No such module 'Parse' error even after installing the frameworks - ios

I am getting the error 'No such module Parse' even though I have added all of the needed frameworks. I get this error when I try to import Parse at the top of my appdelegate or my viewcontroller.
Here is a screen shot:
I want wasnt able to use the downloadable pro from parse because it was outdated. My goal is to get rid of this error. Please describe your answer because I know that this answer can be complicated do I have to do something in my search paths? Once again here is my error: 'No such module Parse'. Thanks for the help I appreciate it very much you can also download the project at this link:

Try to import it in the Bridging-Header.h like:
#import <Parse/Parse.h>
#import <Bolts/Bolts.h>
Create Briding-Header.h
Create a new Objective-C File
Choose Create Bridging Header
You can also try this: terhechtes answer or B Ks answer

How did you import your Parse framework? Manually or through Cocoapods(recommended)? #JulianPomper's advice is correct so long as everything is set up properly, but you don't need to import Bolts.


Parse API change, PFLogInViewController not found

Getting back to an Objective C project of mine started a while ago , which was compiling fine, I now find myself with a few issues related to Parse pods. Searching the net I already found a few things, but still have some problems (and doubts).
First I got an error message saying that a file was not found on this line:
#import <ParseUI/ParseUI.h>
After reading a few related post, I understood that ParseUI was deprecated and I should use Parse/UI instead in my Podfile, so I changed the line above to:
#import <Parse/Parse.h>
And I also changed in the Podfile:
pod 'ParseUI'
pod 'Parse/UI'
I then reran:
pod install
But I now have these messages showing up:
Cannot find interface declaration for 'PFSignUpViewController', superclass of ....
No type or protocol named 'PFSignUpViewControllerDelegate'
Cannot find interface declaration for 'PFLogInViewController', superclass of ....
along the project.
And I was indeed subclassing PFSignUpViewController as well as PFLogInViewController.
So where did those classes go? Deprecated, different names or what?
Any help would be very much appreciated.
After making a separate new project to check how things work, I found out that I can still use PFLogInViewController. And then looking again on the net for posts about similar issues, I tried to add this line:
#import Parse;
But I get this error:
Module 'Parse' not found
I must be doing something wrong hiding the PFLogInViewController class.
After making a separate small project to isolate the problem, I first hit the same issue. And with a bit more digging I ended up solving it by adding this import:
#import <PFLogInViewController.h>
after the one which was already there:
#import <Parse/Parse.h>
I hope this can help someone else having the same problem at some point.

SQLCipher: Use of unresolved identifier 'sqlite3_key'

App is coding with Swift, SQLCipher installed and had tried to compile the app without using database, it worked well, but when I tried to use sqlite3_key, it gives an error: Use of unresolved identifier 'sqlite3_key'.
I have defined -DSQLITE_HAS_CODEC in CFLAGS and added #import in bridgeHeader.h
Can anyone help to solve this error?
In your bridging header you need to add this before importing sqlite3.h:
Make sure you have added in Build settings objective-C Bridging Header with name "YourProjectName-Bridging-Header.h"
Although it's a quite old question, there are still someone will encounter the same issue.
The problem is with the SQLCipher document,
In the bridging header add #import <sqlite3.h>.
This is wrong statement actually, you should add #import "sqlite3.h" instead. Because XCode also come with a sqlite3 module by default, if you import it with diamond bracket, it will use the default one from XCode. The default one does not have ciphering feature, that's why you cannot use sqlite3_key() and related functions.

Stripe.h file not found in xcode

I am trying to use the Stripe SDK in my iOS App but there seems to be a problem. Whenever I try to import it like this:
#import "Stripe.h"
I get the following error:
Stripe.h file not found
But I have the file as shown in the picture attached.
Since Stripe is a framework, you need to import like this.
#import <Stripe/Stripe.h>
In your Objective-C –> Swift Bridging Header you have to import the Objective-C file like the following:
#import "Stripe.h"
Hope that helps :)

Parse and Facebook SDK imports conflict in Xcode 6 ("ParseFacebookUtils" is not recognized)

When I try to import the ParseFacebookUtils framework in Swift, it does not work. In the documentation I follow the steps to integrate the FBSDK (once I have Parse up and running, error-free).
The thing is that since the iOS SDK was just recently updated (you dont really have to create bridging headers anymore for the Parse SDK Frameworks), and in the link above they tell you to include:
#import <FBSDKCoreKit/FBSDKCoreKit.h>
#import <ParseFacebookUtilsV4/PFFacebookUtils.h>
in your header file. I tried both to import the ParseFacebookUtils with a regular import in swift, but the compiler complains and says:
(This is my AppDelegate.swift file)
Then I tried my luck and went ahead and import everything normally as in the image above, but then creating a bridging header just to import ParseFacebookUtils, like so:
But it did not work. Even if I comment out the ParseFacebookUtils in swift.
Can you help me solving this issue?
Thank you so much for your help in advance!
In my AppDelegate, I didn't have to import ParseFacebookUtils, just UIKit, Parse, FBSDKCoreKit, and FBSDKLoginKit (I also added Bolts to be safe but it didn't make a difference). My bridging header also includes "#import " Have you tried deleting the other PFFacebookUtils Framework that isn't V4? My Parse frameworks came with PFFacebookUtils.Framework and PFFacebookUtilsV4.Framework and deleting the older one got rid of my compiling errors, although my app still has its own login issue at runtime that you hopefully won't have. Hope that solves your problem!
Because Armin's answer didn't work for me, what I have done is the following:
I created a bridge file (to be able to import Objective - C code in Swift).
I removed the ParseFacebookUtils.framework. (I don't know if it is necessary).
I wrote the following: #import <ParseFacebookUtilsV4/PFFacebookUtils.h>.
After that I was able to use PFFacebookUtils!
Try change to
import ParseFacebookUtilsV4
and remove reference ParseFacebookUtils Because is not working with Parse sdk 4+

Why does the SimpleAuth CocoaPod not work with Swift Bridging Header file?

I cannot seem to get the SimpleAuth CocoaPod to work in a my swift project. I have:
created a bridging header file
with #import <SimpleAuth/SimpleAuth.h> and
edited the swift compiler - code generation section in build settings
Am I supposed to manually fix the 15 Swift Compiler Errors (mainly 'unknown type name NSString' and 'Expected a type') or is this a sign I am doing something completely wrong?
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
in your header file
I just went back to several projects with bridging headers to import obj C frameworks and they all appear to have the same issues you have. It looks like a line by line fix for those.
