What is the license for using DBAccess - ios

I could not find the license on their website.
In what way are we allowed to use the library in our apps?

The license is MIT and it's detailed in the DBAccess.h file. We will add a page to the website as well, it is mentioned on the CocoaPod page as well in case that helps.

Just a note to say that now the project is Open Source and available at http://sharkorm.com, still under the MIT license. Shark is the open source equivalent of DBAccess.


What is the license for the iOS Google Mobile Vision Library?

I'm trying to find out what is the license/terms for the iOS version of the library : https://developers.google.com/vision.
Their Cocoapod page mentions both "Custom" in the upper right corner and Apache further down the page : https://cocoapods.org/?q=GoogleMobileVision
I'd like to have the link to the real licensing terms on their website but I can't find it. Looking at the header files themselves, their is not a single copyright claim either.
And finally, if the library is open sourced, where can I find the source code?
So, I opened an issue under the Sample project on Github to inquire about the actual FaceDetection library license and they answered. The actual library is NOT open source and is licensed under those terms : https://developers.google.com/terms/
See this link about Google Cloud Vision API prices, I don't know if this pricing formula is also for Google Mobile Vision API.

How to read .aef file extension ?

I need to develop an editor for .aef file extension. But after doing a lot of googling i didn't find out what is the architecture of .aef. How we can read/write .aef file.
Any help is much appreciated
To be able to open a .AEF file you have to download the Script Editor from UCCX. Login to CCX Administration -> Tools -> Plugins -> Cisco Unified CCX Editor
Hope this helps
you need to download CiscoUnifiedCCXEditorInstall.exe this file is download from uccx admin page, here you have a link to download the image of UCCX admin, but you need a license.
Here you have a link for free download software:
An aef file for Cicso UCCX is a serialized Java object. Documentation for Java Object Serialization is here: https://docs.oracle.com/javase/8/docs/technotes/guides/serialization/index.html.
While it may be possible to create 3rd party software to work with these files, it may be impossible or at least difficult to make it complete and accurate without the proprietary Cisco software the contained serialized objects refer to.

Where do I have to add license for core-plot?

I would like to use core-plot library for an app. But before I'm starting im confused where to put the license. In the App or on a website?
What should be included for the BSD license ?
You don't include a license for a 3rd party library. It's already included by the library developer. What you sometimes have to add is an attribution (depending on the license). That means you have to list the developer's name and maybe a link to the library home page in your docs, about box or a prominent readme file. From what I remember the BSD license doesn't require attribution, so just include the lib and your done.
However, it's considered a nice move to still give some attribution to the dev, regardless of whether the license requires it or not, as this shows your appreciation of the work done and gives the dev some reputation (which is often the only payment for their work).

Is there an online license statement for OpenCV where I can point to?

I used the OpenCV library in my Android application. I know it is BSD license and I wish to put a link to the license statement in my 'About' page.
However I failed to find the license statement within the official page itself (http://opencv.org/) and Google.. I can only find old statements in someone else's website.
Just wondering if there is an online official version where my app can point to, such as the one below:
As mentioned here, OpenCV is BSD 3-Clause License.
The text you are searching for actually really is not on the homepage.
You can find the licence.txt in the project download package in the doc directory though.

view pdf in program(delphi) by use free library(not activeX)

Is there are any open source or free-ware library to display PDF file in my Delphi program?
I had looked for one, but most of them are commercial or not fully functional.
PS: this solution need to be cross platform by using wine.
One possible solution might be to include the open source SumatraPDF viewer with your program and use it to display the pdf's.
One nice thing about SumatraPDF, other than it being open source, is that it doesn't require an install. It consists solely of a single .exe, so you could just stick the .exe in your app's folder and call it to display pdf's. SumatraPDF is a pretty bare-bones viewer, so it may be one of the ones you've already looked at and rejected as "not fully functional", but I'm not sure whether you're going to find any perfect open source solution.
As others brought up in the similar thread that was linked from this one, you might consider using the Gnostice library or the WPCubed wpdfviewer component. You have to purchase a developer's license for those, but then can incorporate them in your app and deploy as many as you want with no runtime licensing fees.
My answer to this question discusses the Adobe API.
I missed the PS. Some other answers to the same question may help.
