Sencha: sharing a URL - url

I am building a news reader in Sencha Touch 2. There is a "share" button in this news reader, but I'm not sure how you would share the current article via a URL.
That is, if my Sencha site's URL is:, the only URL I can share is just that.
Is there some way to create, within the Sencha framework, something like, ? So that when the URL is clicked on by someone, it actually goes to the article that's being shared?
Hopefully this is clear, let me know if it's not.

Yes you can. Sencha uses URL hashes to support browser history. Take a look at this example on the ExtJS 4.1.3 site, and the related documentation here. Essentially, you add "tokens" (hashes) to the history, then listen for changes to support the forward and back buttons. If you are using Sencha Touch 2, however, history support is a bit easier by using "routes" in your controllers. You read Sencha Touch history support documentation here.
The code to do this differs depending on whether you are using ExtJS or Sencha Touch, but is ExtJS it is something like the following:
// something happens to change the url (like a user clicks on an article)
var newToken = '/article/'; // or whatever
var oldToken = Ext.History.getToken();
if (oldToken === null || === -1) {
Ext.History.on('change', function(token) {
// handle the token changing, most likely by showing the right article


Twilio video: How to render mobile layout on desktop

I am using Twilio Video React application, for my video application.
Twilio video renders video in two views, desktop and mobile, based on the device.
Due to space constraints on my desktop application I would like to render the video similar to that of a mobile on desktop, Is this possible? Is there a variable that I could set to allow me to do this ? Basically, I would like Twilio video to think that I am running the app on the mobile.
I tried to set isMobile to true in utils (as shown below), this doesn't seem to make a difference to the UI.
export const isMobile = (() => {
if (
typeof navigator === "undefined" ||
typeof navigator.userAgent !== "string"
) {
return true;
return /Mobile/.test(navigator.userAgent);
I would like to achieve the below:
Twilio developer evangelist here.
I've not worked on this application myself, so I'm not familiar with how it is styled. There is not a variable for setting the style on mobile though, it is mostly controlled by CSS media query break points.
What you will notice among the code is that the CSS is embedded within the JavaScript. You will also find lines like:
[theme.breakpoints.down('xs')]: {
// styles
That breakpoint defines how a number of the styles are supposed to work at the small screen size. So if you remove the breakpoint and use the styles inside the breakpoint as the default styles, then the application will lay out in the mobile version.
Once you've done that, you can then place the video parts of the application within a div with a width you define and place the rest of your application around it.
Let me know if that helps at all.

Detect empty, new tab openings in Google Chrome

I just published a Google Chrome extension which loads background images into new, empty tabs. The plugin is found here in the Chrome Web Store.
For detecting new and empty tabs, I need to ask for "tab" permissions in the extension's manifest.json. This, however, gives the extension the permission to read the browser's history. Not all users will want this and we don't actually need it. Is there a way to detect empty tabs without this permission requirement? Currently our check looks like this:
chrome.tabs.onUpdated.addListener(function(tabId, changeInfo, tab){
if (changeInfo.status == "loading" && tab.url == 'chrome://newtab/')
{ /* load background into tab */ }
If you want to customize the new tab page you should add this to your manifest:
"chrome_url_overrides": {
"newtab": "newtab.html"
Then place the script you are currently injecting into new tab pages as a <script> tag in the newtab.html file. That won't cause that permission message.

Facebook SDK, how to hide "Share" title on iOS?

In my Unity3D application for iOS I want to share some info in Facebook. So I have used FB.ShareLink() method in this situation.
But when it shows Share dialog there are two buttons Cancel at the left side and Share at the right side, also there is a title with "Share" text.
How can I delete or hide that "Share" title in the middle of the window?
public override void ShareLink(
Uri contentURL,
string contentTitle,
string contentDescription,
Uri photoURL,
FacebookDelegate<IShareResult> callback)
MethodArguments args = new MethodArguments();
args.AddUri("content_url", contentURL);
args.AddString("content_title", contentTitle);
args.AddString("content_description", contentDescription);
args.AddUri("photo_url", photoURL);
var shareLinkCall = new JavaMethodCall<IShareResult>(this, "ShareLink");
shareLinkCall.Callback = callback;
This is the code that Facebook use for sharing on Android in Facebook Unity SDK. As I see, there is no way to modify share gui from unity plugin, because all of this processes are completed in java classes.
Edit: For editing an external .jar file look at this topic:
I have an external executable jar file that I wish to edit the java files in it with Eclipse

.NET/MVC4/Jquery Mobile/Knockout/Chrome/iPhone extra # character in URL

Okay, if I could offer a bounty for this I would - I offer virtual karma.
As mentioned in the title I have an .NET/MVC4/Jquery Mobile/Knockout website. On the index page there is a button
<button data-bind="click: getResults" data-theme="f">Search</button>
which calls a javascript function
$.mobile.navigate("/results?option1=a&option2=b", { transition: amw.transitions.slide });
This works great on all browsers and devices except Chrome/iPhone. As far as I can tell the version of Chrome or iOS does not matter. The resulting URL in the address bar is
Other Devices:
I have put alerts throughout jQuery mobile to try and figure out what is going on (if someone knows a way to debug chrome on iOS let me know) and I cannot see where the extra # is being added.
This may not seem like a big deal but the url ends up being passed on to a downstream service that really does not like the extra #.
I can put in a hack at the call to the service to strip out the # but I would really like to figure out what is happening.
The only suspect line I can find in jQuery mobile (1.3.0) is line #2298
// if the hash is included in the data make sure the shape
// is consistent for comparison
if( data.hash && data.hash.indexOf( "#" ) === -1) {
data.hash = "#" + data.hash;
But I am not sure what this does or why it would occour only on Chrome/iPhone.
so StackOverflow people - what is going on?

Developing a Firefox plugin/addon that invokes "Save As" from FF's own set of functions

I have a basic FF addon that polls for something in the DOM of the page in window.document. When it sees it, it is supposed to save the page. That's the hard part. I don't want to replicate the functionality of "save complete" I just want to call the pre-existing functionality from the plugin/addon at the right moment.
Is this an XPCom thing? Or is it pure JavaScript via the relevant APIs ?
iMacros for Firefox can invoke Save-as (without popping the associated dialog), but I can't see how.
Can anyone advise as to how to call deeper Firefox functions like this?
Thanks, - Paul
PS - I really love Mozilla Archive Format, with MHT and Faithful Save but I think it is replicating functionality again. My alternative is to invoke it's function, but that's as opaque to me as the firefox native one.
You can use nsIWebBrowserPersist.saveDocument() for this:
var persist = Cc[";1"].
var localPath = Cc[";1"].
var localFile = localPath.clone();
persist.saveDocument(document, localFile, localPath, null, 0, 0);
The key is the third parameter which specifies where the linked URIs should be stored. See for complete documentation.
