Full width view does not contain same frame width as parent - ios

I'm having an issue where I have a UIImageView that spans the entire width of the screen using the following constraints.
Align Leading to : Superview (Equals: -20)
Align Trailing to : Superview (Equals: -20)
Top Space to : Top Layout Guide (Equals: 0)
Aspect Ratio : 1:1
The image assumes the width of the screen while gaining aspect ratio (in this case a square). The issue comes with when I started attempting to make a circle out of the image, that I noticed that my UIIMageView's frames do not have proper values.
You'll have to excuse to code below for not being in Objective-C as I'm using Java through RoboVM but with very little effort you can mentally convert the code to Objective-C as it's pretty straightforward.
public class MyViewController extends UIViewController {
#IBOutlet private UIImageView myImageView;
#Override public void viewDidLoad() {
System.out.println("Image view width: " + myImageView.getFrame().getWidth());
System.out.println("Superview width: " + this.getView().getFrame().getWidth());
The results of running the application with this Controller shows the following:
Image view width: 240.0
Superview width: 320.0
When cutting the frame width of the image in half and applying that to the CALayer#cornerRadius property, the image does not make a complete circle, however when using half of the superviews width (Which is actually the size of the image) the result is a perfect circle.

In viewDidLoad, it has just loaded your view from the XIB or storyboard, not sized it yet. The size should be correct when viewWillAppear is called. So try putting your code in viewWillAppear and see if that helps.

The reason you need the -20 margin is because your superview has a margin of 20, and the constraints are created by default to 'Relative to margin' - if you uncheck that, you can set the 'real' constraint - in this case zero rather than -20
If you select the constraint in the assistant editor, you will see the check box to toggle this value


How to corrently use UIViews systemLayoutSizeFitting to get the height to show all subviews using a given width?

It seems that in some cases systemLayoutSizeFitting does not return the correct height to correctly show / position all subviews of a view. Am I using systemLayoutSizeFitting wrong or is there some other way to avoid this?
Long story:
The XIB file of a UIViewController does not only contain the main view but also a number of other views which are added to the view controllers view at runtime. All these additional views should get the same height when they are added to the view controllers view.
The views might look like this: A simple container view holding some subviews which are stacked on top of each other.
Since the height of the container view should be flexible, the vertical spacing between the bottom button and the lable above it, uses a grater-than constraint.
To give all views the same height, I tried to measure the necessary height of each view using systemLayoutSizeFitting:
#IBOutlet var pageViews: [UIView]!
override func viewDidLoad() {
var maxHeight: CGFloat = 0
for pageView in pageViews {
// Add pageView somewhere on view and give it leading, trailing and top
// constraint, but no height constraint yet.
maxHeight = max(maxHeight, pageView.systemLayoutSizeFitting(CGSize(width: view.frame.width, height: UIView.layoutFittingCompressedSize.height), withHorizontalFittingPriority: .required, verticalFittingPriority: .fittingSizeLevel).height)
for pageView in pageViews {
// Give all pageViews the same height
pageView.heightAnchor.constraint(equalToConstant: maxHeight).isActive = true
This does not work, when the label text becomes to long:
In the right example the height is not large enough and thus the button is squeezed. I can counter act this by raising the vertical compression resistance of the button, however in this case the other controls (e.g. the title label) is squeezed...
Why is this? Why does not systemLayoutSizeFitting return a height which is sufficent to show all controls without any squeezing?
Its actually smash button's height when label text is getting bigger . You are setting top and bottom constraints but button height is not declared so when label getting bigger , view basically say "I can reduce button height before updating my height , I have space.Bottom and top constraints are still same , didn't effect."
Giving the constant height constraints of button might be fix your issue.
If you want your view to resist to compression you should use the defaultHigh priority as a verticalFittingPriority instead of fittingSizeLevel.

Rounded UIImageView

I'm trying to get a rounded UIImageView but it seems to render differently on different devices;
Looks like this on an iPhone Xr:
Looks like this on an iPhone 7:
I have a height constraint of 60 and the following code:
override func viewWillLayoutSubviews() {
self.userAvatar.layer.cornerRadius = self.userAvatar.frame.height / 2
self.userAvatar.layer.masksToBounds = false
self.userAvatar.clipsToBounds = true
self.userAvatar.layer.borderWidth = 0
Any ideas?
It seems to me that you have given the image leading and trailing constraints instead of a fixed width.
To achieve a circle give image view width equal to height.
This happens due to different widths of devices.
If you're managing this view using Interface Builder (i.e. Storyboard or XIB), you can enforce a square shape (which becomes a circle when combined with the rounded corners you already have) for the view directly from there by defining a constraint for its Aspect Ratio. No need to code anything.
Control-drag (like you do to create Outlets, Actions, etc.) from the image view to itself, and the following popup will appear.
Select Aspect Ratio, which will create a constraint matching whatever the view's current ratio is (in this example, it's 15:8). If the view was already square, the constraint created should already be correct.
If not, you can find that constraint by clicking the following icon (for the Size inspector):
From there, you can double-click on that constraint to edit it, and change the Multiplier to 1:1:
In fact, an even easier option is, once you've Control-dragged from the view to itself, hold down Alt/Opt and the option displayed in the popup will change to Aspect Ratio (1:1), meaning you can set it directly from there without even having to edit the constraint.
Constrain the height equal to the width.
And, create a simple UIImageView subclass:
class RoundedImageView: UIImageView {
override func layoutSubviews() {
layer.cornerRadius = bounds.height / 2
The frame can (and will) change based on view lifecycle. By updating the cornerRadius in layoutSubviews() it will keep it "round".

How do I add constraints so that my view's dimensions do not change when the orientation changes?

I want my view to have the following properties (the numbers are arbitrarily chosen):
width is equal to height divided by 1.2
stays at the bottom right of the screen
height is 1/7 of the screen's height when in portrait
width and height does not change when the orientation changes
The first three requirements can be easily translated into UILayoutConstraints. I have done them with SnapKit just because it reads more clearly. You should see what I mean even if you have never used SnapKit before.
let myView = UIView(frame: .zero)
myView.backgroundColor = .green
myView.snp.makeConstraints { (make) in
make.height.equalTo(view.snp.height).dividedBy(7) // *
The problem is the last bullet point. When I rotate the device from portrait to landscape, what was originally the width before the rotation, becomes the height after the rotation. This causes my view to become smaller as a result.
Basically, I want to replace the constraint marked with * with something like this:
make.height.equalTo(max(view.snp.height, view.snp.width)).dividedBy(7)
but I don't think max(a, b) is a thing in SnapKit or the UILayoutConstraint API.
Surely there is some other way of expressing "equal to whichever length is longer", right?
P.S. I didn't tag this with snapkit because I would also accept an answer that uses the UILayoutConstraint API.
Looks like you have 2 options:
Hardcode the height value.
Try to use nativeBounds:
This rectangle is based on the device in a portrait-up orientation. This value does not change as the device rotates.
In this case the height is always be for portrait mode.
myView.snp.makeConstraints { make in
let screenHeight = UIScreen.main.nativeBounds.height / UIScreen.main.nativeScale
let height = screenHeight / 7

Which Constraint we need to make dynamic View height in iOS

As I am new to iOS. So forgive me if it is duplicate or very basic question.
I am taking one View. Approx below is the size .
x : 5 y : 5
Width : 590 Height : 100
and I set constraint it
Top to superView 5
Trailing to superView 5
Leading to superView 5
Now I have one Label which have dynamic Text and the Text is too large.
And the Label Constraint is below
Top to superView 5
Trailing to superView 5
Leading to superView 5
and when i set the background color of the View the color is not set. If the Text is to Long. So how to set the Height of the View and also set background so that it looks clear.
Code :
public override void ViewDidLoad()
lbl_one.Text = "This is a long label which have long text inside the writing. This is a long label which have long text inside the writing. This is a long label which have long text inside the writing. This is a long label which have long text inside the writing";
lbl_one.LineBreakMode = UILineBreakMode.WordWrap;
lbl_one.Lines = 0;
view_main.BackgroundColor = UIColor.Red;
If I give fix Height then it look like this .
Output :
1. Give the below constraints to your view, height is according to your need. here I'm giving 80.
2. Change the height relationship.
3. Add aUILabel in your above UIview, and give below constraints.
--> leading, top, bottom, trailing to uiview and height i.e. 80.
4. set height relationship as you do with UIView.
5. Change the property of UILabel , Lines to zero
6. Now enjoy with your constraints.
EDIT: Add bottom constraint to your view instead of height constraint.
I don't see and bottom constraint added to UIView, so the view height will be 0.
If you have added the height constraint to UIView, there is a probability that UILablel might be overlapping the UIView, so you are not able to see the background color.
Set the UIView height constraint this will solve your problem
You can also add height or bottom constraint to your UIView.

Extra constraints are logged when I NSLog myBtn.constraints

I have a button inside a view. I have set image for my button in interface builder.
The constraints that I have added to my button in interface builder is:
Right space to superview = 10
top space to superview = 10
bottom space to superview >= 10
left space to a label >= 10
All thing work fine and I have no problem with my layout.
But when I log the button constraints with this code:
NSLog(#"constraints for btnBack is: %#", self.btnBack.constraints);
the console logs:
constraints for btnBack is:(
"<NSContentSizeLayoutConstraint:0x7c35c400 H:[UIButton:0x7c3588a0(102)] Hug:250 CompressionResistance:750>"
"<NSContentSizeLayoutConstraint:0x7c35c450 V:[UIButton:0x7c3588a0(92)] Hug:250 CompressionResistance:750>")
I know that the top and left and right and bottom constraints shouldn't log here because they are the superview constraints not the button constrains.
But here I didn't add any width and height constrains to my button(even in code).
Why constraints height and width are logged in the console?
If a view has a natural width based on its content, it returns that width as intrinsicContentSize.width. Otherwise, it sets intrinsicContentSize.width to UIViewNoIntrinsicMetric.
Similarly, if it has a natural height, it returns that width as intrinsicContentSize.height. Otherwise, it sets intrinsicContentSize.height to UIViewNoIntrinsicMetric.
A button has a natural size (both width and height), determined by its title, font, image, and maybe other details. So its intrinsicContentSize.width and intrinsicContentSize.height are both valid sizes, not UIViewNoIntrinsicMetric.
When intrinsicContentSize.width != UIViewNoIntrinsicMetric, auto layout installs a special constraint of type NSContentSizeLayoutConstraint on the view. Similarly, when intrinsicContentSize.height != UIViewNoIntrinsicMetric, auto layout installs an NSContentSizeLayoutConstraint on the view.
For the details of what these special constraints do, see this answer.
If view.translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints is FALSE then UIKit may add NSContentSizeLayoutConstraint to the view. In that case auto-layout uses -sizeThatFits: or intrinsicContentSize to compute the view's size.
If you have a view that you are moving from one superview to another, be sure to reset view.translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints. If the new superview uses auto-layout, set translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints to FALSE. If the new superview does not use auto-layout, set to TRUE. If you fail to reset translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints then you may see unexpected frame animations.
