React native Image variable in name doesn't work - ios

I'm trying to load an image that has a variable in it's source, something like this.
{, (id) => {
var image = require('../../assets/img/ambiances/icons/' + label + '.png'); // variable label equals "chic" here
var image2 = require('../../assets/img/ambiances/icons/chic.png');
return <Image style={styles.pastilleOverlay} source={image} />;
I get the following error (thrown when trying to set variable image) : Requiring unknown module "../../assets/img/ambiances/icons/chic.png"
If I comment the var image = ... line, it works fine with source={image2} in the Image tag.
I checked, both strings in the are exactly the same. Any ideas ?

Maybe this Issue could help you.
We intentionally don't support dynamically generated image names because it makes it very hard to manage assets over time, just like how you wouldn't want to do
var MyComponent = require('./' + libName + typeOfComponent);
or something like that. Dynamic image name generation like this also
won't work with the new dynamic asset managing system we're rolling
out which let's you add and update assets on the fly with just cmd+R
(no more need to add to Xcode and recompile).
Bundled Images
The images you want to use, need to be bundled "via Xcode asset catalogs or Android drawable folder", as the documentation says. Also you have to specify the dimensions of the images manually.
Note that this approach provides no safety checks. It's up to you to guarantee that those images are available in the application.
{, (id) => {
return <Image style={styles.pastilleOverlay} source={{ uri: '../../assets/img/ambiances/icons/' + label + '.png' }} style={{width: 40, height: 40}} />;
What do you think about using a switch- or if-statement?
{, (id) => {
switch (label) {
case "chic":
return <Image style={styles.pastilleOverlay} source={require('../../assets/img/ambiances/icons/chic.png')} />;
case "otherimage":
return <Image style={styles.pastilleOverlay} source={require('../../assets/img/ambiances/icons/otherimage.png')} />;
return <Image style={styles.pastilleOverlay} source={require('../../assets/img/ambiances/icons/default.png')} />;

This might be little late, but if you have to have to change image source, update the key for image element. It will treat the re-rendered images as a new component and will require the image correctly.
Simply using image name in the key, did the trick.


Prevent FlatList re-rendering causing performance problems

I'm building a React Native App using Hooks and ES6.
The Home screen fetches some data from API and display it as image galleries.
The Home screen is the parent component which includes a slideshow gallery and a Flatlist as children.
1) Slideshow - image gallery autoplay that run some operations (fetching URL in case user clicks on them) on each image iteration (every 3 secs) - This causes the re-render on the entire parent components and its children but it renders every 3 secs as supposed
2) Flatlist - just a simple Flatlist that takes an array of images - this should only rendered once when the parent component is initially loaded first
The problem
Every 3 seconds a new image is displayed in the slideshow, a function runs to fetch some props for the image displayed, the parent component is re-rendered but there is no need for Flatlist in the second gallery to run again since the array of images is the same as initially loaded (not changed)
This is my Parent code
const getTopTenMovies = (state) => state.moviescreen.popularmovies //fetching data from Redux
const upcomingMovies = (state) => state.moviescreen.upcomingmovies
const MoviesScreen = (props) => {
const topTenMovies = useSelector(getTopTenMovies);
const [imageIndex, setImageIndex] = useState("");
/* useEffect below runs every time imageIndex changes (a new image is displayed every 3 secs) */
useEffect(() => {
}, [imageIndex]);
/* user clicks on an image and is taken to another screen
const fetchMovieHandler = async (movieId, movieTitle) => {
routeName: "MovieDetail",
params: {
assetId: movieId,
assetName: movieTitle,
return (
<View style={styles.containerRow}>
keyExtractor={(item) =>}
renderItem={(itemData) => (
The component renders the individual images within the Flatlist and passes the parameters (movieId, movieTitle) to the fetchMovieHandler function.
HomeItem code below...
class HomeItem extends React.PureComponent {
render() {
const assetHandler = async () => {
this.props.onAssetSelection(, this.props.title);
console.log("HomeItem is called");
return (
<TouchableOpacity onPress={assetHandler}>
uri: `https://*******${this.props.poster}`,
export default React.memo(HomeItem);
Every 3 seconds the HomeItem is called and I see 10 log entries (one for each image and render - upcomingMovies has 10 images). From the UI everything looks fines since the images dont seems to change probably because I've defined the HomeItem as PureComponent and using React.memo(HomeItem) but it is causing performance issues since I'm getting the following error:
VirtualizedList: You have a large list that is slow to update - make sure your renderItem function renders components that follow React performance best practices like PureComponent, shouldComponentUpdate, etc
I tried to include the Flatlist inside the HomeItem component but the problem persists.
Following further research and thanks to #landorid suggestion I figured out that I need control the renderItem of the FlatList by declaring it in a separate function with a useCallback hook and dependency on my data source.
Tried to include Flatlist in a separate PureComponent my the re-rendering kept happening.
The ideal solution is to change this code
renderItem={(itemData) => (
to something like this
const renderRow = ({ itemData }) => {
return (
keyExtractor = (item) =>;
return (
and then wrapping the renderRow() function in a useCallback hook.
The problem is that my data source data={upcomingMovies} is an array of objects with 2 levels and I need to use itemData.item.title to retrieve the title value for example.
While it works in my current renderItem settings it won't work when I use it in an external function as in
const renderRow = ({ itemData }) => {
return (
I simply get, "item" variable not available
Any suggestion on how to modify the function?
If I were you I would change the following:
Don't place inline functions in FlatList (keyExtractor, renderItem)! Place it to separated function.
Use simple Component extension instead of PureComponent and compare your props with `shouldComponentUpdate. (I think the passed function called onAssetSelection causes the re-render. Check it.)
You don't need to use React.memo because it is for functional components.

I'm not able to get images to load into an Image component

Hi i'm new to JS and React Native. I cannot seem to get any images to load into the Image component. Im using all secure uri's and testing them in a browser first. they load in a browser but not in my ios simulator. there also seems to be no errors. Hoping someone has seen this before
here's a code extract :
source = { {uri:"" }}
resizeMode = {"contain"}
onLoadStart = { () => alert("start")}
onLoadEnd = { () => alert("loaded") }
onError = {(e)=> alert(e.nativeEvent.error)}
info.plist extract:
I think the issue is with you haven't given any style for Image component. Image width and height need to be added to Image styles in order to display it on the device. More
Try This
style={{ width: 100, height: 100 }} //Add this
onLoadStart={() => alert("start")}
onLoadEnd={() => alert("loaded")}
onError={e => alert(e.nativeEvent.error)}

How to set height of React Native Webview? [duplicate]

Hi I know it's a known issue about the auto height of webview in react native,
and I have tried all the possibles solutions I've found on the internet such as :
and all the solutions suggested in:
React native: Is it possible to have the height of a html content in a webview?
But unfortunately none of these seems to work for me,
I understand that the workaround they all suggest is to set the title to the height, but in my case it seems that the title always stays the same which is :
"text/html ...." and the rest of my html.
I get the html content from an API, it comes without a body, head or html tags, I've also tried adding these tags manually to the html and nothing seems to work.
I would love to hear if anyone else had that problem and how did it get fixed.
I wrap WebView inside a View, and set the height from the View.
<View style={{ height: 200 }}>
source={{uri: ''}}
I just follow this guide: and succeeded in my work. Here is solution:
1. Define script to send document height to native env after loaded website.
2. Handle onMesssage of webview component and reset Height via state.
const webViewScript = `
setTimeout(function() {
}, 500);
true; // note: this is required, or you'll sometimes get silent failures
constructor(props) {
this.state = {
<WebView style={{height: this.state.webheight}}
source={{uri: "http://<your url>"}}
onMessage={event => {
this.setState({webheight: parseInt(});
injectedJavaScript ={webViewScript}
Hope that help!
A reliable implementation of this behavior is with useAutoheight hook from #formidable-webview/webshell library.
The latter allows to inject "features" into WebViews, e.g. scripts and behaviors.
In this example, we will use 3 features + the aforementioned hook:
HandleHTMLDimensionsFeature which is required by useAutoheight hook to get document size updates;
ForceResponsiveViewportFeature to work around mobile virtual viewport;
ForceElementSizeFeature to work around cyclic size constraints
This component should work with any webpage.
import React from 'react';
import makeWebshell, {
} from '#formidable-webview/webshell';
import WebView from 'react-native-webview';
const Webshell = makeWebshell(
new HandleHTMLDimensionsFeature(),
new ForceResponsiveViewportFeature({ maxScale: 1 }),
new ForceElementSizeFeature({
target: 'body',
heightValue: 'auto',
widthValue: 'auto'
export default function ResilientAutoheightWebView(props) {
const { autoheightWebshellProps } = useAutoheight({
webshellProps: props
return <Webshell {...autoheightWebshellProps} />;
More resources:
Try this on Expo
Full guide here.
Using postMessage and onMessage like below worked for me perfectly.
Credit to iamdhj
onWebViewMessage = (event: WebViewMessageEvent) => {
this.setState({webViewHeight: Number(})
render() {
return (
style={{ height: this.state.webViewHeight }}
source={{html: '...'}}
The WebView has default styles. If you want to set height, you also need to add flex: 0, as stated in the documentation:
Please note that there are default styles (example: you need to add flex: 0 to the style if you want to use height property).
I made a little component to make this functionality reusable if it helps anyone!
import React, { useState } from "react";
import WebView from "react-native-webview";
const DynamicHeightWebView = (props) => {
const [height, setHeight] = useState(0);
const webViewScript = `
setTimeout(function() {
}, 500);
true; // note: this is required, or you'll sometimes get silent failures
return <WebView
height: height,
onMessage={event => {
injectedJavaScript ={webViewScript}
export default DynamicHeightWebView;
Apparently the problem was I had javaScriptEnabled={false}.
After enabling it everything worked.
I waste whole day to fix the height issue but in the end I had to shift to another library
This one is easy and good
You can get the content height by injecting the JS code as suggested by #ken-ratanachai-s. Although, You will experience certain irregularities in some devices (Extra height after the content). This is becuase the javascript returns the content height in pixels, but we need to use display points in react native. To fix this, Divide the height from javascript with the pixel ratio as follows.
import { WebView, PixelRatio } from 'react-native'
const [webviewHeight, setWebviewHeight] = useState(0)
const onProductDetailsWebViewMessage = event => {
return <WebView
style={{ height: productDetailsWebviewHeight }}
source={{ html: "..." }}
Pixel ratio ref.:
use package react-native-autoheight-webview
I recommend react-native-autoheight-webview.
it perfect work for me.
Best answer is #Ken Ratanachai S.'s answer.

How can I repeat a pattern image to create a background in React Native?

I'm building a simple ReactNative app for iOS and I'm trying to add a background image. It seems like there is no backgroundImage tag, and while I did manage to show the image on the page once, I can't repeat it throughout the page like you can with CSS. Any suggestions?
Images on iOS now include a repeat resizeMode property.
Use it like so:
src={/* whatever your source is */}
June 2018 Update:
Starting from react-native 0.56 Android Images also support the repeat prop. (
Before June 2018:
On Android the repeat property does NOT work so:
you'll have to use something like Shiraman's answer
External lib:
There's now this great project called react-native-bgimage (created by Alex Melanchenko) which works well:
Here's how I use it:
import RepeatingPattern from 'react-native-bgimage';
height: 45,
and then I add a pattern png file in android/app/src/main/res/drawable/block_pattern.png
Despite that this question is pretty old I would like to put my two cents in. It is also can be done via <ImageBackground> component (reference).
<ImageBackground source={require('./path/to/image.png')} style={{width: '100%', height: '100%'}} imageStyle={{resizeMode: 'repeat'}}>
// Your inside content goes here
Don't forget to import component in the beginning of file, e.g. import { ImageBackground } from 'react-native';
I would like to extend Sriraman answer. To make the repeated images as the background, you need to take an addtional step of adding a new view and making its position absolute and background transparent, then adding all the other components inside of it.
var React = require('react-native');
var Dimensions = require('Dimensions');
var {
} = React;
var RepeatImage = React.createClass({
render: function(){
var images = [],
imgWidth = 7,
winWidth =Dimensions.get('window').width;
for(var i=0;i<Math.ceil(winWidth / imgWidth);i++){
<Image source={{uri: 'http://xxx.png'}} style={} />
return (
<View style={{flex:1,flexDirection:'row'}}>
return img;
<View style={{position: 'absolute', top: 0, bottom: 0, left: 0, right: 0}}>
{/*Place all you compoents inside this view*/}
You can't repeat background image like CSS in React Native. But, You can achieve it by iterating the image like
var React = require('react-native');
var Dimensions = require('Dimensions');
var {
} = React;
var RepeatImage = React.createClass({
render: function(){
var images = [],
imgWidth = 7,
winWidth =Dimensions.get('window').width;
for(var i=0;i<Math.ceil(winWidth / imgWidth);i++){
<Image source={{uri: 'http://xxx.png'}} style={} />
return (
<View style={{flex:1,flexDirection:'row'}}>
return img;

React native: webview height

Hi I know it's a known issue about the auto height of webview in react native,
and I have tried all the possibles solutions I've found on the internet such as :
and all the solutions suggested in:
React native: Is it possible to have the height of a html content in a webview?
But unfortunately none of these seems to work for me,
I understand that the workaround they all suggest is to set the title to the height, but in my case it seems that the title always stays the same which is :
"text/html ...." and the rest of my html.
I get the html content from an API, it comes without a body, head or html tags, I've also tried adding these tags manually to the html and nothing seems to work.
I would love to hear if anyone else had that problem and how did it get fixed.
I wrap WebView inside a View, and set the height from the View.
<View style={{ height: 200 }}>
source={{uri: ''}}
I just follow this guide: and succeeded in my work. Here is solution:
1. Define script to send document height to native env after loaded website.
2. Handle onMesssage of webview component and reset Height via state.
const webViewScript = `
setTimeout(function() {
}, 500);
true; // note: this is required, or you'll sometimes get silent failures
constructor(props) {
this.state = {
<WebView style={{height: this.state.webheight}}
source={{uri: "http://<your url>"}}
onMessage={event => {
this.setState({webheight: parseInt(});
injectedJavaScript ={webViewScript}
Hope that help!
A reliable implementation of this behavior is with useAutoheight hook from #formidable-webview/webshell library.
The latter allows to inject "features" into WebViews, e.g. scripts and behaviors.
In this example, we will use 3 features + the aforementioned hook:
HandleHTMLDimensionsFeature which is required by useAutoheight hook to get document size updates;
ForceResponsiveViewportFeature to work around mobile virtual viewport;
ForceElementSizeFeature to work around cyclic size constraints
This component should work with any webpage.
import React from 'react';
import makeWebshell, {
} from '#formidable-webview/webshell';
import WebView from 'react-native-webview';
const Webshell = makeWebshell(
new HandleHTMLDimensionsFeature(),
new ForceResponsiveViewportFeature({ maxScale: 1 }),
new ForceElementSizeFeature({
target: 'body',
heightValue: 'auto',
widthValue: 'auto'
export default function ResilientAutoheightWebView(props) {
const { autoheightWebshellProps } = useAutoheight({
webshellProps: props
return <Webshell {...autoheightWebshellProps} />;
More resources:
Try this on Expo
Full guide here.
Using postMessage and onMessage like below worked for me perfectly.
Credit to iamdhj
onWebViewMessage = (event: WebViewMessageEvent) => {
this.setState({webViewHeight: Number(})
render() {
return (
style={{ height: this.state.webViewHeight }}
source={{html: '...'}}
The WebView has default styles. If you want to set height, you also need to add flex: 0, as stated in the documentation:
Please note that there are default styles (example: you need to add flex: 0 to the style if you want to use height property).
I made a little component to make this functionality reusable if it helps anyone!
import React, { useState } from "react";
import WebView from "react-native-webview";
const DynamicHeightWebView = (props) => {
const [height, setHeight] = useState(0);
const webViewScript = `
setTimeout(function() {
}, 500);
true; // note: this is required, or you'll sometimes get silent failures
return <WebView
height: height,
onMessage={event => {
injectedJavaScript ={webViewScript}
export default DynamicHeightWebView;
Apparently the problem was I had javaScriptEnabled={false}.
After enabling it everything worked.
I waste whole day to fix the height issue but in the end I had to shift to another library
This one is easy and good
You can get the content height by injecting the JS code as suggested by #ken-ratanachai-s. Although, You will experience certain irregularities in some devices (Extra height after the content). This is becuase the javascript returns the content height in pixels, but we need to use display points in react native. To fix this, Divide the height from javascript with the pixel ratio as follows.
import { WebView, PixelRatio } from 'react-native'
const [webviewHeight, setWebviewHeight] = useState(0)
const onProductDetailsWebViewMessage = event => {
return <WebView
style={{ height: productDetailsWebviewHeight }}
source={{ html: "..." }}
Pixel ratio ref.:
use package react-native-autoheight-webview
I recommend react-native-autoheight-webview.
it perfect work for me.
Best answer is #Ken Ratanachai S.'s answer.
