Xcode 7.1.1 break point - ios

I had downloaded XCode 7.1.1
When I put the break point and run the application, instead of going to breakpoint line of the code, its showing something like in the screen and also when there is a crash at that time debug is coming like this.
I would like to know how to goto the line of the code and also how to check in which line the crash is taking place.
Can anyone help me, I had enabled Address Sanitizer then also its not going to the code


Find file and line of 'unexpectedly found nil'

I updated to Xcode 8.3.3 and updated my OS, a bunch of pods, and so on. Now when I crash on unexpectedly found nil it takes me to a stack trace with it stopped on 'exc_breakpoint' (see screen shot). I have no breakpoints set.
I can't effectively troubleshoot these 'nil' errors because I don't know where they're occurring in my project (I can do it slowly by using a back trace and trying to sort through the messages, but this is way slower than if it just landed me on the right line like it used to do.)
Do I have some setting turned on by accident? Is this a bug? How can I get Xcode to go straight to the line of the nil crash?
Yes, I'm also faced this issues in my project. I just used to solve this by setting breakpoint in my code and I run manually line by line. Finally it will shows the nil value passing line.
If I faced crash issue while clicking any action button i will set breakpoint and run it line by line.
else if I faced crash issue while page loading. I will set breakpoint in viewdidload & viewdidappear
else I will set breakpoint in functions.
or try to use exception breakpoint
Through this above method I will solve crash issue in my project.

Xcode 7 crash every time I try to print something in the debugger console

I've searched around and can't find anything on this.
Using Swift 2 and Xcode Version 7.0.1 (7A1001). Every time I execute something in the debugger console, Xcode crashes.
The project is not very big, and has less than 10 third party frameworks.
I can't think of much more information that's relevant, but I'm sure there's more, so please do ask me if there's anything I should add to my question that would help.
I've of course cleaned build and derived data.
It's driving me insane. Thanks!
UPDATE 16/11/12
Submitted rdar://23559366.
How are you maintaining your third party frameworks? Via Carthage?
If so then this is probably your issue: https://github.com/Carthage/Carthage/issues/924
This is an issue if the location of the /Carthage/Build/iOS folder is in a different location to where it was produced (i.e if it was compiled on a different machine and the absolute file path has changed).
A temporary fix would be to run carthage build --no-use-binaries on your machine to rebuild the symbols using the current absolute file path working around the bug.
But if you wasn't using carthage then its probably not your issue so sorry
I had similar problem with Xcode whenever I hit breakpoint.
In case you see this screen right before your Xcode crashes - you are lucky and my fix might save you. All you need to do is open this window and in the Project Navigator, select any file that you want, so that instead of that white blank view you would get your code. After this you are most likely will be able to successfully stop your app at your breakpoint and perform the debug.
I am not sure why this happens, but I suspect that the reason is Debug View Hierarchy mode, which you might have triggered prior to setting you breakpoint and trying to stop at it. At least this is when it happens to me.
I have similar problem earlier.
If you try to print non-optional variable and unfortunately it holds nil value then it breaks/crash. so that make sure declare all possible variables as "Optional type".

"plugin invalidated" error in iOS keyboard app

i am getting a pretty generic error in my debugger when using the simulator in xCode.
plugin com.XXX.XXX.Shortcut-Keyboard invalidated
this just started occurring yesterday and i don't believe i changed anything. since the error started i had just added a few more outlets and actions. i did try something in the code which changed the first responder on a text field, but i have since removed that code and recompiled. It seems maybe this caused an issue? Now when i cycle thru the keyboards, when it gets to mine i get a few second pause and then this error. in debugging the code, it never seems to hit my viedDidLoad override in my keyboard view controler. So something i did must have changed it.
What would cause something like this to occur? I'm at a loss! Im using Xcode 6.3.1 with a target of 8.3 on an iPad. Any help would be appreciated as this is holding up my development.
start a new project and copy and paste the code resolved this issue

cocos2d: my APP crashes but XCode doesn't give me any crash report

It used to work fine but now I get this message when loading a certain scene and then the APP crashes.
2012-12-01 18:33:55.104 AppName[9561:707] cocos2d: CCSpriteFrameCache: Trying to use file 'art1-hd.png' as texture
I have no idea on where to start debugging this. Is there a way to get a more precise error message to understand why this happens?
Btw, I have changed my code signing identity to developer and XCode doesn't yet give me any trace of it on the console other than the plain message above. I checked as well the device logs on the Xcode-Organizer section but no trace.
I whish there was something like in Java + Eclipse, where I could get a precise STACKTRACE of where the crash happened.
Any suggestion on how to get a precise stacktrace (E.g. with function name generating the crash)?
PS: I have set strip debug symbols to "NO" in DEBUG, and to "YES" in Release, but I am builing on my own test iPod and hence I think it is automatically build for "Debug" (the section says build for running and testing which is confusing as the project settings allows only debug and release). But I think the problem is not here.. but in the issues above before the PS:
EDIT: If I look into the debug navigator I don't see any stacktrace of methods, as I want, but just threads.. I need to figure out how to use the global exceptions.
I have no idea on where to start debugging this.
You have the cocos2d source code. I would start there.
Search for "trying to use file" in CCSpriteFrameCache to understand what the cause of this message is (which I agree is confusing, why shouldn't you use that file?).
As for the stack trace, it's available as soon as you add a global exception breakpoint. If the breakpoint triggers in OpenAL code make sure to set it to catch only Objective-C exceptions.

Wintermute iOS App Gets "EXC_BAD_ACCESS"

I am currently attempting to port a game I've developed in the Wintermute Lite engine to iOS platforms. My game will compile just fine in XCode (albeit using the armv6 architecture) and will run perfectly on the iOS simulator; however, when I try to deploy it to an iPad, the first thread will halt in XCode with the error "EXC_BAD_ACCESS (code=1, adress=0xfffffff6)", pointing to a non-specific line of assembly code.
First of all, if you guys have any ideas right off the bat as to what might be causing this, I would greatly appreciate some help. The thing is, I'm more than willing to debug this myself, but being a complete noob with Objective-C as well as XCode, I'm not sure how to trace this specific error back to the line of code that's causing it (I apologize if this is a really basic question but I've already attempted to find a command to get the line of code associated with the error, but with no success).
I realize that this is scant on details, but as I said, I'm not sure how to pinpoint the piece of code that's causing this error using XCode, otherwise I'd just debug this myself. If there's any extra information I can provide, let me know.
Thanks in advance for any help!
I got it working. After a lot of messing around with XCode, I realized that I incorrectly configured the project file provided by Wintermute. As far as I can tell, it had something to do with the fact that the project was originally set to build for "iOS Universal" and I changed it to "iPad 5.0," which somehow caused the project to break upon deployment.
Anyway, I started over with a new XCode project file and got it to compile perfectly! Sorry for the bother.
The problem is the fact that it isnt ment to run on iOS. The reason it runs on he simulator is that it is building for a Intel chip set, not ARM. Even though you set it to armv6 it doesn't mean that the code will run on a non-intel device.
