Processing save() Function Saves Only Final Result - save

Here's my code...
void setup() {
size(500, 500);
dot = loadImage("1-DOT.png");
void draw() {
grid(dot, 5, .2);
void grid(PImage img, int dim, float scale) {
int imgsize = floor(img.width * scale);
int canvassize;
for (int i = 1; i <= dim; i++) {
canvassize = dim * imgsize;
surface.setSize(canvassize, canvassize);
for (int x = 0; x < canvassize; x += imgsize) {
for (int y = 0; y < canvassize; y += imgsize) {
image(img, x, y, imgsize, imgsize);
save("grid_" + str(i) + ".png");
The grid function takes an image file, a dimension parameter, and a scale. It creates square grids of sizes 0 to dim from image.
It should save each iteration of this grid as a file. But it doesn't. What I am left with once I run the code is (in this case), 5 identical 5x5 grids. I should have a 1x1 grid, a 2x2 grid and so on. I have also attempted to use saveFrame(), but to no avail.
Thanks in advance!

Majlik is correct that you aren't calculating your canvassize correctly. If you want it to be different each iteration of the loop, then you need to use i instead of dim.
But on top of that, it seems like a really bad idea to change the size of your surface in the middle of a call to draw(). That throws an IndexOutOfBoundsException for me.
Instead, you'll probably have better luck if you create a PGraphics of whatever size you want and draw to that. Here's an example:
void setup() {
PImage dot = loadImage("dot.png");
grid(dot, 5, .2);
void grid(PImage img, int dim, float scale) {
int imgsize = floor(img.width * scale);
for (int i = 1; i <= dim; i++) {
int canvassize = i * imgsize;
PGraphics pg = createGraphics(canvassize, canvassize);
for (int x = 0; x < canvassize; x += imgsize) {
for (int y = 0; y < canvassize; y += imgsize) {
pg.image(img, x, y, imgsize, imgsize);
pg.endDraw();"grid_" + str(i) + ".png");
That creates these images:
Also, notice that I'm not calling this from the draw() function: your program would continuously create images, which is not necessary. Just create them once and then exit.

I think you have mistake on calculating a canvassize. If I get your goal right you should use i instead of dim.
canvassize = i * imgsize; // Corrected
Also it is easier to use saveFrame instead of save
But I tested in only with Java Mode (without surface methods).


Is there any way to get and set pixel color values in a createGraphics() object?

So I'm aware how you can use loadPixels() and updatePixels() to alter the individual pixels of the main canvas as though it were a bitmap. Is there any similar technique for accessing the pixels of a createGraphics() object? Or do I have to write it to the canvas then manipulate that?
Or am I supposed to use a drawingContext object somehow?
If you want to manipulate pixels use createImage()
If you want to draw easily using the graphics functions use createGraphics() and loadPixels() / reading pixels[] should work:
var buffer;
function setup() {
createCanvas(400, 400);
buffer = createGraphics(10,10);
function draw() {
<script src=""></script>
You can of course write pixels into PGraphics too if you want.
PImage is a bit lighter weight if you don't need the drawing functionality and just need pixels.
Here's an example:
var buffer;
function draw() {
function setup() {
createCanvas(400, 400);
buffer = createGraphics(10,10);
// print pixels (list of bytes in order (e.g. [r0,g0,b0,a0,r1,g1,b1,a1,...])
var gradientW = 3;
var gradientH = 3;
for(var y = 0; y < gradientH; y++){
for(var x = 0; x < gradientH; x++){
// calculate 1D index from x,y
let pixelIndex = x + (y * buffer.width);
// note that as opposed to Processing Java, p5.Image is RGBA (has 4 colour channels, hence the 4 bellow)
// and the pixels[] array is equal to width * height * 4 (colour cannels)
// therefore the index is also * 4
let rIndex = pixelIndex * 4;
console.log('x',x,'y',y,'pixelIndex',pixelIndex,'red index',rIndex);
// access and assign red
buffer.pixels[rIndex] = round(map(x,0,3,0,255));
// access and assign green
buffer.pixels[rIndex + 1] = round(map(y,0,3,0,255));
// access and assign blue
buffer.pixels[rIndex + 2] = 255 - buffer.pixels[rIndex] + buffer.pixels[rIndex + 1]
// access and assign alpha
buffer.pixels[rIndex + 3] = 255;
function draw() {
<script src=""></script>

Converting a pointcloud to a depth/multi channel image

I have a pointcloud generated by scanning a planar surface using stereo cameras. I have generated features such as normals, fpfh etc and using this information I want to classify areas in the pointcloud. To enable the use of more traditional CNN approaches I want to convert this pointcloud to a multi-channel image in opencv. I have the pointcloud collapsed to the XY plane, and aligned to the X and Y axes so that I can create a bounding box for the image.
I am looking for ideas on how to proceed further with the mapping from points to pixels. Specifically, I am confused about the image size, and how to go about filling in each pixel with the appropriate data. (Overlapping points would be averaged out, empty ones will be labelled accordingly). Since this is an unorganized pointcloud, I do not have camera parameters to use, and I guess PCL's RangImage class would not work in my case.
Any help is appreciated!
Try creating an empty cv::Mat of predetermined size first. Then iterate through every pixel of that Mat to determine what value it should take.
Here is some code which does something similar to what you were describing:
cv::Mat makeImageFromPointCloud(pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZI>::Ptr cloud, std::string dimensionToRemove, float stepSize1, float stepSize2)
pcl::PointXYZI cloudMin, cloudMax;
pcl::getMinMax3D(*cloud, cloudMin, cloudMax);
std::string dimen1, dimen2;
float dimen1Max, dimen1Min, dimen2Min, dimen2Max;
if (dimensionToRemove == "x")
dimen1 = "y";
dimen2 = "z";
dimen1Min = cloudMin.y;
dimen1Max = cloudMax.y;
dimen2Min = cloudMin.z;
dimen2Max = cloudMax.z;
else if (dimensionToRemove == "y")
dimen1 = "x";
dimen2 = "z";
dimen1Min = cloudMin.x;
dimen1Max = cloudMax.x;
dimen2Min = cloudMin.z;
dimen2Max = cloudMax.z;
else if (dimensionToRemove == "z")
dimen1 = "x";
dimen2 = "y";
dimen1Min = cloudMin.x;
dimen1Max = cloudMax.x;
dimen2Min = cloudMin.y;
dimen2Max = cloudMax.y;
std::vector<std::vector<int>> pointCountGrid;
int maxPoints = 0;
std::vector<pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZI>::Ptr> grid;
for (float i = dimen1Min; i < dimen1Max; i += stepSize1)
pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZI>::Ptr slice = passThroughFilter1D(cloud, dimen1, i, i + stepSize1);
std::vector<int> slicePointCount;
for (float j = dimen2Min; j < dimen2Max; j += stepSize2)
pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZI>::Ptr grid_cell = passThroughFilter1D(slice, dimen2, j, j + stepSize2);
int gridSize = grid_cell->size();
if (gridSize > maxPoints)
maxPoints = gridSize;
cv::Mat mat(static_cast<int>(pointCountGrid.size()), static_cast<int>(, CV_8UC1);
mat = cv::Scalar(0);
for (int i = 0; i < mat.rows; ++i)
for (int j = 0; j < mat.cols; ++j)
int pointCount =;
float percentOfMax = (pointCount + 0.0) / (maxPoints + 0.0);
int intensity = percentOfMax * 255;<uchar>(i, j) = intensity;
return mat;

How to apply K means in a mask of an image instead the whole one

I want to apply on OpenCV a K Means to a region of an image not squared or a rectangle. For example the source image is:
now I select a custom mask:
and apply K Means with K = 3:
Obviously without considering the bounds (white).
Instead, what I can do with OpenCV is K Means but considering the bounds:
And that messes out my final image because black is considered one colour.
Do you have any clue?
Thank you in advance.
Quick and dirty solution.
vector<Vec3b> points;
vector<Point> locations;
for( int y = 0; y < src.rows; y++) {
for( int x = 0; x < src.cols; x++) {
if ( (int)<unsigned char>(y,x) != 0 ) {
Mat kmeanPoints(points.size(), 3, CV_32F);
for( int y = 0; y < points.size(); y++ ) {
for( int z = 0; z < 3; z++) {<float>(y, z) = points[y][z];
Mat labels;
Mat centers;
kmeans(kmeanPoints, 4, labels, TermCriteria(CV_TERMCRIT_ITER|CV_TERMCRIT_EPS, 10, 0.1), 10, cv::KMEANS_PP_CENTERS, centers);
Mat final = Mat::zeros( src.size(), src.type() );
Vec3b tempColor;
for(int i = 0; i<locations.size(); i++) {
int cluster_idx =<int>(i,0);
tempColor[0] =<float>(cluster_idx, 0);
tempColor[1] =<float>(cluster_idx, 1);
tempColor[2] =<float>(cluster_idx, 2);<Vec3b>(locations[i]) = tempColor;
Assuming that you have an input RGB image called img(here) and a one-channel mask called mask(here), here is the snippet to prepare your k-means computation :
int nbClasses = 3; // or whatever you want
cv::TermCriteria myCriteria(cv::TermCriteria::MAX_ITER + cv::TermCriteria::EPS, 10, 1.0);
cv::Mat labels, centers, result;
img.convertTo(data, CV_32F);
// reshape into 3 columns (one per channel, in BGR order) and as many rows as the total number of pixels in img
data = data.reshape(1,;
If you want to apply a normal k-means (without mask) :
// apply k-means
cv::kmeans(data, nbClasses, labels, myCriteria, 3, cv::KMEANS_PP_CENTERS, centers);
// reshape both to a single column of Vec3f pixels
centers = centers.reshape(3, centers.rows);
data = data.reshape(3, data.rows);
// replace pixel values with their center value
cv::Vec3f *p = data.ptr<cv::Vec3f>();
for (size_t i = 0; i < data.rows; i++)
int center_id =<int>(i);
p[i] =<cv::Vec3f>(center_id);
// back to 2D image
data = data.reshape(3, img.rows);
// optional conversion to uchar
data.convertTo(result, CV_8U);
The result is here.
But, if you want instead to apply a masked k-means :
int nbWhitePixels = cv::countNonZero(mask);
cv::Mat dataMasked = cv::Mat(nbWhitePixels, 3, CV_32F, cv::Scalar(0));
cv::Mat maskFlatten = mask.reshape(1,;
// filter data by the mask
int idx = 0;
for (int k = 0; k <; k++)
int val =<uchar>(k, 0);
if (val != 0)
float val0 =<float>(k, 0);
float val1 =<float>(k, 1);
float val2 =<float>(k, 2);<float>(idx,0) = val0;<float>(idx,1) = val1;<float>(idx,2) = val2;
// apply k-means
cv::kmeans(dataMasked, nbClasses, labels, myCriteria, 3, cv::KMEANS_PP_CENTERS, centers);
// reshape to a single column of Vec3f pixels
centers = centers.reshape(3, centers.rows);
dataMasked = dataMasked.reshape(3, dataMasked.rows);
data = data.reshape(3, data.rows);
// replace pixel values with their center value, only for pixels in mask
cv::Vec3f *p = data.ptr<cv::Vec3f>();
idx = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < data.rows; i++)
if (<uchar>(i, 0) != 0)
int center_id =<int>(idx);
p[i] =<cv::Vec3f>(center_id);
// p[i] = cv::Vec3f(0, 0, 0);
// back to 2d, and uchar
data = data.reshape(3, img.rows);
data.convertTo(result, CV_8U);
You will have now this result.
If you let commented the else part, you will keep initial pixels outside the mask, whereas if you uncomment it, you will convert them into black pixels, like here.

How to efficiently merge two overlapping contours into one big contour?

I have a huge image ( about 63000 x 63000 pixels = 3969 Megapixels )
what i have done so far is i decided to make "tiles" of (1024 x 1024) and do my calculations based on these tiles, resulting in an 62 x 62 image tile grid!
(this works out very well and has the advantage of making the image viewable with zoom-in and zoom out, only viewn tiles are downsized for example)
But what i need now are the contours from the huge image!
i use the OpenCV function "findContours" to detect contours on each
one of the tiles.
i have added some overlap in the tiles so i get
overlapping contours ( 1 pixel overlap )
i used the offset parameter
of "findContours" to shift the contours to the right position
into the "virtual total image"
Here are some screenshot's i made from a demo application
What I want is this:
Now my questions:
is it possible to stitch the contours, my worst case is a contour which covers the total image... is there some library that can do this?
is there a library which works on a compressed version of the total image ( like rle for example )
is there a way to make opencv findcontours work on 1 bit binary images ?
Here's the code used by findcontours:
// Surf2DTiledData ...a gobject based class used for 2d tile management and viewing..
Surf2DTiledData* td = (Surf2DTiledData*)in_td;
int nr_hor_tiles = surf2_d_tiled_data_get_nr_hor_tiles(td);
int nr_ver_tiles = surf2_d_tiled_data_get_nr_ver_tiles(td);
int tile_size_x = surf2_d_tiled_data_get_tile_width(td);
int tile_size_y = surf2_d_tiled_data_get_tile_height(td);
contouring_data_obj = surf2_d_tiled_data_get_ContouringData(td);
p_contours = contouring_data_obj->p_contours;
p_border_contours = contouring_data_obj->p_border_contours;
g_return_if_fail(p_border_contours != NULL);
g_return_if_fail(p_contours != NULL);
for (y = 0; y < nr_ver_tiles; y++){
int x;
for (x = 0; x < nr_hor_tiles; x++){
int idx = x + y*nr_hor_tiles;
CvMemStorage *mem = contouring_data_obj->contour_storage[idx];
CvMat _src;
CvSeq *contours = NULL;
uchar* dataBuffer = (uchar*)p_data[x][y];
// the idea is to have some extra space available for the overlap
// detection of contours!
// the extra space is needed for the algorithm to check for
// overlaps of contours later on!
int virtual_x = x * tile_size_x - VIRT_BORDER_EXTEND;
int virtual_y = y * tile_size_y - VIRT_BORDER_EXTEND;
int virtual_width = tile_size_x + VIRT_BORDER_EXTEND * 2;
int virtual_height = tile_size_y + VIRT_BORDER_EXTEND * 2;
int x_off = -VIRT_BORDER_EXTEND;
int y_off = -VIRT_BORDER_EXTEND;
if (virtual_x < 0) {
virtual_width += virtual_x;
virtual_x = 0;
x_off = 0;
if (virtual_y < 0) {
virtual_height += virtual_y;
virtual_y = 0;
y_off = 0;
if ((virtual_x + virtual_width) > (nr_hor_tiles*tile_size_x)) {
virtual_width = nr_hor_tiles*tile_size_x - virtual_x;
if ((virtual_y + virtual_height) > (nr_ver_tiles*tile_size_y)) {
virtual_height = nr_ver_tiles*tile_size_y - virtual_y;
CvMat* _roi_mat = get_roi_mat(td,
virtual_x, virtual_y,
virtual_width, virtual_height);
// Use either this:
//mem = cvCreateMemStorage(0);
if (_roi_mat){
// CV_LINK_RUNS => different algorithm!!!!
int tile_off_x = tile_size_x * x;
int tile_off_y = tile_size_y * y;
CvPoint contour_shift = cvPoint(x_off + tile_off_x, y_off + tile_off_y);
int n = cvFindContours(_roi_mat, mem, &contours, sizeof(CvContour), CV_RETR_LIST, CV_CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE, contour_shift);
p_contours[x][y] = contours;
later i used opengl to make textures out of the tiles and for every tile there is a quad !
the opencv contours are not drawn as this could be too slow for now, but i draw their bounding boxes... which are drawn in opengl too..

efficient cropping calculation in processing

I am loading a png in processing. This png has a lot of unused pixels around the actual image. Luckily all those pixels are completely transparent. My goal is to crop the png to only show the image and get rid of the unused pixels. The first step would be to calculate the bounds of the image. Initially i wanted to check every pixel for alpha value and see if that pixel is the highest or lowest coordinate for bounds. like this:
Then i realized i only needed to do this until the first non-alpha pixel and repeat it backwards for highest coordinate bound. Like this:
This would mean less calculating for the same result. However the code i got out of it still seems to be very complex. Here it is:
class Rect { //class for storing the boundries
int xMin, xMax, yMin, yMax;
Rect() {
PImage gfx;
void setup() {
size(800, 600);
gfx = loadImage("resources/test.png");
Rect _bounds = calcBounds(); //first calculate the boundries
cropImage(_bounds); //then crop the image using those boundries
void draw() {
Rect calcBounds() {
Rect _bounds = new Rect();
boolean _coordFound = false;
//x min bounds
for (int i = 0; i < gfx.width; i++) { //rows
for (int i2 = 0; i2 < gfx.height; i2++) { //columns
if (alpha(gfx.pixels[(gfx.width * i2) + i]) != 0) {
_bounds.xMin = i;
_coordFound = true;
if (_coordFound) {
//x max bounds
_coordFound = false;
for (int i = gfx.width - 1; i >= 0; i--) { //rows
for (int i2 = gfx.height - 1; i2 >= 0; i2--) { //columns
if (alpha(gfx.pixels[(gfx.width * i2) + i]) != 0) {
_bounds.xMax = i;
_coordFound = true;
if (_coordFound) {
//y min bounds
_coordFound = false;
for (int i = 0; i < gfx.height; i++) { //columns
for (int i2 = 0; i2 < gfx.width; i2++) { //rows
if (alpha(gfx.pixels[(gfx.width * i) + i2]) != 0) {
_bounds.yMin = i;
_coordFound = true;
if (_coordFound) {
//y max bounds
_coordFound = false;
for (int i = gfx.height - 1; i >= 0; i--) { //columns
for (int i2 = gfx.width -1; i2 >= 0; i2--) { //rows
if (alpha(gfx.pixels[(gfx.width * i) + i2]) != 0) {
_bounds.yMax = i;
_coordFound = true;
if (_coordFound) {
return _bounds;
void cropImage(Rect _bounds) {
PImage _temp = createImage((_bounds.xMax - _bounds.xMin) + 1, (_bounds.yMax - _bounds.yMin) + 1, ARGB);
_temp.copy(gfx, _bounds.xMin, _bounds.yMin, (_bounds.xMax - _bounds.xMin) + 1, (_bounds.yMax - _bounds.yMin)+ 1, 0, 0, _temp.width, _temp.height);
gfx = _temp; //now the image is cropped
Isnt there a more efficient/faster way to calculate the bounds of the image?
And i do still want the boundries coordinates afterward instead of just cutting away at the image during calculation.
If you store the last completely empty line found for e.g. the horizontal minimum and maximum scan in a variable, you can use that to constrain your vertical scanning to only the area that has not yet been checked for being empty, instead of having to scan full columns. Depending on the amount and shape of the croppable area that can save you quite a bit - See the schematic for a visual explanation of the modified algorithm:
By the way, in your //x min bounds scan you seem to be iterating over the width in both for loops, should be height in one though? (unless your images are all square of course :))
