Using Docker Kitematic, how can I switch to different docker machine? - docker

I'm new to Docker (just started learning today).
I'm using docker 1.9.1 on MacOSX 10.10.5.
Apparently, there's this new "docker-machine" tool that replaces the deprecated "boot2docker". I'm not really sure what either are, but since docker-machine is so new, there doesn't seem to be a lot out there or people experiencing my specific set of issues.
Anyways, I'm at the point where I believe I created a VM using docker-machine:
docker-machine create -d virtualbox --engine-opt dns= my_machine
As far as I understand, I now have two docker virtual machines, the "default" one and a "my_machine".
(I thought Docker was different from vagrant in that it didn't use virtual machines but maybe that's a lesson for another day).
Under ~/.docker/machine/machines, I have both a default/ and my_machine/ folder
When I launch Kitematic (as a MacOSX app), I believe it's launching a view into the "default" virtual machine. The reasons I believe this are because
When I launch the Docker CLI from Kitematic and I echo $DOCKER_MACHINE_NAME in the CLI, it prints "default" as opposed to "my_machine"
Also, when I switch into "my_machine" (by typing eval "$(docker-machine env my_machine)") and create a new docker container (e.g. "docker build -t my_instance"), it doesn't show up in Kitematic.
So question is, how can I get Kitematic to "switch" to my newly created virtual machine.
Sorry, if what I'm saying doesn't make a whole lot of sense. I may not be using the right docker lingo at all. I'm happy to clarify and edit this post as I learn though.
I noticed in a similar post, someone was trying to switch to a different docker-machine from the Docker Quickstart Terminal app. Curious if there's a similar answer for switching the Kitematic app


Any reason not to remove Docker as default WSL distro?

I have the latest version of Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) installed, but when I run wsl from the command line I get the following error:
An error occurred mounting one of your file systems. Please run ‘dmesg’ for more details.
I hunted down a few possible explanations and one is the possibility that Docker is set as my default wsl. Sure enough, when I run wsl -l -v, the response is:
* docker-desktop-data | Stopped | 2
docker-desktop | Stopped | 2
To correct this, I am told to change the default from Docker to something else with the command wsl -s distroName where “distroName” should be changed to … something.
So I have two questions:
What should I type instead of “distroName”?
Will Docker Desktop still perform as intended if I do this?
If you're not using WSL for anything other than Docker Desktop, then it really doesn't matter.
But since you attempted to run wsl, it sounds like you may want to try it out. In that case, you should definitely install a WSL distribution that is meant for interactive use.
The docker-desktop and docker-desktop-data distributions aren't really intended to be accessed directly by the user, but one of them will get set as default if you don't have any other distribution installed. There's a proposal to have a way for Docker to set these as "hidden" so that WSL wouldn't automatically set either as default.
What should I type instead of “distroName”?
First, install a user distribution. Which one you choose is up to you, but I typically recommend Ubuntu for first-time installs. When installing WSL on recent Windows releases, it should be the default.
It's installable via the Microsoft Store -- Just find the one that says "Ubuntu" (with no version number). It will install the latest release.
Then, in PowerShell;
wsl --set-default Ubuntu
Will Docker Desktop still perform as intended if I do this?
Absolutely -- It's really an error/corner-case/oversight that docker-desktop-data ever gets set as default anyway, which is why it's nice that the WSL team is considering a method to prevent this.

Docker under WSL without Docker Desktop

This is the question regarding running Docker from within WSL, without Docker Desktop. It is doable for WSL2, so the focus of this question is on WSL1 specifically. Of my researches,
Some says "the Docker daemon cannot run directly on WSL", while
Another article says Docker can be run "seamlessly in Windows Subsystem Linux", with the help of Docker Community Edition 17.09.0, as "A crucial change was made to the WSL kernel that enables the usage of cgroups which Docker needs to manage your system’s resources into containers."
My docker is 20.10.5 under debian bullseye. Would it be still good?
I tried it, and got:
iptables can't initialize iptables table `nat': Table does not exist
and the answer to Iptables v1.6.1 can't initialize iptables table `filter' Ubuntu 18.04 Bash Windows is that,
According to the Microsoft WSL page on, iptables isn't supported.
But that's more than 4 years ago, and since it has been possible later in year 2019, I'm wondering what the latest status is.
WSL1 - The little engine that could (link included since that reference may only be understood by a limited audience).
Unfortunately, in the case of Docker, the WSL1 engine seems to have run out of steam. In reading that blog post that you reference, and the corresponding Github thread, I'm pretty amazed at just how far along folks did get with running Docker. I had never seen that before.
However, if you read the full comments on the Github thread, it appears that the results were fairly limited. Placing these excerpts in order:
[2018-04-23] I'm glad to say Docker daemon finally runs on WSL. I'm testing on build 17134. ... The last docker-ce version that works right now on build 17134 is 17.09.0. Anything after that fails on extracting the docker images.
Note that it had to (and still has to) be run in a WSL1 instance running as a Windows admin.
[2018-0612] Unfortunately, docker-compose still doesn't work.... There is a problem with iptables which is not fully supported via WSL yet.
(Which you've run into, although I didn't see that. Perhaps the "admin" thing?)
[2018-07-09] Yeah, I recently mentioned it on Twitter and got a major "we aren't supporting this, we highly advise against it" message from our former WSL PM.
[2018-11-13] WSL PM here. As mentioned in the above comment, we have improved Docker support in recent builds of WSL. Most (if not all) versions of docker-ce work with WSL. We're working on a large set of changes for WSL currently. As part of those changes, we are looking at adding native Docker support in WSL. I will add to this thread and other issues on Docker support when I have additional updates to share
It doesn't seem like this ever progressed, since the PM never posted again in the thread, at least.
[2019-04-18] Like others have pointed out, running docker 17.09 works. Anything later fails with different errors. It might be that newer docker versions are using other syscalls not yet implemented by WSL.
There are some other messages scattered in here about running with --network host (for the client) or --iptables=false (for the daemon).
[2019-08-04] Windows Insider Fast Ring build (>=18917) via WSL2, latest docker/docker-compose is running native in WSL Linux.
And in late 2020, the thread died off.
In a test WSL1 Ubuntu 20.04 instance, I was able to get hello-world running, but nothing more. Running a busybox or ubuntu image (with or without an interactive terminal) failed with:
Error response from daemon: failed to create shim task: OCI runtime create failed: runc create failed: unable to start container process: waiting for init preliminary setup: EOF: unknown.
Once the focused shifted to WSL2 and the real kernel, it doesn't appear to me that the WSL team has made any more progress advancing WSL1's pseudo-kernel syscall translation layer.

Cannot pull the project from Bitbucket (the project is with IP restrictions) while using Docker with WSL2 Ubuntu-20.04 Distro

I've a Symfony project that I am running on my PC with Symfony serve.
This project is on Bitbucket that has IP restrictions, I can only work from home and nowhere else for security reasons, and all works just fine :).
I wanted to create a Docker image so that I can easily change my machine and be able to deploy it elsewhere.
So I created a Docker image and did the necesseray configurations and all seems good, I can open the project and work the same way as before. The Docker has the default WSL (WSL1) and I've noticed that the application isn't running as fast as usual (outside the Docker, to load a page it would take 3 seconds, while with Docker it takes at least 30 seconds).
I did some research and found out that I could use the WSL2 with DOCKER which provides better performance than the legacy Hyper-V Backend and Enabled integration for the distro UBUNTU-20.4. The problem using the WSL2 is that I am no longer able to pull my project in the WSL2 (from the Ubuntu-20.0) because of the IP restrictions.
It is really strange that I cannot find any configuration for this and I have no idea what should I do to change it. If I pull the project outside the WLS2 distro it works, with the default WSL it works also but not with the WSL2.
I removed the IP restrcitions and the Docker image worked fine, I have the same speed as If I was outside the Docker. The only problem is that I cannot use the IP restrcitoins for this !
Does anyone know how to fix this ? I haven't been able to find any documentation for this issue.
I am using Windows 10 and the Docker version : 4.5.1 (74721)
Thanks a lot for any information.

How to setup dockerized binaries in VSCode

I have learned to use docker as development server (LAMP and MEAN) and now I feel I should take next step, By removing PHP and node binaries from system and use binaries from containers. So on a fresh Solus install, I setup containers for PHP, node, Ruby etc. Solus already recommends using containers for such tasks. But I got stuck on first day.
I installed vs code (Code-oss) on installed extensions (prettier, PHPCS etc) on it, and they need path of installed binaries (path/to/phpcs, path/to/node etc).
I initially set up configuration path as
docker run -it --rm herloct/phpcs phpcs
based on but using more updated container. It didn't work, So I set it up as alias thinking it would fool VSCode into thinking it is native command, but it didn't work either. I have confirmed that using those command directly from terminal does work, But VSCode PHPIntellisense extension does not want to work.
Any suggestion?
P.S. Any tip to keep container running in background as to avoid container bootup delay everytime I use PHPCS or javac from container? I can keep LAMP server running but everytime I enter terminal tools, it loads up new container to execute command, and then kill container causing delay for bootup and closing.
In case it is still relevant to someone: You might want to create a VS Code development container to use dockerized binaries.
For this to work, a .devcontainer.json is required which could be as simple as:
"image": ""

Running Docker locally in browser on Windows10: Error - IP Not Found

Ok, so here's my background first. I'm a noob in the world of commandline interfaces, but have been building websites off and on for a long time (10 yrs) using GUI's. So, I'm trying to make the switch to CLI's while also learning Docker.
Right now I'm stuck at trying to get Docker to load anything into my browser window. Here's what I've done successfully:
Installed Docker CE on my Windows 10 Machine
Setup a new virtual switch in Hyper-V Manager per these instructions and restarted the computer.
Created a new machine using this line of code docker-machine create -d hyperv --hyperv-virtual-switch "Primary Virtual Switch" manager1
Now here's where things get a little interesting. When I run the above function (I've done it twice now) it stalls on the line: Waiting for host to start...
I waited for five minutes to see if it would do anything, before killing the operation. (oh, did I mention I'm running PowerShell in Adminstrator Mode - right click on the icon to "run as administrator").
So when I re-open PowerShell to check if the new "manager1" machine has been created it comes back affirmative, but with this:
PS C:\WINDOWS\system32> docker-machine ls
manager1 * hyperv Running Unknown IP not found
As far as I can tell these are the steps that I need to take to get Docker to run locally in my browser window, but for the life of me, I'm lost!
Oh, I did downgrade my docker-machine version per a suggestion that I read in a git forum comment, but that was to remedy an issue with the docker-machine create command. Part of me wonders if I'm doing too much. But I honestly don't know what to do next.
I don't know that this is progress, but in the Virtual Switch Manager, I did switch the external network device from the "Ethernet Connection" to the "Dual Band Wireless" option. Then I restarted my machine. Now I'm showing that the state of the machine is "Timeout". I've also started and stopped my "docker-machine manager1". It sites on the (manager1) Waiting for host to start... line for about half a minute, then proceed to the Waiting for SSH to be available... where it just sits. Here's another screen shot that captures this:
Ok, my confusion was a result of looking beyond the documentation and getting a little confused. I still don't have this fully figured out but everything I was attempting to accomplish is detailed in this getting started with Windows 10 pro article.
