Not able to get the title of Page using geb when it has multiple div elements and no ID - spock

Below is my html, from where I am trying to get the text of header. I tried multiple ways to select it but not succeeded in it. Could you please help me to get the element so that I can get the text.
<div class="esuite-right">
<div class="angular-css ng-panel ng-panel-boxed">
<div class="ng-panel-hdr">
<h2 class="ng-binding">
<span class="sch-tek "> | </span>
Case details
<!-- ngIf: zaak.vertrouwelijk -->
Title of the frame is "Case-10006336-2015" and tried to locate the element by using below various ways however not able to succeed in it.
labelSelectedCase { $("div", class: contains("angular-css ng-panel ng-panel-boxed")).$("div", class: contains("ng-panel-hdr")).$("h2",class: contains("ng-binding") ) }
labelSelectedCase { $("div.angular-css ng-panel ng-panel-boxed").find("h2", class: contains("ng-binding")) }
and several others but not able to locate this element.
Could you please help me to get this element so that I can get the text and assert it.
Thanks in advance.

Either of these should work -
labelSelectedCase { $("")}
labelSelectedCase { $("span.sch-tek").parent()}
I'm not sure Content defined like you have in 1) is even valid so that could explain why $(x).$(y).$(z) doesn't work, and I'm pretty sure 2) goes astray at the second and third classes of the first div, maybe you have to chain the classes if you want to select on multiple classes like this -
labelSelectedCase { $("").find("h2", class: contains("ng-binding")) }
Good luck,


WooCommerce hook on product page - also showing on category page?

I hope you can help me out. (I'm a bit of a newbie.)
I have used functions.php to create two extra product fields and then show the input from these fields as well as a contact link/button below the short description on the product page.
Lets call this added content "mycontent" just to make it easier to explain the problem.
The weird thing is that now, if I go to a category page in admin and add anything in the "Description" field - then "mycontent" shows up above the products on the category page...?!
I have no idea how this is even possible?
But I would very much like it to stop...! ;o)
I have tried adding "mycontent" to my product page via other hooks from this page:, but it doesn't show up. The only way it shows up is if I use woocommerce_short_description. But when I do that, it also shows up on category pages (only if there is a description on the category page).
I am confused on a higher level than normal... What am I doing wrong?
This is the code I use in functions.php to display "mycontent":
/* Show PDF link, PDF name and Contact Us on product pages */
add_filter( 'woocommerce_short_description', 'showpdflink', 3 );
function showpdflink($description){
global $product;
// Get the custom field value
$mypdfcol = get_post_meta( $product->get_id(), 'cop_pdflink', true );
$mypdfnam = get_post_meta( $product->get_id(), 'cop_pdfname', true );
// Display
//Build the links for the pdeffers
if( ! empty($mypdfcol) ){
$link1='<hr />
<div class="pdflink">
<div class="et_pb_row et_pb_row_13 et_pb_equal_columns">
<div class="et_pb_column et_pb_column_1_4"><img src="/wp-content/uploads/2022/12/pdf-icon.png" /></div>
<div class="et_pb_column et_pb_column_3_4">
<a href="'.$mypdfcol.'" title="Download pdf';
if( ! empty($mypdfnam) ){
$link1=$link1.' for '.$mypdfnam.'';
$link1=$link1.'" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Download pdf';
if( ! empty($mypdfnam) ){
$link1=$link1.' for '.$mypdfnam.'';
if( ! empty($mypdfcol) ){
/* Show CONTACT US button */
$link1=$link1.' <div class="contactbutton">
<a href="/kontakt-os" title="Kontakt CopyColor">
<span class="large">Ring for pris</span><br />
<span class="small">Klik her for kontakt</span>
/* Show everything on the product page */
return $description.$link1;
/* End of Show PDF link */
I found the solution if anyone else can use it:
It turns out that woocommerce_short_description is used in several different places and then outputted in different hooks - so it showed up in both the product and the category description.
The correct place for me was woocommerce_single_product_summary.
My problem was that it wouldn't output the code. But by changing
return $description.$link1;
echo $description.$link1;
I got it to work.

cdkDropListDropped event not emitted when item is dropped

I am trying to do drag and drop without deleting the item from the dragged list. I followed an example Working demo and tried to reproduce the same. Unfortunately it was not working and I found that the cdkDropListDropped event is emitted. You can find the issue in this link Problematic demo
I want to achieve like the Working demo
Please show me where I am wrong.
I found I had to move the directives cdkDropList and cdkDropListConnectedTo="drop-list" from the div with ID div1 to the parent div so the HTML becomes:
<div class="column left" cdkDropList cdkDropListConnectedTo="drop-list">
<div id="div1" cdkDrag *ngFor="let type of types" [cdkDragData]="type" (cdkDragMoved)="moved($event)" (cdkDropListDropped)="itemDropped($event)">
<div *cdkDragPlaceholder class="field-placeholder"></div>
At this point the cdkDropListDropped event fired and called the itemDropped function. The problem then was, there was a runtime error on the following line:
After copying the itemDropped method from your working demo StackBlitz, it then started work. Please see this StackBlitz for a demo.

How can I make a conditional statement like "include?" method in Ruby on Angular ng-if

Sorry about the difficulty for me to make the title much clearer. I'll explain as much as I can.
I use Rails as the backend (API), and AngularJS as the frontend.
I got several article_ids that have been liked(thumb up) from articleCtrl, named $scope.article_has_liked (it's an array contains several article_ids, like [24,45,55] ), just like below, :
$scope.articles = data.articles
$scope.topic = data.topic
$scope.article_has_liked = data.article_has_liked
And I pass these article_ids ($scope.article_has_liked) to the show.html, in order to use "ng-if" to conduct a judgement, just like below:
<div ng-if="article_has_liked.include?(">
<button class="btn btn-link" ng-click="likeItOrNot(,">
<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-star"></span>
<div ng-if="article_has_liked.exclude?(">
<button class="btn btn-link" ng-click="likeItOrNot(,">
<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-star-empty"></span>
Here comes the problem !
I'd like to use .include? method in Ruby to determine if the is included by the article_ids that have been liked. If it is liked, I'll give it a solid star. But I found that the Angular seems not to accept the usage, and it returned the error just like below:
Error: Syntax Error: Token 'undefined' expected : at column NaN of the expression [article_has_liked.include?(] starting at [article_has_liked.include?(].
<!-- ngIf: article_has_liked.include?( -->
So I want to ask if there is any conditional statement which has similar meaning to .include? that I can use in AngularJS "ng-if", or there is any better way for me to conduct this judgement?
Thanks everyone for helping me this confusing question!
That is a JavaScript relating question, not AngularJS. But may that answer your question:
Often you will need to check whether an array contains a certain item. You can do this by using the indexOf() method. If the code does not find the item in the list, it returns a -1.
var article_has_liked = [24,45,55];
if(article_has_liked.indexOf(99) == -1){
alert("data not found");
Not sure but you can try something:
<div ng-if="article_has_liked.indexOf( != -1">
Note: This above condition is to check for include. If it include your in article_has_liked then only execute that block. If you want to check exclude then you can simply use == instead != I hope it works for you.
update to this one:
ng-if="article_has_liked.include?( value here"

Get children of an XHPChild

I am trying to move my website to Hack and XHP, of course. Below is a structure of what code structure I want to achieve:
<ui:backstageHeader-navItem href="/">stories</ui:backstageHeader-navItem>
<ui:backstageHeader-navItem href="/story/send">send a story</ui:backstageHeader-navItem>
<ui:backstageHeader-navItem href="/aboutus">support</ui:backstageHeader-navItem>
(Note: :ui:backstageHeader-navItem basically renders to <a href={$this->:href}>{$this->getCHildren}</a> so there is not need to attach its class here.)
Below is the code for :ui:backstageHeader:
final class :ui:backstageHeader extends :ui:base {
attribute :div;
children (:ui:backstageHeader-navItem)*;
protected function compose() {
$dom =
<section class="backstage-header">
<div class="container">
<div class="cell-logo">
<a href="/">
<span class="no23-logo-white"></span>
<div class="cell-navigation">
<div class="cell-account">
<div class="cell-login">
<div id="siteNav-login">Autentificare</div>
$mainContainer = $dom->getChildren("div")[0];
$cellNavigation = $mainContainer->getChildren("div")[1];
$navItems = <ul class="main-navigation"></ul>;
foreach($this->getChildren() as $child) {
return $dom;
I used the Terminal to debug my code using hhvm -m d <file.php>, and everything was alright there; however, when I get to my browser, I get 500 error header. This is what the log says:
Catchable fatal error: Hack type error: Could not find method getChildren in an object of type XHPChild at /var/www/res/ui/backstage-header.php line 25
The error comes from
$cellNavigation = $mainContainer->getChildren("div")[1];
But, somehow, I need to append ul.main-navigation to div.cell-navigation from my section.backstage-header.
How can I do it?
Don't structure your code this way. Built it up from the inside out, so that you don't have to do a ton of unreadable getChildren calls looking for specific children. Those calls are super hard to read, and super inflexible when you change the structure of your XHP. You wouldn't do something like node.firstChild.lastChild.lastChild.firstChild in the JS DOM, would you? No, there's a better way in JS, to find things by class or ID; in XHP, you can just build it up the right way in the first place!
I'd give you an example of this, but it doesn't look like you actually use $mainContainer or $cellNavigation, so you can just remove those two problematic definitions.
As an aside, you really shouldn't be getting your type errors as catchable fatals from HHVM; this is a last resort sort of check. Try running the hh_client checker directly, maybe even showing its result in your IDE; it will give you a much faster iteration cycle, and much more information than HHVM provides.
From my experience, appendChild is very prone to human error. It's easier to do something like:
$items = (new Vector($this->getChildren()))->map($child ==> <li>{$child}</li>);
return <div id="container">{$items}</div>;
If you want to wrap the children in <li />.
Not sure if that will work but it will be close.
Pro tip: You can assign variables from within an XHP tree.
$root =
{$child = <span>
Text children
Now $child is already set to the <span> element.

NullReferenceException on an object not null

I'm passing an object to a view and am getting a null reference exception, but the object is not null.
In the Action I have this simple code:
return View(db.Users.First());
View code:
#model User
#using DG.WEB.Models
ViewBag.SecondTitle = "Ver";
ViewBag.MostraEditarTab = "false";
ViewBag.MostraApagarTab = "false";
ViewBag.Tab = "tab2";
Layout = "~/Views/Conds/_Layout.cshtml";
<div class="container">
#if (Model != null)
<div id="container_atalhos">
<div class="btn-group">
<i class="icon-th-large"></i> Nova frac
<i class="icon-fire"></i> Nova OcorrĂȘncia
<i class="icon-shopping-cart"></i> Novo Fornecedor
<i class="icon-file"></i> Novo documento
<i class="icon-pencil"></i> Editar
<i class="icon-remove-circle icon-white"></i> Apagar
#:Not found
I just test a small code that prints the name of the first user in the view.
And it happens to me the same error!
The try / catch apparently works badly ... I do not understand.
Look at the picture
I found the error. In the layout page there was an error and for some reason visual studio didnt detect it.
Thanks to all.
Usually such error are not directly related to the place where they blow up, but a consequence of IoC / Dependency Injection.
What basically happens is that in the background, the dependency injection is able to provide various objects as needed, but does this is a lazy fashion. So if something - like your layout page - isn't needed yet, it won't be created yet.
So then when you access something like your model, which can have internal requirements needing something like your layout, then the dependency injection kicks in, throwing an error at your model, even though the error is not model-related at all.
This is one of the really difficult aspects of dependency injection and will probably plague you again in the future :(.
There is also no best-practice I know of to avoid this. Your approach to gradually cornering the issue is the best way to go ahead AFAIK.
