Missing or invalid 'android' section in rhobuild.yml: - rhomobile

I am using RhoStudio to build a test application and it is giving me this error
Missing or invalid 'android' section in rhobuild.yml:
I tried googling it but I couldn't figure out the problem.

I think it's because you have to configure Android in build.yml file. That file is in the root folder of the proyect and is different of RhoBuild.yml since the last one configure variables for the Rho building environment and build.yml only configures the build of your app.
Try creating a blank app and locating that file in the root folder.


iOS build script fails on defaults read command

I have an iOS app with a Build phase script that reads a plist file using the following command:
defaults read "/full/path/to/plist/file" CFBundleExecutable
...but it fails with the following error message:
The domain/default pair of (/full/path/to/plist/file.plist, CFBundleExecutable) does not exist
The full path of the file is correct and I double checked that the file indeed contains the key CFBundleExecutable. I also tried with other keys such as CFBundleName. Running the command both with and without .plist at the end of the full path fails.
I also ran the command in Terminal to see if it works generally, but the command fails there as well.
It turns out that macOS (or the defaults command line tool) seems to have a bug. Folders that are "special" such as Documents and Desktop act differently within the command line environment and as such I observed the following:
If Info.plist is located in a subfolder of Desktop or Documents the defaults read command will fail
As soon as you place Info.plist in any other folder (such as a Developer folder) the same defaults read command will succeed
I am not sure if this is due to the fact that both of these folders require special permissions (macOS asks if an app requests access to either of these) or if it is because they are part of iCloud Drive and perhaps there is some weird symlinking in the background.
Either way, if you run into a similar error, just try to place your project in a subfolder of ~/Developer (or any other non-default, non-special folder).

Netlify: Invalid filename - Deployed filenames cannot contain # or ? characters

I am trying to deploying my website on Netlify from my GitHub.
However I am stuck to the following error:
11:37:19 AM: failed during stage 'deploying site': Invalid filename 'node_modules/es5-ext/date/#/format.js'. Deployed filenames cannot contain # or ? characters
I tried to delete and upgrade the module es5-ext but the error persists.
I don't know if i'm too late to this but I just ran into this issues
here's what I did which fixed my issues
base directory : yourApps
build command : CI= npm run build
publish directory : yourApps/build
I used craco in my react apps because I needed it to work with Tailwind css , I don't know if this will work for you , but that solution worked for me
My first answer is a question: Why are you deploying your node_modules folder? That is generally not needed on static websites: they're used to build the site, but then not needed at runtime, since, well, "runtime" is just "send this file" not "run this code" on the Netlify CDN server. Perhaps you've set your "publish directory" wrong in the site's build & deploy settings and are deploying your source code too, rather than just the finished build?
In case you do for some reason need to deploy node_modules for some reason, you can in general do so. The message is quite clear - don't send filenames with # or ? in them. Those are not valid filenames per the HTTP spec - # is for designating anchors, and everything after the # is used client-side and thus won't map correctly to your file. ? is for denoting query string parameters and similarly won't work as you're intending to read the file whose name contains ? but rather cutting off the filename that the server will (attempt to) serve, before the ? character.

Module HMRClient not a registered callable module (iOS)

After updating to React Native 0.51 I get this error on startup:
Module HMRClient not a registered callable module (calling enable)
Error comes from MessageQueue.js
There does not seem to be a known solution around - at least not for iOS.
[Expo users]
There is a hidden .expo folder in the project directory containing the expo setting
Delete it.
ls -la // to view all folders on mac
I am using windows machine, may be this could help you.
In my case, adb path was not set in the PATH variable. So I was getting the same error. So set path of sdk/platform-tools in your PATH environment variable.

trigger.io [Error 5] Access is denied

I just recently updated to the new version of forge, did not change anything on my setting and when I went to build my app I got an error that said it could not find the file..
so I made the copy of aapt file and put it in a directory where trigger said it was looking (the docs said trigger.io should have moved this file for me already but Im guessing it did not)
After I moved this file and ran the build again it looked like it found the file but now I get [Error 5] Access is denied.
I have checked the permissions on the folder as I am the admin and I have full permissions and I have launched trigger as an administrator and still nothing.
So again from what I can tell this is a problem with the python script that calls aapt.
When you look at the script it points only to aapt, this means its looking for a directory and not the aapt.exe file itself so the first thing that happens is
1) forge says it cant find the aapt directory, this is why you are getting the error message "cant find aapt tool"
2) by adding the directory you would get the access denied because then the script is trying to run all these commands on just the directory (this was the problem I ran into), by making the change below you do not need to create a directory, just leave everything how it is but add the exe and it should work
After doing some testing I found that by adding .exe to the pythong script in android_tasks.py the build was able to run successfully
if you look on line 35 of android_tasks.py and change 'appt' to 'appt.exe' it should build for you
this is what it looks like for me
path.join(sdk, 'build-tools', '*','aapt.exe')
Hope this helps

Can we run sample-app that comes with BB Push SDK without app.id?

I am trying to deploy the sample-app war file that comes with PushSDK.But was not able to deploy the application successfully.Steps followed till now
1) I was able to configure PushSDK.properties log4j.xmlbut didn't change value of ${sampleapp.appid} in sample-app-context.xml.
2)then made the war file using cmd
3) Deployed on the server.
during deployment an error was coming.
Invalid bean definition with name 'registerListeners' defined in class path resource [sample-app-context.xml]: Could not resolve placeholder 'sampleapp.appid'
Tried to register on link but was unsuccessful
I have just started down the path of using the Push SDK, but from what I've read I conclude that you need to get your development registration completed at least before you can run the sample code; unles you're using your own BES.
