Take screenshot with Calabash iOS and save it to a physical device - ios

Is it possible to take a screenshot on a physical device and save the picture on the device? Basically I'm looking for the same functionality of doing Home+Lock (which takes a photo of the screen).
I need this because I require to have stored a photo on the cellphone to interact with the integrated gallery of my program.

NO, There is no option to take screenshot of device lock screen.
No, There is no option to store screenshot in device.


Take photo in Appium on ios real device

I am struggling with taking ios photo. Is there any possibility to capture photo in iOS real device using Appium? I dont have access to shell and cannot send keys like on Android phone, I also have a problem with tapping on element related to capturing photography. It seems like it is not responding to any tapping/clicks. Is there any API/ way to automate capturing photos using real device camera in iOS?
Also I do not have a problem with picking photography from gallery or uploading it to the phone. I have a problem with clicking on a button responsible for taking photo.
I looked at the internet but most of the solutions are related to the Android phone (which I automated already).

Can't use Xcode Simulator for Itunes Connect Screenshots

I am making an app that uses the phone's camera to identify objects and then translate them into Spanish. I'm trying to setup the app store page and Itunes Connect says I need 5.5-inch screenshots for the page, but I don't have an iPhone plus and I can't take screenshots using the Xcode Simulator because the simulated phone doesn't have a camera, so my app's screen is blank. What can I do?
Best way to run app on highest resolution iPhone simulator. And later export those images using 5.5 inch width and height. Hope it helps.
You can do using any simple tool like preview on mac os
Also you can upload simple splash screen with correct resolution and update in future with correct images when you get the device

I need iOS screenshots for devices I don't have

I'm making a sticker pack for iOS, and before I can submit it to the App Store, I need to include at least one screenshot of the app from a 5.5" iPhone, and a 12.9" iPad Pro. These are both devices that I don't have.
I'm also not that well versed in photoshop, but I could learn it as I have read that that's a way to make screenshots to use for the App Store.
Thank You for your help!
You could use simulator. With your app opened in simulator press cmd+S or from menu: File -> Save Screen Shot. Screen shot will appear on your desktop.
UPD: as opposed to https://stackoverflow.com/a/41730054/2305175 you'll get ready to use screen shot with size exactly as in simulator without further work like cropping it
Note: Screenshots resolution is independend of your monitor resolution. So this even works when your monitor has lower resolution than what you need for the screenshot.
use the Xcode simulator to run your app on any device you don't have. Then take screenshots using Mac OS X built-in screenshot functionality :)
P.S. make sure the simulator runs at 1:1 scale (set it in the view menu)
#Fydor's apple+s tip sounds way better
The simulator for each device is one option. However, I prefer to use a service for this. I will not plug any services, but google "iOS screenshot service" and take your pick to automate away this process. It should now be part of your app release workflow.

How to take screenshot of a foreground appllication (like music) when screen is locked?

I am fairly new to iOS. I need your help.
Is is possible to take screenshot of an application (lets say Music) which is running in the foreground and when iOS device's screen is locked using a program? If so, can you please let me know the code correspondingly. (This is for personal work only)
The iOS APIs for taking screenshots are private, which means that you cannot programmatically take a screen shot of the phone. Also, since iOS apps are sandboxed, you do not have access to the Music app (or any other app), so you cannot capture an image of the view being presented.
However, if the user takes a screenshot, you can access that screen shot using PhotoKit by getting the latest image in the Screenshots smart album.

in iphone sdk How To take a Pic using front camera When Screen is on

I need to know who unlocked my phone. when unlock screen take a picture using front camera in background and save in gallery please help me.
how to give a functionality to phone when unlock screen
It may be possible if you iPhone is prison break. SDK will not allow APP to access.
