XCode: Changed Other Linker Flag and now have clang error - ios

I was having an issue with Google Maps and someone suggested changing -Objc in our build settings to -ObjC. When I do that I get a build error:
linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation)
I am coming into an existing app on this so there is no Test target, it was already removed. That seems to be a popular solution to this issue. If I revert it back to -Objc the app builds but I am getting #selector errors with the Google map instantiation.
And if someone could explain what (use -v to see invocation) means I'd really appreciate it.

It's saying that you're trying to link both a BugSense framework and a library from a Crittercism SDK and that they're colliding with each other because both contain a copy of the same .o file.
The reason you're seeing the problem is because -ObjC tells the linker to load all symbols (even if you have duplicates). To the best of my knowledge, -Objc has no meaning.


clang: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation) Bitcode Fix NOT Working

I'm trying to move an Xcode app from a MBP to an iMac. I've copied all the folders and files needed but keep getting to following error on build:
clang: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation)
After Googling around a bit the most common fix for this is to set Bitcode to no. I've done this but it doesn't make a difference. I've also tried quitting Xcode emptying the DerivedData folder and restarting.
Below is the error in Full:
Here is a list of my linked libraries:
It sounds a lot like the error is true - have you definitely got your libWikitude framework in a referenced path?
Go to XCode, Build Settings, find 'Framework Search Paths' under Search Paths, and make sure the folder of your libWikitude is correct.
Perhaps it's hardcoded and now the path has changed?
After a few headaches with this I decided to simply remove all references to the Wikitude lib as it was not being used by the app.
This immediately solved the issue. Thanks for those who answered.

iOS AFNetworking iPods error

I want to implement AFNetworking in my application while implementation i got error like this how to resolve this error?
ld: library not found for -lPods-Transity-AFNetworking
clang: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation)
I was able to solve the same problem with the following code.
Add this to the Library Search Paths in Build Settings and make sure you select recursive, delete other library paths which might be absolute paths.
May be it will help you.

Chartboost with Unity 5 on xcode missing linking file

Has anybody used chatboost with unity 5 on IOS? I get a linking error and a warning
warning: directory not found for option '-L/Users/alexm/Downloads/iosFree/LibrariesPlugins/iOS'
ld: library not found for -lChartboost
clang: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation)
On the Android everything is fine. Do I have to do anything extra other what i mentioned on chartboost integration page?
Make sure that if the Chartboost plugin is using some PostprocessBuildPlayer stuff, that is isn't getting clobbered by a different script.
If, in XCode, you check the build phases tab for linked frameworks and you don't see Chartboost.framework, it's likely the build script not running correctly.

Linker error while using KIF on xcode6

When i'm trying to use KIF, I get this linker error. Anybody know what is it?
ld: warning: directory not found for option '-L/Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/iPhoneSimulator.platform/Developer/Library/Framework'
ld: file not found: -fobjc-arc
clang: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation)
Thanks for any idea.
I had this happen many times to me. Every time it was because I missed a step in the installation of KIF. Go back to the installation instructions and ensure you set all the configurations correctly. Pay special attention to the instructions for header paths. I am on my phone right now or else I would be able to give you the exact settings. Go double check the instructions. If your settings are correct reply here with that info and we can try to figure it out together. First though make sure these things are correct. Once you do, clean your project (Cmd-shift-K), close project, delete your derived data (preferably through Terminal) and then try to build again).

Linker errors building iOS app with Simperium

I'm getting linker errors when integrating Simperium into my app:
ld: duplicate symbol _OBJC_CLASS_$_DDASLLogger in
/Users/zulfi_shah/Documents/ContactsJournal-TestSimperium/SimpleList/Simperium.framework/Simperium(DDASLLogger.o) and
for architecture i386 clang: error: linker command failed with exit
code 1 (use -v to see invocation)
The issue seems to be with DDASLLogger which is included in CocoaHTTP package. I also saw the same issue with Reachability classes before.
How do I ensure Simperium framework plays nice with other libraries in my binary?
We're updating the library on our end to avoid these name clashes. This should be fixed soon.
In the meantime, if you encounter this problem (with Simperium or any other library) you can remove your own versions of the conflicting library from your target. You can do this in a couple ways:
Select each corresponding file for the conflicting library, open the browser on the right, and uncheck the box next to your target name.
Select your Project, then your target, go to Build Phases | Compile Sources, and remove the source files for the conflicting library.
This is not very friendly, hence why we'll be fixing it soon.
