Issues with AutoLayout - ios

The Bar at the top is a view in a view that contains 10 views, each the same size however I am unable to get them to look like this on the simulator. What constraints settings should I be using?
Also is there a better way to have visually represent all of these boxes without using views? it can't be an image as the individual views will visible depending on remaining battery.
What I am using: I am not currently using any constraints as I was only able to make it worse.
What it is doing now:

You just need to give leading, trailing and equal-widths constraints between adjacent buttons.
Check my answer here, I've explained with screenshots and steps to achieve this:
What is the best approach for horizontally aligning 5 buttons with Autolayout
Let me know if you want more clarity.

Select all the bars at once and then apply the following constraints:
Check the equal width. which will make all bar of same width. 5 is the margin from top, bottom, center, leading and trailing.
Press Add x Constraints.
At the end update frame by pressing option + command + equal simultaneously.

The first has left, up and bottom constraints and then it is linked to next one on the right and the next is linked to the next and so on with the horizontal leading option.


How to constraint from the center in Xcode

I'm new to Auto Layouts and the concept of constraints. I'm currently trying to create a single view app with two buttons:
The buttons must meet the criteria shown in the image above. I can do everything except the two constraints where the buttons have to be a 30 above and 30 below, as it resizes the entire button to the point that one overlaps the other.
Is there any way to achieve this? I'm not doing the constraints programmatically, but rather on the storyboard. Many thanks.
Try put both of them in a view, add constraint between them 60px height, then make the view center of the superview, leading and trailing 20px, optional 50 from top and 150 from bottom, you should get the desired result.
The main issue here is to ensure that after setting alignment constraints both from the center, to select the following option of either the "bottom" or the "top" depending on how you want it:
This ensures that there is no "overlapping" caused.

Storyboard buttons are off-kilter

XCode 9.3: macOS 10.13.4
I have an swift app where the buttons are off-kilter. I need them at the bottom of the screen and centered. The iOS simulator for iPhone 8 shows the buttons correctly. However, the simulator for the iPhone SE and the actual SE (my iPhone) show the buttons anchored to the right edge of the screen. How can I insure that the buttons are displayed correctly on all iPhones?
First sol
this layout can be done correctly if the center of the middle button is equal to the center of the screen
Second sol
create a UIStackView with these constraints
1- left , right , bottom to screen
2- height say 100
with distribution set to fillEqually , spacing set to say 20
drag the buttons inside it and they will look right in any device
Remove the constraints from the 3 buttons: Calc, Clear, and Help
Align clear to be horizontally centered
Align Calc trailing offset from Clear's leading.
Align Helps Leading offset from Clear's trailing.
Align Clear bottom offset from the bottom margin.
Align Clear, Calc, and Help along to center vertically with one another.
You have two choices: 1) use the legacy struts and springs mode in interface builder to distribute your items as you need them or 2) spend the time learning auto layout, and use it instead. There isn't any easy answer because of all the different screen sizes, and you haven't even considered iPad screens here. The best way to pick up auto layout is to view the WWDC videos on the subject. Yes, it will take longer, but your app will respond better to screen changes, and you will also be able to inherently accommodate new screen sizes.
Use a horizontal stack view for buttons, and set spacing between buttons.
Approach 1 - Set trailing space and leading space, pin the view to bottom and set a fixed height for stack view.
Approach 2 -
Set fixed height and width to stack view and center horizontally, and pin the stack view to bottom.
Always try to use stack view, with that you will reduce the number of autolayout issues you run into.
Please add the constraint for stack view and adjust like that:

How do I properly set my constraints for an adaptive layout?

I am extremely bad at creating layouts for multiple screen orientations. All along I've been using suggested constraints on Auto-Layout but sometimes they don't work as desired. I've been trying to learn how set up my layouts properly by reading and watching tutorials, but I still cannot understand how exactly constraints work!
What I am trying to do is to make the button widths equally like so in iPhone 7:
But on other devices such as iPhone 4S, the second button width shrinks, which is not what I wanted:
Can someone please explain to me how constraints work in layman terms? I do not understand things like:
Leading/Trailing Space
Constrain to margins
Equal Widths and Heights
Top, Bottom, Baseline etc. (What do they even mean?)
Here's how to make two equal-width buttons:
Create two buttons
Add a vertical position constraint to each button. For example, you could position them in the center of the parent view using the "Align->Vertically in Container" function (in the lower-lefthand corner of the interface builder window)
Select both buttons. Add an equal width constraint between them using "Add New Constraints->Equal Widths"
Constrain the left edge of the left button to the leading edge of the parent view
Constrain the right edge of the left button to the left edge of the right button. Add space between the buttons using the "Constant" property of the constraint you created.
Constrain the right edge of the right button to the right edge of the parent view
Hope that helps! 😀

iOS Autolayout: two buttons of equal width, side by side

I am currently having difficulty with AutoLayout. I am using interface builder and am trying to position two buttons of equal width side by side as illustrated in the following image.
From the following Preview image, my titleImage has been properly constrained and is displaying correctly however the buttons are not. I have experimented by aligning button 1 with the leading edge of titleImage, and button2 with the trailing edge of titleImage, however the width distribution between the two buttons becomes skewed at this point, as demonstrated below.
My objective is to understand what constraints are missing and should be applied to the two buttons to maintain equal widths regardless of device. If possible I would like to achieve this through interface builder as opposed to additional code.
Add the following constraints
Assign equal width from button1 to button2.
Assign horizontal spacing between both buttons.
Assign leading space from button1 to its superview.
Assign trailing space from button2 to its superview.
Assign top space to both the buttons.
Let me know if it works for you.
Follow Steps and Screenshots for easy solution
For Button 1 : Set Constraints: (1)Leading, (2)Top or Bottom asper your need, (3)Height
For Button 2 : Set Constraints: (1)Trailing,(2)Top or Bottom asper your need, (3)Height
Press Ctrl + Drag From Button 1 to Button 2
Select Horizontal Spacing
Select Both Button (using Command) and Add Constraints Equal Width
Hope it Helps you :)
Stack layout in iOS9, will do the job really nice.
Add stack view to your view and configure as follow:
You can check my example - you can easy aim this, by using proportional constraint.
Also you can easy aim proportional multiple UIViews.
Please look attached example
My solution is to
Put a small view in the middle of two buttons and make it centre(Horizontal centre in container and vertical centre in contener as 0).
Add height and width to the small view.
Add buttons the constraints and give horizontal space constraints to small view.
Give the small view background colour same as buttons or View's colour.
Note: See the Screenshot.

How to center horizontally two labels?

I have pretty straightforward requirements where two labels must be centered horizontally. So, I have selected them and chose Editor->align->center horizontally. Then added top space to container constraint to both of them. I also need the labels to shrink/grow regarding content size. However, IB shows errors and several warnings. I could make the labels shrink/grow just by adding pin between them (horizontal space) but they will not be centered in that case. Here are the screenshots:
here are the errors and warnings:
UPDATE theraven gave an interesting suggestion to use dummy view for centering it horizontally and pinning two labels to it. I have removed all existing constraints, added this dummy view and center X + center Y constraints to it. Then pined two labels to it (added horizontal space constraints). However, I still get a bunch of errors and warnings:
UPDATE2 Just updating the question, but still no valid answer found. #Theraven workaround works for iPhone4, iPhone4S, iPhone5 and iPhone5S, however it's not real centering but rather a workaround. Therefore for iPhone6 and iPhone6 Plus it doesn't work as leading and trailing spaces will be fixed and won't automatically resize for larger width.
What you could do is add both labels to another view, like a container view. Then you need to center this one horizontally and add the necessary constraints.
To add the containing UIView, you can select both labels, go to Editor -> Embed In -> View.
Then you would need to add constraints to make the containing view fit the two labels. So something like this:
First Label (left one):
Leading Space to Superview
Top and bottom Space to Superview
Horizontal spacing to the next Label
Second Label:
Trailing space to superview
Top and Bottom to superview (or align top with the first one)
Then the containing view should resize as to fit both labels. Then all you need to do is add the top offset constraint for this container view and a horizontal alignment it in the parent view.
This way, the containing view will grow as much as it needs to fit both labels and the space between them and will always be centered in the parent view.
I took a screenshot of my test constraints in case it helps you more.
Hope this was what you were looking for.
To solve this use a blank UIView in between your two labels and center it horizontally. Then pin the two labels either side of the centered blank view. It is common convention to use spacer views like this in auto-layout.
I really don't like the idea of adding another view just for sake of estethic.
Another alternative is to horizontally-center the left view, and horizzontally space the right view of an amout X with the left one.
Then to give the horizontally-align contraint of the first view a negative value equal to the first view width plus half the views distance. Or use multipliers as said in a previous comment.
But this only works with fixed width views i guess.
Use centered UIStackView as a container for two labels with a spacing required.
I didn't really understand what you wish to do.
The error you get (in the first screen shot) is that you are missing constraint for the x position of the labels.
For UILabel you must have constraint both for y and for x position regarding to the container view, when you selected them both and chose Editor->align->center horizontally, you just say that =
You still need to say where they will be in the container view, you added the top space to container, so you do have the y position, but you didn't say where the x position should be.
You said
I have pretty straightforward requirements where two labels must be centered horizontally
But where they should be in respect to their container?
Using spacer views is the best possible solution I could figure out, even though it looks ugly for the developer. The user wouldn't even know what's going on behind the scenes and once you have the spacer UIView, you can always reuse it.
