Parse cloud code on iOS - ios

from what I understood Cloud Code is like a server, we can declare functions (only javascript?) to make app running lighter. Should I put every query on Cloud Code instead of iOS app?

You don't have to put every query on Cloud Code but you can use it to host functions that should rest in a sever or you would like to change without requiring a app update.
As a quick example, you can create a function in cloud code to send a mail to a user friend, calculate some number with a variable that you don't know and want to change from time to time, or make some safety check with other servers before a payment.


Google Tink - Registering keyset: Should I do it once on the start up of Server or each time I'm generating a key

I'm using Google Tink for encryption across network calls and wondering about when the proper time is to register my keyset. AeadConfig.register()
Since this is a backend application, is it correct to call this just once at server start up. Or is it correct to call it each time before I make my API call that encrypts the request?
I see the documentation calling out to make this call, but no information about when it should be made, or if it should/can be called multiple times.

Share constants between iOS client code and Parse cloud code

I have an iOS app that uses Parse as backend. There, some cloud code is executed.
Both have to share the same constants.
I can share these constants on the client side via obj-c #import, and I can share it on the cloud code side via module.exports / require.
But how can I share it between client code and cloud code? It is simply error prone to define the same constants twice.
Parse offers a config object that can be queried like a class (returning an NSDictionary in iOS). Moreover, it can be configured via the web UI at See docs here.
Upon startup, your app can retrieve the config and cache it locally. You may choose to cache it semi-permanently (say, with NSUserDefaults) and then use local copy indefinitely. I usually opt for some fixed expiration period (like weekly, so my constants are not-quite constant). Start up logic is, if the interval between now and my last config fetch exceeds the week, fetch again and replace.

Monitor Network Calls IOS using Restkit

I am completely dependent on Rest Kit for my app for network calls. I want to see the logs of how much
1) Time taken by each API to get a response
2) Size of Request/Response Payload
3) URL of the API
Is there any way I can enable such logging in Restkit. My app is calling like 50-60 API an dI don't want to dig into entire code base an add manual logs. Also I don't want to use network profiling tool since I will be tracking this data when an actual user is using the application.
Cant also use any third party paid tool so want to log these values in application database.
RestKit does have a log you can enable, but that isn't what you want to do if you plan to actually release this. It also writes to the log, not a value you can actually process and save.
Your likely best option is to subclass the RKObjectManager and intercept the requests that are being placed and the NSURLRequests which are being generated.

Is it possible to update only part of an app in the App Store?

My app relies on an external service that might change its output any time without warning, so I would need a completly new function to parse it. Is there anyway to update my service parser without having to re-submit the whole app for review? Otherwise part of my app would be broken during the time to develop and review the new parser. I was told I cannot use bundles for this, so I really am clueless how to solve this problem.
You can't solve that problem completely on the client side.
Depending on the output format of the external service, and the methods you use to parse its output, you might have the option to store a file in a server that contains information about the current output format of the external service. Then your app can use the meta-data in that file to determine how to do the parsing.
You can also develop a simple web service that wraps the external service. Then your app can use the web service instead of the original service, and whenever the output of the original service is changed, you can quickly update your web service to make your app continue functioning properly.

Rails connect to Asterisk and make phone calls

Hi i have googled all day long but i can't find an answer.
I have to write a web app which talks to asterisk.
It should be able to do ClicktoCall operations.
Can you guys recommend something ?
I came across a few projects but I'm still not sure.
I just want to connect to Asterisk and do calls from the web app.
If you're a Ruby programmer the best way for you to hook into Asterisk is adhearsion. It wraps up Asterisk's AGI and Manager (MAPI) APIs for you.
Also hAve a look at SIP, asterisk, adhearson and VoIP and in particular Adam Kalsey's answer. He works for Tropo which sponsor the adhearsion project.
First you need to know, that the protocol Asterisk uses is SIP, you can learn more at the Wikipedia.
Since you want to use an rails application, you may want to use ruby as well, so there's a ruby implementation named OverSip, you can check their API and see if it fits your requirements.
If you are aiming at web calls, you'll need an WebRTC, Flash or Java applet. For WebRTC you can check sipML5 for an opensource solution.
You can also opt for an interface, that will start a call from one number to another, using your phone. When the first call is picked up the server starts ringing in the destination.
Also you could make use of cloud communications providers like twilio, tropo, etc.
Try this Google search:
rails asterisk manager interface
I saw some interesting things right off. I am not trying to be one if those Use Google type people, just didn't want to paste all the links in that I found from this Google search.
Check it out, hope it helps.
There are several ways to do this but the three easiest ones are
1. Generate a call file on the Asterisk server
These files should be written to the dir
Asterisk will then pickup the file, process and delete it.
It's pretty aggressive when doing this so it's recommended to write the file into a temporary directory and then move it to the spool dir for processing.
An tutorial of the file format is here:
(I personally feel this is a bit "hacky", and prefer doing it with an API call)
2. Generate the call by the AMI API interface.
Use the Originate function of the AMI API to generate the call. It's pretty easy to set this up just configure the manager.conf file whitch sets up a HTTP server on port 5038 from witch you can call the API.
3. Set up the call using the ARI API
First you need to setup ari.conf, this is enough for now:
enabled = yes
type = user
read_only = no
password = my_password
password_format = plain
This is a little bit more complicated to set up, but it really isn't that hard if you just get past the technical geek-speak. Just set up two channels, setup a mixing bridge and add both channels to the bridge.
To set up a click2call you dont even need to do that...
This is the call we use (ruby):
#{sip_id} is your registered SIP username
#{number} is the extension that is sent to the dialplan
#{PASSWORD} is from ari.conf"{sip_id}&extension=#{number}&context=outgoing&priority=1&timeout=30&api_key=#{USERNAME}:#{PASSWORD}")
(Note that you need to send the variabels for the variable parameter as a separate JSON for the originate command if you need to send them)
A really useful tool to understand how this works is the swagger at We already allowed this origin in ari.conf so it should be ready to go. Remember to open your ports in firewalls etc.
Setup your Server IP and port and the API_KEY is in this format: my_username:my_password
