iphone landscape width taking the width of portrait mode - ios

I have a fancybox with slider ,the width of the fancybox is set to the width of the screen width the slider is loading fine in all devices except in iphone landscape view,if i view the fancybox slider in landscape view of iphone it is taking the width of the portrait view

In reality, what you want to do is give your slider a proportional width to its superview that way when the phone is in either landscape or portrait it follows that proportion. Worst case scenario you would have to change your size class and add constraints to your slider in that size class. Although that is just a hack, and I don't suggest doing it this way.

I’m assuming you created your view in interface builder and you did not configure it to resize when the device rotates. There are two ways to do this:
Old: Springs and struts
New: Autolayout
I would suggest you use Autolayout. Instead of providing a specific link just google "autolayout tutorial" or "introduction to autolayout" and you can pick the link that works best for you to explain that. There are also some tutorials on YouTube. For a bit more of an advanced but comprehensive tutorial try one of the online Stanford videos:
Stanford University Developing iOS 7 Apps: Lecture 9 - Animation and Autolayout
You just need to watch the part about Autolayout and skip the piece about animation.


different ui items alignment for tablet

I'm new to ios(android dev). I'm using storyboard, and autolayout.
To optimize application for tablet, i used sizes in storyboard regular width regular height.
I want to align ui items on ipad different than on iphone mode. For example, i have a table of textfields that occupy full width on iphone. On ipad i want to place two or three textfields in one cell. How can i make different ui implemetation for ipad, so the logic shoudl stay the same.
I watched https://developer.apple.com/library/ios/documentation/UserExperience/Conceptual/MobileHIG/LayoutandAppearance.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/TP40006556-CH54-SW1
But there is no answer there.
Jenya Kirmiza,
Size Class is what you want :) Size classes were introduced with iOS8 in order to avoid the multiple storyboards for universal applications and yet provide an easy way for the developer to design differrent UI for differrent Devices :)
I expect you to know SizeClasses, In case you are not aware each device in its various orientation falls to one of the sizeClass defined by Apple.
One thing important to note here is that iPad in its both the orientation falls to Regular x Regular size class
Where as all iPhones other than iphone 6S and iphone 6s + will fall to
Copact Width x Regular Height - Portrait mode
Compact Width X Compact Height - Landscape Mode
Iphone 6s and 6s + falls to
Copact Width x Regular Height - Portrait mode
Regular Width X Compact Height - Landscape Mode
Now that you are equipted with the information of all size classes lets nail this issue down. When you open the story board at the center of the screen there is option to decide the size class :)
So go ahead open up your story board when you see it by default will be in wAny wAny mode What it means is whatever the components you add and add the constraint to it will be applicable to all the sizeclasses irrespectively.
Hence you see the textField added at the center of the screen appears center in all the devices may it be iPhone ot iPad.
For explaining Ill add two text fields named Firstname and LastName :)
Lets start adding textFields and constraints to them in storyboard keeping wAny wAny mode.
Now I have added two textFields one below the other covering the whole width of the screen in any any mode :) This will work fine for me in all iPhone devices :)
But I want to allign them side by side in iPad. Now we know that iPad belongs to Regular x Regular sizee class in both the orientation :)
So Simply change the size class in storyBoard
Now when you see you will see two textfields added one below the other already :)
Now select those textfields we want to align them differently isnt it :) So will have to remove the constraints already added to them :)
Now move them place next to each other add constraints properly :)
Thats it now run on iPhone and iPad :) You will textFields one below each other in iPhone and one next to other in iPad :)
iPhone Output :
iPad output :
Hope this helps :)

iOS 8 Adaptive layout and constraints on custom design

I am trying to use Adaptive Layout to upgrade my project for iOS 8-9.
I have read and watch a lot of tutorials but all of them are explaining how to adapt a simple design with rectangles and centre them on the screen.
I don't know why I find it so difficult to understand how it works for my design.
This is my design in storyboard and how I would like to appear on all of the iPhones in portrait mode:
Can someone guide me how to properly build the constraints on this View? I might be able to understand the logic of constraints for real designs rather than rectangles which are centred in the screen. shall I start to design from Compact&Regular?
Here are the views laid out for different iPhone screen sizes in portrait mode. I have made some assumptions about the rules for the placement of the views. You can see the constraints also in the screen print.

Autolayout(xcode 6,swift)

In I phone 5s simulator its working fine! I have one label,one image view and one button.As you can click on the link and see the picture now so i tell you that I used my image view as a background and the label is in the middle and the button is in the lower middle so i want that to look same in all the devices. i don't know anything about constraints.I am using Xcode 6
I suggest you to take a look at this youtube tutorial. I learned how to make the constrains by watching it. The tutorial teaches how to make the similar layout as you required.
Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RpMzEmF-xZM
Hope this is helpful~
Autolayout is the tool used to make UI look similar across all devices, you should try to learn it if you want to continue to develop IOS apps. The concepts are pretty basic and are used throughout other languages.
This tutorial is useful if you want to create the auto layout using storyboards.
This tutorial is useful if you are making the view programmatically. I tend to use code for auto layout but it is just a preference, storyboards is fairly simple so I would suggest that. If you are going to do it in code a is to forget setting the autoresizing mask into constraints to false. You have to set this property on all the views you want to use auto layout for.
Background ImageView
Select Image ->Pin->Uncheck Constraints to margin-> select top,bottom,left,right.
Select Button-> Pin->Uncheck Constraints to margin->select bottom,left,right,Height.
Select label->Align->Center horizontally and Center Vertically in Container.
If it is working for iPhone 5 but not another layout then this is probably happening.
There are demensions in the centre of the lower tab bar of story boards
There are screen size settings in the story board and regular*regular is the only one that is universal to all orientations and sizes of the ios device. if you set constraints while viewing in regular by compact (landscape for 5.5 inch iPhone) then those constraints will only be apply to 5.5 inch iPhones in landscape and if you tried running on a smaller iPod it would be as if you never set the constraints. the constraints for the 5.5 inch iPhone would not apply to the small iPod
if constraints were made in compact by compact and you were viewing the story board in say regular by compact then you would get an error saying that things are misplace and will not appear in the same at runtime. view the storyboard in the same dimensions that you set the constraints and you should not have an issue.
There is an option to simulate the device you want to run on specifically in storyboard and it can be say only 5.5 inch iPhones or something, whatever device.
go to paul hegarty developing iOS apps with swift on iTunes you if you want to learn more. He is a good source.

UIViewController Size doesn´t work

Hi im currently developing an Universal app for iPhone, iPod and iPad. I have all view controllers in both storyboards set to Inferred. It works fine on iPhone Retina and on all iPads but when you put it in landscape mode it gets all messed upp and on the iphone 3,5 inch simulator the bottom gets cut off. How can i fix this? Do i have do create seperate view controllers for landscape mode and iphone 3,5? And the write some code that recognizes if its in landscape mode and iphone 4? I thought this worked automatically. Or have i done something wrong?
There is no quick fix/answer to your question.
Since the screen size is different while using horizontal and vertical orientations - it is simply not the same canvas and thus you will need to do some manual work to set it right.
Strategy 1.
Assuming your layout is simple - there are not too many elements and all elements can theoretically fit both horizontal and vertical screen size:
You should use auto layout from the Interface builder - Look at an excellent video from WWDC
(video 406 - Taking Control of Auto Layout in Xcode 5)
In few words - you set spacers to your elements, aligning them to the end of your view (dynamically), therefore you can make your element shrink and move automatically respecting the current screen orientation.
Strategy 2.
Assuming your UI is complex and will not fit both orientations:
have a different xib file for horizontal and vertical views, this can take some time, but it is a solid solution that always looks good.
You simply need to track changes in orientation and load the appropriate xib.
Your problem will only be solved if you use Autolayouting and for that you need to go through some tutorials
Ray's Tutorial
Another Very well explained tutorial
Going through the above articles will definately help you in solving your problem

storyboards, InterfaceBuilders, 3.5 Vs 4 inch screen

I am working on a UI that will live on different sizes of iPhone retina ( 3.5 and 4).
I am using storyboards, now in every viewcontroller I add in Interface builder, I can select the size under simulated metrics, and one option says retina iphone 3.5 screen. which is what I chose.
I then setup constraints for the view controller to maintain top and bottom space to superview. Thinking that with this setup it will work fine on iPhone 3.5, and then resize properly to iphone 4 inch screen.
its not working, do I have to resort to code and do this in viewdidload?
Switching from 3.5" to 4" screens is only made for you to take a look what changes with your layout, how is it resizing. Same goes for Portrait and Lanscape orientations in each viewController.
In order to use autoresizing behavior you have to use strurs and springs on ios5.
If your project's deployment target is ios6 it is recomended to use autolayout.Though it is a little bit more complex and hard to understand, especially using autolayout constraints in code, autolayout saves much time that you would spend to make dynamic things resize properly.
I use this same approach. It works well so lobg as you use autolayout correctly. Play around with the constraints and you'll learn quickly how yo do the layouts efficiently.
