UICollectionView does not scroll after it has been initialized - ios

I have a subclass of UICollectionViewController that is nested inside a UINavigationController. The collection contains several cells (currently, 3) and each cell is as big as the full screen.
When the whole thing is shown, the collection view initally scrolls to a specific cell (which works flawlessly for each cell):
override func viewDidLayoutSubviews() {
if let path = currentlyPresentedPhotoCellIndexPath { // this is set in the beginning
collectionView?.scrollToItemAtIndexPath(path, atScrollPosition: UICollectionViewScrollPosition.CenteredHorizontally, animated: false)
However, the collection view refuses to scroll horizontally, hereafter, as if the user interaction was disabled. I am not sure what is happening, but this is what I have checked so far:
user interaction is enabled for the collection view
the next cell (right or left, depending on the scroll direction) is requested correctly which I found out by inspecting collectionView:cellForItemAtIndexPath:
the requested imagePath is the right one
scrollToItemAtIndexPath... does not work either if I try to trigger a scroll programmatically after everything has been loaded (nothing happens)
scrollRectToVisible... does neither
setting collectionView?.contentInset = UIEdgeInsetsZero before the programmatic scroll attempts take place does not change anything
the content size of the collection view is 3072x768 (= 3 screens, i.e. 3 cells)
Which bullet points are missing, here?

Although the post did not precisely tackle the root of my problem it forced me to ponder the code that I posted. If you look at it you will see that it basically says: Whenever the views need to be layouted, scroll to the cell at position currentlyPresentedPhotoCellIndexPath. However, and this you cannot see without any context, this variable is only set once, when the whole controller is being initialized. Thus, when you try to scroll, the layout changes, the controller then jumps back to the initial cell and it looks like nothing happens, at all.
To change this, you just have to enforce a single scroll, e.g. by doing this:
override func viewDidLayoutSubviews() {
if let path = currentlyPresentedPhotoCellIndexPath { // only once possible
collectionView?.scrollToItemAtIndexPath(path, atScrollPosition: UICollectionViewScrollPosition.CenteredHorizontally, animated: false)
currentlyPresentedPhotoCellIndexPath = nil // because of this line
// "initiallyPresentedPhotoCellIndexPath" would probably a better name
A big thanks to Mr.T!


Why is my UI Button working but not animating or indicating to the user?

I have added a UI Button inside of a stack view which is inside of a table view in my storyboard. When I click on my button the correct output is printed in my debugger console but there is no indication in the app that the button has been clicked (no default animation). I have tried looking at my view hierarchy and changing all of the parent views to clip to bounds. Any idea why the button is functioning but not being animated to the user?
The quick fix to your problem is to set delaysContentTouches = false for your table view.
According to the Apple Docs,
If the value of this property is true, the scroll view delays handling the touch-down gesture until it can determine if scrolling is the intent. If the value is false, the scroll view immediately calls touchesShouldBegin(_:with:in:). The default value is true.
See the class description for a fuller discussion.
Alternatively, if you have subclassed the UIScrollView, you can get the same thing done by overriding the following function,
class MyScrollView: UIScrollView {
override func touchesShouldCancel(in view: UIView) -> Bool {
return type(of: view) == UIButton.self

How to retain previous selection in collectionview after reload in Apple TV

Hi in my Apple TV application i have one left collectionview right collectionview.Like splitview.When ever i focus cell on left data will refresh on right and when i select any cell in right collection view i am refreshing left and right collectionviews with new data (Like next level).And when on click on menu i will refresh both collectionviews with old data (Like coming to previous level). I want to highlight cell in left collectionview with red colour but i am reloading left collectionview while going forward or coming backward so always first cell is highlighting with Red colour. Can anyone suggest how to maintain previous selection in left collection-views because i am using only one collectionview for left menu and just reloading data.
The easiest way to retain focus in a UITableView or UICollectionView is to use UICollectionView.remembersLastFocusedIndexPath = true. This will automatically restore focus to the last focused item in a collection/table view and also automatically focus on the first item if there was no previously focused item or if the collection view data is reloaded.
If you need more control, the next level is to set UICollectionView.remembersLastFocusedIndexPath = false and use UICollectionViewDelegate.indexPathForPreferredFocusedView from your UIViewController instead. This method is only called whenever focus changes to a collection view programmatically though (but not if focus changes to a collection view as a result of TV remote interaction).
Now to ensure that indexPathForPreferredFocusedView is called when you switch between the left and right collection views using a TV remote, you will need to intercept shouldUpdateFocusInContext to override focus switches between the left and right collection view programmatically:
override func shouldUpdateFocusInContext( ... ) -> Bool {
if let nextView: UIView = context.nextFocusedView, let previousView: UIView = context.previouslyFocusedView{
if (nextView.isDescendant(of:leftCollectionView) && previousView.isDescendant(of:rightCollectionView)){
setFocusTo(leftCollectionView) // will invoke delegate indexPath method
return false // prevent system default focus change in favor of programmatic change
else if (nextView.isDescendant(of:rightCollectionView && previousView.isDescendant(of:leftCollectionView){
setFocusTo(rightCollectionView) // will invoke delegate indexPath method
return false
return true
internal var focusedView: UIView?
internal func setFocusTo(_ view:UIView){
focusedView = view
override var preferredFocusEnvironments -> [UIFocusEnvironment]{
return focusedView != nil ? [focusedView!] : super.preferredFocusEnvironments
func indexPathForPreferredFocusedView(in collectionView: UICollectionView) -> IndexPath? {
Alternatively, instead of using setFocusTo( collectionView ) + indexPathForPreferredFocusedView, you can just use setFocusTo( collectionViewCell ). Overriding indexPathForPreferredFocusedView is more robust though since it catches all cases where focus shifts for reasons other than user interaction (ex: system focus update due to an alert displaying + dismissing)

Is there any way to scroll to the selected UICollectionViewCell in a collection?

I've got a UICollectionView in a modal view controller in my app. When the modal view is brought up, one of the collection's cells is set as selected based on certain data I pass into the modal view from my home view.
I need to programmatically scroll the selected collection cell into view once the modal view with the collection appears... but using scrollToItem(at:at:animated:) while the collection view is being populated (in cellForItemAt) doesn't seem to work.
So while I could easily just use the indexPath available to me in cellForItemAt to scroll to the selected cell while populating the collection, since that isn't possible, I can't figure out how to scroll to the currently selected collection cell after the collection is fully populated and presented.
I can't even use a heavy-handed approach like looping through all collection cells and checking which is selected manually, since it doesn't appear possible to loop through cells that aren't currently visible.
Add a variable on Top.
private var didLayoutFlag: Bool = false
Just pass the index number (indexNO) in viewDidLayoutSubviews method. I am using horizontal scrolling.
override func viewDidLayoutSubviews() {
if self.colllecitonView != nil {
if !self.didLayoutFlag {
self.colllecitonView.scrollToItem(at:IndexPath(item: indexNO, section:0), at:.right, animated: false)
self.didLayoutFlag = true

UITableView and UIRefreshControl being moved down for unknown reason

I have a UITableViewController in my app with a UIRefreshControl added to it. Sometimes however (I'm not sure how to reproduce this, it happens every now and then), I get some extra whitespace at the top of the table view with the refresh control being offset even below that.
This is what it looks like (idle on the left, being pulled down on the right):
I don't have any clue what could be causing this. In my viewdidload I'm only instantiating the refresh control and calling an update function that sets the attributed title. I've moved adding the refresh control to the table view into the viewDidAppear as I've read elsewhere. This is what that code looks like:
override func viewDidLoad() {
self.refreshControl = UIRefreshControl()
override func viewDidAppear(animated: Bool) {
refreshControl!.addTarget(self, action: "updateData", forControlEvents: UIControlEvents.ValueChanged)
tableView.insertSubview(self.refreshControl!, atIndex: 0)
func updateData() {
ServerController.sendParkinglotDataRequest() {
(sections, plotList, updateError) in
// Reload the tableView on the main thread, otherwise it will only update once the user interacts with it
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), { () -> Void in
// Update the displayed "Last update: " time in the UIRefreshControl
let formatter = NSDateFormatter()
formatter.dateFormat = "dd.MM. HH:mm"
let updateString = NSLocalizedString("LAST_UPDATE", comment: "Last update:")
let title = "\(updateString) \(formatter.stringFromDate(NSDate()))"
let attributedTitle = NSAttributedString(string: title, attributes: nil)
self.refreshControl!.attributedTitle = attributedTitle
Do you need to add the refresh control as a subview of the tableView? I think all you need to do is assign self.refreshControl. According to the documentation:
The default value of this property is nil.
Assigning a refresh control to this property adds the control to the
view controller’s associated interface. You do not need to set the
frame of the refresh control before associating it with the view
controller. The view controller updates the control’s height and width
and sets its position appropriately.
Adding a subview in viewDidAppear could get executed more than once. If you push a controller from a cell and pop back this will get called again. It could be that insertSubview checks if the refresh already has a parent and removes it first, so might not be your issue. You should only do the insert when the controller appears for the first time.
updateData could also be getting added multiple times.
So I think you only need to assign self.refreshControl and then add a handler for the refresh action as you do now using addTarget but this time do it on self.refreshControl.
You can also do all this from storyboard. In storyboard you select the UITableViewController and on the attribute inspector simply set the Refreshing attribute to enabled. This adds a UIRefreshControl into the table and you can see it on the view hierarchy. You can then simply CTRL drag as normal from the refresh control into the .h file and add an action for valueChange which will be fired when you pull down on the refresh control in the table.
Well, I believe that your described behavior might not necessarily be caused by the refresh control.
According to the fact that you don't have any other subviews below your table view I would recommend you to try to place a "fake"-view below your table view. I usually prefer an empty label with 0 side length.
I had similar issues like yours where my table view insets were broken in some cases. And as soon as I used this "fake" subview the problems disappeared. I've read about this issue in some other threads, too. And the solution was this. Seems to be an odd behavior/bug.
Give it a try :)

TableView with Image SubView performance Issue

Ive got one question about using a subView in my custom TableViewCells. On certain rows i want to one or more images, and i am doing this programmatically with:
func addImageToCell(image: UIImage, initialYCoordinate: CGFloat, initialHeight: CGFloat, initialXCoordinate: CGFloat,imageUUID: String) {
imageButton = UIButton.buttonWithType(UIButtonType.Custom) as? UIButton
imageButton!.addTarget(formVC, action: "imageButtonPressed:", forControlEvents: .TouchUpInside)
That works fine. But, when i scroll my TableView and it comes to an row with an Image, there is a small "lag". Normally it is totally smooth, but when he is trying to load this cell, there is a (maybe 0,1 seconds) lag in the software.
Is there a better way to do this programmatically without any lags? Ill load my Images on initializing the UITableViewController from a CoreData Fetch.
This is my cellForRowAtIndexPath
if(cellObject.hasImages == true) {
cell.qIndex = indexPath.row
var initialXCoordinate:CGFloat = 344.0
let questionImages = formImages[cellObject.qIndex] as [String: Images]!
for (key,image) in questionImages {
let thumbnailImage = UIImage(data: image.image)
cell.addImageToCell(thumbnailImage, initialYCoordinate: 44.00 ,initialHeight: cellObject.rowheight + cellObject.noticeHeight!, initialXCoordinate: initialXCoordinate, imageUUID: image.imageUUID)
initialXCoordinate += 130
Any Ideas? Thanks in advance
Edit: Ill use this to prevent the Buttons to get reused:
override func prepareForReuse() {
if(self.reuseIdentifier != "CraftInit") {
for item in self.contentView.subviews {
if(item.isKindOfClass(UIButton)) {
The lag is most probably caused by the allocation of new memory for UIButton, adding it to cell's contentView and loading an image into it at the time of the cell being reused. That's one problem.
The other problem is that you're creating a button per every reuse of the cell. Basically, every time you scroll the cell out of the visibility range and scroll it back - you add another button with another image, that also consumes memory and performance.
To make this work properly you need to create a custom table view cell with a maximum amount of images (buttons) pre-rendered and hide the ones you don't need to show.
Do not add / remove subviews while reusing the table view cell, hide and show them instead, it's much faster.
Where are you removing these subviews? Because if you're not removing them, as the user scroll, you'll keep on adding subviews to the same cell over and over again, degrading performance.
My approach usually is to to have such views constructed when the cell is created rather than in cellForRowAtIndexPath, but I'm guessing you can't do that as you don't know the number of images. That said, you could still formulate a strategy where these subviews are added at cell creation, and then reused as per your model.
Another suggestion is to have the UIImage objects created all at once, outside cellForRowAtIndexPath.
