Stripe.h file not found in xcode - ios

I am trying to use the Stripe SDK in my iOS App but there seems to be a problem. Whenever I try to import it like this:
#import "Stripe.h"
I get the following error:
Stripe.h file not found
But I have the file as shown in the picture attached.

Since Stripe is a framework, you need to import like this.
#import <Stripe/Stripe.h>

In your Objective-C –> Swift Bridging Header you have to import the Objective-C file like the following:
#import "Stripe.h"
Hope that helps :)


Swift Project With Objective C Wrapper OpenCV

I have just started to use the openCV library and I am trying to get everything set up. I have a swift project and have dowloaded the framework through cocoa pods. I am trying to import the openCV framework in my objective-c file and I keep getting errors. This is my code and the following are the errors.
#import "OpenCVWrapper.h"
//this line causes the errors
#import <opencv2/opencv.hpp>
#implementation OpenCVWrapper
After a little digging, I finally found the solution:
Import any Apple headers AFTER those of OpenCV. So the code should look like this:
#import <opencv2/opencv.hpp>
#import "OpenCVWrapper.h"
You need to add Bridging Header file and import the objective c file in it. after creating a file you need to add the path of this file into Build settings of project Target. Find Bridging Header in build settings. please refer

Where can I get CommonCrypto / CommonCrypto file from?

I have a problem with importing CommonCrypto/CommonCrypto or CommonCrypto/CommonDigest. I need a SHA256 for my Swift code.
I found CommonCrypto github site in Cocoapods.
So I have downloaded the file from above.
But I'm getting errors about ARC (I have added Bridging-Header like other tutorials do.)
The header file's name is NSData+CommonCrypto.h and NSData+CommonCrypto.m.
It's not a CommonCrypto/CommonCrypto or CommonCrypto/CommonDigest
Where can I download and get the exact file CommonCrypto for SHA256?
No additional files are required. You need a bridging header first of all, which you already have but for those who don't the easiest way to achieve this is to add an Objective-C file to your project and to accept when it offers to create a bridging header. You can then either import the whole of CommonCrypto (thanks #zaph - see comments) to the bridging header:
#import <CommonCrypto/CommonCrypto.h>
Or the constituent parts:
#import <CommonCrypto/CommonCryptor.h>
#import <CommonCrypto/CommonDigest.h>
#import <CommonCrypto/CommonHMAC.h>
#import <CommonCrypto/CommonKeyDerivation.h>
#import <CommonCrypto/CommonSymmetricKeywrap.h>
You can now use CommonCrypto in Swift. For example code see here.
In Xcode 10 a bridging header is no longer required to import CommonCrypto in Swift. You can simply use:
import CommonCrypto
In fact, you don't need to compile any file to using CommonCrypto, just import it in your project.
or using some wrapper in Swift, just like
Let's back to CommonCrypto file,Apple have released it's source code in

No such module 'Parse' error even after installing the frameworks

I am getting the error 'No such module Parse' even though I have added all of the needed frameworks. I get this error when I try to import Parse at the top of my appdelegate or my viewcontroller.
Here is a screen shot:
I want wasnt able to use the downloadable pro from parse because it was outdated. My goal is to get rid of this error. Please describe your answer because I know that this answer can be complicated do I have to do something in my search paths? Once again here is my error: 'No such module Parse'. Thanks for the help I appreciate it very much you can also download the project at this link:
Try to import it in the Bridging-Header.h like:
#import <Parse/Parse.h>
#import <Bolts/Bolts.h>
Create Briding-Header.h
Create a new Objective-C File
Choose Create Bridging Header
You can also try this: terhechtes answer or B Ks answer
How did you import your Parse framework? Manually or through Cocoapods(recommended)? #JulianPomper's advice is correct so long as everything is set up properly, but you don't need to import Bolts.

Swift - Importing Objective-C Gives "Unknown type name"

I'm working on a swift project until i needed This "Analog Type Time Picker". I downloaded the repo and tried it using Xcode 6.4 and it works fine. But when I started to transfer it to my project, It ask me to create a Bridging-Header and I created one, Also I imported the .h file in the bridging header. My project can see the delegate method so I think its just fine. But the problem is, the variables on the .m file has an error like this:
But if you notice, The last UIButton don't have error. What do you think seems to be the problem?
Put #import <UIKit/UIKit.h> or #import UIKit; at the very top of the .h file where you get these errors
It clearly looks like you do not imported UIKit. Just add #import <UIKit/UIKit.h> or #import UIKit; to the top of your .h file.
Otherwise if you are using both combination (Objective-C & Swift) means you need to add bridging header.

iOs: Swift Google Analytics

I am new to iOs development and would like to implement Google Analytics (swift).
It appears there is some missing information on implementing Google Analytics in swift on Google's instruction page:
It seems the import statement above is incorrect, can anyone assist me with the missing/correct statement?
Exta Info:
I come from a Java background and IDEs I use import for you, so
please excuse my stupidity.
I have cocopods installed, and use other pods: Almofire, Fabric, swiftyJson etc
I am developing for iOs 8
Instructions above this, are clear and working. Installing the pods/config file etc
In your Objective-C bridging header file, You should import GA header files:
#import "GAI.h"
#import "GAIDictionaryBuilder.h"
#import "GAIEcommerceFields.h"
#import "GAIEcommerceProduct.h"
#import "GAIEcommerceProductAction.h"
#import "GAIEcommercePromotion.h"
#import "GAIFields.h"
#import "GAILogger.h"
#import "GAITrackedViewController.h"
#import "GAITracker.h"
I am not sure if I am missing some import.
If you look in your Pods folder in Xcode you can see the available pods there. Most of them usually have a file that contains all import statements for any files needed. In this case its the Analytics.h file in Pods/Google/Analytics/
I'm guessing that, to import this file in your bridging header (which I hope you have, if not let me know), you can use #import "Google/Analytics.h".
It also says a little bit lower on the page, to import the <Google/Analytics.h> to the header.
