Kevin path at neo4j - neo4j

I am trying to discover how many hops I have to do to know a friend with Cipher. I have these relationships.
and when I execute my query it shows Fernando. What I want is to show only Vitor, Pedro and Arthur.
MATCH (n:Leitor)-[r:Conhece]-m
WHERE n.nome='Pedro' OR m.nome='Vitor'
RETURN n,r,m
with my Bacon Path query ->

Ok, I'm adding another answer because I think I understand what you want and it's different than my other answer.
If you want to find everybody that both Pedro and Vitor have met (in this case, just Author):
MATCH (pedro:Leitor)-[:Conhece]-(in_common:Leitor)-[:Conhece]-(vitor:Leitor)
WHERE pedro.nome='Pedro' AND vitor.nome='Vitor'
RETURN in_common
That also might look a bit better like this:
MATCH (pedro:Leitor {nome: 'Pedro'})-[:Conhece]-(in_common:Leitor)-[:Conhece]-(vitor:Leitor {name: 'Vitor'})
RETURN in_common
I also notice from your screenshots that every meeting has two relationships. That may very well be what you want, but if your plan was to always have two relationships whenever two people meet then you can get away with just one relationship. When you query bidirectionally (that is, without specifying direction like in the queries above) then you'll get relationships in either direction.
Normally you only want relationships going in both directions if the direction is important. That could be because your just recording that it goes from one node to another, or it could be because you're storing different values on the relationships.

Here you go:
MATCH shortestPath((n:Leitor)-[rels:Conhece*]-m)
WHERE n.nome IN ['Pedro', 'Vitor']
RETURN n,rels,m,length(rels)
In this case rels will be a collection of relationships because the path is variable length. You can also do:
MATCH path=shortestPath((n:Leitor)-[rels:Conhece*]-m)
WHERE n.nome IN ['Pedro', 'Vitor']
RETURN n,rels,m,length(rels),path,length(path)


Cypher: retrieve all attached nodes of more than one type?

Beginner Cypher question. I know how to get all the nodes of a particular type attached to a particular person in my database. Here I am retrieving all the friends of a particular person, within 10 hops:
MATCH (rebecca:Person {name:"Rebecca"})-[r*1..10]->(friends:Friend)
RETURN rebecca, friends
But how would I extend this to get nodes of two types: either the friends, or the neighbours, of Rebecca?
You can filter on the label of the friends identifier :
MATCH (rebecca:Person {name:"Rebecca"})-[r*1..10]->(other)
WHERE ALL( x IN ["Friend","Neighbour"] WHERE x IN labels(other) )
RETURN rebecca, other
NB: The answer from InverseFalcon is perfectly valid, here it is just another way to do this filter.
Note that this is not really ideal, FRIEND and NEIGHBOUR are semantically best described as relationships and you can see here that when
going away from the natural way of thinking as a graph (relationships matters!) you suffer from it in your queries.
There isn't an OR we can use on the label in the MATCH itself, so you may have to filter with a WHERE clause:
MATCH (rebecca:Person {name:"Rebecca"})-[r*1..10]->(friendOrNeighbor)
WHERE friendOrNeighbor:Friend or friendOrNeighbor:Neighbor
RETURN DISTINCT rebecca, friendOrNeighbor
Keep in mind variable-length relationship matches like this are meant to find all possible paths up to the given max limit, so this is actually doing extra work that you may not need, that may be slow if there are many relationships within that local graph.
You may want to consider apoc.path.expandConfig() from APOC Procedures. If you use 'NODE_GLOBAL' for uniqueness, and specify the upper bound with maxLevel: 10, it's a much more efficient means of getting the nodes you want faster.

NEO4J: find a node according to multiple relationships

I hope to find a node according to multiple relationship to other nodes.
For example, find a movie acted by actor A, directed by B and filmed by C.
Can anyone tell me how to do that?
Perhaps START would do that but since it needs legacy index, I prefer match.
You should be able to string multiple matches together, such as:
MATCH (m:Movie)<-[:ACTED_IN]-(a:Actor),
MATCH (m:Movie)<-[:ACTED_IN]-(a:Actor)
MATCH (m:Movie)<-[:DIRECTED]-(d:Director)
MATCH (m:Movie)<-[:FILMED_BY]-(f:Filmer)
Note: I haven't tested this, but I believe both styles should work. And... for brevity, I left out details such as specifying actor/director/filmer name, and the RETURN portion. (and I made an assumption you were using labels; again, just an example on how to accomplish this).

neo4j and uni-directional relationship

I'm new to neo4j. I've just read some information on this tool, installed it on Ubuntu and made a bunch of queries. And at this moment, I must confess, that I realy like it. However, there is something (I think very simple and intuitive), which I do not know how to implement. So, I created three nodes like so:
CREATE (n:Object {id:1}) RETURN n
CREATE (n:Object {id:2}) RETURN n
CREATE (n:Object {id:3}) RETURN n
And I created a hierarchical relationship between them:
MATCH (a:Object {id:1}), (b:Object {id:2}) CREATE (a)-[:PARENT]->(b)
MATCH (a:Object {id:2}), (b:Object {id:3}) CREATE (a)-[:PARENT]->(b)
So, I think this simple hierarchy should look like this:
-> (id:2)
-> (id:3)
What I want now is to get a path from any node. For example, if I want to have a path from node (id:2), I will get (id:2) -> (id:3). And if I want to get a path from node (id:1), I will get (id:1)->(id:2)->(id:3). I tried this query:
MATCH (n:Object {id:2})-[*]-(children) return n, children
which I though should return a path (id:2)->(id:3), but unexpectedly (just for me) it returns (id:1)->(id:2)->(id:3). So, what I'm doing wrong and what is the right query to use?
All relationships in neo4j are directed. When you say (n)-[:foo]->(m), that relationship goes only one way, from n to m.
Now what's tricky about this is that you can navigate the relationship both ways. This doesn't make the relationship bi-directional, it never is -- it only means that you can look at it in either direction.
When you write this query: (n:Object {id:2})-[*]-(children) you didn't put an arrow head on that relationship, so children could refer to something either downstream or upstream of the node in question.
In other words, saying (n)-[:test]-(m) is the same thing as matching both (n)<-[:test]-(m) and (n)-[:test]->(m).
So children could refer to the ID 1 object or ID 2 object.
Returning only children
To directly answer your question,
Your query
MATCH (n:Object {id:2})-[*]-(children) return n, children
matches not only relationships FROM (n {id:2}) TO its children, but also relationships TO (n {id:2}) FROM its parents.
You need to additionally specify the direction that you'd like. This returns the results you expect:
MATCH (n:Object {id:2})-[*]->(children) return n, children
Issues with the example
I'd like to answer your comment about uni-directional and bi-directional relationships, but let's first resolve a couple of issues with the example.
Using correct labels
Let's revisit your example:
(:Object {id:1})-[:PARENT]->(:Object {id:2})-[:PARENT]->(:Object {id:3})
There's no point to using labels like :Object, :Node, :Thing. If you really don't care, don't use a label at all!
In this case, it looks we're talking about people, although it could easily also be motherboards and daughterboards, or something else!
Let's use People instead of Objects:
(:Person {id:1})-[:PARENT]->(:Person {id:2})-[:PARENT]->(:Person {id:3})
IDs in Neo4j
Neo4j stores its own IDs of every node and relationship. You can retrieve those IDs with id(nodeOrRelationship), and access by ID with a WHERE clause or by specifying them as a start point for your match. START n=node(2) MATCH (n)-[*]-(children) return n, children is equivalent to your original query MATCH (n:Object {id:2})-[*]-(children) return n, children.
Let's, instead of IDs, store something useful about the nodes, like names:
(:Person {name:'Bob'})-[:PARENT]->(:Person {name:'Mary'})-[:PARENT]->(:Person {name:'Tom'})
Relationship ambiguity
Lastly, let's disambiguate the relationships. Does PARENT mean "is the parent of", or "has this parent"? It might be clear to you which one you meant, but someone unfamiliar with your system might have the opposite interpretation.
I think you meant "is the parent of", so let's make that clear:
(:Person {name:'Bob'})-[:PARENT_OF]->(:Person {name:'Mary'})-[:PARENT_OF]->(:Person {name:'Tom'})
More information about uni-directional and bi-directional relationships in Neo4j
Now that we've taken care of a few basic issues with the example, let's address the directionality of relationships in Neo4j and graphs in general.
There are several ways we could have expressed the relationships this example. Let's look at a few.
Undirected/bidirectional relationship
Let's abstract the parent relationship that we used above, for the purposes of discussion:
Here the relationship KIN indicates that they are related but we don't know exactly who is the parent of whom. Is Tom the child of Mary, or vice-versa?
Notice that I didn't use any arrows. In the graph pseudo-code above, the KIN relationship is a bidirectional or undirected relationship.
Relationships in Neo4j, however, are always directional. If the KIN relationship was really how you wanted to track things, then you'd create a directional relationship, but always ignore the direction in your MATCH queries, e.g. MATCH (a)-[:KIN]-(b) and not MATCH (a)-[:KIN]->(b).
But is the KIN relationship really the best way to store this information? We can make it more specific. Let's go back to the PARENT_OF relationship that we were using earlier.
Directed/unidirectional relationship
Back to the example. We know that Bob is the parent of Mary who is the parent of Tom:
Obviously, the corollary of this is:
Or, equivalently:
So, should we go ahead and create both the PARENT_OF and the CHILD_OF relationships between our (bob), (mary) and (tom) nodes?
The answer is no. We can pick one of those relationships, whichever best models the idea, and still be able to search both ways.
Using only the :PARENT_OF relationship, we can do
MATCH (mary {name:'Mary'})-[:PARENT_OF]->(children) RETURN children
to find the children, or
MATCH (mary {name:'Mary'})<-[:PARENT_OF]-(parents) RETURN parents
to find the parents, using (mary) as the starting point each time.
For more information, see this fantastic article from GraphAware

Return Nodes related with a relatiohip to other Neo4j

i have just started using Neo4j, and after creating the whole graph i'm trying to get all the nodes related to another one by a relatioship.
Match (n)-[Friendship_with]->({Name:"Gabriel"}) return n
That should give me the nodes that are friend of Gabriel, what i'm doing wrong?
I have used too this:
Match n-[r:Friendship_with]->n1 where n1.Name="Gabriel" return n
That give me some nodes, but some of then aren't directly related to Gabriel (for example, Maria is friend of Gabriel, she appears when i write that, but Alex who is friend of Maria and not from Gabriel, appear too)
This is weird.
Your query is correct.
I would suggest to check your data. Are you sure there isn't any direct connection between Alex and Gabriel ?
You could visualize your graph and see what is happening exactly in the neo4j browser. Just type a query with a bit more info like:
MATCH (n)-[f:Friendship_with]->(p {Name:"Gabriel"}) return n,f,p
and use the graph view to inspect your data.
As Pointed out by Michael, your first query is missing a colon in front of the specified relationship label "Friendship_with". So neo4j thinks it is a (rather long) variable name for your relationships, just as 'n' or 'n1'. It will thus retrieve anything that is connected to Gabriel without filtering by relationship label.
It doesn't explain though why you:
get the same results with the first and second query
get a 2nd degree relation as a result
so check your data anyway :)
You forgot the colon before :Friendship_with
Don't forget to provide labels, e.g. (n1:Person {Name:"Gabriel"})
Also some of your friendships might go in the other direction, so leave off the direction-arrow: Match (n:Person)-[Friendship_with]-(:Person {Name:"Gabriel"}) return n

Neo4j: Multiple Relationship Combinations Between Nodes

I've been playing around with Neo4j and have a problem for which I do not have a solution, hence my question here.
For my particular problem I'll describe a simplified version that captures the essence. Suppose I have a graph of locations that are connected either directly or via a detour:
direct: (A)-[:GOES_TO]->(B)
indirect: (A)->[:GOES_THROUGH]->(C)-[:COMES_BACK_TO]->(B)
If I want to have everything between "Go" and the "Finish" with a GOES_TO relationship I can easily use the Cypher query:
START a=node:NODE_IDX(Id = "Go"), b=node:NODE_IDX(Id = "Finish)
MATCH a-[r:GOES_TO*]->b
RETURN a,r,b
Here, NODE_IDX is an index on the nodes (Id).
Where I get stuck is when I want to have all the paths between "Go" and "Finish" that are not GOES_TO relationships but rather multiple GOES_THROUGH-->()-->COMES_BACK_TO relationship combinations (of variable depth).
I do not want to filter out the GOES_TO relationships because there are many more relationships among the nodes, and I do not want to accommodate removing all of them (dynamically). Is it possible to have a variable-depth, multi-relationship MATCH that I envisage?
Let me restate what I believe is being asked.
"If there is a path of the form (a)-[:X]->(b), find all other paths from a to b."
The answer is simple:
MATCH p=(a)-[:X]->(b), q=(a)-[r*]->(b)
WHERE p<>q
