jsTree Contextmenu not displaying all options due to location on browser window - contextmenu

The web application that I'm working with consists of a jsTree (v3.1.1) with the contextmenu plugin. This is all working correctly, but when I right click on a node that is close to the bottom of the page it cuts off some options. See image below:
Contextmenu on jsTree getting cut off if too close to the bottom of the browser window
I have had a look at the jsTree API Show at Node, but this just specify whether the context menu should display below the selected node or at the position of the mouse click.
If someone could please provide me with some guidance on how to calculate that if there is not enough space for the entire context menu to be displayed (all options visible), to display it in such a way that the user is able to see all the options. If a node is selected and there is enough space for the context menu, it should work like it is currently by default.
So I know what to do, but it is the how & where I'm not sure on how to implement it on the jsTree where I'm struggling:
Get location of the node selected
Determine height of the context menu
Determine available space from the select node to the bottom of the browser window
If available space is less that that of the context menu, display the context menu to the top of the node. If there is no space issue, display as it does currently.
Any assistance would be appreciated.

Surely there is a more elegant solution but you may wait for it quite long.
As a quick fix I propose simply to move the context menu to the position you want after it is shown. A user won't notice it anyway. See below and check fiddle - Fiddle. Probably you would want to check if node is at screen bottom before moving menu which I haven't done.
.on("show_contextmenu.jstree", function (e, data) {
var $node = $('#'+data.node.id),
$menu = $('.vakata-context').first(),
nodeTop = $node.offset().top,
menuTop = nodeTop + $node.height() - $menu.height(),
menuLeft = 200,
$subMenu = $menu.find('ul'),
subMenuTop = $menu.height()-$subMenu.height();
$menu.offset({left: menuLeft, top: menuTop });
$subMenu.offset({top: subMenuTop });
"core" : {
"data" : data,
"themes": {
"url": true,
"icons": true
plugins: ['contextmenu']


Select2 change container position

How can I adjust the position of Select2 container so that the search box is position right over the original select element like in this website
It look cleaner in terms of UI in my opinion.
Ps. sorry, I can't post the image now.
There is 2 ways to do this.
1) With css:
.select2-dropdown--below {
top: -2.8rem; /*your input height*/
This will not affect a container (.select2-container), but will move dropdown and search field, so you will have a desired effect.
2) With js:
$('select').select2().on('select2:open', function() {
var container = .$('.select2-container').last();
/*Add some css-class to container or reposition it*/
This code attaches a handler to 'select2:open' event, which will be fired every time when user opens a dropdown. This method is better if you have more than one select on page.
Tested with select2 4.0.0
The proper way of positioning the dropdown is using the core feature provided by select2 plugin.
It provides us with 'dropdownParent' property to place to dropdown inside the particular element
select field: #edit-field-job-skillsets-tid
parent item: div.form-item-field-job-skillsets-tid
{dropdownParent: jQuery('div.form-item-field-job-skillsets-tid')}

Firefox Addon Development: Setting the 'panel' to the bottom of the page

I want to create a panel/frame that looks like the "History" panel that appears on the left of firefox when you punch in "Ctrl+H". I want my panel to be at the bottom.
I feel I must use panel but there's no function that tells me how to set it to the bottom of the currently opened webpage.
How to do it?
The show() method on a Panel object allows you to set an anchor for positioning the panel, `show(anchor). It requires an object in the browser DOM which you can get fairly easily.
You can use that to anchor the panel on any element in the browser. It might be tricky to find the element you want to use for exact positioning, I just opted for the status bar since you wanted the panel at the bottom.
Here's the SDK code that will position a panel at the bottom (left) of the page:
var wuntils = require('sdk/window/utils');
var panel = require("sdk/panel").Panel({
contentURL: 'http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15390974/firefox-addon-development-setting-the-panel-to-the-bottom-of-the-page'
This feature is not currently supported yet, but it will be soon. Here the proposal: https://github.com/mozilla/addon-sdk/wiki/JEP-Panel-positioning where you can follow the discussion and the bugs. I already have a prototype that hope will land soon.

Jquery Mobile 1.3 slider conflicts with panel

I am trying to set up a JQuery Mobile 1.3 site that uses a panel and a slider.
Problem is, that using the slider triggers the panel, which opens on a "swiperight" event, as I am moving the slider to the right. The slider will be for pagination, the panel for a menu.
Code here:
Move the slider to the right and the panel will open.
I have tried using the .not() selector for the panel to not react on the slider:
$(document).not("#slider").on("swiperight", function(event, ui) {
But it won't work, the panel opens when i move the slider to the right. Tried a bunch of variants too, but I'm lost...
Any ideas?
A bit late to the party, but you can disable swipe-to-close by setting the data-swipe-close attribute to "false" on the panel div.
In my case I used this simple code, without data-swipe-close = "false" in panel.
Keeping panel close with swipe right, outside of the slider.
.on('slidestop',function(e,ui) {
var value = e.target.value;
//...operations with slider value...
.parent().on('swiperight',function(e,ui) {
e.stopPropagation(); //block panel close
From the 1.3.0b1 Docs for Swipe:
"Triggers when a horizontal drag of 30px or more (and less than 75px
vertically) occurs within 1 second duration"
This applies to and can be configured for swiperight too. You can make the slider small in length and this would ensure that both the slider event stop and the swipe are not triggered at the same time, yet that may not be practical for all scenarios.
What might be better is to bind the swipe right to a DIV or section of the page. By this, I mean if you have a 75 px div box on the left hand side of the display, and when a swipe event occurred within that div, it could trigger the menu.
I feel the logic here might be better controlled by a button, much like used in the Facebook App to display there slide out menu. In the Dolphin browser on Android, this type of event also triggers a bookmark menu, so if a page has a swiperight event and trigger it, I sometimes get both the event and the bookmark menu from the App. Annoying!
I did fork your jsfiddle and will play with it more (http://jsfiddle.net/Twisty/Hg2pw/). FYI, they have JQM 1.3.0b1 in their available frameworks so you don't have to link it in your HTML. If I find some more info, I will comment here.
The following solution is more a workaround. It should be relatively reliable though.
$(document).ready( function () {
var menu_available = true;
$(document).on("swiperight", function(event, ui) {
if (menu_available) $("#myPanel").panel("open");
$("#slider").on("slidestop", function( event, ui ) {
menu_available = false;
window.setTimeout(function() {menu_available= true;},250);
The variable menu_available is false for a 250 milliseconds right after the slide stops. The window.setTimeout block will reset the variable so that the menu is available again.
This is a stupid workaround, but jQuerys function event.stopEventPropagation(), which IMHO would be the correct way to go, didn't work.

jQuery UI: combining Sortable with Draggable while cloning the Sortable

I'm trying to build an interface tool which essentially allows users to build a grid out of common UI elements.
Here's a jsFiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/FX4Fw/
Essentially, the idea is that you drag content elements (picture, headline, standfirst, etc) into the grey placeholder at the bottom. Once they're in there, they should no longer be Draggables (because this breaks the CSS grid system they inherit) and they can then be resized. The original items in the UI should stay where they are, so the user is essentially cloning them into the box to be positioned.
This almost works in my demo, but when the user grabs a UI element and drags it into the placeholder, I then remove the ui-draggable class from the cloned element that ends up inside the placeholder. This also removes it from the original source element (I want this to stay where it is) so it's no longer usable.
Is there a way to combine these things so they work in tandem? Hopefully it's clear what I'm trying to do.
Never mind - found the answer here: https://stackoverflow.com/a/3041887/176615
(basically this code)
stop: function(event, ui) {
//check it wasn't here previously
if(!ui.item.data('tag') && !ui.item.data('handle')) {
ui.item.data('tag', true); //tag new draggable drops
ui.item.removeClass('ui-draggable'); // dirty hack

slide up remaining items

I am working on a tool based on jQuery UI draggable functionality.
I have a number of boxes in the left column of the table. When they are dragged in yellow area, I would expect the remaining divs to move upwards to fill the space left by the box that was moved.
But it's not happening. Why?
It is pretty difficult to test but from my knowledge on the question here is a possible cause/solution to this.
The droppable plugin does not remove the dragged element from its original markup position, it is visually moved to the droppable element (with some option allowing to accept to drop certain elements or not, events, etc).
The elements have a position: relative css rule, which represents the "normal flow" for elements (in the order they appear in the markup). So even if the element is visually placed elsewhere on the page with css, its place in the markup is still the same and it is still taking the space it normally should.
This fiddle illustrate what i'm trying to explain :-)
By looking at the source code form the "working website", they actually remove the dragged element from the original draggable list and re-create it in the droppable list !
When they define the .droppable() they do this:
tolerance: "intersect",
accept: ".card",
greedy: true,
drop: function (a, b) {
card = b.draggable;
putCardIntoStack(card, c)
On the drop event, they call putCardIntoStack(card, c) passing the currently dragged element as the card parameter. Within this method, they remove the original "card" (a.remove()) and re-create it in the dropzone (newcard = createCard();):
function putCardIntoStack(a, b) {
progressVal = $('#progBarRd').width();
card_idDOM = a.attr('id');
card_idDB = card_idDOM.substr(IDPREFIX_CARD.length, card_idDOM.length - IDPREFIX_CARD.length);
stack_idDB = b.substr(IDPREFIX_STACK.length, b.length - IDPREFIX_STACK.length);
type: 'POST',
data: 'action=movecard&cardid=' + card_idDB + '&tostack=' + stack_idDB + '&prog=' + progressVal
// 'a' is the card
// they extract the id/content from the dragged card
cardId = a.attr('id');
cardLabel = a.text();
// they remove the card from the DOM
// they create a new card with the extracted info
newcard = createCard(cardId, cardLabel);
// and append it to the dropzone
$('#' + b).removeClass("empty").find('.stackDrop').append(newcard);
jQuery UI does a similar thing on the droppable demo page. On the drop event, they call a function deleteImage() which removes the dragged image from the original markup and appends it to the drop zone.
I hope I'm clear enough :-)
I also hope I'm right, it is pretty difficult to test quickly but it makes sense :-)
