COM Exception "Bad Variable Type" Error in Delphi Call of Domino GetDocumentByKey Method - delphi

I have a legacy Delphi 2 application that I need to convert from communicating with Notes via OLE Automation to communicating via COM early binding. I am using Delphi 7 since the code base is large and I want to avoid the work of dealing with the Unicode support in the more current versions of Delphi.
The basics are working: the program opens the database then the view and searches for a particular document using the NotesView.GetDocumentByKey method. The GetDocumentByKey call works when the first parameter is a single string cast to an OleVariant as shown below (opening of DB and view not shown).
Key: OleVariant;
const ExactMatch: WordBool = True;
Key := 'AKeyValue';
Doc := View.GetDocumentByKey(Key, ExactMatch);
The bad variable type error occurs when the first parameter is a variant array as required when it is desired to search the view based on multiple columns as shown below.
TwoKeysV: OleVariant;
const ExactMatch: WordBool = True;
TwoKeysV := VarArrayCreate([0, 1], varOleStr);
TwoKeysV[0]:= WideString('Key1');
TwoKeysV[1]:= WideString('Key2');
Doc := View.GetDocumentByKey(TwoKeysV, ExactMatch);
I have tried several variations on the two key assignment statements with no success. For example, just assigning the key string without a cast still produces the bad variable type, and using the StringToOleString function is rejected by the compiler as an invalid assignment (PWideChar to Variant).

I can't test this, so I'm not sure this works.
HELP: If this method is used under COM, with a keyArray parameter of an array, it must be defined as an array of type Variant
So you need to pass: an array of type Variant
Based on How to use variant arrays in Delphi.
Note: Code edited by Keeloid to match code that worked by casting key string to WideString.
TwoKeysV: OleVariant;
const ExactMatch: WordBool = True;
TwoKeysV := VarArrayCreate([0, 1], varVariant);
TwoKeysV[0]:= WideString('Key1'); {WideString = varOleStr}
TwoKeysV[1]:= WideString('Key2');
Doc := View.GetDocumentByKey(TwoKeysV, ExactMatch);


Using ToString for Variant variables

The following code produces an EVariantInvalidOpError exception:
i : Variant;
i := 10;
All the following works good but I don't understand why the ToString function raises exception for Variant type variables:
i : Variant;
i := 10;
i : Integer;
i := 10;
Variants let you store values of various types in them, while the type may be unknown at compile-time. You can write an integer value into single variable of Variant type an later overwrite it with string value. Along with the value variant records stores also the type information in it. Among those values some of them are automatically allocated and/or reference counted. The compiler does a lot of stuff behind the scenes when writing or reading the value from Variant variable.
Variants of type varDispatch get even more special treat from the compiler. varDispatch indicates that the value is of type IDispatch (usually, but not necessarily related to Windows COM technology). Instance of IDispatch provides information about its methods and properties via GetTypeInfoCount and GetTypeInfo methods. You can use its GetIDsOfNames method to query the information by name.
Let's answer the question from your comment first:
Why does Delphi allow me to use the ToString function even if there is no helper implementing such function for the Variant type?
This is how Delphi implements concept called late binding. It allows you to call methods of an object which type is unknown at compile-time. The prerequisite for this to work is that the underlying variant type supports late binding. Delphi has built-in support for late binding of varDispatch and varUnknown variants as can be seen in procedure DispInvokeCore in unit System.Variants.
I don't understand why the ToString function raises exception for Variant type variables.
As discussed above, in run-time your program tries to invoke ToString method on variant value which in your case is of type varByte. Since it doesn't support late binding (as well as further ordinal variant types) you get the exception.
To convert variant value to string use VarToStr.
Here's a simple example of using late binding with Microsoft Speech API:
Voice: Variant;
Voice := CreateOleObject('SAPI.SpVoice');
Voice.Speak('Hello, World!');

How to assign an OleVariant with RTTI? // Convert an OleVariant or a Variant to a TValue with specific TTypeKind or TRTTIType in mind?

I have an OleVariant or a Variant value that, for example, was read with IXMLNode.GetAttributeNS, making it a "String" (varOleStr or varString), and I would like to write that value with, for example, TRTTIField.SetValue, requiring a TValue assignment-compatible to TRTTIField.FieldType: TRTTIType.
For the base types (along TVarType and TRTTIType.TypeKind: TTypeKind), instead of making each a single case: case VarType(Value) and varTypeMask of varXXXX: ... end, I am looking for a general way to convert from OleVariant or Variant to a TValue that then is assignment-compatible to a specific TRTTIType.
What is the way to transition values between the Variant and the RTTI world?
Also, the Spring4D library is part of the project, in case that helps.
Technically I am looking for Convert in the following code (converting in the Variant world):
Left: TRTTIField;
Right: OleVariant;
Temp: TValue;
Instance: Pointer;
{ Examples: varOleStr --> varXXXX --> assignment-compatible TValue }
Right := 'False'; // varOleStr, as read with IXMLNode.GetAttributeNS
Right := Convert(Right, Left.FieldType); // making it possibly varBoolean
Temp := TValue.FromVariant(Right); // tkEnumeration, like Left.FieldType.TypeKind
Right := '2'; // varOleStr, as read with IXMLNode.GetAttributeNS
Right := Convert(Right, Left.FieldType); // making it possibly varInteger
Temp := TValue.FromVariant(Right); // tkInteger, like Left.FieldType.TypeKind
Right := '3.1415'; // varOleStr, as read with IXMLNode.GetAttributeNS
Right := Convert(Right, Left.FieldType); // making it possibly varDoiuble
Temp := TValue.FromVariant(Right); // tkFloat, like Left.FieldType.TypeKind
Right := 'Hello!'; // varOleStr, as read with IXMLNode.GetAttributeNS
Right := Convert(Right, Left.FieldType); // making it possibly varOleStr
Temp := TValue.FromVariant(Right); // tkUString, like Left.FieldType.TypeKind
{ ... and an assignment: }
Left.SetValue(Instance, Temp);
I have found VariantChangeTypeEx, however, I do not know how to relate Left.FieldType to it to make the subsequent code work. -- I also would not mind to convert in the RTTI world and instead start out with Temp := TValue.FromVariant(Right) (tkUString) and then reach assignment compatibility somehow; so Temp.Kind would become tkEnumeration/Boolean, tkFloat,... as given by Left.FieldType.TypeKind.
How to assign a Variant with RTTI? Or, how to convert a Variant to a TValue to then assign it?
Note: RTTIField.SetValue will fail with an EInvalidCast if field type and value type differ in nature, as the RTTI will not attempt to change the value's nature. My difficulty here is to reach assignment compatibility.
Update: Given the answer, the following code sketches my solution:
procedure (const Value: Pointer; const RTTIField: TRTTIField; const XMLNode: IXMLNode);
Temp1: OLEVariant;
Temp2: TValue;
Assert(XMLNode.HasAttribute(Ref, Namespace));
Temp1 := XMLNode.GetAttributeNS(Ref, Namespace);
Temp2 := TValue.FromVariant(Temp1);
Temp2 := Temp2.Convert(RTTIField.FieldType.Handle{, FormatSettings}); // in Spring.TValueHelper
RTTIField.SetValue(Value, Temp2);
The built-in type casts in TValue will not help you here as they only allow those types that are explicitly compatible (i.e. assignable). Technically if you store the Variant inside the TValue without "unpacking" it which is what FromVariant does internally it should be able to cast the Variant to anything it usually can be cast/converted to. However there are is at least one issue with casting a Variant holding 'True' or 'False' to a Boolean (see
However since you are already using Spring4D you can use its improved TValue type conversion feature.
Just use the Convert method from the TValueHelper in Spring.pas.
There you can pass a PTypeInfo (which would be Left.FieldType.Handle in your code) and optionally a TFormatSettings - by default it will use the current locale.
What is the way to transition values between the Variant and the RTTI world?
Use the built in class function conversion in System.RTTI.TValue:
myTValue := TValue.FromVariant(myVariant);
Builds a new TValue record from a Variant value.
FromVariant is a static method that can be used to build TValue records with a stored Variant value. The Value parameter contains the Variant that will be stored inside the built TValue record.

Delphi 7 to XE8 assigning binary ADO parameter values

I'm converting a report that resides in a DLL to XE8 so that I can update our report control, which is problematic in Windows 10. In doing this, I've had to replace our ADO data access controls with the built-in ADO controls.
The issues is that our data uses binary keys, and I've run into an issue assigning values to query parameters. In our code, the keys are passed around as strings, and assigned to the parameters and converted by the control at runtime.
Previously, utilizing the old control, it utilized the Delphi DB unit which contains a method .AsBlob which was used in the assignment. See below...
Qry.ParamByName('#Id').AsBlob := IdStringValue;
In the control's implementation it handled setting the property, which called into SetAsBlob. See below...
Type TBlobData = string;
procedure TQryParameter.SetAsBlob(const Value: TBlobData);
Self.DataType := ftVarBytes;
Self.Value := StringToVarArray(Value);
Part of the issue is that Data.DB has changed TBlobData = string; to TBlobData = TArray<Byte>;.
I've tried assigning these values to the query parameters following the same method used in the previous implementation, but it doesn't work.
Qry.Parameters.ParamByName('#Id').DataType := ftVarBytes;
Qry.Parameters.ParamByName('#Id').Value := ADODB.StringToVarArray(IdStringValue);
I get a fairly generic MSSQL error due to the parameter mismatch, "Application uses a value of the wrong type for the current operation."
The ADO query parameter is defined as VarBytes and the stored procedure accepts BINARY(6) for its only parameter so everything appears to be correct.
I've tried casting IdStringValue from String to AnsiString prior to calling StringToVarArray but it makes no difference.
Anyone know of a way to deal with this? Thank you.
Convert the string value to array of bytes when assigning the parameter.
Qry.Parameters.ParamByName('#Id').AsBlob := TEncoding.Default.GetBytes(StringValue);

Delphi OpenTools API get component property

I'm implementing a package to convert and auto-generate components in the delphi IDE. I'm aware that GExperts has a similar function but I need to customize some specific properties.
Right now I'm stuck on accessing the TADOQuery.SQL property, which is an instance of TStrings:
aVal : TValue;
aSqlS : TStrings;
if (mycomp.GetComponentType = 'TADOQuery') then
if mycomp.GetPropValueByName('SQL', aVal) then
aSqlS := TStrings(aVal.AsClass);
if Assigned(aSqlS) then <----- problem is here
ShowMessage(aSqlS.Text); <----- problem is here
I'm not really sure whether using TValue from RTTI is the correct way to go.
Assuming GetPropValueByName() is returning a valid TValue (you did not show that code), then using aVal.AsClass is wrong since the SQL property getter does not return a metaclass type. It returns an object pointer, so use aVal.AsObject instead, or even aVal.AsType<TStrings>.
Update If comp is actually IOTAComponent than TValue is definitely wrong to use at all. The output of IOTAComponent.GetPropValueByName() is an untyped var that receives the raw data of the property value, or an IOTAComponent for TPersistent-derived objects:
aVal: IOTAComponent;
aSqlS : TStrings;
if (mycomp.GetComponentType = 'TADOQuery') then
if mycomp.PropValueByName('SQL', aVal) then
However, a better option would be to access the actual TADOQuery object instead:
if (mycomp.GetComponentType = 'TADOQuery') then

Passing a Delphi record type to VB6 DLL

I have written a VB6 DLL which includes the following user-defined type (UDT), consisting only of primitive data types...
Public Type MyResults
Result1 As Double
Result2 As Double
Result3 As Double
Result4 As Double
Result5 As Double
End Type
...and the following method...
Public Sub Method1(ByRef Results As Variant)
Dim myRes As MyResults
myRes = Results
MsgBox "MyResults.Result1: " & myRes.Result1
End Sub
Delphi Test Harness
I have also written a test harness in Delphi and have created an equivalent Delphi record type to mimic the VB UDT, which is defined as follows...
TMyResults = packed record
Result1: Double;
Result2: Double;
Result3: Double;
Result4: Double;
Result5: Double;
From Delphi, I would like to call Method1 in the VB6 DLL and pass a variable of this type as an argument, so that VB can interpret it as an equivalent "type". So far, I have tried the following Delphi call...
procedure TMyApp.CallMethod1FromVBDLL(var MyResults: TMyResults);
results: OleVariant;
dll: Variant;
results := RecToVariant(MyResults, SizeOf(MyResults));
dll := CreateOleObject('ApplicationName.ClassName');
...which uses the following function (source: to convert a record to a variant...
function TMyApp.RecToVariant(var AR; ARecSize: Integer): Variant;
p: Pointer;
Result := VarArrayCreate([1, ARecSize], varByte);
p := VarArrayLock(Result);
Move(AR, p^, ARecSize);
An EOleException is reported back to Delphi due to a Type mismatch on the myRes = Results line in Method1 of the DLL.
Am I preparing and passing the argument correctly in Delphi?
How should I be using the argument in VB6?
Any assistance/advice would be gratefully received.
The problem is that your Delphi code is creating an OleVariant that contains a byte array (Automation type VT_UI1 or VT_ARRAY), which is not what VB is expecting. It is expecting a UDT record (Automation type VT_RECORD) instead.
MSDN has an article explaining how to pass a UDT inside a Variant:
Passing UDTs
To pass single UDTs or safearrays of UDTs for late binding, the Automation client must have the information necessary to store the type information of the UDT into a VARIANT (and if late-binding, the UDT must be self-described). A VARIANT of type VT_RECORD wraps a RecordInfo object, which contains the necessary information about the UDT and a pointer the UDT itself. The RecordInfo object implements a new interface, IRecordInfo, for access to the information. It is important to know that the actual storage of the UDT is never owned by the VARIANT; the IRecordInfo pointer is the only thing that is owned by the VARIANT.
The data for a UDT includes an IRecordInfo pointer to the description of the UDT, pRecInfo, and a pointer to the data, pvRecord.
In other words, you need to create a class that implements the IRecordInfo interface and wraps your actual record data, then you can store an instance of that class inside the OleVariant using the VT_RECORD type. That will provide both COM and VB with the necessary metadata to marshal and access your record data.
