UIView added to ScrollView not fitting full screen with Navigation bar at the top - ios

EDIT: Small update to my issue, what i did as a solution for now was obviously just having my scrollview white. This fixes my issue, but my real curiosity was to why exactly the content view was doing what i explained below. Also still curious to what common practice formatting is when adding a scroll view to a VC with a navigation bar.
So i am a bit confused with what is going on here. I have a VC with a navigation bar at the top and i need to add a Scroll view to it. So when i did that i stretched it to just below the navigation bar at the top of the screen, then added constraints. (I also made the ScrollView background red so i could differentiate it from the content view)
Secondly i added a UIView which i named Content view and i stretched it to the exact same position as the Scroll view. Then added constraints for that as well. (No objects were added yet)
I then ran the app to check how it looked and i noticed that under the navigation bar my there was a big chunk of red, meaning the Scroll view was full screen in the correct position right below the nav bar, but my content view was not.
A couple things i did to fix this was
I extended the Scroll view all the way to the top of the VC, past the nav bar, but when i ran the app i could see red behind the nav bar, which i figured meant it was not right.
I extended just the content view to the top of the VC, but this did not seem right to me either, even though both seemed to fix the problem.
So my questions are:
When adding views in general to a VC with a nav bar at the top should i be extending those views only to the bottom of the nav bar, or all the way to the top of the VC?
I am new to Scroll views as this is my first time dealing with one, am i missing something in this situation? Or doing something wrong?
Your help is greatly appreciated, thank you.

1) Move the scroll view all the way up and beyond nav bar.
2) Have the scroll view match the height of its parent.


scroll up tableview to hide half of navigation bar and the whole table gets offset

I'm using a UITableViewController embedded in a navigation controller, I've checked the "hide bars on swipe" for the navigation controller in the storyboard. No crazy code, scrollview functions are not overridden, didn't write any code that would offset any views.
When I scroll up the tableview a tiny bit and release it when the navigation bar is half hidden, the whole table gets offset and it's off screen (sometimes the top left corner of the table is visible), then if I scroll up the table view a bit, it's back to its normal position, if I check "adjust scroll view insets" in the storyboard, the whole screen flashes black.
Has anyone encountered the same problem?
p.s. I'm using Xcode 9 beta with iOS 10.3, not sure if this has anything to do with it.
Scroll navigation bar half way
The view after releasing
So I created a new set of TableviewController and NavigationController, and tested it step by step by adding changes to it, it turned out that I had set my navigation bar to be translucent in the storyboard, once I unchecked it the issue was resolved. There's still an unwanted bounce effect if I release the navigation bar at half hidden position, which appears to be the view adjusting the offset, but it's way better than what it was like.
P.S. make sure "Adjust scroll view insets" is checked.
Turns out setting extendedLayoutIncludesOpaqueBars to True also resolves this issue, if you want to keep the navigation bar opaque.

UIView inside UIScrollerView displays with -64 offset

I'm trying to create a form that will be larger than the screen size and I've decided to use a view inside a scrollerview, then I'm adding the rest of the UI widgets (textfields, buttons, etc.) inside the view.
The view displays and scrolls, but no matter what I try, it displays with a vertical offset of -64 below the navigation controller bar. Once there the view will happily scroll up down.
I want the view to anchored at the top, just below the navigation bar, and then scroll down.
I am using IB.
Lots of time researching and not many answers that have worked for me. UIScrollView seems to be like one of those dirty secrets the whole iOS world seems to avoid....
Thank you for your help.
You can fix this in the storyboard
1- Select the view Controller
2- GO to attributes inspector
3- Uncheck adjust scroll View insets
For your view controller, in the storyboard uncheck the option to extend edges under top bar.

Views resize after pushing a view controller

I'm having a really strange behaviour. When my app starts everything is fine: the size of the views on screen are exactly the one specified in the storyboard. But just as I try to push a view controller its contents are scaled, so when I pop back the view is messed up.
Any clues?
First learn about Autolayout. Here is a good way to go
Second I am giving you a trick which may work.
Click on viewController
If you don't want your views to extend their edges to bottom or to the top deselect Under top bars and Under Bottom bars

UIView bringSubviewToFront Breaks AutoLayout for UIScrollView

I have a rather simple screen where I am inserting a custom UINavigationBar at the top of the screen and a content area below it. I'm using AutoLayout and I'm visually declaring the relationship as so:
Now, this seems to work perfectly until I tried to have another view slide down from under the navigation bar. The nav bar contains a search field and I want the search results to slide down from under nav bar. As the code currently stands, the search results slide down on top of or in front of the nav bar and it looks quite strange. So I tried to push the nav bar to the top of the index stack using:
[self.view bringSubviewToFront:_navBar];
As far as the animation is concerned, it works perfectly. The search results no longer slide over the nav bar but they are in front of the content area. When the child of _content is a UIView it seems to be OK. However, when the child of _content is a UIScrollView, this seems to have introduced a 20px margin between the nav bar and the content area. Honestly, the space seems to be very close in size to the status bar although the nav bar has stayed the same height. I've tried bringing the nav bar to the front using many different techiniques but as soon as the nav bar and the content area are on different planes, it seems to break the autolayout constraint of 0px that is defined above.
Here is a sample project to show the bug. Look at the third item, "bringSubViewToFront bug".
Does anyone know what's going on?
The 20 point space seems like it would have something to do with the status bar, but I'm not sure why bringing the navigation bar to the front would apparently cause the scroll view to inset its content. Anyway, I was able to fix it by adding this line, after you bring the navigation bar to the front,
_scrollView.contentInset = UIEdgeInsetsMake(-20, 0, 0, 0);

push up and swap Navigation Bar in iOS

I've seen this being achieved a few months ago in an app (wish I could remember which).
My main screen is a scrollable view (UITableView) that has the default navigation bar on top, and another added navigation bar at the bottom.
When I scroll down (swipe finger up), the bottom navbar will eventually reach the top. What I'm trying to achieve is to make the top navbar be pushed up by the bottom navbar as I'm scrolling and swap it. All in a smooth transition, which will of course work in the opposite direction (be reversible).
Can anyone give me directions on how to go about doing this?
I have thought about creating an animation, but not sure if its actually possible to push up and out of the screen the "default" navigation bar of the view controller.
I think what you are looking at is headers for sections in an UITableView.
See Apple's documentation on UITableView`: Documentation
Specifically, see the headerViewForSectionmethod.
