Google Maps tiles does appear when its run on iOS 9 - ios

I'm using Google maps tiles in iOS. The apps works fine on iOS 8. However, when I run the app on iOS 9. The Google maps itself appear, but the tiles doesn't.
it's quite strange. I didn't notice any errors. It just the tiles dosn't show up. Although on iOS 8 works fine.
Any clue?

I found the issue with the solution on the following link:


Failing to load Google Maps for iOS with flutter

I made a page in my app that shows a Google map with plenty of markers. When I run it with my android emulator it runs without any problem, but when I set the same android emulator to operate as an iOS device, (with dart dev) it shows only a white screen.
The Google maps watermark doesn't show up neither do the markers and everything. I have already checked my API key and it's correct. Maybe it's an emulator error. I have tried the same in many android emulators.
Platform : iOS
Platform: Android
Would anyone have any ideas?
You should set embedded views preview in Info.plist.
Add the key io.flutter.embedded_views_preview and the value YES in Info.plist file.
In my case, the simulator's location was set to none. Setting to Apple fixed the white screen.

Cesium Plotting is not working for IOS App but Works for Android?

I am building an application where we are plotting trees using Cesium 3D Map. I tried to run the app on three different version of IOS 9, 10 and 11 but Cesium map doesn't load, it just shows the globe (only half of the screen) but doesn't plot. I am using Xcode 9.1 and also using apple's free trail developer account to deploy the app.
I am using IONIC Cordova frame work to Build the App.
I am using the exact same thing for Android and it works fine.
I added a picture of the app hopefully it will help.

Ionic Tabs in iOS displays part of the icon at the bottom of tab

I am developing a mobile app in ionic that uses tabs.
When I transfer from one tab to the other(click the other tab) a portion of the icon is being displayed at the bottom of the tab for less than a second. It's like a flicker that disappear after a second.
It only happens on iOS. Before I was also using the same project and it doesn't happen. I'm not sure what was the cause since I did a lot(I was trying to fix the bugs in iOS9)... I updated my ionic, cordova and downloaded the latest xcode(I have 2 xcode in my workspace, I'm testing it in 6.3 and 7.0). I'm using an iPhone with iOS 8.1.
Pleases see the image below:
I got a similar issue with my tabs on iOS9. By looking at the console while running on the iOS simulator, I saw some $digest loop error.
This is a bug specific to iOS 9 caused by ngRoute. Applying the patch provided by Ionic did the trick.
Here is the related issue:
And here is the patch:

iOS Simulator not showing iPhone Frame

I've read a few other posts on this, and tried the solutions but they don't work. I also tried CMD-1 to show it at full resolution, and still no frame. I also added a frame.png file to the contents->resources folder for iOS Simulator app and still nothing. To be clear, I'm trying to get the iPhone frame around my emulator
I'm building my iOS application with ionic. I'm using iOS Simulator 8.1 and Xcode 6.1.1
Would appreciate any help, giving a presentation tomorrow at school and hoping to have this thing polished. Thanks in advance for helping.
As #timgcarlson said, Apple removed this in Xcode 5 (or around that time). You cannot get this feature any longer. Bummer!

iPhone 6 UIWebView select drop down issue

My iPhone app uses a UIWebView interface to launch local HTML/JavaScript pages. It worked perfectly 'til the advent of iPhone 6. Both the 6 and the 6+ render the pages correctly, but pages with a form element seem broken. Tapping the selector fails to bring up the traditional option picker at the bottom of the screen.
I've tried Xcode 6 iOS 8 base SDK builds with targets ranging from iOS 5 to 8, and the problem persists. All simulators from 5S (iOS 8) and down work fine, but 6 and 6+ have the selector problem.
Also tried a Cordova build with no improvement. And no luck adding onmouseover="" to the select element:
Any advice?
I think its related to this issue iOS8 cordova issue and it link to the cordova bug
The cordova bug says that its a ios bug... So I wonder why it still allowed to use this technique, at least we should be warned big time to not use SELECT elements.
Still looking for a patch or a workaround...
[UPDATE] The "presentViewController" code in my first link works !
Are you just using the iOS simulator to test this? I had a similar issue in the simulator, but testing it on an actual device seemed to work fine for me. However, in iOS Simulator, try going to Hardware -> Keyboard, and uncheck 'Connect Hardware Keyboard'.
