seems so obvious a task, there has to be out-of-the-box function in Windows?

IBM MQ : Multiple QMs in JMS bindings file

We are implementing an MQ/IIB architecture where we will have one QM and one Broker each on 2 RHEL servers load-balanced with each other to divide incoming traffic.
We have consumer applications which connect our servers through JMS bindings file. We also have IIB applications running on both of them.
Now, since one bindings file could have only one QMGR name while creating a connection factory, it's not recommended to keep different QM/Broker names on each servers. Since this bindings file would be shared with consumers, it has to be with unique QM name.
But if we have same QM/Broker names on each server, all logs on IIB record and replay tool will have one Broker name (from both servers) which is again difficult to identify which server actually served the incoming request.
Could you please suggest best possible approach in such scenario?
Or else suggest if above approach can be modified to achieve our goal.
In general it is not a good practice to have two queue managers with the same name. The same would be true for IIB brokers for the reasons you stated.
In the Binding file you can leave QMANAGER blank (null). This will allow the application to connect to any queue manager listening on the HOSTNAME and PORT that you specify.
If the queue managers on the 2 RHEL servers use the same port you could even set hostname to localhost and use the same binding file on both servers.
Example is below if both queue managers listened on the same port:

Distributed erlang security how to?

I want to have 2 independent erlang nodes that could communicate with each other:
so node a#myhost will be able to send messages to b#myhost.
Are there any ways to restrict node a#myhost, so only a function from a secure_module could be called on b#myhost?
It should be something like:
a#myhost> rpc:call(b#myhost,secure_module,do,[A,B,C]) returns {ok,Result}
and all other calls
a#myhost> rpc:call(b#myhost,Modue,Func,Args) return {error, Reason}
One of the options would be to use ZeroMQ library to establish a communication between nodes, but would it be better if it could be done using some standard Erlang functions/modules?
In this case distributed Erlang is not what you want. Connecting node A to node B makes a single cluster -- one huge, trusted computing environment. You don't want to trust part of this, so you don't want a single cluster.
Instead write a specific network service. Use the network itself as your abstraction layer. The most straightforward way to do this is to establish a stream connection (just boring old gen_tcp, or gen_sctp or use ssl, or whatever) from A to B.
The socket handling process on A receives messages from whatever parts of node A need to call B -- you write this exactly as you would if they were directly connected. Use a normal Erlang messaging style: Message = {name_of_request, Data} or similar. The connecting process on A simply does gen_tcp:send(Socket, term_to_binary(Message)).
The socket handling process on B shuttles received network messages between the socket and your servicing processes by simply receiving {tcp, Socket, Bin} -> Servicer ! binary_to_term(Bin).
Results of computation go back the other direction through the exact same process using the term_to_binary/binary_to_term translation again.
Your service processes should be receiving well defined messages, and disregarding whatever doesn't make sense (usually just logging the nonsense). So in this way you are not doing a direct RPC (which is unsafe in an untrusted environment) you are only responding to valid semantics defined in your (little tiny) messaging protocol. The way the socket handling processes are written is what can abstract this for you and make it feel just as though you are dealing with a trusted environment within distributed Erlang, but actually you have two independent clusters which are limited in what they can request of each other by the definition of your protocol.

What's the upper bound connections of TServerSocket in Delphi? [duplicate]

I'm building a chat server with .NET. I have tried opening about 2000 client connections and my Linksys WRT54GL router (with tomato firmware) drops dead each time. The same thing happens when I have several connections open on my Azureus bit-torrent client.
I have three questions:
Is there a limit on the number of open sockets I can have in Windows Server 2003?
Is the Linksys router the problem? If so is there better hardware recommended?
Is there a way to possibly share sockets so that I can handle more open client connections with fewer resources?
AS I've mentioned before, Raymond Chen has good advice on this sort of question: If you have to ask about OS limits, you're probably doing something wrong. The IP protocol only allows for a maximum of 65535 ports and many of these are reserved and not available for general use. I would suggest that your messaging protocols need to be thought out in more detail so that OS limits are not an issue. I'm sure there are many good resources describing such systems, and there are certainly people here that would have good ideas about it.
EDIT: I'm going to put some thoughts about implementing a scalable chat server.
First off, designate a single port on the server for clients to communicate through. Whenever a client needs to update the chat state (a new user message for example) do the following:
create message packet
open port to server
send packet
close port
The server then does the following:
connection request received
get packet
close connection
process packet
for each client that requires updating
open connection to clients
send update packet
close connection
When a new chat session is started, the client starting the session sends a 'new session' message to the server with the clients user details and IP address for responses. The server creates a new chat session and responds with the session ID. The client then sends packets containing the messages the user types, the server processes them and forwards the message to other clients in the same session. When a client leaves the chat, it sends a 'end session' message to the server. The server removes the client from the session and destroys the session when there are no more clients in the session.
Hope that gets you thinking.
i have found some answers to this that i feel i should share:
Windows 2003 server has a limit on the number of ports that may be used. but this is configurable via a registry tweak to change the MaxUSerPort setting from 5000 to say, 64k( max).
Exploring further, i realize that the 64k port restriction is actually per IP address, hence a single server can easily attain much more ports, and hence TCP connections by either installing multiple network cards, or binding more than one IP address to a network card. that way, you can scale your system to handle n x 64k ports.
Had for days a problem with the available sockets on my Window 7 machine. After reading some articles about socket leaks in Win 7, I applied a Windows patch - nothing changed.
Below there is an article describing windows connection problems in great detail:
For me it worked the following:
Open Regedit
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\services\Tcpip\Parameters: Create TcpNumConnections, REG_DWORD, decimal value 500 (this can be set according to your needs); EnableConnectionRateLimiting, REG_DWORD, value 0;
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\services\Tcpip: Create MaxUserPort, REG_DWORD, decimal value 65534
Restart Windows

how to listen to a broadcast on -any- port within a linux distributed system

I am working on a distributed application in which a set of logical nodes communicate with each other.
In the initial discovery phase, each logical node starts up and sends out a UDP broadcast packet to the network to inform the rest of the nodes of its existence.
With different physical hosts, this can easily be handled by agreeing on a port number and keeping track of UDP broadcasts received from other hosts.
My problem is - I need to be able to be able to handle the case of multiple logical nodes on the same machine as well.
So in this case, it seems I cannot bind to the same port twice. How do I handle the node discovery case if there are two logical nodes on the same box ?? Thanks a lot in advance !!
Your choices are:
Create a RAW socket and listen to all packets on a particular NIC, this way ,by looking at the content of each packet, the process will identify if the packet is for destined for itself. The problem with this is tons of packets you would have to process. This is why kernels of our operating systems bind sockets to processes, so the traffic gets distributed optimally.
Create a specialized service, i.e. a daemon that will handle announcements of new processes that will be available to execute the work. When launched, the process will have to announce its port number to the service. This is usually how it is done.
Use virtual IP addresses for each process you want to run, each process binds to different IP address. If you are running on a local network, this is the simplest way.
Define range of ports and scan this range on all ip addresses you have defined.
