Adaptive Layout Full Screen Image - ios

Using Adaptive Layout, what is the best or recommended approach for displaying a full screen background image to ensure it works on all devices, both orientations?
Is it a case of making an image the largest possible size (iPad Pro) and then scaling down?
Also, how would you handle screen rotation? Manually detect this and rotate image?


What is a good approach for scaling/drawing images for different screen sizes?

In my iPhone app, I have a control that takes on quite different sizes on different screens. For example, (in the iOS point coordinates)
3.5 inch devices (iPhone 4S): 242x295
4 inch devices (iPhone 5 series, SE): 242x383
4.7 inch devices (iPhone 6 series): 297x482
5.5 inch devices (iPhone 6 Plus series): 336x551
As you can see, these control sizes are not proportional.
The problem
This control has an image as its background. That particular image is important for brand identity and the custom appearance that my company's designer wants to go with. The image gives the appearance of a material and has a texture. It also has shadows within itself. I would like to apply this image on to controls of different screen sizes (my control sizes are determined at runtime according to available space, as Apple may come up with new screen sizes anytime).
My current solution
The designer makes separate PNGs for me for each screen size and I hard code it with onto my control using an if-else for screen size (after determining the size mathematically before hand). As you can probably tell, this is a horrible approach for robustness. I'm also looking to expand to iPad and having a better scaling system will certainly help.
An idea
I take an image that's the smallest unit of the repeating texture and apply it to my control with the scaling option that repeats it throughout to obtain a final image.
HOWEVER, I lose my shadows and rounded edges this way. (I tried simply using the largest image as well and the disproportionate scaling makes the rounded edges horrible)
I tried looking for solutions and most resources do not deal with such images. I simply cannot lose any part of this image and it should be fully applied to the control, shadows and corners included.
I apologize if any or all of this is naive or if I didn't look for answers using the correct words. This is my first time posting here at Stack Overflow, and I'm looking forward to hearing from you guys.
This is applied to a custom UIButton based control to give the appearance of a card.
Edit 2: Wain seems to have suggested a perfect answer. I will try it and let everyone know the results.
I'd use tiling as you describe, and I'd combine that with changing the view layer corner radius and applying a shadow offset. In this way you can separate the important part of the image and make it nicely reusable and you can leverage the capability of CALayer.
Note that when you set the shadowOffset of the layer you should also look at the shadowColor, shadowRadius and shadowOpacity.
You can used Assets.xcassets for managing images in ios. you can make image in 1x,2x and 3x scale.
For example you want an icon of size 50x50 pixel then 1x should be 50x50,
2x should be 100x100 and 3x should be 150x150. then ios automatically take appropriate image from this set.
Hope this will help :)
The aspect ration of iPhone 5, iPhone 6 and iPhone 6P are almost same. however the aspect ration of iPhone 4 is different.
Here is the steps which helps you.
So you need one image which image is suitable for iPhone 5 and its
#2x, and #3x image and iPhone 4 and its #2x image,
i.e if you have image with 242x383 for iPhone 5 then you need images
with its #2x, and #3x images. and you need image which is compatible
with iPhone 4 size.
You need to set UIImageView's contentMode as aspectFit.
So the idea is, make iPhone 5's image and its #2x, #3x images and iPhone 4's image differently. or you can put all things in UIScrollView and for iPhone 4 set contentSize of scrollView is 568. and make different image for iPad.

Align image to the bottom of each screen Corona SDK

I have a image that I want to atomically bring down and scale depending on the screen size (iPhone 4/5/6/plus).
I can't use align because it only works with text view.
Is there any other way
Maybe this could help: Resolution Independence: Adaptive Content Scaling in Corona

iOS, size of images for background

I'm making my first iphone game using swift/xcode with gimp to draw the graphics. I'm having trouble understanding what size I should make the image in gimp to use it for the background of my iphone game.
The various devices have different screen sizes, so presumably you will want your image to adapt. Thus it really isn't about your image but about the image view that will display it (assuming you're using an image view). The things to think about are:
How to use constraints to pin the edges of the UIImageView to the edges of the screen.
How to set the content mode of the UIImageView so that it displays the image acceptably on all device sizes.

iOS coordinates for iPad and iPhone game using spritekit

I am trying to make a game using sprite kit that works on both iPhone and iPad.
For iPhones I can set the scene size to 320x568 and scale it for all resolutions it works fine.
For iPads too this works fine. But as the point resolution on iPad is 768x1024 I can see scaling artifacts and also images are not sharp.
So I want to set the scene size to 768x1024 for iPads. Most of my game images are drawn using sprite kit instead of loading images. So when I set the new scene size the images look smaller.
What would be the best way to specify the correct dimensions for the images while drawing it? Would I have to convert each and every dimensions and points used based on the device type?
You can draw your images using the largest screen size and scale them down to fit smaller screen sizes. This works well if the aspect ratio is the same for devices like iPhone 5, 6 and 6+. You do have to create separate images and/or screen layouts for the iPad and iPhone 4 which have a different aspect ratio.

Dynamically resize background image according to different screen size

I displays a splash Screen when my app loads,There is a background image in the splash screen,I problem is how can I make fit this image in all types of blackberry models?
Keep in mind that many BlackBerry devices have different screen resolutions and even different aspect ratios. So if you just use a single image and resize (stretch and/or squish) it to fit the current screen, you're going to distort the image (or pattern). As I see it, there are two main approaches:
1) Use a different image for each screen resolution. There are about 7 different resolutions that cover most of the in-market devices (240x260, 240x320, 320x240, 360x400, 360x480, 480x320, 480x360)
2) If it's a regular background pattern as opposed to a picture or logo, just have one image in the app that's big enough to cover the largest screen size (480x360) and for all other screen sizes just clip it. In fact, I think this should happen automatically if you just set the background image - anything that can't be displayed on the screen will be clipped.
While approach #2 is better in terms of reducing application size, I'm going to guess that since you're asking this question the background you're thinking of using isn't a regular pattern.
I think the simplest method would be to use the setBorder method of whatever screen/field needs a stretched background. For example:
Border b = BorderFactory.createBitmapBorder (new XYEdges (), bitmap);
In my experience this results in the background image being stretched and provides the simplest method for fitting the size you need. I have only ever used it for fields though and never a MainScreen so it might not work for you.
