push up and swap Navigation Bar in iOS - ios

I've seen this being achieved a few months ago in an app (wish I could remember which).
My main screen is a scrollable view (UITableView) that has the default navigation bar on top, and another added navigation bar at the bottom.
When I scroll down (swipe finger up), the bottom navbar will eventually reach the top. What I'm trying to achieve is to make the top navbar be pushed up by the bottom navbar as I'm scrolling and swap it. All in a smooth transition, which will of course work in the opposite direction (be reversible).
Can anyone give me directions on how to go about doing this?
I have thought about creating an animation, but not sure if its actually possible to push up and out of the screen the "default" navigation bar of the view controller.

I think what you are looking at is headers for sections in an UITableView.
See Apple's documentation on UITableView`: Documentation
Specifically, see the headerViewForSectionmethod.


How to fix the position of navigation bar when using using IQKeyboardManager?

I am using "IQKeyboardManager" library, when to hit the text field then keyboard appears and all view push to top. Also, the navigation bar shows on top. How to fix the position of navigation bar.
After searching for the same thing on library Github page i came across following, I am sure this is exactly what you are looking for.
Keep UINavigationBar at the top (Don't scroll with keyboard)

UIView added to ScrollView not fitting full screen with Navigation bar at the top

EDIT: Small update to my issue, what i did as a solution for now was obviously just having my scrollview white. This fixes my issue, but my real curiosity was to why exactly the content view was doing what i explained below. Also still curious to what common practice formatting is when adding a scroll view to a VC with a navigation bar.
So i am a bit confused with what is going on here. I have a VC with a navigation bar at the top and i need to add a Scroll view to it. So when i did that i stretched it to just below the navigation bar at the top of the screen, then added constraints. (I also made the ScrollView background red so i could differentiate it from the content view)
Secondly i added a UIView which i named Content view and i stretched it to the exact same position as the Scroll view. Then added constraints for that as well. (No objects were added yet)
I then ran the app to check how it looked and i noticed that under the navigation bar my there was a big chunk of red, meaning the Scroll view was full screen in the correct position right below the nav bar, but my content view was not.
A couple things i did to fix this was
I extended the Scroll view all the way to the top of the VC, past the nav bar, but when i ran the app i could see red behind the nav bar, which i figured meant it was not right.
I extended just the content view to the top of the VC, but this did not seem right to me either, even though both seemed to fix the problem.
So my questions are:
When adding views in general to a VC with a nav bar at the top should i be extending those views only to the bottom of the nav bar, or all the way to the top of the VC?
I am new to Scroll views as this is my first time dealing with one, am i missing something in this situation? Or doing something wrong?
Your help is greatly appreciated, thank you.
1) Move the scroll view all the way up and beyond nav bar.
2) Have the scroll view match the height of its parent.

Placing a share button over a uiwebview

I have an rss app that I'm working on in xcode and the articles load up in a full screen web view. I need to place a "share" button in the navigation bar but since my uiwebview is full screen it won't show up when I run the app. I even tried cropping the top of the web view lower and placing the button there but still no luck. Here is an example of what I mean:
The share button needs to be on the right side of the navigation bar but i cannot seem to figure out how that make that work.
Thanks in advance
Fist of all, your top navigation bar seems to be missing (judging by your image). Since the nav bar is missing there is no possible way that the share button will be visible. You can do this is the IB or in your code.
For your IB you can move the view controller's 'layer's' so to speak. When you place all the elements down, your VC should look something like this:
On the left hand side we can see what subviews are at the top and which ones are at the bottom.
As we can see here that the UIWebView is at the top of the list, so it'll be at the bottom of the pile. The navigation bars are further down the list so they'll be at the top of the pile. So due to this they'll go over the UIWebView.
The other way to do this is using insertSubview:aboveSubview:. Fist of all you'll add your UIWebView using addSubview: and then add the nav bar using insertSubview:aboveSubview: and finally you'll add your button the someway as you did for the nav bar, but this time you'll be adding the button above the nav bar not the web view.
My best guess is that your forgetting to add another navigation bar to the top of the screen. Hope this helps!!

Add a UIImageView to the back of NavigationBar (NOT background image)

I am trying to add a UIImageView to the back of a navigation bar.
The reason is because I want to create a UITableView whose navigation bar is actually a picture (with back button on the left) but I want the picture to scroll with the tableview and when the picture is fully scrolled out. The navigation bar is shown as per normal.
My solution to this problem:
Add a UIImageView to the top of the UITableView and make the navigation bar transparent. Set a contentOffset for the UITableView which is a subclass of UIScrollView so that when the view is presented, it looks like the picture is filling the navigation status bar.
If I scroll up, instead of bouncing back, the transparent status bar is shown (with a color of the background as it is transparent).
Possible way to solve this new problem:
I was thinking of trying to limit the ScrollView size to get around with problem but failed.
So I feel is it possible to add the UIImageView to the "back" of the navigation bar so that it is there without any offset? Since that way, my life will be much easier.
Any suggestions on solving this or another new approach to get the same UI/effect?
Related question.
I would do this by adding either a table header or cell at the top of the table which contains your image.
Create the table view so that it extends all the way to the top of the screen. Extend Under Top Bars option. I have not done this with a UITableViewController but I have done this with a UITableView embedded inside a UIViewController's view with the top constraint set to 0 for the view rather than the top layout guide.
Now when you run this your table will fill the whole screen and the top header or cell will be at the top showing your picture.
When you scroll you can either use the UIScrollViewDelegate to detect the movement or implement tableView:didEndDisplayingCell:forRowAtIndexPath:
I'm not 100% sure when you want the navigation bar to go non clear. If its when the image goes off screen then didEndDisplayingCell should be good. If its when the cell bottom passed under the bottom of the navigation bar then scroll view might be your only option.
This will also bounce as you expect when you pull down and it should snap back to the top.
Hope this helps.

Xcode 6 Navigation Bar Constraints Issue

I am currently working on a basic app that has many single view view controllers. I am trying to add a navigation bar to one of my view controllers, when using the "Suggested Constraints", I can see nothing. When the only restraint on the Navigation bar is a center horizontal, it shows up but I think it is too long for the screen. When I tried to add a button on the left side of the Navigation bar, it would not show up in my app because the navigation bar does not have the correct width. I know I have the wrong constraint setup, please help.
