Deleting an App from another app in iOS - ios

I have an app live on app store. Due to some reasons i am about to push new app on app store, and want to uninstall old app from new app. Is there any way to uninstall/delete an iOS app from user's iPhone.

This is not possible, due to iOS not allowing people access to the file system. The only thing you can do, with an itms-services:// link, is prompt the user to download an app available somewhere for ad-hoc delivery.

Just add the current bundle identifier to the new app and submit as an update. It doesn't matter if it's the same project or a new one. As long as bundle identifier stays the same it will count as update.
This won't technically uninstall the old app, but it will look like it did.
Just remember that scheduled notifications and persisted files will remain as they were, you will have to implement some clean up logic to get rid of them.


Will auto-updates still apply to extant app installs if I remove my app from the app store?

I have an iOS app that I am deprecating. I've prepared a new version of the app that, on launch, will say "Sorry, but this app is being removed, please use our website instead" and provides a link to our site.
What I'd like to do is
Release this update
As soon as it is approved, remove the app from the iTunes App Store
The intent is that customers with the app already installed will get auto-upgrade to the new version with the deprecation message, and no new installs will be ever happen.
However it's not clear to me if updates will get pushed out if I remove the app from the store. Does anyone have experience with this? Any reason this plan will not work?

How to open my App for update in App Store without having it released

I'm coding an IPhone/IPad App and have a webservice to check if the version is too old.
If the version is too old, then a message should appear a say: "Version too old. Click on the button to download the newest version in the app store."
The user should now be linked to the app in the app store.
How can I get the full link without having my app released in the app store and have an ID?
Best regards
One option is to send your app for a testFlight test. It allows you to have the full App Store link without releasing the app to the public.
I think you can use<companyname>/<appname> as per this guide.
This will, however, probably redirect via Safari first (I have not tried). But you can use this for the first version and later change it to the real URL in an update.

iOS. Is it legal to store app bundle in Documents folder?

I want to dynamically update localization of my iOS application without submitting an app update on App Store.
I know that i can't modify main bundle of my app (that stores Localizable.strings) without submitting an update to App Store because it's read only.
But there is one thing i can try: my application can download another bundle (with updated Localizable.strings files) from some FTP server to Documents folder and get new localization from there.
So my question is:
Is it legal to download new app bundles from FTP servers and store them in Documents folder without submitting an App Store update?
By "Is it legal" i mean: wouldn't my application get rejected by iOS App Store?
This is not recommended and absolutely not supported. Please consider shipping localizations as part of an app update.
I don't think that your app will be rejected, because Apple will not be aware of what you are actually downloading. But this really sounds like a super overkill and a super bad solution. You could store your strings in a file or database on your server and load it when your app launch, and have some code to handle it in app.
Just do the exact same thing as every other developer in the world does and stop trying to be smarter than the system: push app updates when you update your app.
If you want to download your own special app using your own special app update mechanism to /Documents then expect at least:
users to post reviews thinking you're malware;
the application not to download half the time because the user hasn't given your app access permissions; and
the downloaded application not to launch because the user hasn't gone out of their way to give it Gatekeeper permissions.
Also make sure you've done a cost/benefit analysis on Apple somehow not spotting the Gatekeeper prompt when testing your application and somehow not spotting it later.

How do you create a new version of an app for testing with updates (iOS)?

I'm fairly new to app development, and I just recently put my first app in the App Store. I noticed some bugs after it was released, and when I tried to test it, it overwrote the version I had downloaded from the app store. I have the app connected to Game Center, so I want to avoid setting a high score while I am testing. Normally, in the test version I am logged out, and it has my ID saved for the App Store version, so it auto logs in for that version. However now that the new version has been overwritten, I can't login at all.
How do I keep them separate?
Change the bundle id like to or so

Update iOS app from different project, locked out of sandbox?

For reasons too convoluted to get into, I had to switch to a completely new project to update an app in the App Store.
Is there anyway to get access to the sandbox of the old app or will the new one just create a completely separate sandbox? In testing my dev builds of the old and new app they are completely different document directories so my archived info doesn't survive the update.
Does going through the app store effect this in any way or am I just out of luck?
I've matched Bundle ID's and provisioning profiles and that hasn't helped anything.
If you are submitting the completely new version as an update, the data in the NSDocumentsDirectory and NSLibraryDirectory will be preserved. If you are creating a new app in iTunes Connect, the data will not be available and there's no way of getting it back (because you canĀ“t access the sandbox of other apps).
To test this, the best thing you can do is to install the old version of the app on your device and run the new one to update it. If you matched the bundle id correctly, instead of creating a new app on the springboard it should update the existing one. Data should be preserved in this update.
Remember to set your version number to something higher than before. For example, if your old app is version 1.0 you should try with 1.1 or 2.0.
