nil localizedTitle in SKProduct - ios

I'm implementing an in-app store and am successfully getting SKProducts from the app store. The price information and description in the SKProducts are fine, but all my localizedTitles are nil. In iTunes Connect, the reference name is set, and I added an English language and set the Display Name and Description. Any idea why localizedTitles is coming back as nil?

Same issue here, check - you are not alone. It's something at the Apple side.

Roll back your version number in Xcode.
For example, in my situation, I had MARKETING_VERSION=1.23 in Xcode. I had submitted this on App Store Connect as version 1.23. Apple then rejected version 1.23 in review. After this rejection, SKProductsRequest continued to serve a list of SKProducts, but each product's .localizedTitle and .localizedDescription were set to nil.
In Xcode, I changed my version number (i.e. MARKETING_VERSION) back to 1.22. After this, the .localizedTitle and .localizedDescription were served correctly again.
Temporarily changing the version number is a workaround for testing and development prior to resubmitting your app for review.
This is surely a bug on Apple's side. I have submitted a bug report here, but it seems like I can't get a public link to the report.

Apple seem to have broken this at some point between the 20th of June and the 21st for both iOS and Mac app stores (both live and sandbox). Unfortunately if you are trusting in a valid response your app will crash.
For anyone with a live app if you don't require a persistant internet connection a short term work around for some users can be to enable airport mode on iOS, not sure if "turn off your internet connection" is much help to anyone experiencing this on the Mac app store.


iOS Switching from paid to free app, how does one know who previously purchased the app?

I have a paid app that was released on iOS 4. It hasn't been updated and I'm now reworking it to work with iOS 10. Since in app purchasing was not a thing, I made a free (lite) and paid version of the app. I would like to update the paid version to iOS 10 and change it from paid to free with ads and an in app purchase to remove ads.
I tried researching various methods and I have not found a fool proof way or evidence that one will work in all cases. The two most prevelant methods I found:
Use an existing UserDefaults key value to determine if they opened the old app and then grant them no ads in the new version.
I don't think this method will work, as if the app was uninstalled or the user redownloads it after the update they would not have that value.
I believe iOS 7 offered receipt checking. Use receipt checking to determine if the user has paid for the app and check if the date is before the new version date.
I'm not sure if this would work either. I saw in the documentation to verify locally. Would everything I need exist if the app was an iOS 4 app originally? Would this work for users who had the app through a promo code? What if they don't have an internet connection at the time they open the app? I had trouble finding sample code for this option to test.
How would I go about doing this? Are any of the methods above the only way or are there others?
Out of all the resources I found on this subject, checking the receipt seems to be your only feasible choice. If you have an account where you purchased your app, you can run the new version of the app via Xcode with that account and see if the receipt validation gives you the expected information. Though installing the app via Xcode may alter the receipt that the account has, you may want to check on that.
NSUserDefaults option could work if you were setting any value to NSUserDefaults on the iOS 4 version.

iOS app appears on iTunes Connect but not in iTunes Store

I've uploaded an app to iTunes Connect and it is ready for sale. It was set with no country restriction, and the price is "Free" from the very first moment.
Using the search in the App Store I can find the other apps I have uploaded but not this one.
How can I fix this?
It can take several hours for your app to appear in search as it has to propagate to all of Apple's severs. Check back in 12 hours. If it's still not appearing contact Apple as it's unlikely anyone here can help.
Well, I had to open the "Tax..." documents and save them, despite having already accepted the conditions.

iTunesConnect returns 'nil' as localizedTitle for SKProduct

I have some In App Products in my application to buy. Yesterday things were fine but today i have some troubles. I receive list of all my products but localizedTitle and localizedDescription are nil (while price and priceLocale are OK).
I know that something like this happened before and it was Apple's fault. nil localizedTitle in SKProduct
However today I've got message from Apple about all of my In-App Purchases: "In-App Purchases have been returned and are highlighted in the table below". All of them still have status:Waiting For Review.
And now I'm wondering if getting nil from localizedTitle is connected with some Apple's bug or maybe it's my fault and I can do something with this.
I've found solution at
Basically it appeared that each product language had status rejected (while product had status waiting for review). Adding new language to each product solves problem.
Roll back your version number in Xcode.
For example, in my situation, I had MARKETING_VERSION=1.23 in Xcode. I had submitted this on App Store Connect as version 1.23. Apple then rejected version 1.23 in review. After this rejection, SKProductsRequest continued to serve a list of SKProducts, but each product's .localizedTitle and .localizedDescription were set to nil.
In Xcode, I changed my version number (i.e. MARKETING_VERSION) back to 1.22. After this, the .localizedTitle and .localizedDescription were served correctly again.
Temporarily changing the version number is a workaround for testing and development prior to resubmitting your app for review.
This is surely a bug on Apple's side. I have submitted a bug report here, but it seems like I can't get a public link to the report.

IAP fails after release, but no in development stage

Here is the history of my app.
In v1.0 I didn't have IAP.
In v2.0 I had IAP code, and it worked while I was developing. When v2.0 was released, I checked and run a non-testing device (an iPhone under my itunesconnect user name, but does not have provision file installed, so I take it as a non-relevant device) and I got error message, which of course was set up by myself. The error is for situation that the app could not connect to Apple or could not find IAP for the app. The error shows up quickly right after clicking buy IAP. This is as expected since no product ID is available. It doesn't need wait payment queue at all.
Then I checked itunesconnect and found the IAP probably not linked to the app, so I updated to v2.1 and added the IAP to my app in itunesconnect (no real code change, at least no IAP-related code changed), and IAP works fine finally in development stage in my testing iPad. Now v2.1 came out, but I still have the same problem as v2.0, that means IAP encounters error, most likely no IAP product ID found. At the time I'm typing, v2.1 has been released for 2 hours, and I still have quick error --- the product ID problem, most likely.
BTW, there was a glitch between v2.0 and v2.1. When I noticed the IAP was not linked to my app, I did something too quick so that I cannot remember exactly. Basically the IAP was hung over there, I could modify it or submit it. After talking to Apple, I was told I need reject my binary of v2.1 and resubmit v2.1 along with the IAP. I don't know if this is related, but anyway I can buy IAP in development stage with my sandbox testing iPad.
Any idea? Thanks.
BTW, the app is set to English default, but with Chinese/Spanish localization.
One more thing, don't know if it's related. All v1.0, v2.0, and v2.1 versions are deployed to iOS 6 or later. When I was developing v2.1, I was trying to back to iOS 5 (via adopting so deprecated methods or constants). My app could run on iOS 5, but IAP wouldn't work iOS 5. Since IAP doesn't work, there's no point for me to go compatible with iOS 5, so I removed all deprecated methods and constants and went back to original v2.0 version and resubmitted with linked IAP to become v2.1.
For those who cares, here is my app. You're welcome to try. long press first page would get you to options page where you can try buy IAP --- no worry, there is supposed to be a confirmation dialog where you can cancel, even if my IAP works.!/id566916783?mt=8
One more edit:
OH yeah, it works now. I don't which step of the following make it work:
1, I delete my app and restart my iPhone again (and again, yes) and re-download
2, it's 4 hours now after v2.1 is approved.

In-app payment still says it's in sandbox mode

I built a in-app payment for one of my iPhone apps. It worked in sandbox mode.
I submitted my app to the app store and it got accepted. I even submit my in app payment. It got accepted and it's status is 'ready for sale'.
However, when I go get my app in the app store, it still says it's in sandbox?
Is there something in MKStoreKit that you have to transfer environments, or does it take some time for it to change?
I currently pulled it from the store because of it. Please help! Thanks.
Hmmm. Are you using your Test User ID or a real Apple ID?
When this happens, it's usually because you previously used the same device for testing IAP in sandbox mode. To fix, just go into "Settings", then go to "Store", then log out and back in again. That should clear that up, assuming that you are actually using the archived app that you downloaded from iTunes, rather than your dev copy.
Re-released my app today so I could get it and see if the in app payment would work. Surprisingly, it worked and it wasn't in sandbox mode! So I guess it just takes time for apple's servers to make the change.
If anyone else had this problem, don't fret like I did! Just wait and be patient. Hold for developer release and wait around 24 hours and you should be good!
Here's the real solution (edit):
Set your availability date to the future so it will be removed from the app store
Set your availability date to the day it is so it will re appear
