How to create Fibonacci sequence in Lua? - lua

I wrote a small script that creates Fibonacci sequence and returns a sum of all even integers.
function even_fibo()
-- create Fibonacci sequence
local fib = {1, 2} -- starting with 1, 2
for i=3, 10 do
fib[i] = fib[i-2] + fib[i-1]
-- calculate sum of even numbers
local fib_sum = 0
for _, v in ipairs(fib) do
if v%2 == 0 then
fib_sum = fib_sum + v
return fib_sum
fib = even_fibo()
The function creates the following sequence:
1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55
And returns the sum of its even numbers: 44
However, when I change the stop index from 10 to 100, in for i=3, 100 do the returned sum is negative -8573983172444283806 because the values become too big.
Why is my code working for 10 and not for 100?

Prior to version 5.3, Lua always stored numbers internally as floats. In 5.3 Lua numbers can be stored internally as integers or floats. One option is to run Lua 5.2, I think you'll find your code works as expected there. The other option is to initialize your array with floats which will promote all operations on them in the future to floats:
local fib = {1.0, 2.0}

Here is a hack written in hindsight.
The code exploits the mathematical fact that the even Fibonacci numbers are exactly those at indices that are multiple of 3.
This allows us to avoid testing the parity of very large numbers and provides high-order digits that are correct when you do the computation in floating-point. Then we redo it looking only at the low-order digits and combine the results. The output is 286573922006908542050, which agrees with WA. Values of d between 5 and 15 work fine.
for n=1,100/3 do
for n=1,100/3 do


What is the fastest way to go through an array / table with numeric indices?

If i have an array with numbered indices in lua and need to go through every entry at least once, is it faster to use a numeric for loop or a generic for loop?
Semantical Difference
for i = 1, #t do end
is not the same as
for i, v in ipairs(t) do end
the latter does not rely on #t and respects the __ipairs metamethod (although this is deprecated and the __index and __newindex metamethods should be used instead).
Assuming no metamethods are set, ipairs will simply loop until it encounters a nil value. It is thus roughly equivalent to the following loop:
local i, v = 1, t[v]
while v ~= nil do --[[loop body here]] i = i + 1; v = t[i] end
This means there are two things it doesn't have to do:
It does not determine the length. It won't call a __len metamethod if set. This might theoretically result in a better performance for lists which reside in the hash part (where Lua has to determine the length through a search). It could also improve performance in cases where the __len metamethod does costly counting.
It does not have to loop over nil values. The numeric for loop on the other hand might loop over arbitrarily many nil values due to how the length operator is defined: For a table {[1] = 1, [1e9] = 1}, both 1 and 1e9 are valid values for the length. This also means it's unclear what it does, as the exact length value is unspecified.
The latter point in particular means that in pathological cases, the numeric for loop could be arbitrarily slower. It also allows for mistakes, such as looping over (possibly long) strings instead of tables, and won't trigger an error:
local str = "hello world"
for i = 1, #str do local v = str[i] end
will loop over only nil values (as it indexes the string metatable) but throw no error.
I also consider ipairs to be more readable as it makes the intent clear.
Performance Difference
For non-pathological cases (lists residing in the list part, no "holes" (nil values), no odd metatables), the numeric for loop can be expected to run marginally faster, as it does not incur the call overhead of the for generic loop you'd be using with ipairs. This ought to be benchmarked on different Lua implementations though:
PUC Lua 5.1 to 5.4
LuaJIT 2.1.0
In practice, the costs of looping will often be negligible compared to the cost of the operations performed within the loop body. Results may vary depending on other factors such as operating system or hardware.
Rudimentary Benchmarks
print(jit and jit.version or _VERSION)
-- Fill list with 100 million consecutive integer values
a = {}
for i = 1, 1e8 do a[i] = i end
local function bench(name, func)
func() -- "warmup"
local t = os.clock()
for _ = 1, 10 do func() end
print(name, os.clock() - t, "s")
bench("numeric", function()
for i = 1, #a do
local v = a[i]
bench("ipairs", function()
for i, v in ipairs(a) do end
Conducted on a Linux machine.
Lua 5.1
numeric 54.312082 s
ipairs 63.579478 s
Lua 5.2
numeric 20.482682 s
ipairs 32.757554 s
Lua 5.3
numeric 14.81573 s
ipairs 23.121844 s
Lua 5.4
numeric 11.684143 s
ipairs 24.455616 s
Finally, LuaJIT:
LuaJIT 2.1.0-beta3
numeric 0.567874 s
ipairs 0.70047 s
Conclusion: Use LuaJIT if possible and stop worrying about micro-optimizations such as ipairs vs. numeric for (even though the latter may be slightly faster). Something as simple as an assert(i == v) will already cost as much as the loop itself (even if assert is local).
In this exact case it would be faster to use a numeric for loop. But not by much and in my testing it is more prone to load differences on my system.
Numeric Loop
a = {} -- new array
for i = 1, 10000000 do
a[i] = 10000000 + i
local startNumLoop = os.time("!*t"))
for i = 1, #a, 1 do
local value = a[i]
local stopNumLoop = os.time("!*t"))
local numloop = stopNumLoop - startNumLoop
Result: 1.379 - 1.499
Generic Loop
a = {} -- new array
for i = 1, 10000000 do
a[i] = 10000000 + i
local startGenLoop = os.time("!*t"))
for index, value in ipairs(a) do
local stopGenLoop = os.time("!*t"))
local genLoop = stopGenLoop- startGenLoop
Result: 1.568 - 1.662
Tested with lua 5.3.6 win32 binarys from
This was just a question i had where i didn't find the answer fast enough. If it is in fact a duplicate feel free to mark it so. :)
Especially for loops where is necessary to remove/change the current key/value pair i prefer the fast countdown method...
for i = #tab, 1, -1 do
if (tab[i].x > x) then
table.remove(tab, i) -- See comments
...for example in LÖVE [love2d] between two frames.

Generating a Lua table with random non repeating numbers

I'm looking to generate a table of random values, but want to make sure that none of those values are repeated within the table.
So my basic table generation looks like this:
numbers = {}
for i = 1, 5 do
table.insert(numbers, math.random(20))
So that will work in populating a table with 5 random values between 1-20. However, it's the making sure none of those values repeat is where I'm stuck.
One approach would be to shuffle an array of numbers and then take the first n numbers. The wrong way to go about shuffling an array is to maintain a list of previously generated random numbers, checking against that with each newly generated random number before adding it to the final array. Such a solution is O(n^2) in time complexity when iterating over the array during the check; this will be painful for large arrays, or for small arrays when many must be created. Lua has constant time array access since tables are really hash tables, so you could get away with this, except: sometimes many random numbers will need to be tried before a suitable one (that has not already been used) is found. This can be a real problem near the end of an array of many random numbers, i.e., when you want 1000 random numbers and have filled all but the last slot, how many random tries (and how many iterations of the 999 numbers already selected) will it take to find the only number (42, of course) that is still available?
The right way to go about shuffling is to use a shuffling algorithm. The Fisher-Yates shuffle is a common solution to this problem. The idea is that you start at one end of an array, and swap each element with a random element that occurs later in the list until the entire array has been shuffled. This solution is O(n) in time complexity, thus much less wasteful of computational resources.
Here is an implementation in Lua:
function shuffle (arr)
for i = 1, #arr - 1 do
local j = math.random(i, #arr)
arr[i], arr[j] = arr[j], arr[i]
Testing in the REPL:
> t = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 }
> table.inspect(t)
1 = 1
2 = 2
3 = 3
4 = 4
5 = 5
6 = 6
> shuffle(t)
> table.inspect(t)
1 = 4
2 = 5
3 = 1
4 = 6
5 = 2
6 = 3
This can easily be extended to create lists of random numbers:
function shuffled_numbers (n)
local numbers = {}
for i = 1, n do
numbers[i] = i
return numbers
REPL interaction:
> s = shuffled_numbers(10)
> table.inspect(s)
1 = 9
2 = 5
3 = 3
4 = 4
5 = 7
6 = 6
7 = 2
8 = 10
9 = 8
10 = 1
If you want to see what is happening during the shuffle, add a print statement in the shuffle function:
function shuffle (arr)
for i = 1, #arr - 1 do
local j = math.random(i, #arr)
print(string.format("%d (%d) <--> %d (select %d)", i, arr[i], j, arr[j]))
arr[i], arr[j] = arr[j], arr[i]
Now you can see the swaps as they occur if you recall that in the above implementation of shuffled_numbers the array { 1, 2, ..., n } is the starting point of the shuffle. Note that sometimes a number is swapped with itself, which is to say that the number in the current unselected position is a valid choice, too. Also note that the last number is automatically the correct selection, since it is the only number that has not yet been randomly selected:
> s = shuffled_numbers(10)
1 (1) <--> 5 (select 5)
2 (2) <--> 10 (select 10)
3 (3) <--> 5 (select 1)
4 (4) <--> 9 (select 9)
5 (3) <--> 8 (select 8)
6 (6) <--> 9 (select 4)
7 (7) <--> 8 (select 3)
8 (7) <--> 10 (select 2)
9 (6) <--> 9 (select 6)
> table.inspect(s)
1 = 5
2 = 10
3 = 1
4 = 9
5 = 8
6 = 4
7 = 3
8 = 2
9 = 6
10 = 7
Obtaining a selection of 5 random numbers between 1 and 20 is easy enough to accomplish using the shuffle function; one of the virtues of this approach is that the shuffling operation has been abstracted to an O(n) procedure which can shuffle any array, numeric or otherwise. The function that calls shuffle is responsible for supplying the input and returning the results.
A simple solution for more flexibility in the range of random numbers returned:
-- Take the first N numbers from a shuffled range [A, B].
function shuffled_range_take (n, a, b)
local numbers = {}
for i = a, b do
numbers[i] = i
return { table.unpack(numbers, 1, n) }
-- table.unpack won't work for very large ranges, e.g. [1, 1000000]
-- You could instead use this for arbitrarily large ranges:
-- local take = {}
-- for i= 1, n do
-- take[i] = numbers[i]
-- end
-- return take
REPL interaction creating a table containing 5 random values between 1 and 20:
> s = shuffled_range_take(5, 1, 20)
> table.inspect(s)
1 = 1
2 = 10
3 = 4
4 = 8
5 = 20
But, there is a disadvantage to the shuffle method in some circumstances. When the number of elements needed is small compared with the number of available elements, the above solution must shuffle a large array to obtain comparatively few random elements. The shuffle is O(n) in the number of elements available, while the memoization method is roughly O(n) in the number of elements chosen. A memoization method like that of #AlexanderMashin performs poorly when the goal is to create an array of 20 random numbers between 1 and 20, because the final numbers chosen may need to be chosen many times before suitable numbers are found. But when only 5 random numbers between 1 and 20 are needed, this problem with duplicate choices is less of an issue. This approach seems to perform better than the shuffle, up to about 10 numbers needed from 20 random numbers. When more than 10 numbers are needed from 20, the shuffle begins to perform better. This break-even point is different for larger numbers of elements to choose from; for 1000 available elements, parity is reached at about 700 chosen. When performance is critical, testing is the only way to determine the best solution.
numbers = {}
local i = 1;
while i<=5 do
n = 0
local rand = math.random(20)
for x=1,#numbers do
if numbers[x] == rand then
n = n + 1
if n == 0 then
table.insert(numbers, rand)
i = i + 1
n = 0
the method I used for this process was to use a for to scan each of the elements in the table and increase the variable n if one of them was equal to the random value given, so if x was different from 0, the value would not be inserted in the table and would not increment the variable i (I had to use the while to work with i)
if you want to print each of the elements in the table to check the values you can use this:
for i=1,#numbers do
I suggest an alternative method based on the fact that it is easy to make sets in Lua: they are just tables with true values.
-- needed is how many random numbers in the table are needed,
-- maximum is the maximum value of a random non-negtive integer.
local function fill_table( needed, maximum )
math.randomseed ( os.time () ) -- reseed the random numbers generator
local numbers = {}
local used = {} -- which numbers are already used
for i = 1, needed do
local random
random = math.random( maximum )
until not used[random]
used[random] = true
numbers[i] = random
return numbers
Making a table with 20 keys (use for/do/end) and then do your desired times
rand_number=table.remove(tablename, math.random(1,#tablename))
EDIT: Corrected - See first comment
And rand_number never holds the same value. I use this as a simulation for a "Lottozahlengenerator" (german, sorry) or random video/music clips playing where duplicates are unwanted.

How to randomly get a value from a table [duplicate]

I am working on programming a Markov chain in Lua, and one element of this requires me to uniformly generate random numbers. Here is a simplified example to illustrate my question:
example = function(x)
local r = math.random(1,10)
return x[r]
exampleArray = {"a","b","c","d","e","f","g","h","i","j"}
My issue is that when I re-run this program multiple times (mash F5) the exact same random number is generated resulting in the example function selecting the exact same array element. However, if I include many calls to the example function within the single program by repeating the print line at the end many times I get suitable random results.
This is not my intention as a proper Markov pseudo-random text generator should be able to run the same program with the same inputs multiple times and output different pseudo-random text every time. I have tried resetting the seed using math.randomseed(os.time()) and this makes it so the random number distribution is no longer uniform. My goal is to be able to re-run the above program and receive a randomly selected number every time.
You need to run math.randomseed() once before using math.random(), like this:
From your comment that you saw the first number is still the same. This is caused by the implementation of random generator in some platforms.
The solution is to pop some random numbers before using them for real:
math.random(); math.random(); math.random()
Note that the standard C library random() is usually not so uniformly random, a better solution is to use a better random generator if your platform provides one.
Reference: Lua Math Library
Standard C random numbers generator used in Lua isn't guananteed to be good for simulation. The words "Markov chain" suggest that you may need a better one. Here's a generator widely used for Monte-Carlo calculations:
local A1, A2 = 727595, 798405 -- 5^17=D20*A1+A2
local D20, D40 = 1048576, 1099511627776 -- 2^20, 2^40
local X1, X2 = 0, 1
function rand()
local U = X2*A2
local V = (X1*A2 + X2*A1) % D20
V = (V*D20 + U) % D40
X1 = math.floor(V/D20)
X2 = V - X1*D20
return V/D40
It generates a number between 0 and 1, so r = math.floor(rand()*10) + 1 would go into your example.
(That's multiplicative random number generator with period 2^38, multiplier 5^17 and modulo 2^40, original Pascal code by
for i=1,3 do
math.random(10000, 65000)
Always results in new random numbers. Changing the seed value will ensure randomness. Don't follow os.time() because it is the epoch time and changes after one second but os.clock() won't have the same value at any close instance.
There's the Luaossl library solution: (
local rand = require "openssl.rand"
local randominteger
if rand.ready() then -- rand has been properly seeded
-- Returns a cryptographically strong uniform random integer in the interval [0, n−1].
randominteger = rand.uniform(99) + 1 -- randomizes an integer from range 1 to 100

Lua: converting from float to int

Even though Lua does not differentiate between floating point numbers and integers, there are some cases when you want to use integers. What is the best way to covert a number to an integer if you cannot do a C-like cast or without something like Python's int?
For example when calculating an index for an array in
idx = position / width
how can you ensure idx is a valid array index? I have come up with a solution that uses string.find, but maybe there is a method that uses arithmetic that would obviously be much faster. My solution:
function toint(n)
local s = tostring(n)
local i, j = s:find('%.')
if i then
return tonumber(s:sub(1, i-1))
return n
You could use math.floor(x)
From the Lua Reference Manual:
Returns the largest integer smaller than or equal to x.
Lua 5.3 introduced a new operator, called floor division and denoted by //
Example below:
Lua 5.3.1 Copyright (C) 1994-2015, PUC-Rio
More info can be found in the lua manual
#Hofstad is correct with the math.floor(Number x) suggestion to eliminate the bits right of the decimal, you might want to round instead. There is no math.round, but it is as simple as math.floor(x + 0.5). The reason you want to round is because floats are usually approximate. For example, 1 could be 0.999999996
12.4 + 0.5 = 12.9, floored 12
12.5 + 0.5 = 13, floored 13
12.6 + 0.5 = 13.1, floored 13
local round = function(a, prec)
return math.floor(a + 0.5*prec) -- where prec is 10^n, starting at 0
why not just use math.floor()? it would make the indices valid so long as the numerator and denominator are non-negative and in valid ranges.

Lua base converter

I need a base converter function for Lua. I need to convert from base 10 to base 2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11...36 how can i to this?
In the string to number direction, the function tonumber() takes an optional second argument that specifies the base to use, which may range from 2 to 36 with the obvious meaning for digits in bases greater than 10.
In the number to string direction, this can be done slightly more efficiently than Nikolaus's answer by something like this:
local floor,insert = math.floor, table.insert
function basen(n,b)
n = floor(n)
if not b or b == 10 then return tostring(n) end
local digits = "0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"
local t = {}
local sign = ""
if n < 0 then
sign = "-"
n = -n
local d = (n % b) + 1
n = floor(n / b)
insert(t, 1, digits:sub(d,d))
until n == 0
return sign .. table.concat(t,"")
This creates fewer garbage strings to collect by using table.concat() instead of repeated calls to the string concatenation operator ... Although it makes little practical difference for strings this small, this idiom should be learned because otherwise building a buffer in a loop with the concatenation operator will actually tend to O(n2) performance while table.concat() has been designed to do substantially better.
There is an unanswered question as to whether it is more efficient to push the digits on a stack in the table t with calls to table.insert(t,1,digit), or to append them to the end with t[#t+1]=digit, followed by a call to string.reverse() to put the digits in the right order. I'll leave the benchmarking to the student. Note that although the code I pasted here does run and appears to get correct answers, there may other opportunities to tune it further.
For example, the common case of base 10 is culled off and handled with the built in tostring() function. But similar culls can be done for bases 8 and 16 which have conversion specifiers for string.format() ("%o" and "%x", respectively).
Also, neither Nikolaus's solution nor mine handle non-integers particularly well. I emphasize that here by forcing the value n to an integer with math.floor() at the beginning.
Correctly converting a general floating point value to any base (even base 10) is fraught with subtleties, which I leave as an exercise to the reader.
you can use a loop to convert an integer into a string containting the required base. for bases below 10 use the following code, if you need a base larger than that you need to add a line that mapps the result of x % base to a character (usign an array for example)
x = 1234
r = ""
base = 8
while x > 0 do
r = "" .. (x % base ) .. r
x = math.floor(x / base)
print( r );
