DTCoreText file not found when import - ios

i have been trying to integrate the DTCoreText into my project.I followed the exact same procedures to add to the project.No matter what when i import the DTCoreText.h and run the app, it fails.Shows DTCoreText.h file not found.
Is there any other library parallel for DTCoreText.


How to import package 'Storage' in to Swift project?

I'm currently studying the source code of Firefox-iOS app by creating my own Swift project and typing the code line by line.
In one of the source code files, it imported a packaged named Storage
But I don't think the package Storage is part of the apple API and I don't really know how I can import it.
Multiple podfiles are present in the project folder
In Swift you dont import other Swift files as they are readily available to use directly.
But you need to import another module. It looks like Storage here is a module inside the firefox-ios app workspace and hence you need to import it before using it.
I looked at the sourcecode at Github and it does contain a package named Storage.
You can read this to understand more about Modules and import statement.

Ionic 2 import ionic-plugin-keyboard not working

I'm creating an Ionic (iOS) app and having troubles importing the kayboard-plugin.
It comes from here: https://github.com/driftyco/ionic-plugin-keyboard
Why not the native keyboard plugin, because I want to use the HideKeyboardAccessoryBar functionality.
So I ran "cordova plugin add ionic-plugin-keyboard"
It was added perfectly inside the plugins folder.
Then in my app.ts file I cannot use the plugin.
I already used the following import statements:
import {Keyboard} from 'ionic-plugin-keyboard';
import {Keyboard} from 'ionic-plugin-keyboard/ionic-plugin-keyboard';
import {Keyboard} from '../plugins/ionic-plugin-keyboard/ionic-plugin-keyboard';
Then in my code I set
But neither is working. always the same-like error
Error TS2307: Cannot find module 'ionic-plugin-keyboard'.
Does anybody have any experience with this one?
Adding it as a provider was added and it was ok
Check the ionic forum

Setting up TesseractOCRiOS Correctly

I'm trying to add the Tesseract OCR to my project, this is the Tesseract iOS project on Github - https://github.com/gali8/Tesseract-OCR-iOS
I've followed the instructions in the wiki page and added a bridging header:
import <>TesseractOCR/TesseractOCR.h>
This is what my project looks like - http://postimg.org/image/8hhoq62bf/
And when I try to access the Tesseract library it doesn't show.
How can I install the library correctly?

ResearchKit headers not able to import in Xcode

I am making an app using the ResearchKit framework of Apple.
I have followed the installation guide of ResearchKit on GitHub and added the files to my project. Now when I am trying to import the header files of this framework, I get an error:
File not found
What I did:
I created a new project named CreatingTasks.xcodeproj.
Then I added ResearchKit files by dragging the researchKit.xcodeproj in my navigation controller, and embedding the ResearchKit framework in embedded binaries.
Now I want to create a simple task in my existing view controller but I am unable to import the header files.
You need to build the ResearchKit target once first. Then you should be able to import ResearchKit. If that doesn't help, please post a project on GitHub and give us a link.

Xcode 6 Playground using Parse framework?

I would like to use Parse SDK/Framework my playground file but I get an error if I import it. I can import the iOS frameworks like UIKit
I know there are similar posts to this (How to I import 3rd party frameworks into Xcode Playground?)
but i could not make it work for my project.
Any help here is very very much appreciated... I am not a complete newbie but am not an expert So as many details (almost for dummies ;-)) as you can please...Many thanks.
To get Parse working in playground you will need to create an Xcode project and include the Parse framework. Then within that project you can add a playground and import frameworks and code written in that project. Hope this helps.
If you are curious I did it for a framework I created and created a Playground inside the projects workspace. In that I import Dollar which is a custom framework but I guess you could import Parse and it should work https://github.com/ankurp/Dollar.swift
