Facebook SDK, how to hide "Share" title on iOS? - ios

In my Unity3D application for iOS I want to share some info in Facebook. So I have used FB.ShareLink() method in this situation.
But when it shows Share dialog there are two buttons Cancel at the left side and Share at the right side, also there is a title with "Share" text.
How can I delete or hide that "Share" title in the middle of the window?

public override void ShareLink(
Uri contentURL,
string contentTitle,
string contentDescription,
Uri photoURL,
FacebookDelegate<IShareResult> callback)
MethodArguments args = new MethodArguments();
args.AddUri("content_url", contentURL);
args.AddString("content_title", contentTitle);
args.AddString("content_description", contentDescription);
args.AddUri("photo_url", photoURL);
var shareLinkCall = new JavaMethodCall<IShareResult>(this, "ShareLink");
shareLinkCall.Callback = callback;
This is the code that Facebook use for sharing on Android in Facebook Unity SDK. As I see, there is no way to modify share gui from unity plugin, because all of this processes are completed in java classes.
Edit: For editing an external .jar file look at this topic:
I have an external executable jar file that I wish to edit the java files in it with Eclipse


Detect empty, new tab openings in Google Chrome

I just published a Google Chrome extension which loads background images into new, empty tabs. The plugin is found here in the Chrome Web Store.
For detecting new and empty tabs, I need to ask for "tab" permissions in the extension's manifest.json. This, however, gives the extension the permission to read the browser's history. Not all users will want this and we don't actually need it. Is there a way to detect empty tabs without this permission requirement? Currently our check looks like this:
chrome.tabs.onUpdated.addListener(function(tabId, changeInfo, tab){
if (changeInfo.status == "loading" && tab.url == 'chrome://newtab/')
{ /* load background into tab */ }
If you want to customize the new tab page you should add this to your manifest:
"chrome_url_overrides": {
"newtab": "newtab.html"
Then place the script you are currently injecting into new tab pages as a <script> tag in the newtab.html file. That won't cause that permission message.

Printing from a Xamarin.Forms app

I'm all new to Xamarin and I'm currently working on a sample or a "prove of concept" app using Xamarin.Forms.
I'm supposed to perform a print task from this app though I'm not at this point sure what to print yet (the screen, content of a label, a file etc.).
Either way, what is the easiest way to print from a Xamarin.Forms app?
(current target is primarily Android 4.4+).
I hope this isn't too complicated :)
Ok let me just update this post as the original text might be a bit ambitious/vague.
I have a Xamarin.Forms project (+ an Android part) and I have some HTML available in the XF part of the project that I need to get into a WebView and print it.
From what I understand, the thing with the WebView has to be done on the Android part of the project due to the fact that this is where the printing will be handled.
I was hoping this could be done from code since I don't really need to display the WebView, just print it's content.
The Android part of the project has only the MainActivity and no layouts or XAML files.
I don't know where to add the WebView or how to access it (other than DependecyService seems to be a buzz word here) so I'm kinda stuck here.
I'm thinking that this task should be rather trivial to someone with a little more Xamarin experience than me.
Every platform XF supports has it's own mechanism for printing. XF does not provide any abstractions for printing in a cross-platform manner. You will need to write printing logic for each layer and expose it to XF using DependencyService (or some other DI engine).
Here is a good example, of course, using dependency service:
I so wanted to do this but it was too hard. Finally built it into Forms9Patch - a MIT licensed open source project.
Verifying that Printing is available
Before printing, you should verify that printing is available on your device. To do so, call:
if (Forms9Patch.PrintService.CanPrint)
// do the printing here
Print the contents of a Xamarin.Forms.WebView
using Forms9Patch;
var myWebView = new Xamarin.Forms.WebView
myWebView.Source = new HtmlWebViewSource
Html = "some HTML text here"
Note that your WebView does not have to be attached to a Layout. This allows you to Print without having to display the WebView in your app’s UI.
Printing an HTML string
using Forms9Patch;
var myHtmlString = #"
<!DOCTYPE html>
<h1>Convert to PNG</h1>
<p>This html will be converted to a PNG, PDF, or print.</p>
PLEASE NOTE: iOS sometimes places the page breaks in weird places. I have a StackOverflow Bounty on why this happens and how to fix it.
Using EmbeddedResource as a source for a Xamarin.Forms.WebView
This is sort of an experimental feature I’ve built that I’ve found it useful. As such the documentation is sparse. It allow you to put HTML content in a folder in your app’s EmbeddedResources folder and then use it as a source for a WebView. A much nicer solution than using platform specific approach provided by Xamarin. It also supports putting all of the HTML content into a zip file. Please take a look at the source code to see how it works.
You can handle the printing of lists/ invoices .. with the xfinium pdf component from xamarin componentstore. With that you create your _pdffile and then call the following method which starts the adobereader from where you can select a printer (in my case google cloudprint)
public void printPdfToCloud(string _pdffile)
var saveto = System.IO.Path.Combine(Android.OS.Environment.ExternalStorageDirectory.ToString(), "YourApp/"+_pdffile);
string file_path = saveto;
if (System.IO.File.Exists(file_path))
Android.Net.Uri pdfFile = Android.Net.Uri.FromFile(new Java.IO.File(file_path));
Intent pdfIntent = new Intent(Intent.ActionView);
pdfIntent.SetDataAndType(pdfFile, "application/pdf");
// give a note that the file does not exist
catch (Exception E)
// Do some Error dialog

Codename one. Cant add webview from Gui Builder

I am creating an app for IOS, I opne the theme res on the editor, add a new GUI element, and when i try to add a Web View, nothing happened, the other components like maps or similar can be added. Only happen with the Web View
There is other way??
Ok I find the way to do it on code
protected void beforeWebcams(Form f) {
WebBrowser browser=new WebBrowser();
f.setLayout(new BorderLayout());
f.addComponent(BorderLayout.CENTER, browser);
now I will open a new question, i need to display an HTML code inside this webbrowser

How to create Firefox Extension to send active tab URL to its Native, similar to chrome native messaging and install it through msi

I have already developed a C# win form application and a chrome extension with native messaging (another C# console app) to fetch user's active tab url. I have also developed an msi setup in WiX to write under the registry (HKLM/SOFTWARE/Wow6432Node/Google/Chrome/Extensions and HKLM\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Google\Chrome\NativeMessagingHosts) programmatically and tested the installation of the chrome extension by running the setup on different Windows 7 machines. I am publishing this extension on chrome web store and then I shall install the extension on several client computers.
I want to accomplish the same with Mozilla Firefox. I am newbie in this field and going through some Firefox developers guides (XPCOM, js-ctypes etc.) and getting little confused with multiple links.
It would be of great help if anyone can guide me towards the exact solution. Please note that, 1) I have to install the extension programmatically through the same msi package which already contains my own C# app and the chrome extension with native app and 2) the client machines will be Windows only but any version (XP (optional), 7, 8, Server anything).
According to Noitidart's answer, I have made an ffext.xpi from the 4 files (bootstrap.js, myWorker.js, chrome.manifest, install.rdf) and uploaded and installed on firefox, with no error, but nothing happens. At first, I am concentrating on the browser extension part and not the native for now and I just want to have a listener inside the js files such that whenever I switch to a different firefox tab or firefox window, an alert should show up from the browser itself (not from native at this moment) displaying the active tab's URL. I don't even understand how the js files will get called or executed, how this line myWorker.addEventListener('message', handleMessageFromWorker); will work or if I need to add some other listener.
Nothing is happening at all. How to debug or proceed from here? Please help.
To get the current url of the window do this:
To access all windows do this:
let DOMWindows = Services.wm.getEnumerator(null);
while (DOMWindows.hasMoreElements()) {
let aDOMWindow = DOMWindows.getNext();
if (aDOMWindow.gBrowser) {
var currentURL = aDOMWindow.gBrowser.currentURI;
If you don't check for gBrowser the aDOMWindow.location will be a chrome path, very likely.
So putting this togather with a ChromeWorker (the ChromeWorker will access the js-ctypes) template here: https://github.com/Noitidart/ChromeWorker (this template is the bare minimum needed for communication between ChromeWorker and your js file, in this case bootstrap.js) (bootstrap.js is the js file that is required and is run, the 4 startup,shutdown,install,uninstall functions are required in bootstrap.js)
From bootstrap.js we would do, for now lets do it in startup:
function startup() {
loadAndSetupWorker(); //must do after startup
aTopic: 'currentURL',
aURL: Services.wm.getMostRecentWindow('navigator:browser').gBrowser.currentURI.spec // recent window of type navigator:browser always has gBrowser
aLinkedPanel: Services.wm.getMostRecentWindow('navigator:browser').gBrowser.selectedTab.getAttribute('linkedpanel') //we use this to make sure to get the right tab/window on message back
Then in worker we'll do something like this:
self.onmessage = function(msg) {
switch (msg.data.aTopic) {
case 'currentURL':
var ret = msgBox(0, "alert from ctypes on windows, the url is:" + msg.data.aURL, "ctypes alert windows", MB_OK);
aTopic: 'currentURL-reply',
theLinkedPanel: msg.data.aLinkedPanel,
aResponde: aRet
throw 'no aTopic on incoming message to ChromeWorker';
Then back in bootstrap.js we'll receive this message and do something with it:
function handleMessageFromWorker(msg) {
console.log('incoming message from worker, msg:', msg);
switch (msg.data.aTopic) {
case 'currentURL-reply':
let DOMWindows = Services.wm.getEnumerator('navigator:browser');
while (DOMWindows.hasMoreElements()) {
let aDOMWindow = DOMWindows.getNext();
if (aDOMWindow.gBrowser && aDOMWindow.gBrowser.selectedTab.getAttribute('linkedpanel') == msg.data.theLinkedPanel) {
//this is our window, as the currently selected tab linkedpanel is same as one the worker dealt with
var currentURL = aDOMWindow.gBrowser.currentURI;
aDOMWindow.gBrowser.selectedTab.contentWindow.alert('the user was prompted with js-ctypes and the user clicked on:' + aRet);
console.error('no handle for msg from worker of aTopic:', msg.data.aTopic);
so what this example does, is on install/startup of addon it gets the most recent browser windows url. it sends it to ctypes, ctypes throws a os level alert, and then ctypes sends back what the user clicked, then bootstrap.js finds that same window and that tab and with a javascript alert it tells what the jsctypes os level msgbox return value was.

Sencha: sharing a URL

I am building a news reader in Sencha Touch 2. There is a "share" button in this news reader, but I'm not sure how you would share the current article via a URL.
That is, if my Sencha site's URL is: www.senchareader.com, the only URL I can share is just that.
Is there some way to create, within the Sencha framework, something like, www.senchareader.com/article1234567 ? So that when the URL is clicked on by someone, it actually goes to the article that's being shared?
Hopefully this is clear, let me know if it's not.
Yes you can. Sencha uses URL hashes to support browser history. Take a look at this example on the ExtJS 4.1.3 site, and the related documentation here. Essentially, you add "tokens" (hashes) to the history, then listen for changes to support the forward and back buttons. If you are using Sencha Touch 2, however, history support is a bit easier by using "routes" in your controllers. You read Sencha Touch history support documentation here.
The code to do this differs depending on whether you are using ExtJS or Sencha Touch, but is ExtJS it is something like the following:
// something happens to change the url (like a user clicks on an article)
var newToken = '/article/'+article.id; // or whatever
var oldToken = Ext.History.getToken();
if (oldToken === null || oldToken.search(newToken) === -1) {
Ext.History.on('change', function(token) {
// handle the token changing, most likely by showing the right article
