Arrays in Swift - How to add images - ios

I am making an application that keeps score from 1 to 20 and then displays an image if the score is >= 21. However I don't know how to go about this, I have a label that displays the users score in integers. Is there a way that I can add an image to the array after 20? Or is there a way to add a string when score >= 21 that says "Bullseye" either the string or image. I just dont know the best way to do this any help?
import UIKit
class ViewController: UIViewController {
//Below are all of the labels at the top of AZG
#IBOutlet weak var user1name: UILabel!
#IBOutlet weak var user2name: UILabel!
#IBOutlet weak var lbl_currentPlayer: UILabel!
#IBOutlet weak var user1score: UILabel!
#IBOutlet weak var user2score: UILabel!
//Below are all the declared variables
var usernames = ["Big Meat ", "J Hooks "]
var currentPlayer = 0
var scores = [0,0]
var count = 0
var sdCount = 0
override func viewDidLoad() {
override func didReceiveMemoryWarning() {
// Dispose of any resources that can be recreated.
func newGame() {
user1score.text = "\(count)"
user2score.text = "\(count)"
user1name.text = "\(usernames[0])"
user2name.text = "\(usernames[1])"
lbl_currentPlayer.text = usernames[currentPlayer]
scores = [0,0]
func setupGame() {
user1score.text = "\(count)"
user2score.text = "\(count)"
user1name.text = "\(usernames[0])"
user2name.text = "\(usernames[1])"
lbl_currentPlayer.text = usernames[currentPlayer]
func updateTurn() {
lbl_currentPlayer.text = usernames[currentPlayer]
user1score.text = "\(scores[0])"
user2score.text = "\(scores[1])"
func attackTurnUpdate() {
currentPlayer = 1 - currentPlayer
func resetAttackTurn() {
currentPlayer = 1 - currentPlayer
func missedNextTurn() {
currentPlayer = 1 - currentPlayer
func suddenDeath() {
sdCount = sdCount++
func takeStepBack() {
func bullseyeDisplay() {
#IBAction func hitSingle(sender: AnyObject) {
#IBAction func nextTurn(sender: AnyObject) {
currentPlayer = 1 - currentPlayer

Just add the image to your view in interface builder (with an appropriate IBOutlet in your code) and set "Hidden" on it.
Then when you want to display the image, just change the value of hidden:
my image.hidden = false


Swift NSTiimer not following specified Interval

I am trying to create a quiz app which has a timer for each question when the timer expires (i.e. 10 seconds and I want Timer to have an interval of 1 sec) it resets it self and next question is fetched and Timer again restart from 10... But my issue is the timer doesn't follow a fixed interval when first question is loaded it shows interval of 2 ... i.e. 10,8,6 .. and then for second question it makes jump for 3 secs interval and similarly the interval increases.
import UIKit
class ViewController: UIViewController {
let allQuestions = QuestionsBundle()
var pickedAnswer : Int = 0
var questionCounter = 0
var score : Int = 0
var timer: Timer!
#IBOutlet weak var questionLabel: UILabel!
#IBOutlet weak var countDownLabel: UILabel!
#IBOutlet weak var ansLbl1: UILabel!
#IBOutlet weak var ansLbl2: UILabel!
#IBOutlet weak var ansLbl3: UILabel!
#IBOutlet weak var ansLbl4: UILabel!
#IBOutlet weak var checkBox1: CheckBox!
#IBOutlet weak var checkBox2: CheckBox!
#IBOutlet weak var checkBox3: CheckBox!
#IBOutlet weak var checkBox4: CheckBox!
var checkBoxlist : [CheckBox] = []
#IBAction func correct_Answer_Checbox_Btn(_ sender: AnyObject) {
//print("\(sender.tag) <==> \(String(describing: question?.correctAnswer))")
updateCheckBoxes(sender: sender)
if sender.tag == question?.correctAnswer{
question?.isAnswerCorrect = true
question?.selectedAnswer = sender.tag
//score = score + 1
else {
question?.isAnswerCorrect = false
func updateCheckBoxes(sender: AnyObject){
for checkBoxItem in checkBoxlist{
if checkBoxItem.tag != sender.tag {
checkBoxItem.isChecked = false
#IBOutlet weak var nextButton: UIButton!
#IBAction func nextBtnClicked(_ sender: AnyObject) {
try handleNextQuestion()
func handleNextQuestion() throws {
if questionCounter == allQuestions.list.count-1{
finishButton.isHidden = false
nextButton.isHidden = true
//scoreLbl.text = "\(score)"
var question : Question?
var countTime = 10.0
override func viewDidLoad() {
finishButton?.isHidden = true
checkBoxlist = fetchCheckBoxList()
question = fetchQuestion()
setQuizView(question: question!)
// Do any additional setup after loading the view, typically from a nib.
// set all questions in a function
#objc func update() {
if(countTime > 0) {
countTime = countTime - 1
self.countDownLabel.text = String(countTime)
countTime = 10.0
try handleNextQuestion()
func startTimer() {
timer = Timer.scheduledTimer(timeInterval: 1.0, target: self, selector: #selector(ViewController.update), userInfo: nil, repeats: true)
func setQuizView(question:Question) {
self.countDownLabel.text = "10"
questionLabel.text = question.questionText
ansLbl1.text = question.answer1
ansLbl2.text = question.answer2
ansLbl3.text = question.answer3
ansLbl4.text = question.answer4
if question.selectedAnswer == Constants.DEFAULT_ANSWER {
for checkBoxItem in checkBoxlist{
checkBoxItem.isChecked = false
#IBOutlet weak var finishButton: UIButton!
// prepare segue
override func prepare(for segue: UIStoryboardSegue, sender: Any?) {
if segue.identifier == resultScreenIdentifier{
let vc = segue.destination as! ResultViewController = sender as! String
let resultScreenIdentifier = "resultScreenSegue"
func moveToResultView(){
performSegue(withIdentifier: resultScreenIdentifier, sender: score)
#IBAction func finishButtonClicked(_ sender: UIButton) {
//perform segue
let score = "\(calculateScore())"
// calculate the score of quiz using loop
func calculateScore()->Int{
var numOfCorrectAnswers = 0
for question in allQuestions.list{
if question.isAnswerCorrect {
numOfCorrectAnswers = numOfCorrectAnswers + 1
return numOfCorrectAnswers
func nextQuestion(){
showResultView(isCorrect: (question?.isAnswerCorrect)!)
questionCounter = questionCounter + 1
question = fetchQuestion()
setQuizView(question: question!)
func fetchQuestion() -> Question{
return allQuestions.list[questionCounter]
func fetchCheckBoxList() -> [CheckBox]{
let arr : [CheckBox] = [checkBox1,checkBox2,checkBox3,checkBox4]
return arr
Timers are not particularly accurate. They can suffer from significant jitter.
A better approach is to create a Date that represents the expiration time (ie Date(timeIntervalSinceNow:10) and then run a Timer with a much shorter interval (I would suggest around 0.1 second). You can then calculate the time remaining based on the target Date and check if the target date is in the past.

Code crashing in during runtime

I am learning swift3 programming but after executing my calculator app its crashing in between. Please check the below code.
import UIKit
class ViewController: UIViewController {
#IBOutlet weak var aLabel: UILabel!
#IBOutlet weak var commmon_button: UIButton!
var a: Int?
var b: Int?
var sum: Int?
var val = ""
#IBOutlet weak var text_feild: UITextField!
override func viewDidLoad() {
// Do any additional setup after loading the view, typically from a nib.
#IBAction func clik_button(_ sender: UIButton) {
text_feild.text = text_feild.text! + val
#IBAction func fn_addition(_ sender: UIButton) {
a = Int(text_feild.text!)
#IBAction func fn_answer(_ sender: UIButton) {
b = Int(text_feild.text!)
sum = a! + b!
a = 0
b = 0
text_feild.text = nil
text_feild.text = String(sum!)
override func viewDidDisappear(_ animated: Bool) {
override func didReceiveMemoryWarning() {
// Dispose of any resources that can be recreated.
During run time i am getting crash at fn_addition by saying Thread 1 breakpoint 2.1
Initiliaze your variables as below
var a = 0
var b = 0
var sum = 0
Replace your methods with below methods.
#IBAction func clik_button(_ sender: UIButton) {
guard let value = String(sender.tag), let text = text_feild.text
else {
text_feild.text = text + value
#IBAction func fn_addition(_ sender: UIButton) {
guard let aValue = Int(text_feild.text)
a = aValue
#IBAction func fn_answer(_ sender: UIButton) {
guard let bValue = Int(text_feild.text)
b = bValue
sum = a + b
a = 0
b = 0
text_feild.text = ""
text_feild.text = String(sum)
Suggestion: You are using same text field for taking a , b values and for showing sum result. It is better to use two different text fields for taking a and b values separately. Take a label to show sum value.

Issues with tip calculator app and displaying data

Hey everyone I need some help here with my code
When I select the default tip rate in settings and go back the percentage label appear to be multiplied by 100.
I send an email to a professor and he told me this:
(("It looks like it's because you are saving the default tip rate as "20" instead of "0.20" so when you multiply that by "100" you get "2000" instead of "20"."))) There are a couple ways to solve this, but the easiest would be to divide by 100 when you compute the tip amount.
I will appreciate someones help me making the line of code that I need to divide the amount by 100.
Below I will leave some screenshots of my code.
The screenshot of the Views are in order :
Here is my MainViewController code
import UIKit
class ViewController: UIViewController, SettingsDelegate {
// Inputs
#IBOutlet weak var amountTextField: UITextField!
#IBOutlet weak var TipPercentageLabel: UILabel!
#IBOutlet weak var numberOfPersonLabel: UILabel!
#IBOutlet weak var tipAmountLabel: UILabel!
#IBOutlet weak var totalBillLabel: UILabel!
#IBOutlet weak var billPerPersonLabel: UILabel!
//Slider & Stepper
#IBOutlet weak var tipSlider: UISlider!
#IBOutlet weak var personsStepper: UIStepper!
var tipPercentage : Double = NSUserDefaults.standardUserDefaults().doubleForKey("DefaultTipRate") ?? 0.20
var numberOfPerson:Int = 1
let numberFormatter:NSNumberFormatter = NSNumberFormatter()
override func viewDidLoad() {
// Do any additional setup after loading the view, typically from a nib.
tipAmountLabel.text = "$0.00"
totalBillLabel.text = "Bill Total"
billPerPersonLabel.text = "$0.00"
numberOfPersonLabel.text = "1"
override func didReceiveMemoryWarning() {
// Dispose of any resources that can be recreated.
func setupContainer() {
tipSlider.minimumValue = 0
tipSlider.maximumValue = 100
tipSlider.value = 20
tipSlider.addTarget(self, action: "sliderTipChanged:", forControlEvents: .ValueChanged)
personsStepper.minimumValue = 1
personsStepper.maximumValue = 30
personsStepper.value = 1
personsStepper.addTarget(self, action: "sliderPersonChanged:", forControlEvents: .ValueChanged)
amountTextField.text = ""
#IBAction func OnEditingFieldBill(sender: AnyObject) {
func refreshCalculation() {
numberFormatter.numberStyle = NSNumberFormatterStyle.DecimalStyle
if let amount = numberFormatter.numberFromString(amountTextField.text!) as? Double {
let tipAmount = amount * tipPercentage
let totalBill = amount + tipAmount
let billPerPerson = totalBill / Double(numberOfPerson)
numberFormatter.numberStyle = NSNumberFormatterStyle.CurrencyStyle
tipAmountLabel.text = numberFormatter.stringFromNumber(tipAmount)
totalBillLabel.text = numberFormatter.stringFromNumber(totalBill)
billPerPersonLabel.text = numberFormatter.stringFromNumber(billPerPerson)
} else {
tipAmountLabel.text = "-"
totalBillLabel.text = "-"
billPerPersonLabel.text = "-"
numberFormatter.numberStyle = NSNumberFormatterStyle.PercentStyle
numberFormatter.minimumFractionDigits = 1
numberFormatter.maximumFractionDigits = 1
TipPercentageLabel.text = self.numberFormatter.stringFromNumber(tipPercentage)
numberOfPersonLabel.text = "\(numberOfPerson)"
#IBAction func sliderTipChanged(sender: UISlider) {
tipPercentage = Double(round(tipSlider.value)) / 100
#IBAction func StepperPersonChanged(sender: UIStepper) {
numberOfPerson = Int(round(personsStepper.value))
override func prepareForSegue(segue: UIStoryboardSegue, sender: AnyObject?) {
if let SettingsViewController = segue.destinationViewController as? SettingsViewController {
SettingsViewController.delegate = self
func tipPercentageChanged(newValue: Double) {
TipPercentageLabel.text = "\(newValue)%"
tipPercentage = newValue
And here are the Settings View code
import UIKit
protocol SettingsDelegate{
func tipPercentageChanged(newValue : Double)
class SettingsViewController: UIViewController {
#IBOutlet weak var tipControl: UISegmentedControl!
var tipRates: Double?
var destName : String!
var delegate :SettingsDelegate?
override func viewDidLoad() {
// Do any additional setup after loading the view.
override func didReceiveMemoryWarning() {
// Dispose of any resources that can be recreated.
In the Settings View it should be sufficient to change, since you have already given it a correct name of a rate, you should also make it a rate
var tipRate = [5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30]
var tipRate = [0.05, 0.10, 0.15, 0.20, 0.25, 0.30]
You can also get rid of the next line which does the cast to Double, since it is not needed.

Passing Data Through Segue & some errors

Hey guys I need some one to help me finish my app, I need to finish it before Dec 15. I'm making a Tip Calculator Project in Swift2 and It must have a settings view where I select the default tip rate. I have some issues with passing data, when I select a default tip percentage it doesn't change in the View Controller, also I want to make the app remember the default rate when I close the app and reopened. I will really appreciate that some one corrects my code and test it. Im new in this, below is the code of the two ViewControllers and a screenshot of the Main.Storyboard (Image 1) (ViewController Screenshot)
My apologies for my bad English, is not my native language
import UIKit
class ViewController: UIViewController {
#IBOutlet weak var amountTextField: UITextField!
#IBOutlet weak var TipPercentageLabel: UILabel!
#IBOutlet weak var numberOfPersonLabel: UILabel!
#IBOutlet weak var tipAmountLabel: UILabel!
#IBOutlet weak var totalBillLabel: UILabel!
#IBOutlet weak var billPerPersonLabel: UILabel!
//Slider & Stepper
#IBOutlet weak var tipSlider: UISlider!
#IBOutlet weak var personsStepper: UIStepper!
var tipPercentage = 0.20
var numberOfPerson:Int = 1
let numberFormatter:NSNumberFormatter = NSNumberFormatter()
override func viewDidLoad() {
// Do any additional setup after loading the view, typically from a nib.
tipAmountLabel.text = "$0.00"
totalBillLabel.text = "Bill Total"
billPerPersonLabel.text = "$0.00"
TipPercentageLabel.text = "20.0%"
numberOfPersonLabel.text = "1"
override func didReceiveMemoryWarning() {
// Dispose of any resources that can be recreated.
func setupContainer() {
tipSlider.minimumValue = 0
tipSlider.maximumValue = 100
tipSlider.value = 20
tipSlider.addTarget(self, action: "sliderTipChanged:", forControlEvents: .ValueChanged)
personsStepper.minimumValue = 1
personsStepper.maximumValue = 30
personsStepper.value = 1
personsStepper.addTarget(self, action: "sliderPersonChanged:", forControlEvents: .ValueChanged)
amountTextField.text = ""
#IBAction func OnEditingFieldBill(sender: AnyObject) {
func refreshCalculation() {
numberFormatter.numberStyle = NSNumberFormatterStyle.DecimalStyle
if let amount = numberFormatter.numberFromString(amountTextField.text!) as? Double {
let tipAmount = amount * tipPercentage
let totalBill = amount + tipAmount
let billPerPerson = totalBill / Double(numberOfPerson)
numberFormatter.numberStyle = NSNumberFormatterStyle.CurrencyStyle
tipAmountLabel.text = numberFormatter.stringFromNumber(tipAmount)
totalBillLabel.text = numberFormatter.stringFromNumber(totalBill)
billPerPersonLabel.text = numberFormatter.stringFromNumber(billPerPerson)
} else {
tipAmountLabel.text = "-"
totalBillLabel.text = "-"
billPerPersonLabel.text = "-"
numberFormatter.numberStyle = NSNumberFormatterStyle.PercentStyle
numberFormatter.minimumFractionDigits = 1
numberFormatter.maximumFractionDigits = 1
TipPercentageLabel.text = self.numberFormatter.stringFromNumber(tipPercentage)
numberOfPersonLabel.text = "\(numberOfPerson)"
#IBAction func sliderTipChanged(sender: AnyObject) {
tipPercentage = Double(round(tipSlider.value)) / 100
#IBAction func StepperPersonChanged(sender: AnyObject) {
numberOfPerson = Int(round(personsStepper.value))
override func prepareForSegue(segue: UIStoryboardSegue, sender: AnyObject?) {
if let id = segue.identifier {
if id == "show settings" {
if let SettingsViewController = segue.destinationViewController as? SettingsViewController {
Settings View Controller
import UIKit
class SettingsViewController: UIViewController {
#IBOutlet weak var tipControl: UISegmentedControl!
var tipRates:Double?
override func viewDidLoad() {
// Do any additional setup after loading the view.
override func didReceiveMemoryWarning() {
// Dispose of any resources that can be recreated.
#IBAction func DefaultRate(sender: AnyObject) {
var tipRate = [5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30]
var tipRates = Double(tipRate[tipControl.selectedSegmentIndex])
override func prepareForSegue(segue: UIStoryboardSegue, sender: AnyObject?) {
if let id = segue.identifier {
if id == "goBackToViewController" {
if let ViewController = segue.destinationViewController as? ViewController {
if let tip = tipRates {
ViewController.tipPercentage = tip/100
---- Edit from comments ----
I think the reason it is not updating as you would like is due to a minor error with this line.
var tipRates = Double(tipRate[tipControl.selectedSegmentIndex])
Inside of your DefaultRate action function for the UISegmentedControl
Using var is a redeclaration of the same variable name, thus what you are trying to pass in the prepareForSegue is an empty variable.
This function should be changed to:
#IBAction func DefaultRate(sender: AnyObject) {
var tipRate = [5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30]
tipRates = Double(tipRate[tipControl.selectedSegmentIndex])}
Hopefully this will now solve the error.
---- End Edit ----
From what I can see in the viewDidLoad function of your viewController, you are setting the tip label, and not updating the value based on the variable var tipPercentage.
TipPercentageLabel.text = "20.0%"
is setting the value display to always be 20.0%, you could use this here.
var tipDisplay = tipPercentage * 100
TipPercentageLabel.text = "\(tipDisplay)%"
This should update the displayed value in the label, however you never call on your other functions to recalculate the amount etc.
Thus you should also be calling on
func setupContainer()
func refreshCalculation()
within your ViewDidLoad().
In terms of remembering the default value when the app is closed you should look into using NSUserDefaults.
Some information regarding NSUserDefaults can be found here, which explains implementing small amounts of saved data and can be implemented in your case quite simply.

Prepare for segue, passing data

Hey guys I need some help here with my code, please take a look to the images to see what I see. I'm making a Tip Calculator Project in Swift and I must have a settings view where I select the default tip rate. I have some errors and I must fix that as soon as posible. I will really appreciate that some one corrects my code and test it. Below is the code of the two ViewControllers, I did not post the image of the Settings View Controller because the website does not let me post more than two links until I get more reputation.
The error in Xcode:
Storyboard: Check the images I have some errors at the first lines.
import UIKit
class ViewController: UIViewController, SettingDelegate {
// Inputs
#IBOutlet weak var amountTextField: UITextField!
#IBOutlet weak var TipPercentageLabel: UILabel!
#IBOutlet weak var numberOfPersonLabel: UILabel!
#IBOutlet weak var tipAmountLabel: UILabel!
#IBOutlet weak var totalBillLabel: UILabel!
#IBOutlet weak var billPerPersonLabel: UILabel!
//Slider & Stepper
#IBOutlet weak var tipSlider: UISlider!
#IBOutlet weak var personsStepper: UIStepper!
var tipPercentage : Double = NSUserDefaults.standardUserDefaults().doubleForKey("DefaultTipRate") ?? 0.20
var numberOfPerson:Int = 1
let numberFormatter:NSNumberFormatter = NSNumberFormatter()
override func viewDidLoad() {
// Do any additional setup after loading the view, typically from a nib.
tipAmountLabel.text = "$0.00"
totalBillLabel.text = "Bill Total"
billPerPersonLabel.text = "$0.00"
TipPercentageLabel.text = "20.0%"
numberOfPersonLabel.text = "1"
override func didReceiveMemoryWarning() {
// Dispose of any resources that can be recreated.
func setupContainer() {
tipSlider.minimumValue = 0
tipSlider.maximumValue = 100
tipSlider.value = 20
tipSlider.addTarget(self, action: "sliderTipChanged:", forControlEvents: .ValueChanged)
personsStepper.minimumValue = 1
personsStepper.maximumValue = 30
personsStepper.value = 1
personsStepper.addTarget(self, action: "sliderPersonChanged:", forControlEvents: .ValueChanged)
amountTextField.text = ""
#IBAction func OnEditingFieldBill(sender: AnyObject) {
func refreshCalculation() {
numberFormatter.numberStyle = NSNumberFormatterStyle.DecimalStyle
if let amount = numberFormatter.numberFromString(amountTextField.text!) as? Double {
let tipAmount = amount * tipPercentage
let totalBill = amount + tipAmount
let billPerPerson = totalBill / Double(numberOfPerson)
numberFormatter.numberStyle = NSNumberFormatterStyle.CurrencyStyle
tipAmountLabel.text = numberFormatter.stringFromNumber(tipAmount)
totalBillLabel.text = numberFormatter.stringFromNumber(totalBill)
billPerPersonLabel.text = numberFormatter.stringFromNumber(billPerPerson)
} else {
tipAmountLabel.text = "-"
totalBillLabel.text = "-"
billPerPersonLabel.text = "-"
numberFormatter.numberStyle = NSNumberFormatterStyle.PercentStyle
numberFormatter.minimumFractionDigits = 1
numberFormatter.maximumFractionDigits = 1
TipPercentageLabel.text = self.numberFormatter.stringFromNumber(tipPercentage)
numberOfPersonLabel.text = "\(numberOfPerson)"
#IBAction func sliderTipChanged(sender: UISlider) {
tipPercentage = Double(round(tipSlider.value)) / 100
#IBAction func StepperPersonChanged(sender: UIStepper) {
numberOfPerson = Int(round(personsStepper.value))
override func prepareForSegue(segue: UIStoryboardSegue, sender: AnyObject?) {
if let SettingsViewController = segue.destinationViewController as?SettingsViewController {
SettingsViewController.delegate = self
The SettingsViewController below:
import UIKit
protocol SettingDelegate {
func tipPercentageChanged(newValue : Double)
class SettingsViewController: UIViewController {
var destName : String!
var delegate : SettingDelegate?
#IBOutlet weak var tipControl: UISegmentedControl!
override func viewDidLoad() {
// Do any additional setup after loading the view.
override func didReceiveMemoryWarning() {
// Dispose of any resources that can be recreated.
#IBAction func DefaultRate(sender: AnyObject) {
var tipRates = [0.05, 0.10, 0.15, 0.20, 0.25, 0.30]
let tipRate = tipRates[tipControl.selectedSegmentIndex]
NSUserDefaults.standardUserDefaults().setDouble(tipRate, forKey: "DefaultTipRate")
For your first error:
When a viewController conforms to a protocol, it needs to implements the methods the protocol implements. In your case, define you should have
func tipPercentageChanged(newValue : Double) {
//save the new value here
The first error should go away.
It looks like you are presenting the SettingsViewController using a modal transition, so you can use
self.dismissViewControllerAnimated(true, completion: {})
