Parsing non binary operators with Parsec - parsing

Traditionally, arithmetic operators are considered to be binary (left or right associative), thus most tools are dealing only with binary operators.
Is there an easy way to parse arithmetic operators with Parsec, which can have an arbitrary number of arguments?
For example, the following expression should be parsed into the tree
(a + b) + c + d * e + f

Yes! The key is to first solve a simpler problem, which is to model + and * as tree nodes with only two children. To add four things, we'll just use + three times.
This is a great problem to solve since there's a Text.Parsec.Expr module for just this problem. Your example is actually parseable by the example code in the documentation. I've slightly simplified it here:
module Lib where
import Text.Parsec
import Text.Parsec.Language
import qualified Text.Parsec.Expr as Expr
import qualified Text.Parsec.Token as Tokens
data Expr =
Identifier String
| Multiply Expr Expr
| Add Expr Expr
instance Show Expr where
show (Identifier s) = s
show (Multiply l r) = "(* " ++ (show l) ++ " " ++ (show r) ++ ")"
show (Add l r) = "(+ " ++ (show l) ++ " " ++ (show r) ++ ")"
-- Some sane parser combinators that we can plagiarize from the Haskell parser.
parens = Tokens.parens haskell
identifier = Tokens.identifier haskell
reserved = Tokens.reservedOp haskell
-- Infix parser.
infix_ operator func =
Expr.Infix (reserved operator >> return func) Expr.AssocLeft
parser =
Expr.buildExpressionParser table term <?> "expression"
table = [[infix_ "*" Multiply], [infix_ "+" Add]]
term =
parens parser
<|> (Identifier <$> identifier)
<?> "term"
Running this in GHCi:
λ> runParser parser () "" "(a + b) + c + d * e + f"
Right (+ (+ (+ (+ a b) c) (* d e)) f)
There are lots of ways of converting this tree to the desired form. Here's a hacky gross slow one:
data Expr' =
Identifier' String
| Add' [Expr']
| Multiply' [Expr']
deriving (Show)
collect :: Expr -> (Expr -> Bool) -> [Expr]
collect e f | (f e == False) = [e]
collect e#(Add l r) f =
collect l f ++ collect r f
collect e#(Multiply l r) f =
collect l f ++ collect r f
isAdd :: Expr -> Bool
isAdd (Add _ _) = True
isAdd _ = False
isMultiply :: Expr -> Bool
isMultiply (Multiply _ _) = True
isMultiply _ = False
optimize :: Expr -> Expr'
optimize (Identifier s) = Identifier' s
optimize e#(Add _ _) = Add' (map optimize (collect e isAdd))
optimize e#(Multiply _ _) = Multiply' (map optimize (collect e isMultiply))
I will note, however, that almost always Expr is Good Enough™ for the purposes of a parser or compiler.


Combining parsers in Haskell

I'm given the following parsers
newtype Parser a = Parser { parse :: String -> Maybe (a,String) }
instance Functor Parser where
fmap f p = Parser $ \s -> (\(a,c) -> (f a, c)) <$> parse p s
instance Applicative Parser where
pure a = Parser $ \s -> Just (a,s)
f <*> a = Parser $ \s ->
case parse f s of
Just (g,s') -> parse (fmap g a) s'
Nothing -> Nothing
instance Alternative Parser where
empty = Parser $ \s -> Nothing
l <|> r = Parser $ \s -> parse l s <|> parse r s
ensure :: (a -> Bool) -> Parser a -> Parser a
ensure p parser = Parser $ \s ->
case parse parser s of
Nothing -> Nothing
Just (a,s') -> if p a then Just (a,s') else Nothing
lookahead :: Parser (Maybe Char)
lookahead = Parser f
where f [] = Just (Nothing,[])
f (c:s) = Just (Just c,c:s)
satisfy :: (Char -> Bool) -> Parser Char
satisfy p = Parser f
where f [] = Nothing
f (x:xs) = if p x then Just (x,xs) else Nothing
eof :: Parser ()
eof = Parser $ \s -> if null s then Just ((),[]) else Nothing
eof' :: Parser ()
eof' = ???
I need to write a new parser eof' that does exactly what eof does but is built only using the given parsers and the
Functor/Applicative/Alternative instances above. I'm stuck on this as I don't have experience in combining parsers. Can anyone help me out ?
To understand it easier, we can write it in an equational pseudocode, while we substitute and simplify the definitions, using Monad Comprehensions for clarity and succinctness.
Monad Comprehensions are just like List Comprehensions, only working for any MonadPlus type, not just []; while corresponding closely to do notation, e.g. [ (f a, s') | (a, s') <- parse p s ] === do { (a, s') <- parse p s ; return (f a, s') }.
This gets us:
newtype Parser a = Parser { parse :: String -> Maybe (a,String) }
instance Functor Parser where
parse (fmap f p) s = [ (f a, s') | (a, s') <- parse p s ]
instance Applicative Parser where
parse (pure a) s = pure (a, s)
parse (pf <*> pa) s = [ (g a, s'') | (g, s') <- parse pf s
, (a, s'') <- parse pa s' ]
instance Alternative Parser where
parse empty s = empty
parse (l <|> r) s = parse l s <|> parse r s
ensure :: (a -> Bool) -> Parser a -> Parser a
parse (ensure pred p) s = [ (a, s') | (a, s') <- parse p s, pred a ]
lookahead :: Parser (Maybe Char)
parse lookahead [] = pure (Nothing, [])
parse lookahead s#(c:_) = pure (Just c, s )
satisfy :: (Char -> Bool) -> Parser Char
parse (satisfy p) [] = mzero
parse (satisfy p) (x:xs) = [ (x, xs) | p x ]
eof :: Parser ()
parse eof s = [ ((), []) | null s ]
eof' :: Parser ()
eof' = ???
By the way thanks to the use of Monad Comprehensions and the more abstract pure, empty and mzero instead of their concrete representations in terms of the Maybe type, this same (pseudo-)code will work with a different type, like [] in place of Maybe, viz. newtype Parser a = Parser { parse :: String -> [(a,String)] }.
So we have
ensure :: (a -> Bool) -> Parser a -> Parser a
lookahead :: Parser (Maybe Char)
(satisfy is no good for us here .... why?)
Using that, we can have
ensure ....... ...... :: Parser (Maybe Char)
(... what does ensure id (pure False) do? ...)
but we'll have a useless Nothing result in case the input string was in fact empty, whereas the eof parser given to use produces the () as its result in such case (and otherwise it produces nothing).
No fear, we also have
fmap :: ( a -> b ) -> Parser a -> Parser b
which can transform the Nothing into () for us. We'll need a function that will always do this for us,
alwaysUnit nothing = ()
which we can use now to arrive at the solution:
eof' = fmap ..... (..... ..... ......)

Cascading Parsers in Haskell

My parser type is
newtype Parser a = Parser { parse :: String -> Maybe (a,String) }
I have two parsers :
1) a = (satisfy isAlpha) that knows how to match the first alpha numeric character in a string.
Running parse a "k345" gives Just ('k',"345")
2) b = many (satisfy isDigit) that knows how to match any number of digits. Running parse b "1234 abc" gives Just ("1234"," abc")
Now I want to combine those two parsers and match a singe alphanumeric character followed by any number of digits.
I tried:
parse (a *> b) "k1234 7" and got Just ("1234"," 7 "). Looks like the 'k' matched by the first parser a is gone from the output. How do I fix this problem ?
For a toy parser, look the following code:
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
module Parse where
import Data.Char
import Data.List
newtype Parser a = Parser
{ parse :: String -> Maybe (a, String) }
satisfy :: (Char -> Bool) -> Parser Char
satisfy cond = Parser $ \s ->
case s of
"" -> Nothing
(c:cs) -> if cond c then Just (c, cs) else Nothing
many :: Parser a -> Parser [a]
many p = Parser $ \s ->
case parse p s of
Nothing -> Just ([], s)
Just (c, cs) -> let Just (cc, cs') = parse (many p) cs
in Just (c:cc, cs')
string :: String -> Parser String
string str = Parser $ \s -> if isPrefixOf str s
then Just (str, drop (length str) s)
else Nothing
instance Functor Parser where
fmap f (Parser g) = Parser $ \s ->
case g s of
Nothing -> Nothing
Just (r, remain) -> Just (f r, remain)
instance Applicative Parser where
pure a = Parser $ \s -> Just (a, s)
-- (<*>) :: f (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
(Parser f) <*> (Parser g) = Parser $ \s ->
case f s of
Nothing -> Nothing
Just (ab, remain) -> case g remain of
Nothing -> Nothing
Just (r, remain1) -> Just (ab r, remain1)
instance Semigroup a => Semigroup (Parser a) where
(Parser p1) <> (Parser p2) = Parser $ \s ->
case p1 s of
Nothing -> Nothing
Just (r1, s1) -> case p2 s1 of
Nothing -> Nothing
Just (r2, s2) -> Just (r1 <> r2, s2)
instance (Monoid a, Semigroup (Parser a))=> Monoid (Parser a) where
mempty = Parser $ \s -> Just (mempty, s)
mappend = (<>)
a = satisfy isAlpha
b = many (satisfy isDigit)
λ> parse a "k345"
Just ('k',"345")
λ> parse b "12345 abc"
Just ("12345"," abc")
λ> parse (a *> b) "k1234 7"
Just ("1234"," 7")
λ> parse (string "k" <> b) "k1234 7"
Just ("k1234"," 7")
So maybe you should find some tutorials and try to be familiar with Functor, Applicative, and Monad. See, you can implement the instance of a Monoid for your Parser type, and then you can use (<>) to combine your parsed results together.
It looks like this is working fine :
parse (fmap (:) (satisfy isAlpha) <*> many (satisfy isDigit)) "k1234 7"
And gives back what I wanted
Just ("k1234"," 7")

How do parentheses work with custom data types?

Currently, I am working on a problem of parsing and showing expressions in Haskell.
type Name = String
data Expr = Val Integer
| Var Name
| Expr :+: Expr
| Expr :-: Expr
| Expr :*: Expr
| Expr :/: Expr
| Expr :%: Expr
This is the code of my data type Expr and this is how i define show function:
instance Show Expr where
show (Val x) = show x
show (Var y) = y
show (p :+: q) = par (show p ++ "+" ++ show q)
show (p :-: q) = par (show p ++ "-" ++ show q)
show (p :/: q) = par (show p ++ "/" ++ show q)
show (p :*: q) = par (show p ++ "*" ++ show q)
show (p :%: q) = par (show p ++ "%" ++ show q)
par :: String -> String
par s = "(" ++ s ++ ")"
Later i tried to transform string input into the expression but i encounter the following problem: I don't understand how parentheses in the second case are implemented in Haskell.
*Main> Val 2 :*:Val 2 :+: Val 3
*Main> Val 2 :*:(Val 2 :+: Val 3)
Because of that, i am a bit confused regarding how should i transform parentheses from my string into the expression. Currently i am using the following function for parsing, but for now, it just ignores parentheses which is not intended behavior:
toExpr :: String -> Expr
toExpr str = f (lexer str) (Val 0)
f [] expr = expr
f (c:cs) expr
|isAlpha (head c) = f cs (Var c)
|isDigit (head c) = f cs (Val (read c))
|c == "+" = (expr :+: f cs (Val 0))
|c == "-" = (expr :-: f cs (Val 0))
|c == "/" = (expr :/: f cs (Val 0))
|c == "*" = (expr :*: f cs (Val 0))
|c == "%" = (expr :%: f cs (Val 0))
|otherwise = f cs expr
Edit: few grammar mistakes
I don't understand how parentheses in the second case are implemented in Haskell.
The brackets just give precedence to a certain part of the expression to parse. The problem is not with the parenthesis you render. I think the problem is that you did not assign precedence to your operators. This thus means that, unless you specify brackets, Haskell will consider all operators to have the same precedence, and parse these left-to-right. This thus means that x ⊕ y ⊗ z is parsed as (x ⊕ y) ⊗ z.
You can define the precedence of your :+:, :*, etc. operators with infixl:
infixl 7 :*:, :/:, :%:
infixl 5 :+:, :-:
type Name = String
data Expr = Val Integer
| Var Name
| Expr :+: Expr
| Expr :-: Expr
| Expr :*: Expr
| Expr :/: Expr
| Expr :%: Expr
As for your parser (the toExpr), you will need a parsing mechanism like a LALR parser [wiki] that stores results on a stack, and thus makes proper operations.
This was my final parser which gave me the result I needed. To get the result i wanted proper grammar was added and i wrote a parses according to he grammar.
Thanks, everyone for the help.
parser for the following grammar:
E -> T E'
E' -> + T E' | - T E' | <empty string>
T -> F T'
T' -> * F T' | / F T' | % F T' | <empty string>
F -> (E) | <integer> | <identifier>
parseExpr :: String -> (Expr,[String])
parseExpr tokens = parseE (lexer tokens)
parseE :: [String] -> (Expr,[String])
parseE tokens = parseE' acc rest where (acc,rest) = parseT tokens
parseE' :: Expr -> [String] -> (Expr,[String])
parseE' accepted ("+":tokens) = let (acc,rest) = parseT tokens in parseE' (accepted :+: acc) rest
parseE' accepted ("-":tokens) = let (acc,rest) = parseT tokens in parseE' (accepted :-: acc) rest
parseE' accepted tokens = (accepted,tokens)
parseT :: [String] -> (Expr,[String])
parseT tokens = let (acc,rest) = parseF tokens in parseT' acc rest
parseT' :: Expr -> [String] -> (Expr,[String])
parseT' accepted ("*":tokens) = let (acc,rest) = parseF tokens in parseT' (accepted :*: acc) rest
parseT' accepted ("/":tokens) = let (acc,rest) = parseF tokens in parseT' (accepted :/: acc) rest
parseT' accepted ("%":tokens) = let (acc,rest) = parseF tokens in parseT' (accepted :%: acc) rest
parseT' accepted tokens = (accepted,tokens)
parseF :: [String] -> (Expr,[String])
parseF ("(":tokens) = (e, tail rest) where (e,rest) = parseE tokens
parseF (t:tokens)
| isAlpha (head t) = (Var t,tokens)
| isDigit (head t) = (Val (read t),tokens)
| otherwise = error ""
parseF [] = error ""
lexer :: String -> [String]
lexer [] = []
lexer (c:cs)
| elem c " \t\n" = lexer cs
| elem c "=+-*/%()" = [c]:(lexer cs)
| isAlpha c = (c:takeWhile isAlpha cs):lexer(dropWhile isAlpha cs)
| isDigit c = (c:takeWhile isDigit cs):lexer(dropWhile isDigit cs)
| otherwise = error ""

Removing Left Recursion in a Basic Expression Parser

As an exercise, I'm implementing a parser for an exceedingly simple language defined in Haskell using the following GADT (the real grammar for my project involves many more expressions, but this extract is sufficient for the question):
data Expr a where
I :: Int -> Expr Int
Add :: [Expr Int] -> Expr Int
The parsing functions are as follows:
expr :: Parser (Expr Int)
expr = foldl1 mplus
[ lit
, add
lit :: Parser (Expr Int)
lit = I . read <$> some digit
add :: Parser (Expr Int)
add = do
i0 <- expr
is (== '+')
i1 <- expr
is <- many (is (== '+') *> expr)
pure (Add (i0:i1:is))
Due to the left-recursive nature of the expression grammar, when I attempt to parse something as simple as 1+1 using the expr parser, the parser get stuck in an infinite loop.
I've seen examples of how to factor out left recursion across the web using a transformation from something like:
S -> S a | b
Into something like:
S -> b T
T -> a T
But I'm struggling with how to apply this to my parser.
For completeness, here is the code that actually implements the parser:
newtype Parser a = Parser
{ runParser :: String -> [(a, String)]
instance Functor Parser where
fmap f (Parser p) = Parser $ \s ->
fmap (\(a, r) -> (f a, r)) (p s)
instance Applicative Parser where
pure a = Parser $ \s -> [(a, s)]
(<*>) (Parser f) (Parser p) = Parser $ \s ->
concat $ fmap (\(f', r) -> fmap (\(a, r') -> (f' a, r')) (p r)) (f >
instance Alternative Parser where
empty = Parser $ \s -> []
(<|>) (Parser a) (Parser b) = Parser $ \s ->
case a s of
(r:rs) -> (r:rs)
[] -> case b s of
(r:rs) -> (r:rs)
[] -> []
instance Monad Parser where
return = pure
(>>=) (Parser a) f = Parser $ \s ->
concat $ fmap (\(r, rs) -> runParser (f r) rs) (a s)
instance MonadPlus Parser where
mzero = empty
mplus (Parser a) (Parser b) = Parser $ \s -> a s ++ b s
char = Parser $ \case (c:cs) -> [(c, cs)]; [] -> []
is p = char >>= \c -> if p c then pure c else empty
digit = is isDigit
Suppose you want to parse non-parenthesized expressions involving literals, addition, and multiplication. You can do this by cutting down the list by precedence. Here's one way to do it in attoparsec, which should be pretty similar to what you'd do with your parser. I'm no parsing expert, so there might be some errors or infelicities.
import Data.Attoparsec.ByteString.Char8
import Control.Applicative
expr :: Parser (Expr Int)
expr = choice [add, mul, lit] <* skipSpace
-- choice is in Data.Attoparsec.Combinators, but is
-- actually a general Alternative operator.
add :: Parser (Expr Int)
add = Add <$> addList
addList :: Parser [Expr Int]
addList = (:) <$> addend <* skipSpace <* char '+' <*> (addList <|> ((:[]) <$> addend))
addend :: Parser (Expr Int)
addend = mul <|> multiplicand
mul :: Parser (Expr Int)
mul = Mul <$> mulList
mulList :: Parser [Expr Int]
mulList = (:) <$> multiplicand <* skipSpace <* char '*' <*> (mulList <|> ((:[]) <$> multiplicand))
multiplicand :: Parser (Expr Int)
multiplicand = lit
lit :: Parser (Expr Int)
lit = I <$> (skipSpace *> decimal)

Parsing an expression grammar having function application with parser combinators (left-recursion)

As a simplified subproblem of a parser for a real language, I am trying to implement a parser for expressions of a fictional language which looks similar to standard imperative languages (like Python, JavaScript, and so). Its syntax features the following construct:
integer numbers
identifiers ([a-zA-Z]+)
arithmetic expressions with + and * and parenthesis
structure access with . (eg
tuples (eg (1, foo, bar.buz)) (to remove ambiguity one-tuples are written as (x,))
function application (eg foo(1, bar, buz()))
functions are first class so they can also be returned from other functions and directly be applied (eg foo()() is legal because foo() might return a function)
So a fairly complex program in this language is
(1+2*3, f(4,5,6)(bar) + qux.quux()().quuux)
the associativity is supposed to be
( (1+(2*3)), ( ((f(4,5,6))(bar)) + ((((qux.quux)())()).quuux) ) )
I'm currently using the very nice uu-parsinglib an applicative parser combinator library.
The first problem was obviously that the intuitive expression grammar (expr -> identifier | number | expr * expr | expr + expr | (expr) is left-recursive. But I could solve that problem using the the pChainl combinator (see parseExpr in the example below).
The remaining problem (hence this question) is function application with functions returned from other functions (f()()). Again, the grammar is left recursive expr -> fun-call | ...; fun-call -> expr ( parameter-list ). Any ideas how I can solve this problem elegantly using uu-parsinglib? (the problem should directly apply to parsec, attoparsec and other parser combinators as well I guess).
See below my current version of the program. It works well but function application is only working on identifiers to remove the left-recursion:
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
module TestExprGrammar
) where
import Data.Foldable (asum)
import Data.List (intercalate)
import Text.ParserCombinators.UU
import Text.ParserCombinators.UU.Utils
import Text.ParserCombinators.UU.BasicInstances
data Node =
NumberLiteral Integer
| Identifier String
| Tuple [Node]
| MemberAccess Node Node
| FunctionCall Node [Node]
| BinaryOperation String Node Node
parseFunctionCall :: Parser Node
parseFunctionCall =
FunctionCall <$>
parseIdentifier {- `parseExpr' would be correct but left-recursive -}
<*> parseParenthesisedNodeList 0
operators :: [[(Char, Node -> Node -> Node)]]
operators = [ [('+', BinaryOperation "+")]
, [('*' , BinaryOperation "*")]
, [('.', MemberAccess)]
samePrio :: [(Char, Node -> Node -> Node)] -> Parser (Node -> Node -> Node)
samePrio ops = asum [op <$ pSym c <* pSpaces | (c, op) <- ops]
parseExpr :: Parser Node
parseExpr =
foldr pChainl
<|> parseNumber
<|> parseTuple
<|> parseFunctionCall
<|> pParens parseExpr
(map samePrio operators)
parseNodeList :: Int -> Parser [Node]
parseNodeList n =
case n of
_ | n < 0 -> parseNodeList 0
0 -> pListSep (pSymbol ",") parseExpr
n -> (:) <$>
<* pSymbol ","
<*> parseNodeList (n-1)
parseParenthesisedNodeList :: Int -> Parser [Node]
parseParenthesisedNodeList n = pParens (parseNodeList n)
parseIdentifier :: Parser Node
parseIdentifier = Identifier <$> pSome pLetter <* pSpaces
parseNumber :: Parser Node
parseNumber = NumberLiteral <$> pNatural
parseTuple :: Parser Node
parseTuple =
Tuple <$> parseParenthesisedNodeList 1
<|> Tuple [] <$ pSymbol "()"
instance Show Node where
show n =
let showNodeList ns = intercalate ", " (map show ns)
showParenthesisedNodeList ns = "(" ++ showNodeList ns ++ ")"
in case n of
Identifier i -> i
Tuple ns -> showParenthesisedNodeList ns
NumberLiteral n -> show n
FunctionCall f args -> show f ++ showParenthesisedNodeList args
MemberAccess f g -> show f ++ "." ++ show g
BinaryOperation op l r -> "(" ++ show l ++ op ++ show r ++ ")"
Looking briefly at the list-like combinators for uu-parsinglib (I'm more familiar with parsec), I think you can solve this by folding over the result of the pSome combinator:
parseFunctionCall :: Parser Node
parseFunctionCall =
foldl' FunctionCall <$>
parseIdentifier {- `parseExpr' would be correct but left-recursive -}
<*> pSome (parseParenthesisedNodeList 0)
This is also equivalent to the Alternative some combinator, which should indeed apply to the other parsing libs you mentioned.
I don't know this library but can show you how to remove left recursion. The standard right recursive expression grammar is
E -> T E'
E' -> + TE' | eps
T -> F T'
T' -> * FT' | eps
F -> NUMBER | ID | ( E )
To add function application you must decide its level of precedence. In most languages I've seen it is highest. So you'd add another layer of productions for function application.
E -> T E'
E' -> + TE' | eps
T -> AT'
T' -> * A T' | eps
A -> F A'
A' -> ( E ) A' | eps
F -> NUMBER | ID | ( E )
Yes this is a hairy-looking grammar and bigger than the left recursive one. That's the price of top-down predictive parsing. If you want simpler grammars use a bottom up parser generator a la yacc.
