Google Tink - Registering keyset: Should I do it once on the start up of Server or each time I'm generating a key - tink

I'm using Google Tink for encryption across network calls and wondering about when the proper time is to register my keyset. AeadConfig.register()
Since this is a backend application, is it correct to call this just once at server start up. Or is it correct to call it each time before I make my API call that encrypts the request?
I see the documentation calling out to make this call, but no information about when it should be made, or if it should/can be called multiple times.


Google Cloud Storage Transfer - Python method for getting status of TransferOperation

There does not appear to be any method in the Python client API for Google's storage transfer service that checks the status of an ongoing transfer operation. There is get_transfer_job, which shows the status of a transfer job itself (and gives the latest operation name). But I can't find any way of getting the status of an actual operation, which is critical.
I know other languages' client APIs (including at least Go and node.js) have this functionality. It may be possible to use a naked REST API request, but we're running into authentication issues. Is there any other way that I'm missing? Any way to call the TransferOperation type directly (such as client.TransferOperation(<transfer_operation_name>)?
There is method available for the same which you can use in the following manner.
GetTransferJobRequest(mapping=None, *, ignore_unknown_fields=False, **kwargs)
Reference Link - Class GetTransferJobRequest

Parse cloud code on iOS

from what I understood Cloud Code is like a server, we can declare functions (only javascript?) to make app running lighter. Should I put every query on Cloud Code instead of iOS app?
You don't have to put every query on Cloud Code but you can use it to host functions that should rest in a sever or you would like to change without requiring a app update.
As a quick example, you can create a function in cloud code to send a mail to a user friend, calculate some number with a variable that you don't know and want to change from time to time, or make some safety check with other servers before a payment.

Monitor Network Calls IOS using Restkit

I am completely dependent on Rest Kit for my app for network calls. I want to see the logs of how much
1) Time taken by each API to get a response
2) Size of Request/Response Payload
3) URL of the API
Is there any way I can enable such logging in Restkit. My app is calling like 50-60 API an dI don't want to dig into entire code base an add manual logs. Also I don't want to use network profiling tool since I will be tracking this data when an actual user is using the application.
Cant also use any third party paid tool so want to log these values in application database.
RestKit does have a log you can enable, but that isn't what you want to do if you plan to actually release this. It also writes to the log, not a value you can actually process and save.
Your likely best option is to subclass the RKObjectManager and intercept the requests that are being placed and the NSURLRequests which are being generated.

Is it better to call Google Places API on server side or directly from my iOS Application

I am working on an iPhone application and need to implement the Google Places auto-suggest functionality. However, I cannot use the textbox control provided by Google as I need to do some processing on the data before displaying the list to the user. The auto-suggest is a time critical functionality and therefore I need to know if I should call the Google API from my server and have my application make a call to the my server to do this (since the user's connection might be slow), or is there a good reason to still call the Google API from the Phone App itself.
The advantage of using client side api calling is the processing and bandwidth will be shared among the client devices, which saves you from high server side costs after deployment
If the client side response time is the motive, I would suggest again the client side calling instead of server side calling, because there is only one request instead of two.Try to parse the JSON data in client side, and its less data intensive and reduce the number of records requested at a time.
Anyways, a slow internet connection gonna choke your app, so think twice before going for server side...

How to get location field from linkedin api while fetching network updates

I want to fetch location of person and connections so how should I specify fields for this purpose?,headline,location)))?type=CONN
If I'll make another calls for just getting location, it will be very costly for me, as it will require to make extra calls for each of new connection and will increase number of calls exponentially. So, I want some solution using which I can get location in network updates API call itself.
EDIT: And another thing I need is to check about the privacy setting of connections. As per my knowledge, linkedin doesn't provide any api which returns that which connection allows to see updates and which are not. So, when I try to get network update for a particular connection, it returns error that this user doesn't allow public to see updates. If I want to check this thing before call network updates API, how can I do it in Ruby Language.
Let me know some way to pass multiple dynamic IDs while calling linkedin API.
When retrieving person data associated with a Network Update, it appears that only the basic fields are available. The solution would be to get the id for the person and make a second call to the Profile API:,last-name,connections,location)
Currently, linkedin doesn't provide any API for this purpose. You have to make multiple calls for this purpose. But you should make these calls in chunks to avoid timeout issues.
Try this api
`String url = ",first-name,last-name,location,picture-url,positions:(title,company:(name)))"; `
