neo4j - match nodes and add relationships to them - neo4j

how do i add relationships to nodes returned by a cypher query?
I have written a query that returns me all the person nodes who have the same surname who live at the same address. I now want to add a relationship between these person nodes to indicate they are the same person. The query below returns me 3 person nodes and I want to add a relationship from the first node (returned by the ORDER BY) to the other 2.
MATCH (a:Address) <-[LIVES_AT]-(p:Person)
WITH a as addnode, p.surname as psurname, COUNT(p.name_urn) as c
WHERE c > 1
MATCH (a2:Address{address_urn:addnode.address_urn})<-[LIVES_AT]- (p2:Person{surname:psurname})
WITH p2 as p2node
WHEN p2node.master_record = 'Y'
WITH collect(p2node) as colp2node
RETURN colp2node
Hope this makes sense? Please advise if there is a better way of doing this.

Something like this should work for you:
MATCH (a:Address)<-[LIVES_AT]-(p:Person)
WITH a, p.surname AS psurname, COUNT(p.name_urn) AS c
WHERE c > 1
MATCH (a2:Address { address_urn:a.address_urn })<-[LIVES_AT]-(p2:Person { surname:psurname })
ORDER BY CASE WHEN p2.master_record = 'Y' THEN 1 ELSE 2 END
WITH collect(p2) AS colp2
WITH colp2[0] AS master, colp2[1..] AS others
UNWIND others AS other
MERGE (master)-[:HAS_ALIAS]->(other);
I use MERGE to avoid duplicate relationships.
By the way, just because two people have the same surname and live at the same address, that does not normally mean they are the same person. I hope you are sure that what you are doing is appropriate.


How to obtain all direct parent-child relationships in a graph with Neo4j

I have a graph with multiple levels, and I need to create a query that would extract all direct child-parent relationships in a table.
For example, if I have a graph like this:
I want as an output, the following table:
Parent Child
1 2
1 3
2 4
2 5
3 6
For now, I am extracting these relations separately in multiple MATCH queries, but I'm sure there is a better way out there. Any help would be very much appreciated! Thank you!
Answer from norihide.shimatani is also valid. As an another option, you can try below one with union all.
MATCH (parent {name:'x'})-->(child)
RETURN parent.number as parentNumber, child.number as childNumber
MATCH (parent {name:'x'})-->(child1)-->(child2)
RETURN child1.number as parentNumber, child2.number as childNumber
How about this?
parent.id_of_node, child.id_of_node
parent.id_of_node, child.id_of_node
second answer is
/* collect id_of_node of target nodes by the condition you want */
MATCH path=(parent)-[*0..]->(child)
WITH NODES(path) as nodes
UNWIND nodes AS node
WITH COLLECT(DISTINCT node.id_of_node) as ids_of_node
/* using ids_of_node as a condition, get final answer */
WHERE parent.id_of_node IN ids_of_node OR child.id_of_node IN ids_of_node
parent.id_of_node , child.id_of_node
parent.id_of_node , child.id_of_node

Cypher sorting by number of related nodes?

I'm learning Cypher and I created a "Criminal investigation" project on Neo4j.
I'm trying to run a query that outputs each Person that has two children (Person) and both of the children must have committed a crime. To achieve this, I was testing some queries with a Person (p) called = "Lillian" so I know this person has two children but just one of them has committed a crime.
In order to make this I execute this query (return something if Lillian has two sons that committed crimes or return nothing contrarily:
match (p:Person)-[r:FAMILY_REL]->(s:Person)
where = "Lillian"
and size((p)-[:FAMILY_REL]->()-[:PARTY_TO]->(:Crime))=2 and size((p)-[:FAMILY_REL]->()) = 2
return p, s
As I already knew Lillian has only one son who committed a crime, the query should have not returned anything but it returned both of their children.
I'm guessing the wrong part of the query is here:
where /*...*/ and size((p)-[:FAMILY_REL]->()-[:PARTY_TO]->(:Crime))=2
I think this is counting just the number of children instead the number of children who have committed crimes.
What would be the correct way to do this?
Give this a try:
MATCH (p:Person)
WHERE = "Lillian" AND size((p)-[:FAMILY_REL]->()) = 2
WITH p, [(p)-[:FAMILY_REL]->(child) WHERE (child)-[:PARTY_TO]->(:Crime) | child] as childCriminals
WHERE size(childCriminals) = 2
UNWIND childCriminals as s
Note that this will only work if Lillian has exactly two children, and both have been party to a crime.
As for why your query wasn't working, it's likely that one of the children was party to two crimes, that would produce results.

Cypher pattern for getting self related nodes

Given that I'm very new to Neo4j. I have a schema which looks like the below image:
Here Has nodes are different for example Passport, Merchant, Driving License, etc. and also these nodes are describing the customer node (looking for future scope of filtering customers based on these nodes).
SIMILAR is a self-relation meaning there exists a customer with ID:1 is related to another customer with ID:2 with a score of 2800.
I have the following questions:
Is this a good schema given the condition of the future scope I mentioned above, or getting all the properties in a single customer node is viable? (Different nodes may have array of items as well, for example: ()-[:HAS]->(Phone) having {active: "+91-1231241", historic_phone_numbers: ["+91-121213", "+91-1231421"]})
I want to get the customer along with describing nodes in relation to other customers. For that, I tried the below query (w/o number of relation more than 1):
// With number_of_relation > 1
MATCH (searched:Customer)-[r:SIMILAR]->(matched:Customer)
WHERE r.score > 2700
WITH searched, COLLECT(matched.customer_id) AS MatchedList, count(r) as cnt
WHERE cnt > 1
UNWIND MatchedList AS matchedCustomer
MATCH (person:Customer {customer_id: matchedCustomer})-[:HAS|:LIVES_IN|:IS_EMPLOYED_BY]->(related)
RETURN searched, person, related
Result what I got is below, notice one customer node not having its describing nodes:
// without number_of_relation > 1
// second attempt - for a sample customer_id
MATCH (matched)<-[r:SIMILAR]-(c)-[:HAS|:LIVES_IN|:IS_EMPLOYED_BY]->(b)
WHERE size(keys(b)) > 0
AND c.customer_id = "1b093559-a39b-4f95-889b-a215cac698dc"
AND r.score > 2700
RETURN b AS props, c AS src_cust, r AS relation, matched
Result I got are below, notice related nodes are not having their describing nodes:
If I had two describing nodes with some property (some may have a list) upon which I wanted to query and build the expected graph specified in point 2 above, how can I do that?
I want the database to find a similar customer given the describing nodes. Example: A customer {name: "Dave"} has phone {active_number: "+91-12345"} is similar to customer {name: "Mike"} has phone {active_number: "+91-12345"}. How can get started with this?
If something is unclear, please ask. I can explain with examples.
Yes, the schema seems fine, except that you should not use the same HAS relationship type between different node label pairs.
The main problem with your first query is that its top MATCH clause uses a directional relationship pattern, ()-->(), which does not allow all Customer nodes to have a chance to be the searched node (because some nodes may only be at the tail end of SIMILAR relationships). This tweaked query should work better:
MATCH (searched:Customer)-[r:SIMILAR]-(matched:Customer)
WHERE r.score > 2700
WITH searched, COLLECT(matched) AS matchedList
WHERE SIZE(matchedList) > 1
UNWIND matchedList AS person
WITH searched, person, COLLECT(pDesc) AS personDescribers
MATCH (searched)-[:HAS|LIVES_IN|IS_EMPLOYED_BY]->(sDesc)
RETURN searched, person, personDescribers, COLLECT(sDesc) AS searchedDescribers
It's not clear what you want are trying to do.
To get all Customers who have the same phone number:
MATCH (c:Customer)-[:HAS_PHONE]-(p:Phone)
WHERE p.activeNumber = '+91-12345'
WITH p.activeNumber AS phoneNumber, COLLECT(c) AS customers
WHERE SIZE(customers) > 1
RETURN phoneNumber, customers

Nodes with relationship to multiple nodes

I want to get the Persons that know everyone in a group of persons which know some specific places.
MATCH (:Place {name:'Breiter Weg'})<-[:knows]-(b:Person)-[:knows]->(:Place {name:'Buchhandel'})
WITH collect(DISTINCT b) as persons
Match (a:Person)
WHERE ALL(b in persons WHERE (a)-[:knows]->(b))
works, but for the second part does a full nodelabelscan, before applying the where clause, which is extremely slow - in a bigger db it takes 8~9 seconds. I also tried this:
MATCH (:Place {name:'Breiter Weg'})<-[:knows]-(b:Person)-[:knows]->(:Place {name:'Buchhandel'})
Match (a:Person)-[:knows]->(b)
This only needs 2ms, however it returns all persons that know any person of group b, instead of those that know everyone.
So my question is: Is there a effective/fast query to get what i want?
We have a knowledge base article for this kind of query that show a few approaches.
One of these is to match to :Persons known by the group, and then count the number of times each of those persons shows up in the results. Provided there aren't multiple :knows relationships between the same two people, if the count is equal to the collection of people from your first match, then that person must know all of the people in the collection.
MATCH (:Place {name:'Breiter Weg'})<-[:knows]-(b:Person)-[:knows]->(:Place {name:'Buchhandel'})
WITH collect(b) as persons
UNWIND persons as b // so we have the entire list of persons along with each person
WITH size(persons) as total, b
MATCH (a:Person)-[:knows]->(b)
WITH total, a, count(a) as knownCount
WHERE total = knownCount
Here is a simpler Cypher query that also compares counts -- the same basic idea used by #InverseFalcon.
MATCH (:Place {name:'Breiter Weg'})<-[:knows]-(b:Person)-[:knows]->(:Place {name:'Buchhandel'}), (a:Person)-[:knows]->(b)
WITH COLLECT({a:a, b:b}) as data, COUNT(DISTINCT b) AS total
UNWIND data AS d
WITH total, d.a AS a, COUNT(d.b) AS bCount
WHERE total = bCount

Cypher - find nodes whose related nodes have properties contained in a set

I need a cypher query to search for something like this:
I have a graph (a)-[r]->(b) and (a)-[r]->(c) were a is a person and b and c are 2 different skill nodes.
Let's suppose I am looking for someone knowing both java and fortran.
Say b has property name:“java” and c has property name:“fortran”.
How do I find a person that has ALL specified skill nodes?
It'd be useful if the query was scalable, i.e. if I had 20 skill nodes, it would be also easy to execute it.
Thanks a lot in advance!
One way would be to MATCH your Person nodes to Skill nodes, filter Skill nodes for your properties and count the number of nodes per Person. If it's as large as the array of properties your filtering, the Person has all the Skills
MATCH (p:Person)-[r:HAS]->(s:Skill)
WHERE IN ['java', 'fortran', 'cypher']
I think you can combine this with a CASE statement to return the data:
MATCH (p:Person)-[r:HAS]->(s:Skill)
WHERE IN ['java', 'fortran', 'cypher']
WHEN count(s) = 3
