Error message to set iPhone/IPad ID in Facebook setting - ios

We'd like to start promoting an app which just passed review (not released).
As we put our iPhone/IPad ID, it shows
"Having error to get your iPhone store ID from App store."
We tried to put "0" and "blank", but it still have error message.
Should I just ignore this message? Does it mean anything we should fix?
Thanks for your help!

This ID should be relevant if you run App Install ads, it is the ID used to display/link to the App in the iOS App Store. Once your app is live on the store, pop the ID in there and it should save just fine.
If the ID is missing, there would be no way to link to your app in the iOS App Store.


How long does it take after app has released for Dynamic Link to open in App Store?

It’s been a few days since my app has released in the App Store. I have updated the App ID in the project settings.
But when clicking on the the Dynamic Link, the app preview does not work.
It still shows an empty App Preview with an Open button that doesn't actually show the app in the App Store.
Within 24 hours of app approval, dynamic links start opening in AppStore.
Please check if you have implemented everything correctly.
Looks like the issue was caused because I changed Bundle ID in the middle of development and this creates different certifications in GCP.
More information here: iOS app lacks App ID Prefix. UniversalLinks is not enabled for the app. Where to enter the App ID?

Test Deep Link Notification using Facebook not working in iOS

I'm trying to test a deep link notif using Facebook's App Ad Helper tool. However, I'm getting the following error message: Deep link notification could not be sent for the chosen platform.
Anyone experienced this and how did you solved this?
It is probably due to lack of App ID entered in application settings. I am unsure if it is the only possible problem causing this message, but after adding App ID from my app on appstore notification with deeplink was successfully sent to device
In, Go to iOS Platform and make sure that iPhone Store ID has a valid value. For me it was not working till the time this value was empty.
You can get this id without even shipping your app to the app store.
But you need a developer account for the same.

iOS In-app purchase nightmare

We are developing an App with Ionic and cordova-plugin-inapppurchase. We've been struggling more than a week as we get the following error when we try to restore a purchase:
RMStore: unknown product id
{"errorMessage":"Unknown product identifier","errorCode":100}
productId = '';
This post is old, but I was able to fix this problem for myself tonight. Using Ionic v1 with the cordova-plugin-inapppurchase, my solution was to change to just myID (the product id of the in app purchase).
I also had a few other problems causing the same exact error message. The main one was needing to inAppPurchase.getProducts(productIds) before attempting Also, make sure you're testing on a real device, with a test account created on iTunes connect, and logged out of any other apple ids on your device (I signed out through the iTunes Store app).
Good luck future readers!

Facebook App can't find Appstore ID

I'm developing a iOS App right now and got some awkward things going on with Facebook.
The App is using the Facebook Login and therefore I need to add the
Bundle-ID, iPhone Store-ID and iPad Store-ID in the Facebook App so I can use the login in my native app.
like so:
Error: "There was a problem fetching your iPhone Store ID from the App Store. Please check the ID and try again later."
But I can't add the appstore id because Facebook doesn't find this in the store.
This is right because the app is not listed in the store right now.
But how should I implement the login without releasing the app in to the app store?
I am confused..
This is a known issue with Facebook Login, that you can't leave it blank.
But what you can do is set it to 0.
Release the app and then you should have your iPhone Store Id & iPad Store Id, so you can change it then.
References of people facing the same issue:
Please Note:
After reading about it, my recommendation is that you release this feature after your first App Store release. Because a non-working released feature is way worse than limited features.
Rest is upto you. Cheers!

nil localizedTitle in SKProduct

I'm implementing an in-app store and am successfully getting SKProducts from the app store. The price information and description in the SKProducts are fine, but all my localizedTitles are nil. In iTunes Connect, the reference name is set, and I added an English language and set the Display Name and Description. Any idea why localizedTitles is coming back as nil?
Same issue here, check - you are not alone. It's something at the Apple side.
Roll back your version number in Xcode.
For example, in my situation, I had MARKETING_VERSION=1.23 in Xcode. I had submitted this on App Store Connect as version 1.23. Apple then rejected version 1.23 in review. After this rejection, SKProductsRequest continued to serve a list of SKProducts, but each product's .localizedTitle and .localizedDescription were set to nil.
In Xcode, I changed my version number (i.e. MARKETING_VERSION) back to 1.22. After this, the .localizedTitle and .localizedDescription were served correctly again.
Temporarily changing the version number is a workaround for testing and development prior to resubmitting your app for review.
This is surely a bug on Apple's side. I have submitted a bug report here, but it seems like I can't get a public link to the report.
Apple seem to have broken this at some point between the 20th of June and the 21st for both iOS and Mac app stores (both live and sandbox). Unfortunately if you are trusting in a valid response your app will crash.
For anyone with a live app if you don't require a persistant internet connection a short term work around for some users can be to enable airport mode on iOS, not sure if "turn off your internet connection" is much help to anyone experiencing this on the Mac app store.
