Enable Developer item in Settings Menu of iPhone - ios

I sent the build via Crashlytics to my customer, but he can't instal it (I added the UDID of his device to provision profile). I think, that the problem is because he didn't setup his device for development (because my build is developempent, not production).
For example when I open in my iPhone Settings and scroll down I see Developer string:
But my customer doesn't see this string in his iPhone. How can he enable this menu item? (he doesn't have app macbook, so he can't enable it with xCode)

I know much time has passed since the question was posted, but it appeared still actual for me. Posting the answer for XCode 9 that I have checked.
So to enable Developer item in settings on iPhone follow the steps:
Download and install Xcode on your Mac.
Open Xcode on your Mac.
Plug your iPhone into your computer.
Open your iPhone's Settings app.
Scroll down and tap Developer.


Distribute ipa in iPad

We have developed an iPhone application. Then client wants to demo the app to his clients in iPad. When we create an ipa and try to install ipa in the iPad. We got error saying like this ipa can not be installed in ipad. Is there any workaround for that or any documentation for steps to follow?
There could be multiple issues
Device UDID is not added in your Apple developer account
Deployment Target in Xcode can be greater than the Device OS version
From Left navigation pane of Xcode click on top project title, And then on right in General section, move to Deployment Info portion, there set Devices to iPad or universal.
After verifying above points, if you still face some issue, don't hesitate to let me know.

Device Management is missing in ios settings

I am trying to build my project in Xcode and its working great but at the end Im getting an alert saying :
Verify the Developer App certificate for your account is trusted on your device. Open Settings on Artium's iphone and navigate to General -> Device Management, then select your Developer App certificate to trust it.
and when Im going through the setting the Device Management option is missing.
Note that it happend after I deleted the project from my phone and rebuild it.
I checked through preferences and I am logged in to my profile in Xcode.
yup... I had exactly the same issue just now...
you can fix it by removing the profile from xcode.. just go to window -> devices -> right click on the device and click -> show provisioning profiles -> remove all profiles.
The profiles will be recreated again when you run the app again on your phone...
It worked for me (XCode 10) when I did the following 2 things:
I disconnected the iPhone, then went into Settings -> General -> Reset -> Reset Location & Privacy. Then I reconnected and clicked "Trust this device" on both the Mac and the iPhone (i.e. the popups that come up when the iPhone is reconnected).
Reinstalled the app I had originally manually deleted from the iPhone.
I ran into this same problem today. It appears to be an Apple bug that occurs when you manually delete all apps on your device attached to the same developer account.
An easy work around is to create a completely new Hello World app and deploy it to your device. When the "Developer App certificate" message pops up then you can proceed to settings and trust your account again and Viola! Your other apps will start working again.
what worked for me!
Disconnect your mobile from your mac and then visit
Settings -> General > Profiles & Device management
option is available for me. But when I connect mobile with Xcode for testing its not there
I saw it was there (Settings -> General) after I disconnected my iPhone from the computer. I didn't do anything!
I downloaded the profile using Firefox and it never worked. When I download using Safari, the option started showing up. It seems the phone is not scanning the Firefox downloads folder for profiles.
I am using iphone 8, it is running the ios version 14.2. I can install my react native ios app successfully, although the app will not open or launch after installation. my iphone device did not have the Profile and Device Management link under Settings.
I installed the profile patch from https://www.beta.apple.com/profile or you can follow this youtube video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M0DwtJlP-AQ.
I then i connected the phone device again to the mac with my usb cable. building and running the app again from xcode 12, i faced the same issue.
However with my device connected and the app installed( although the app could not be launched ), i go to settings > General > Profile and Device Management is now visible and i can enable the trust setting. Go back and open the app the again and it will launch just fine.

Deploying IPA on iPhone

I'm trying to deploy my ipa to my iphone. but the blue outlines don't seem to appear on itunes. I've deployed a app to this device before but it seems after i updated my iPhone it isn't possible anymore. iTunes is updated to the latest update, which is 11.2.1 atm.
Using a mac in our network to build from, development is being done on a PC.
I have an apple developer account, the UDID is added to the iOS Provisioning Profile.
In the app the bundle identifie is set to the App ID in the provisioning profile.
What i've tried is to untrust all pc's doing (both):
To untrust all computers, tap Settings > General > Reset > Reset
Location & Privacy. This will also reset your location and privacy
settings. You can also untrust all computers by tapping Settings >
General > Reset > Reset Network Settings. This will also reset your
network settings.
Rebuild the application from scratch and still no luck, even with nothing in the project but the mainpage.xaml ( welcome to xamarin forms message ). app is build in xamarin
Add a colleague his iphone to profile, and rebuilding it. That works and i get to deploy the ipa to his iphone. I tried switching phones again, no luck there. He's updated to the latest ios version as wel.
So basicly my iphone won't accept my build.
Here is the another way to test your IPA in your device
If you have added UDID in your provisioning profile then,
Upload your IPA on https://www.diawi.com/ after uploading it will generate sharable link. Open this link in your device with safari browser and allow to download the application. This will download the application in your device and test your application.
you can install through xcode. In xcode go window->Devices and simulators.Select Phone . Click on + button select IPA.It will install ipa in phone.

Xcode 8 asks for a device to be registered to create provisioning profile

I am trying to publish an app for testing, without having to connect a device in my mac.
I have created a developer account, created an app in itunes, generated bundle id, signed into xcode with the developer account, generated a distributor certificate.
When I tried to archive the app, I got the error "conflict provisioning setting. app is automatically signed for development ..."
I read in this post and followed the tip of unchecking and rechecking the option "Automatically manage signing". After re-choosing my team, I get the error "There are no devices registered in your account on the developer website. Plug in and select a device to have Xcode register it".
The goal all along was that I wouldn't need an ios device, because I intended to immediately publish the application and invite people to test it via testflight. Is it not possible to do it like this? Am I missing something.
I have read lots of documentation, but being a first timer in this, everything seems confusing.
Edit: I created a provisioning profile as distributor. Even after creating and installing the distributor profile (it now appears also in xcode at Account -> provisioning profiles), I still get that same error. I also noticed that in signing, The signing certificate is iOS Developer. I am sure
I fixed it by plugging in my iPhone and going to the Product menu > Destination > iPhone (my device).
Then after clicking Try Again on this properties page the warnings went away.
The solution (though I would welcome more elaborate, insightful explanations):
#General -> Signing, disable the option "Automatically manage signing"
#General -> Signing and certificates choose your team
Though in my case that was not the issue, I would recommend making sure that in the device list, you choose Generic iOS device in your target devices.
This really sucked to figure out.
What you do is add a distribution profile in https://developer.apple.com/account/resources/profiles/add. Don't choose development! Don't let the Xcode Automatically manage signing!!
Then, you download the provision.
Then, in the Signing & Capabilities -> Signing Section of the project.xcodeproj file, turn off Automatcially manage signing, choose import and import the file you just downloaded.
Then, in the top, you choose Any iOS Device (arm64, armv7) and then you go Product -> Archive.
What happened to me was that I was about to run my app on a physical device for the first time and I didn't have a Team. So I created it in the process before connecting my phone with the USB cable. After I created the team a message like the listed above appeared. I did some research on internet but nothing found.
So here's what I did: I connected my phone, did all the trusted process, then restarted Xcode, and it worked. I am not sure what happened, but it was some of my first experiences using Xcode. It could sounds silly but it helped me. Hope to you too.
If you do not wish to register a device follow this advice:
* In short use "Generic" as the device while archiving.
If you do wish to register a device then the solution to:
"There are no devices registered in your account on the developer
website. Plug in and select a device to have Xcode register it".
Is to physically plug-in your device (an actual iPhone, or iPad) so that Xcode can register it for development use (note: this will not affect the normal everyday use of the device). After the device is registered it can then be used for development testing, load provisioning profiles onto it, etc.
↳ Disabling and Enabling Devices Using Your Developer Account
For those who are trying to develop without a mac computer using MacInCloud don't follow the standard advice out there. Its will lead you down a hole. I have wasted hours of my time.
The reason it say something about "a device to be registered to create provisioning profile" is that you need to provision an iOS device that you can test on before you can get it signed. If you are using MacInCloud you probably can't physically connect an iPhone or iPad to the MacInCloud and therefore it can't automatically provision devices for you.
Before you get to far into this you will need to get your iPhone/iPad UDID. Which I was able to do with https://get.udid.io/ on my iPhone, but it didn't work on my iPad. Instead, with the iPad I had to download iTunes from the Windows store and connect my iPad. Then click on the little gray square in the menu that's inline with Library tab.
image of itunes
Then when it pops up with your device info (mine didn't come up with my info at first, I had to sync my device). You will see your SN. Click on your SN and it will change to your UDID. Once you have your UDID you are ready to create a provisioning profile. What is confusing is this isn't done in the appstoreconnect section of your account online. Its done in your developer account: https://developer.apple.com/account
developer.apple.com account screen shot
When you go there you will want to click: Certificates, Ids & Profiles
Here you will need to add your devices and then with auto signing checked in Xcode that made the problem go away. NOTE: I originally tried to create a profile, download it, and import into Xcode under the Provisioning Profile dropdown in Signing & Capabilities. As described in another answer here, but that proved more problematic and wasn't necessary.
Then you can chose Any iOS Device from emulator device drop down then go to Product > Archive > Distribute App and create a certificate to place it on the app store (TestFlight).
you can also plug an iphone, run the app the app on your iphone as the target, it will ask you to register the device and then the certificates will be generated
Have you paid the $99/year developer fee? TestFlight is only available for paid developers. I would highly recommend plugging in an iOS device, though. It's more fun and rewarding testing that way.

iOS 9 Beta 3 Can't Trust Enterprise Developer Apps

I updated to iOS 9 Beta 3 today, and I need to test an IPA file on my phone.
I put it on, and it says I need to trust the developer first before I can open the app. I went to Settings > General > Profiles, and the option to do so is not present like it was in iOS Beta 2. Anyone else have this problem and a solution?
I was having a similar issue and I just resolved it. Below are the steps I took:
Open up Xcode 7 Beta 3
Open the Devices Window under the Window menu item (CMD+SHIFT+2)
Under Devices on the upper left select your device that you cannot run the app on
Right Click on your device and and select Show Provisioning Profiles
Select each provisioning profile on the phone and click the [-] to delete all of them.
Now try installing the app via Xcode, if you keep the Show Provisioning Profiles window open you will see it install the ones for your app.
That did the trick for me. I could not trust the app since it was not in the profiles and this got it to launch just fine now. Best of luck!
I solved my problem by setting up Testflight internal testing through iTunes Connect. I can test my apps now.
