dependency injection - convert ninject di to lightinject di - dependency-injection

How do I convert the following Ninject DI to the equivalent for LightInject DI? I'm having issues with getting to the right syntax.
Database.SetInitializer(new MigrateDatabaseToLatestVersion<DefaultMembershipRebootDatabase, BrockAllen.MembershipReboot.Ef.Migrations.Configuration>());
On my original question, I didn't include this, but this (also posted as comment to this post) was the not working code I attempted to make it work:
Database.SetInitializer(new MigrateDatabaseToLatestVersion<DefaultMembershipRebootDatabase, BrockAllen.MembershipReboot.Ef.Migrations.Configuration>());
container.Register<AuthenticationService, SamAuthenticationService>();
container.Register<IUserAccountQuery, DefaultUserAccountRepository>(new PerRequestLifeTime());
container.Register<IUserAccountRepository, DefaultUserAccountRepository>(new PerRequestLifeTime());
The error message (without the stack trace) given was this:
Exception Details: System.InvalidOperationException: Unresolved dependency [Target Type: BrockAllen.MembershipReboot.Ef.DefaultUserAccountRepository], [Parameter: ctx(BrockAllen.MembershipReboot.Ef.DefaultMembershipRebootDatabase)], [Requested dependency: ServiceType:BrockAllen.MembershipReboot.Ef.DefaultMembershipRebootDatabase, ServiceName:]
Source Error:
An unhandled exception was generated during the execution of the current web request. Information regarding the origin and location of the exception can be identified using the exception stack trace below.
*If anyone wants to see the stack trace too - * just ask, and I'll post it in a reply to this question.
The constructor for DefaultMembershipRebootDatabase (as was in a sample project, my project used the dll provided through nuget, and the constructor wasn't available, but I'm pretty sure they're more than likely the same in both cases (seeing as how it comes from the same source...) is:
public class DefaultMembershipRebootDatabase : MembershipRebootDbContext<RelationalUserAccount>
public DefaultMembershipRebootDatabase()
: base()
public DefaultMembershipRebootDatabase(string nameOrConnectionString)
: base(nameOrConnectionString)
public DefaultMembershipRebootDatabase(string nameOrConnectionString, string schemaName)
: base(nameOrConnectionString, schemaName)
This is the constructor (as was in the same aforementioned sample project) for the DefaultUserAccountRepository:
public class DefaultUserAccountRepository
: DbContextUserAccountRepository<DefaultMembershipRebootDatabase, RelationalUserAccount>,
public DefaultUserAccountRepository(DefaultMembershipRebootDatabase ctx)
: base(ctx)
IUserAccountRepository<RelationalUserAccount> This { get { return (IUserAccountRepository<RelationalUserAccount>)this; } }
public new UserAccount Create()
return This.Create();
public void Add(UserAccount item)
public void Remove(UserAccount item)
public void Update(UserAccount item)
public new UserAccount GetByID(System.Guid id)
return This.GetByID(id);
public new UserAccount GetByUsername(string username)
return This.GetByUsername(username);
UserAccount IUserAccountRepository<UserAccount>.GetByUsername(string tenant, string username)
return This.GetByUsername(tenant, username);
public new UserAccount GetByEmail(string tenant, string email)
return This.GetByEmail(tenant, email);
public new UserAccount GetByMobilePhone(string tenant, string phone)
return This.GetByMobilePhone(tenant, phone);
public new UserAccount GetByVerificationKey(string key)
return This.GetByVerificationKey(key);
public new UserAccount GetByLinkedAccount(string tenant, string provider, string id)
return This.GetByLinkedAccount(tenant, provider, id);
public new UserAccount GetByCertificate(string tenant, string thumbprint)
return This.GetByCertificate(tenant, thumbprint);
And this is the controller in my project:
namespace brockallen_MembershipReboot.Controllers
using System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations;
using BrockAllen.MembershipReboot;
using BrockAllen.MembershipReboot.Mvc.Areas.UserAccount.Models;
public class UserAccountController : Controller
UserAccountService _userAccountService;
AuthenticationService _authService;
public UserAccountController(AuthenticationService authService)
_userAccountService = authService.UserAccountService;
_authService = authService;
// GET: /UserAccount/
public ActionResult Index()
return View();
public ActionResult Login()
return View(new LoginInputModel());
public ActionResult Login(LoginInputModel model)
if (ModelState.IsValid)
/*BrockAllen.MembershipReboot.*/UserAccount account;
if (_userAccountService.AuthenticateWithUsernameOrEmail(model.Username, model.Password, out account))
_authService.SignIn(account, model.RememberMe);
_authService.SignIn(account, model.RememberMe);
/*if (account.RequiresTwoFactorAuthCodeToSignIn())
return RedirectToAction("TwoFactorAuthCodeLogin");
if (account.RequiresTwoFactorCertificateToSignIn())
return RedirectToAction("CertificateLogin");
if (_userAccountService.IsPasswordExpired(account))
return RedirectToAction("Index", "ChangePassword");
if (Url.IsLocalUrl(model.ReturnUrl))
return Redirect(model.ReturnUrl);
return RedirectToAction("Index");
ModelState.AddModelError("", "Invalid Username or Password");
return View(model);
public ActionResult Register()
return View(new RegisterInputModel());
public ActionResult Register(RegisterInputModel model)
if (ModelState.IsValid)
var account = _userAccountService.CreateAccount(model.Username, model.Password, model.Email);
ViewData["RequireAccountVerification"] = _userAccountService.Configuration.RequireAccountVerification;
return View("Success", model);
catch (ValidationException ex)
ModelState.AddModelError("", ex.Message);
return View(model);
The constructor for AuthenicationService is:
public abstract class AuthenticationService : AuthenticationService<UserAccount>
public new UserAccountService UserAccountService
get { return (UserAccountService)base.UserAccountService; }
set { base.UserAccountService = value; }
public AuthenticationService(UserAccountService userService)
: this(userService, null)
public AuthenticationService(UserAccountService userService, ClaimsAuthenticationManager claimsAuthenticationManager)
: base(userService, claimsAuthenticationManager)

By default, LightInject does not resolve concrete classes without registering them, while NInject does.
For example, NInject can resolve DefaultMembershipRebootDatabase without registering it, while LightInject cannot by default. Take a look at this.
In any way, to fix your issue, make sure that you register your concrete classes (that are needed as dependencies in other classes). Here is an example:
I am assuming here that some class has a dependency on the concrete class DefaultMembershipRebootDatabase. If you have other concrete class dependencies, make sure that you also register them.

You should use the PerScopeLifetime rather than the PerRequestLifetime. PerRequestLifetime represents a transient lifetime that tracks disposable instances and disposes them when the scope ends. PerScopeLifetime ensures the same instance within a scope which in this case means the same instance within a web request.


No parameterless constructor defined for this object with Dependency Resolver

I'm currently following "Dependancy Injection on asp net mvc 5 tutorial" in youtube.
I follow as he said but I'm having this error.
No parameterless constructor defined for this object.
My Controller is UnityDemoController
public class UnityDemoController : Controller
private readonly ILocalWeaherServiceProvider _localWeaherServiceProvider;
public UnityDemoController(ILocalWeaherServiceProvider localWeaherServiceProvider)
_localWeaherServiceProvider = localWeaherServiceProvider;
// GET: /UnityDemo/
public ActionResult Index()
string currentWeatherInMyArea = _localWeaherServiceProvider.GetLocalWeatherByZipCode("0006");
return View();
IocConfiguration.cs This Configuration is under App_Start folder
public static class IocConfiguration
public static void ConfigureIocUnityContaioner()
IUnityContainer container = new UnityContainer();
DependencyResolver.SetResolver(new MyUnityDependancyResolver(container));
private static void RegisterServices(IUnityContainer container)
container.RegisterType<ILocalWeaherServiceProvider, LocalWeatherServiceProvider>(); // This means when somebody call/need ILocalWeaherServiceProvider then provide new Instance of the LocalWeatherServiceProvider
public class MyUnityDependancyResolver : IDependencyResolver
private IUnityContainer _unityContainer;
public MyUnityDependancyResolver(IUnityContainer unityContainer)
_unityContainer = unityContainer;
public object GetService(Type serviceType)
return _unityContainer.Resolve(serviceType);
catch (Exception)
return null;
public IEnumerable<object> GetServices(Type serviceType)
return _unityContainer.ResolveAll(serviceType);
catch (Exception)
return new List<object>();
Interface ILocalWeaherServiceProvider
public interface ILocalWeaherServiceProvider
string GetLocalWeatherByZipCode(string zipcode);
Service Class LocalWeatherServiceProvider
public class LocalWeatherServiceProvider : ILocalWeaherServiceProvider
public string GetLocalWeatherByZipCode(string zipcode)
return "Its is snowing right now in your Area : " + zipcode;
I have added Unity.
Can anyone tell me what went wrong here?
And avoid these kinds of error what are the things that I should look into these coding level?
I found out the solution by referring to below link.
Change the UnityDemoController class as below.
public class UnityDemoController : Controller
private readonly ILocalWeaherServiceProvider _localWeaherServiceProvider;
public UnityDemoController() : this(new LocalWeatherServiceProvider())
public UnityDemoController(ILocalWeaherServiceProvider localWeaherServiceProvider)
_localWeaherServiceProvider = localWeaherServiceProvider;
// GET: /UnityDemo/
public ActionResult Index()
string currentWeatherInMyArea = _localWeaherServiceProvider.GetLocalWeatherByZipCode("0006");
return View();

Error while creating plugin in Nop Commerce

This is my first demo project in Nopcommerce and i have tried to make my own plugin but during the time of Build some error is seen. Below are some codes.
namespace Nop.Plugin.Aowi.Testimonial.Data
public class TestimonialRecordObjectContext : DbContext , IDbContext
public TestimonialRecordObjectContext(string nameOrConnectionString) : base(nameOrConnectionString) { }
#region Implementation of IDbContext
protected override void OnModelCreating(DbModelBuilder modelBuilder)
modelBuilder.Configurations.Add(new TestimonialRecordMap());
public string CreateDatabaseInstallationScript()
return ((IObjectContextAdapter)this).ObjectContext.CreateDatabaseScript();
public void Install()
//It's required to set initializer to null (for SQL Server Compact).
//otherwise, you'll get something like "The model backing the 'your context name' context has changed since the database was created. Consider using Code First Migrations to update the database"
public void Uninstall()
var dbScript = "DROP TABLE Testimonial";
public new IDbSet<TEntity> Set<TEntity>() where TEntity : BaseEntity
return base.Set<TEntity>();
public System.Collections.Generic.IList<TEntity> ExecuteStoredProcedureList<TEntity>(string commandText, params object[] parameters) where TEntity : BaseEntity, new()
throw new System.NotImplementedException();
public System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<TElement> SqlQuery<TElement>(string sql, params object[] parameters)
throw new System.NotImplementedException();
public int ExecuteSqlCommand(string sql, bool doNotEnsureTransaction = false, int? timeout = null, params object[] parameters)
throw new System.NotImplementedException();
This is the Dependency registrar part
namespace Nop.Plugin.Aowi.Testimonial.Infastructure
public class DependencyRegistrar: IDependencyRegistrar
private const string CONTEXT_NAME ="nop_object_context_product_view_tracker";
public virtual void Register(ContainerBuilder builder, ITypeFinder typeFinder, NopConfig config)
//data context
this.RegisterPluginDataContext<TestimonialRecordObjectContext>(builder, CONTEXT_NAME);
//override required repository with our custom context
public int Order
get { return 1; }
Even after cleaning and Building i am getting this error.
Can anyone help me with this. I have done all of this by watching a tutorial so if anyone can help me correct my mistake i will be really greatful.
You just need to implement this method and properties of IDbContext interface, which are described in error log, in your custom context.
for example, how it is done in one of the existing plugin Tax.CountryStateZip:
public void Detach(object entity)
if (entity == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("entity");
public virtual bool ProxyCreationEnabled
get { return this.Configuration.ProxyCreationEnabled; }
set { this.Configuration.ProxyCreationEnabled = value; }
public virtual bool AutoDetectChangesEnabled
get { return this.Configuration.AutoDetectChangesEnabled; }
set { this.Configuration.AutoDetectChangesEnabled = value; }
I cannot get an idea from your code that where is actual issue. But i suggest by an example.
make your install method code like:
public void Install()
//create the table
var dbScript = CreateDatabaseScript();
Add a new class called EfStartUpTask and paste following code:
public class EfStartUpTask : IStartupTask
public void Execute()
//It's required to set initializer to null (for SQL Server Compact).
//otherwise, you'll get something like "The model backing the 'your context name' context has changed since the database was created. Consider using Code First Migrations to update the database"
public int Order
//ensure that this task is run first
get { return 0; }
And your DependencyRegistrar :
public class DependencyRegistrar : IDependencyRegistrar
public virtual void Register(ContainerBuilder builder, ITypeFinder typeFinder)
//data context
this.RegisterPluginDataContext<YourContext>(builder, "nop_object_context_product_view_tracker");
//override required repository with our custom context
public int Order
get { return 1; }
Note: you have to change YourContext to your context name and same as for entity class
Hope this helps!

Get recent inserted Id and send in to another controllers view

I have Created CRUD Functions for each Modals and now i am trying to get recent Inserted Id and use it in different view.
Here is what I have tried so far
I have created 2 classes(Layer based) for CRUD function for each ContextEntities db to practice pure OOP recursive approach and following is the code.
1. Access Layer
public class ViolatorDB
private TPCAEntities db;
public ViolatorDB()
db = new TPCAEntities();
public IEnumerable<tbl_Violator> GetALL()
return db.tbl_Violator.ToList();
public tbl_Violator GetByID(int id)
return db.tbl_Violator.Find(id);
public void Insert(tbl_Violator Violator)
public void Delete(int id)
tbl_Violator Violator = db.tbl_Violator.Find(id);
public void Update(tbl_Violator Violator)
db.Entry(Violator).State = EntityState.Modified;
public void Save()
2. Logic Layer
public class ViolatorBs
private ViolatorDB objDb;
public ViolatorBs()
objDb = new ViolatorDB();
public IEnumerable<tbl_Violator> GetALL()
return objDb.GetALL();
public tbl_Violator GetByID(int id)
return objDb.GetByID(id);
public void Insert(tbl_Violator Violator)
public void Delete(int id)
public void Update(tbl_Violator Vioaltor)
And Finally using Logic Layer functions in presentation Layer.Here insertion is performed as:
public class CreateViolatorController : Controller
public TPCAEntities db = new TPCAEntities();
private ViolatorBs objBs;
public CreateViolatorController()
objBs = new ViolatorBs();
public ActionResult Index()
var voilator = new tbl_Violator();
voilator=db.tbl_Violator.Add(voilator); = voilator.VID;
return View();
public ActionResult Create(tbl_Violator Violator)
if (ModelState.IsValid)
TempData["Msg"] = "Violator Created successfully";
return RedirectToAction("Index");
return View("Index");
catch (Exception ex)
TempData["Msg"] = "Failed..." + ex.Message + " " + ex.ToString();
return RedirectToAction("Index");
Now here is the main part how do i get perticuller inserted id in another controller named Dues while performing insertion ?
In sqlqery I would have used ##IDENTITY but in Entity Framework I'm not sure.
I'm new to mvc framework any suggestion or help is appreciated Thanks in Advance.
Once you save your db context the id is populated back to your entity by EF automatically.
for example.
using(var context = new DbContext())
var employee = new Employee(); //this has an id property
var id =; // you will find the id here populated by EF
You dont need to add and save your table as you have done this already in your voilatorDB class just fetch the last id like following
var id = yourTableName.Id;
Or you can simply write one line code to achive that using VoilatorBs class function

ASP.Net vNext DbContext Dependency Injection multiple request issues.

I am attempting to use ASP.Net vNext, MVC, EF7, and the repository pattern (not the issue here, I don't think)...
The issue I'm having is that when multiple requests are made against the database, I'm getting the following error: "There is already an open DataReader associated with this Command which must be closed first."
Here's some code:
public class Startup
public IConfiguration Configuration { get; set; }
public Startup(IHostingEnvironment env)
Configuration = new Configuration().AddJsonFile("config.json").AddEnvironmentVariables();
public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
// Register Entity Framework
services.AddSingleton<ILocationRepo, LocationRepo>();
services.AddSingleton<IStateRepo, StateRepo>();
public void Configure(IApplicationBuilder app)
var testData = ActivatorUtilities.CreateInstance<TestData>(app.ApplicationServices);
The controller:
public class LocationsController : Controller
private readonly ILocationRepo _repo;
public LocationsController(ILocationRepo repo)
_repo = repo;
// GET: api/locations
public List<Location> Get()
return _repo.All.ToList();
// GET api/locations/5
public IActionResult Get(int id)
var ret = _repo.GetById(id);
if (ret == null)
return new HttpNotFoundResult();
return new ObjectResult(ret);
// POST api/locations
public IActionResult Post([FromBody]Locationvalue)
var ret = _repo.AddOrUpdate(value);
if (ret == null)
return new BadRequestResult();
return new ObjectResult(ret);
// PUT api/locations/5
public IActionResult Put(int id, [FromBody]Location value)
var ret = _repo.AddOrUpdate(value);
if (id == 0 || ret == null)
return new BadRequestResult();
return new ObjectResult(ret);
// DELETE api/locations/5
public IActionResult Delete(int id)
var existing = _repo.GetById(id);
if (existing == null)
return new HttpNotFoundResult();
bool ret = _repo.TryDelete(id);
return new ObjectResult(ret);
The States repository:
public class StateRepo : IStateRepo
private readonly MyDbContext context;
public StateRepo(MyDbContext diContext)
context = diContext;
public IEnumerable<State> All
return context.States;
public State GetById(int id)
return context.States.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Id == id);
I have pretty much the same repo setup for Locations (with a few more methods, of course)... the problem comes in when I'm making simultaneous AJAX calls to my locations and states controllers. I would expect the DI for the context to handle such collisions, but it doesn't appear to be doing so. Is there another way to configure this to work correctly without having to go back to the old way of creating an instance of my context throughout my repos? Do I have anything configured incorrectly?
I don't claim to be a DI expert, but try registering your repositories with AddScoped instead of AddSingleton. I think you are getting the same instance of the repository for each request which probably has the same instance of your DbContext and DbContext is not thread safe.
Also, make sure you have MultipleActiveResultSets=true in your connectionstring. I think that can also cause the error you are seeing.

controller post actionresult not saving changes to database

I have a post method in my controller that is not saving changes to my database (SQL express). I am using viewmodels and valueinjector to populate the VM from my model. I have checked and the values in the viewmodel and they have changed, but when I call my service:
and bookmark the following in the service interface:
and pull up the quick watch window for unitOfWork, it has the old value.
All my tables have primary keys and I am using code first. The connection string is valid becasue I can get the items, I just can't save them.
My post method:
public ActionResult Edit(FixedAssetViewModel evm)
var fixedAsset = fixedAssetService.GetFixedAsset(evm.FixedAssetId);
// Use Injector to handle mapping between viewmodel and model
if (ModelState.IsValid)
return RedirectToAction("Details", "FixedAsset", new { id = fixedAsset.FixedAssetId });
catch (DataException)
//Log the error (add a variable name after DataException)
ModelState.AddModelError("", "Unable to save changes. Try again, and if the problem persists, see your system administrator.");
My Service:
namespace FixedAssets.Services
public interface IFixedAssetService
IEnumerable<FixedAsset> GetAll();
IEnumerable<FixedAsset> FindBy(Expression<Func<FixedAsset, bool>> predicate);
FixedAsset GetFixedAsset(string id);
void CreateFixedAsset(FixedAsset fixedAsset);
void DeleteFixedAsset(string id);
void SaveFixedAsset();
bool ValueInUse(Expression<Func<FixedAsset, bool>> predicate);
public class FixedAssetService : IFixedAssetService
private readonly IFixedAssetRepository fixedAssetRepository;
private readonly IUnitOfWork unitOfWork;
public FixedAssetService(IFixedAssetRepository fixedAssetRepository, IUnitOfWork unitOfWork)
this.fixedAssetRepository = fixedAssetRepository;
this.unitOfWork = unitOfWork;
#region IFixedAssetService Members
public IEnumerable<FixedAsset> GetAll()
var fixedAssets = fixedAssetRepository.GetAll();
return fixedAssets;
public IEnumerable<FixedAsset> FindBy(Expression<Func<FixedAsset, bool>> predicate)
IEnumerable<FixedAsset> query = fixedAssetRepository.FindBy(predicate);
return query;
public bool ValueInUse(Expression<Func<FixedAsset, bool>> predicate)
IQueryable<FixedAsset> query = fixedAssetRepository.FindBy(predicate).AsQueryable();
int count = query.Count();
return count > 0 ? true : false;
public FixedAsset GetFixedAsset(string id)
var fixedAsset = fixedAssetRepository.GetById(id);
return fixedAsset;
public void CreateFixedAsset(FixedAsset fixedAsset)
public void DeleteFixedAsset(string id)
var fixedAsset = fixedAssetRepository.GetById(id);
public void SaveFixedAsset()
Edit: One thing I forgot to mention is this app was modeled almost exactly after an existing app that worked fine. Not sure if I have references messed up or what, but the other app uses the same methods only different entities
I found my problem. In the app I used as a model for this one I was using a separate unity class. My database factory registration was like this:
.RegisterType<IDatabaseFactory, DatabaseFactory>(new HttpContextLifetimeManager<IDatabaseFactory>())
Now I am using Microsoft.Practices.Unity and Unity.Mvc4 so I changed the registration to:
container.RegisterType<IDatabaseFactory, DatabaseFactory>();
per the comments in the bootstrapper class. When I changed it to:
container.RegisterType<IDatabaseFactory, DatabaseFactory>(new HierarchicalLifetimeManager());
per the suggestions on this post:
Stackoverflow thread
it finally worked!
