Is there a way to remove a name from a Docker container? - docker

We found that running docker rm myprocess takes quite a bit of time, much longer than docker run takes to start a fresh copy.
Is there a way we can make a container give up its name, so that we can first free up the name to be able to docker run again, and then do the time-consuming cleanup of the old container later?
That would make the stop/start cycle when updating to newer versions of the underlying image faster.

You can rename a container that already exists, or you could deploy with a new name then rename it afterwards:
docker rename myprocess myprocess-old

There have been multiple reports of that problem.
Issue 16281 mentions (about the devicemapper or dm):
Switching the dm.basesize to 10GB seems to be fixing the issue so far, maybe it would be worth reverting the default to 10GB instead of 100GB or even specify this option at the creation of the container as requested in issue 14678
See the docker daemon storage driver options:
docker daemon --storage-opt dm.basesize=10G
Switching to thinpool can help too:
docker daemon --storage-opt dm.thinpooldev=/dev/mapper/thin-pool


Should I create a docker container or docker start a stopped container?

From the docker philosophy's point of view it is more advisable:
create a container every time we need to use a certain environment and then remove it after use (docker run <image> all the time); or
create a container for a specific environment (docker run <image>), stop it when it is not necessary and whenever it is initialized again (docker start <container>);
If you docker rm the old container and docker run a new one, you will always get a clean filesystem that starts from exactly what's in the original image (plus any volume mounts). You will also fairly routinely need to delete and recreate a container to change basic options: if you need to change a port mapping or an environment variable, or if you need to update the image to have a newer version of the software, you'll be forced to delete the container.
This is enough reason for me to make my standard process be to always delete and recreate the container.
# docker build -t the-image . # can be done first if needed
docker stop the-container # so it can cleanly shut down and be removed
docker rm the-container
docker run --name the-container ... the-image
Other orchestrators like Docker Compose and Kubernetes are also set up to automatically delete and recreate the container (or Kubernetes pod) if there's a change; their standard workflows do not generally involve restarting containers in-place.
I almost never use docker start. In a Compose-based workflow I generally use only docker-compose up -d, letting it restart things if needed; docker-compose down if I need the CPU/memory resources the container stack was using but not in routine work.
I'm talking with regards to my experience in the industry so take my answer with a grain of salt, because there might be no hard evidence or reference to the theory.
Here's the answer:
In short, you never need the docker stop and docker start because taking this approach is unreliable and you might lose the container and all the data inside if no proper action is applied beforehand.
Long answer:
You should only work with images and not the containers. Whenever you need some specific data or you need the image to have some customization, you better use docker save to have the image for future use.
If you're just testing out on your local machine, or in your dev virtual machine on a remote host, you're free to use either one you like. I personally take each of the approaches on different scenarios.
But if you're talking about a production environment, you'd better use some orchestration tool; it could be as simple and easy to work with as docker-compose or docker swarm or even Kubernetes on more complex environments.
You better not take the second approach (docker run, docker stop & docker start) in those environments because at any moment in time you might lose that container and if you are solely dependent on that specific container or it's data, then you're gonna have a bad weekend.

Docker remove container with changes

How can I remove a container without removing all the changes that have been made in this container?
I already used:
Stop all running containers: docker stop $(docker ps -a -q)
Delete all stopped containers: docker rm $(docker ps -a -q)
You can create a docker image from your container with docker commit.
This image can be used to start up new containers or can be pushed to a docker repository for later use.
You don’t. Anything you change in a Docker container will be lost as soon as the container is deleted. Also, you need to routinely delete containers to change options like the base image (if there’s some security patch you need), networking options, or environment variables.
The standard pattern for this involves two things:
Don’t install software or make other configuration changes inside a running container. Instead, write a Dockerfile that does that work for you, check it into source control, and use docker build to build an image from it. (If you get something wrong, you can easily fix it and re-run it; if you need to update something in six months you have a written record of what you did.)
If your container does need some persistent state, start it with docker run -v or a similar option to mount a host directory or named volume into the container. Data stored there will outlive the container.
In theory docker commit can turn a container into an image, but using it really isn’t a best practice. Images you build this way can’t be recreated or updated (again, imagine a critical security fix in the underlying base image). In some cases a committed container won’t even have the data you want to save (for example you can’t usefully commit a MySQL or PostgreSQL container).

How to remove docker container even if root filesystem does not exists?

I have one container that is dead, but I can't remove it, as you can see below.
How can I remove it? Or how can I clean my system manually to remove it?
:~$ docker ps -a
78b0dcaffa89 ubuntu:latest "bash -c 'while tr..." 30 hours ago Dead leo.1.bkbjt6w08vgeo39rt1nmi7ock
:~$ docker rm --force 78b0dcaffa89
Error response from daemon: driver "aufs" failed to remove root filesystem for 78b0dcaffa89ac1e532748d44c9b2f57b940def0e34f1f0d26bf7ea1a10c222b: no such file or directory
Its possible Docker needs to be restarted.
I just ran into the same error message when trying to remove a container, and restarting Docker helped.
I'm running Version 17.12.0-ce-mac49 (21995)
To restart Docker, go to "Preferences" and click on the little bomb in the upper right hand corner.
In my situation I have Docker running off of a expansion drive on my MacBook. After coming out of sleep mode, the expansion drive was automatically ejected (undesirable). But after mounting the drive again, I realized Docker needed to be restarted in order to initialize everything again. At this point I was able to remove containers (docker rm -f).
Maybe its not the same situation, but restarting Docker is a useful thing to try.
While browsing related issues, I found something similar "Driver aufs failed to remove root filesystem", "device or resource busy", and at around 80% below, there was a solution which said to use docker stop cadvisor; then docker rm [dead container]
Edit 1: docker stop cadvisor instead of docker stop deadContainerId
As the error message states, docker was configured to use AUFS as storage driver, but they recommend to use Overlay2 instead, as you can read on this link:
So I changed my configuration to use Overlay2 as docker storage driver. When we do that it removes EVERYTHING from old storage drive, it means that my "Dead" container was gone also.
It is not exactly a solution for my original question, but the result was accomplished.
Let me share how I got here. My disk on the host was getting full while working with docker containers, ended up getting failed to remove root filesystem myself as well. Burned some time before I realized that my disk is full, and then also after freeing up some space, with trying to restart docker. Nothing worked, only closing everything and rebooting the machine. I hope you'll save some time.

Revert changes to docker container

Is it possible to create a docker container, run a command inside it, then revert the changes to the container filesystem resulting from that command and run another command?
The motivation is that I wish to run a large number of short-lived programs in a consistent environment, and I'm hoping to avoid the cost of creating/destroying a separate container for each one.
I'm aware that it is possible to use docker commit and docker history to create a new container from a previous snapshot of an existing container, but with this method I'd still have to create a new container each time I want to rollback. My goal is to avoid that step by rolling back the filesystem changes for an already-running container.
From what I understand about aufs it seems this should be possible in principle, but I'm not sure whether it's supported by the docker daemon.
You should look at the 6 containers related to nixos at as nixos allows you to do rollback production and such things.
have also a look at the 22 containers related to ubuntu snappy
I am not aware of a docker way to do this.

Usage of loopback devices is strongly discouraged for production use

I want to test docker in my CentOS 7.1 box, I got this warning:
[root#docker1 ~]# docker run busybox /bin/echo Hello Docker
Usage of loopback devices is strongly discouraged for production use. Either use `--storage-opt dm.thinpooldev` or use `--storage-opt dm.no_warn_on_loop_devices=true` to suppress this warning.
Hello Docker
I want to know the reason and how to suppress this warning.
The CentOS instance is running in virtualbox created by vagrant.
The warning message occurs because your Docker storage configuration is using a "loopback device" -- a virtual block device such as /dev/loop0 that is actually backed by a file on your filesystem. This was never meant as anything more than a quick hack to get Docker up and running quickly as a proof of concept.
You don't want to suppress the warning; you want to fix your storage configuration such that the warning is no longer issued. The easiest way to do this is to assign some local disk space for use by Docker's devicemapper storage driver and use that.
If you're using LVM and have some free space available on your volume group, this is relatively easy. For example, to give docker 100G of space, first create a data and metadata volume:
# lvcreate -n docker-data -L 100G /dev/my-vg
# lvcreate -n docker-metadata -L1G /dev/my-vg
And then configure Docker to use this space by editing /etc/sysconfig/docker-storage to look like:
DOCKER_STORAGE_OPTIONS=-s devicemapper --storage-opt dm.datadev=/dev/my-vg/docker-data --storage-opt dm.metadatadev=/dev/my-vg/docker-metadata
If you're not using LVM or don't have free space available on your VG, you could expose some other block device (e.g., a spare disk or partition) to Docker in a similar fashion.
There are some interesting notes on this topic here.
Thanks. This was driving me crazy. I thought bash was outputting this message. I was about to submit a bug against bash. Unfortunately, none of the options presented are viable on a laptop or such where disk is fully utilized. Here is my answer for that scenario.
Here is what I used in the /etc/sysconfig/docker-storage on my laptop:
DOCKER_STORAGE_OPTIONS="--storage-opt dm.no_warn_on_loop_devices=true"
Note: I had to restart the docker service for this to have an effect. On Fedora the command for that is:
systemctl stop docker
systemctl start docker
There is also just a restart command (systemctl restart docker), but it is a good idea to check to make sure stop really worked before starting again.
If you don't mind disabling SELinux in your containers, another option is to use overlay. Here is a link that describes that fully:
In summary for /etc/sysconfig/docker:
OPTIONS='--selinux-enabled=false --log-driver=journald'
and for /etc/sysconfig/docker-storage:
When you change a storage type, restarting docker will destroy your complete image and container store. You may as well everything up in the /var/lib/docker folder when doing this:
systemctl stop docker
rm -rf /var/lib/docker
dnf reinstall docker
systemctl start docker
In RHEL 6.6 any user with docker access can access my private keys, and run applications as root with the most trivial of hacks via volumes. SELinux is the one thing that prevents that in Fedora and RHEL 7. That said, it is not clear how much of the additional RHEL 7 security comes from SELinux outside the container and how much inside the container...
Generally, loopback devices are fine for instances where the limit of 100GB maximum and a slightly reduced performance are not a problem. The only issue I can find is the docker store can be corrupt if you have a disk full error while running... That can probably be avoided with quotas, or other simple solutions.
However, for a production instance it is definitely worth the time and effort to set this up correctly.
100G may excessive for your production instance. Containers and images are fairly small. Many organizations are running docker containers within VM's as an additional measure of security and isolation. If so, you might have a fairly small number of containers running per VM. In which case even 10G might be sufficient.
One final note. Even if you are using direct lvm, you probable want a additional filesystem for /var/lib/docker. The reason is the command "docker load" will create an uncompressed version of the images being loaded in this folder before adding it to the data store. So if you are trying to keep it small and light then explore options other than direct lvm.
#Igor Ganapolsky Feb and #Mincă Daniel Andrei
Check this:
systemctl edit docker --full
If directive EnvironmentFile is not listed in [Service] block, then no luck (I also have this problem on Centos7), but you can extend standard systemd unit like this:
systemctl edit docker
ExecStart=/usr/bin/dockerd $OPTIONS
And create a file /etc/sysconfig/docker with content:
OPTIONS="-s overlay --storage-opt dm.no_warn_on_loop_devices=true"
