Xcode is throwing me an error in swift - ios

I'm following a tutorial(http://youtube.com/watch?v=xvvsG9Cl4HA 19 min 20sec) and to make his code look neat he puts some on a ew line like this
if let myPlacement = myPlacements?.first
let myAddress = "\(myPlacement.locality) \
(myPlacement.country) \
. But when I try I get an error
unterminated string literal
consecutive statements on a line must be seperated by a ';'
but the guy in the tutorial has done it the exact same way. What's going on?
I'm using the latest swift and and latest xcode 7.2 any help would be apreciated
if I write everything on the same line like this
if let myPlacement = myPlacements?.first
let myAddress = "\(myPlacement.locality) \(myPlacement.country) \(myPlacement.postalCode)"
it works fine though

if I write everything on the same line like this
Well, there's your answer. You are not permitted to break up a string literal into multiple lines as you are doing in your first example. There are languages that permit this, but Swift is not one of them. This is not legal:
let s = "hello
There is no magic line-continuation character which, placed at the end of the first line, would make that legal.
If the window is narrower than the line, the editor may wrap the line, for display purposes; but you cannot put actual line breaks inside a string literal.
You can work around this by combining (concatenating) multiple string literals, if you think that makes for greater legibility. This, for example, is legal:
let myAddress = "\(myPlacement.locality) " +
"\(myPlacement.country) " +

I look your video tutorial carefully. You have a misunderstanding here.
You must pay attention to the video, the code in this picture is not break lines because he add a return here, it is because his screen is too narrow.
So, the real code is
let myAddress = "\(myPlacement.locality) \(myPlacement.country) \(myPlacement.postalCode)"
Please watch it carefully.
And you may need know first, \ in \(myPlacement.locality) is a escape character, it means to get the value of myPlacement.locality and put in the string.


Lua: Find string between two strings

local code = [[
print("this is a trap")
print("this is a trap")
print(string.match(code, 'asd(.*)'))
I made this but the problem is it also returns the print under it. It'll return anything under the asd("XDasdsadasdasd"), but i only want whats inside asd("XDasdsadasdasd") to return that will be "XDasdsadasdasd"
Parentheses are magic chars in Lua patterns. You need to escape them. Also, you need to stop at the first closing parenthesis. See the code below:
print(string.match(code, 'asd%(.-%)'))
If you only want what's inside asd(...), then use
print(string.match(code, 'asd%((.-)%)'))

Parse a string with specific condition

How can I trim my string which is in this form:
to this?
I want to remove all the characters before the second to last slash /.
I can use stringByTrimmingCharactersInSet but I don't know how to specify the condition that I want:
let trimmedString = myString.stringByTrimmingCharactersInSet(
NSCharacterSet.whitespaceAndNewlineCharacterSet() // what here in my case ??
The above is for removing the white spaces, but that is not the case here.
Since the string is an URL get the path components, remove anything but the last 2 items and join the items with the slash separator.
if let url = NSURL(string:"https://xxx.kflslfsk.com/kjjfkskfjksf/v1/files/media/93939393hhs8.jpeg"), pathComponents = url.pathComponents {
let trimmedString = pathComponents.suffix(2).joinWithSeparator("/")
You're not trimming, you're parsing.
There's no single call that will do what you want. I suggest writing a block of code that uses componentsSeparatedByString("\n") to break it into lines (one URL per line), then parse each line separately.
You could use componentsSeparatedByString("/") on each line to break it into the fragments between your slashes, and then assemble the last 2 fragments together.
(I'm deliberately not writing out the code for you. You should do that for yourself. I'm just pointing you in the right direction.)
You might also be able to use NSURLComponents to treat each line as a URL, but I'm not sure how you'd get the last part of URL before the filename (e.g. "media " or "lego") with that method.

How can I remove the quotation mark and commas?

I have a date in "12/5/24" format and I am trying to use it in a JavaScript function.
How can I use the date with no quotation marks and with commas?:
This is what I am trying to achieve:
date = "12/5/24"
var = date.some_method #=> 12,5,24
Write as below :
string = "12/5/24"
date_array = "12/5/24".split("/").collect(&:to_i)
Date.UTC(date_array[0], date_array[1], date_array[2])
All the split and gsub answers are "wrong", because they fit the anti-pattern "cause the bug, then fix the bug." (Yet they are not "completely wrong", because sometimes that anti-pattern is unfortunately the simplest option!)
Use Time.parse(date).strftime('%m,%d,%y'). That's why you have to escape each y token in a time template with a percent % - so you have a whole string to play with, and can put anything else in it. You could even put the rest of your Javascript in there.
Date.UTC( *"12/5/24".split('/') )

action script 2.0 simple string comparing with conditional statement

So I have this crazy problem with comparing 2 strings in ActionScript 2.0
I have a global variable which holds some text (usually it is "statistic") from xml feed
_root.var_name = fields.firstChild.attributes.value;
when I trace() it it gives me the expected message
trace(_root.var_name); // echoes "statistik"
and when I try to use it in conditional statement the rest of code is not being executed because comparing :
if(_root.overskrift == "statistik"){
//do stuff
returns false!
I tried also with:
but with the same result.
Any input will be appreciated.
Years later but on a legacy project I had the same problem and the solution was in a comment to this unanswered question. So let's make it an anwer:
Where var a:String="some harmless but in my case long string" and var b:String="some harmless but in my case long string" but (a==b) -> false the following works just fine: (a.indexOf(b)>=0) -> true. If the String were not found indexOf would give -1. Why the actual string comparison fails I coudn't figure out either. AS2 is ancient and almost obsolete...

NSString to NSDictionary

I have a string (from HTTP Header) and want to split it into a dictionary.
foo = \"bar\",baz=\"fooz\", beta= \"gamma\"
I ca not guarantee that the string is the same every time. Maybe there are spaces, maybe not, sometimes the double quotes are escaped, sometimes not.
So I found the solution in PHP with regular expressions. Unfortunately I can't convert it to work on iOS.
preg_match_all('#('.$key.')=(?:([\'"])([^\2]+?)\2|([^\s,]+))#', $input, $hits, PREG_SET_ORDER);
foreach ($hits as $hit) {
$data[hit[1]] = $hit[3] ? $hit[3] : $hit[4];
Can anybody help me converting this to Objective-C?
I met a guy which is kinda RegEx guru. He explained the whole stuff and I got the following (working!!!!) solution in RegEx.
This gives me strings like foo="bar":
I then use another RegEx to split it by key and value to create a dictionary.
