How to configure Neo4j Browser to use a custom REST endpoint? - neo4j

The server is running a custom REST endpoint configured using the following line
in REST is then working fine using /db/abc, but then the browser client (http://$SERVERHOST:7474/browser) stops working and displays the Disconnected from Neo4j message. Packet sniffing indicates it is still trying to connect to db/data. Clearing local web caches doesn't help. Is there a way to point the browser client to use a custom endpoint?
Sources indicate that /db/data is possibly hardcoded into the browser as part of client "Settings" (see line 23). There is supposedly a way to reconfigure these settings using the :config command in the client, but the command bar is only available when the client is already connected to the server.
Is there a way to get this to work, or is it possibly a bug in the browser client?

Current option is to download source code of the browser and change what you need.


Google Colaboratory ServiceWorker Error On Chrome

Whenever I open a Colaboratory Document I always get the same error message:
NotSupportedError: Failed to register a ServiceWorker: The user denied permission to use Service Worker.
This is happening on chrome and my browser allows for ServiceWorkers (chrome://serviceworker-internals/), what's going on? Because the thing is all the code still runs.
Colab's output frames use service workers to support some functionality such as displaying richer graphs (Altair and
The error message indicates that third-party cookies are disabled in your browser, this will prevent the browser service workers from working. The option should be configured under chrome://settings/content/cookies.
I tried white-listing in chrome link (chrome://settings/content/cookies) the following:
Here it was the best approach, better than simply liberatin the 3rd part cookies
Seems to work so on.
Usually there are two causes for this error:
1- you didn't allow cookies on colab domain, so you need to change you browser settings
2- you are using an adblocker

Can Rails pass a shell command to the local machine?

I am trying to get rails to select document attachments, then kick off the email client with the documents attached.
I have it working on my development laptop. If I build a string with the appropriate parameters and pass that to system() then it kicks off the email client with the attachments..
The string looks something like
#email_content = "C:\Program Files (x86)\IBM\Lotus\Notes\notes.exe"
The first part calls the notes exe and the second part starts and email with the attachments. That worked fine on my laptop.
However, when I moved it to the server, it isn't kicking off the email client. I believe that it is because the shell commands are trying to execute on the server, not on the client.
Is it possible to run a shell command on the client machine? I am trying to get this working with Windows first and then the Mac environmemnt. I tried changing the C:\ to the machine name. i.e. \chrislaptop\Program Files (x86)\IBM\Lotus\Notes\notes.exe. but that didn't work.
No, fortunately that is not possible.
Imagine what happens when a request to some random page on the internet could trigger shell scripts on your local computer...
Arbitrary code execution escaping the browser is too invasive-- your app should not have access to the client's machine.
However, some applications may support URIs that open specific applications outside the browser. You generally see this more on mobile devices, but Spotify for example supports links that look like: spotify:artist:5lsC3H1vh9YSRQckyGv0Up which asks the user whether it is ok to open the Spotify application.

How to debug client side dart code in Dart editor without CORS

I have a server / client project, both written in dart. Now my server starts on port 1337 and when I run my client with the Run in dartium, my static files are served on port 3030 which allows me to debug my client code in the Dart editor.
The problem is that this causes CORS when using AJAX calls. I have properly setup my server to accept other origins (with Access-Control-Allow-Origin) but, for example, cookies aren't sent along.
Now I'm wondering: is there a way to serve my files with my server (running on 1337) and still have the possibility to debug the client side code in the dart editor?
My understanding is that you can debug, but the real problem is that you don't get the expected data back from the server due to missing cookies.
Standard CORS requests do not send or set any cookies by default.
In order to include cookies as a part of the request, besides setting up the server, you need to specify withCredentials property, e.g.:
HttpRequest.getString(url, withCredentials:true)...
You will also need to setup server to provide Access-Control-Allow-Credentials header.
EDIT: it seems that additional issue is that you don't want to have 2 servers, each serving different part of app.
In that case, you can configure DartEditor to launch the URL, instead of files. Go to Run > Manage Launches and add create a new Dartium or Dart2JS launch with specified URL and source directory.
Another option is to select Run > Remote Connection and attach to a running instance of browser or Dart VM.
Caveat: I haven't tried these options, so I can't tell how stable they are.

Trying to call svn.exe from batch file called by .NET webpage - odd results

The situation: I have a web page which, when called, runs a batch file on my server using System.Diagnostics.Process.Start and cmd.exe. The batch file contains a line that runs "svn.exe update myfilepath" and should therefore update the files on the server.
What's happening?
- the batch file is running, but the call to svn.exe does nothing, nor produces any error messages.
- if I run the batch file by double clicking, the svn command DOES run successfully.
I guess this is a security issue, but I'm no expert on this and I cannot make any headway.
The site is hosted on Windows Server 2008 R2 and the app pool is using the ApplicationPoolIdentity system. I have tried running the app pool as Network Service and also adding Network Service as a user that can Read/Execute to svn.exe.
Please help!
This could be proxy related. It's possible that you access the Internet via a proxy, but that the user profile for the app pool identity isn't configured like this. You may need to use a domain account that you can log on as in order to create a suitable user profile. You will also need to make sure IIS is loading the profile by ticking the appropriate option.
(Another possibility is that the working directory for the process you are starting is not set correctly to the root of your Subversion working copy. We've established this wasn't the problem in your case.)

URL pattern to include in JMeter for testing ASP.NET MVC website

I am trying to perform a load test with JMeter on my ASP.NET MVC website that I have published on IIS..
My problem is..I'm confused about what URL pattern should I include or exclude..Currently, URL is immaterial for me, so I tried with '.* ' in URL to include and nothing in URL to exclude.. But JMeter is recording only a jpg url...If I specify '.*\.jpg ' in exclude, it records nothing. I also tried '.*\.aspx ' in include and nothing in exclude, but that doesn't seem to be working either :(
Is this something MVC specific? I am not very sure how it handles urls..(I am doing all this for the first time..). I otherwise didn't have any issues recording steps on other servers like google,apache.jmeter.test etc. where there were normal html pages with my current JMeter settings:
A Thread Group called 'Users' having a
Recording Controller
HTTP request defaults pointing to localhost:9080
A Workbench with
HTTP Proxy Server pointing to localhost:9080
My connection setting is also on localhost:9080.
I'm running JMeter from behind my company's proxy server successfully.
Thanks for any help :)
Realized later that it was not about URLs as such. My browser setting was probably faulty. I was using IE8..When I switched to Firefox, got more fine-grained control on the settings..These settings before recording worked for me:
Set manual proxy configuration to localhost,8081.
Check 'Use this proxy for all protocols'
Leave 'No proxy for' field blank
No 'Automatic proxy configuration'
Click OK.
After this if you try to access your site on IIS while JMeter proxy server hasn't started yet, it wouldn't, saying the connection was refused.
After this, go to JMeter and click the Start button to record. Try acessing the site again. It should come up :) Some more details:
There was no need to specify port number in HTTP request defaults. Just specified it in HTTP proxy server (8081 in my case).
For the session information to be saved properly, you must use a cookie manager (preferably, keep it at the top)..When you record, you get a HTTP header manager under each HTTP request if you had ticked the chekcbox against "Capture HTTP headers" in HTTP Proxy Server before recording..Copy this and add it as a child under your thread group.
Hope this helps someone struggling like me :)
