Setting up TesseractOCRiOS Correctly - ios

I'm trying to add the Tesseract OCR to my project, this is the Tesseract iOS project on Github -
I've followed the instructions in the wiki page and added a bridging header:
import <>TesseractOCR/TesseractOCR.h>
This is what my project looks like -
And when I try to access the Tesseract library it doesn't show.
How can I install the library correctly?


Missing required module 'MLKit' error while using a framework that uses MLKit

Recently I created a iOS Framework called "MLKit Framework" that uses MLKit Face Detection library. In order to achieve that, I just imported the library in Podfile
according to documentation.
As expected, that created a xcworkspace called MLKit Framework. In order to test that new framework, I created an app called MLKitApp and added that app to the same workspace. Then I added the framework MLKitFramework to that app and tried to build it but I get the error statement: "Missing required module 'MLKit'"
as the image below.
Why Am I getting that error? What I'm doing wrong?
Reproducible Example
I created a Reproducible Example here. In order to execute that example execute the following:
Execute pod install for MLKitFramework;
Add MLKitApp to MLKitFramework.xcworkspace;
Add MLKitFramework.framework as a MLKitApp Frameworks, Libraries and Embedded Content;
Try to build MLKitApp.
And voilà
You can't do this because your's "MLKitFramework" have dependency to MLKit.
You should add MLKit framework to MLKitApp additionally.
Have you checked out the ML Kit Vision Quickstart? Please note it contains two apps: one for swift and another for objective-c. You check check out the swift app for your purpose - it contains face detection feature. The Vision Quickstart is similar to your MLKitApp and shows you an example how to integrate with ML Kit cocoapods directly without needing to introduce an "MLKitFramework" or manually manage dependency configuration. Instead, you should let CocoaPods manage that. You can use this Quickstart as a template for implementing your own app.
I don't now if this helps after all this time, but for future references here it goes:
Google hides the header, so you have to manually specify the header you want to add so your test can find it.
If you go to: Project> targets YourProjectTest > Build Settings > Search Paths > Header Search Paths and add:
In my case it was:
It worked big time for me.
I hope it helps :)

No such module found when importing SQLite in Xcode

I am trying to import SQLite into an app in Xcode. The version of this app was originally developed using SQLite from the following link (not SQLite3).
The library has worked in previous iterations, but now I get an error that says "No such module SQLite" when I try to import the library at the top of the file I want to use it.
I have followed the instructions on the gitHub page and still have trouble with the library. One thing that I notice is that in the file explorer the SQLite.framework files are highlighted in red. I believe this is the source of the problem however, I don't know how to fix this.
File Picture:
Import Error:
It looks like you want to include SQLite into your ReadySetFit project? If so, what you really need to do is to follow the instructions under the "Installation" section found on the GitHub repo's main page. I'm a fan of Cocoapods (because all you'd need to do then is add a Podfile to the folder containing your ReadySetFit project), but there's also SwiftPackageManager or Carthage.
Along with the instructions in the SQLite github repo main page (or, here's a tutorial on how to add a Podfile to your project.
I hope this helps!

How to put SVGKit in my project

I creat a swift app ,and I want use SVGKit , I follow the steps from GitHub, But I can not
import SVGKit
erro is "no such module SVGKit"
so I can not use the kit in my code,
I am new in ios ,maybe something i miss ,please help me ,thanks
so sorry i can not put on my Screenshot,
Kit is from
when I type
import SVGKit
in my swift file
I get the erro "no such module SVGKit"
Mainly; you need to download the SVGKit Project from github. After that you must follow the steps in "Build the static library (automatic)" part. The steps are building the svgkit project getting the release output and importing it to your own project, after that you need to make some configuration in own project. And you must import it in your code with #import "SVGKit/SVGKit.h"
thanks a lot ,finally, I follow the steps from github, and I find ,my project is a mix one, I should use a bridge between oc and swift,I run my project well end.

DTCoreText file not found when import

i have been trying to integrate the DTCoreText into my project.I followed the exact same procedures to add to the project.No matter what when i import the DTCoreText.h and run the app, it fails.Shows DTCoreText.h file not found.
Is there any other library parallel for DTCoreText.

Cannot import RMMapView

I downloaded route-me library to use Openstreetmap in iPhone. I followed the instruction of the github and goggle code but my xcode5 cannot recognise it.
My project settings are like below:
Header search path
What do I need to fix?
