Can i add only a login function to my app? Swift/Parse - ios

I have an app in which i want to only add a logIn button. No signUp.
I am thinking of it like this please tell me if this can work?
SaaS based. So if a business wants to use app, they must sign up on website.
once they do, they can download app where i will give them their logIn Credentials.
Therefore if someone downloads my app from the app store they cannot register unless they are a SaaS customer. Only LogIn with the credentials i provide after signing up and paying for the service.
This being said, if this is doable. i used the parse swift signup code to get my classes working on
If i go into the users class, i can add new usernames and passwords. (Great!)
If i delete the SignUp code now from my app, and add the LogInUserinBackground code will it still work for logging in users so long as i add their credentials on the Back-End?
Thank you for all responses! Much Appreciated.

Yes, that can and will work.
You can of course remove the ability to create users via the app and only support the creation via the application. Just set the user up via the website, assign the username and password and you are ready to go. Of course you have to create some kind of login form inside the app - what you cannot do is customize the application one user downloads to one specific SaaS customer so that he gets logged in fully automatically. At least once the user has to enter the user credentials in the app.
And as far as I am informed that is even allowed by the app store guidelines - you only have to make sure apple gets a demo account when submitting the app in the end.


Sign in with Apple: How to know if user is signing up or signing in

I would like to know if there is a way to find out before I send the authorization request if a user is signing up to my app with Apple for the first time, or if he/she is already registered and just signs in.
Basically I have a registration screen in my app, where a user can create two types of users and a login screen where both users can log in. I would like to keep the registration and login separate, so for that I need to know whether its a first sign in with apple.
I'm not sure what database you're using but for Cloud Firestore there is a Sign-in method that can be used with Apple.

Track paid content without authentication on iOS

I want to offer some paid content in the app but I don't want the user to go through an Authentication process. I would like him to enter the app and directly be able to buy some of the content and remember that this user has bought it if he comes back later or uninstall/reinstall the app later on. (Like most meditation app on the Store right now)
Is it possible using Firebase Services and if so, what would be the good way to track paid content for anonymous user?
An Anonymous user IS a user without details (Name, email, password, etc). It has a unique UserID
So YES. You can save anything to the database using the User's unique ID. But remember. Every app is capable of performing operations inside their sandbox directory. which also has a unique ID and resets when the app is uninstalled.
In a sentece. Firebase won't remember the Anonymous user ID if the app was deleted intentionally.
The docs does state this very well:
You can use Firebase Authentication to create and use temporary
anonymous accounts to authenticate with Firebase. These temporary
anonymous accounts can be used to allow users who haven't yet signed
up to your app to work with data protected by security rules. If an
anonymous user decides to sign up to your app, you can link their
sign-in credentials to the anonymous account so that they can continue
to work with their protected data in future sessions.
Read more:
Authenticate with Firebase Anonymously on iOS
You could theoretically set it up to where it would redirect the user to a TextField page asking him/her to make a "password" and "PIN" of sorts. This "password" and "PIN" could then be stored into a SQL server database as an anonymous user. When re-downloading the app you could have a page dedicated to purchase recovery where all a user would need to do is input this "password" and "PIN", after they have correctly entered both it would return purchases to their account.
things to be wary of:
-People may use the same password, which is why I recommended a PIN as a way of two-step authentication. Keep in mind also that your app will need to test the password against the server before uploading to make sure that the password doesn't already exist and tells the user that the password cannot be used in such case.
-This is essentially the same thing as an account with a username and password... the only difference is that you aren't going to be collecting other information on them, such as email and birthday, etc., making it more anonymous.
-This is a very rare case of question and I know this is a crappy answer, but honestly this isn't the best idea to implement unless your app heavily relies on it.

Facebook Connect - simply add a user's Facebook profile url into database via Rails

I'm coding a simple app which should use some FB connect mechanics but I don't want too much overhead here so maybe you can share your thoughts/experience on my task:
merchants can post products they want to give away for free
users can register for the article and get into a raffle
Once a user enters the page, I want the page to connect to his FB profile URL ( User hits a "Add me to the raffle" button, the FB profile URL gets stored into my model. The merchant or a cron choses the FB profile URL randomly, displays it and lets the merchant connect to the winner (this I realised already).
This is what I've done so far:
as you can see, I realised it via email addresses which get shuffled by the merchant. This is not very clever since FB profiles are somehow more unique and everyone can participate only one time.
What is the smartest way in your opinion to retrieve a user's Facebook URL and store it into my database? I just need to attach it to some text/input field (non editable) and let the user hit that button.
Thanks for any support.
You need to use Facebook login, take a look here
or here
for the second one use version 1.4.0 as 1.4.1 has ome annoying bugs.

RoR Facebook Canvas App user Registraton & Login

I'm currently working on a RoR app that is only going to be used inside the Facebook Canvas. To model the users I use Devise. Now, I'm aiming at making the signup & login process easy as pie. If my prospective users open the app, he/she should be prompted to authorize the app to access name and email. If this happens a user should be created with the name, fb_uid and email. Every time this user now comes back to the canvas app he should be signed in.
How do I accomlish this?
Please help - looked at koala, omniauth, the javascript and php sdks -> my brain just feels fried...
This railscasts episode shows you how to easily put together the authentication system using omniauth-facebook. I actually just used it today as well. Let me know if you have any more specific questions.

IOS: Registering new app on Facebook

There must be an easy answer to this one....
I am trying to integrate my latest IOS App to Facebook. I have not used Facebook before, so just set up a "company" page with basic information on my firm.
I'm following all the Facebook links i.e.
But I cannot get beyond Step 1 (LOL). Whenever I click the link "Step 1: Registering your iOS App with Facebook," it keeps taking me to my company's Facebook Admin screen!? I cannot find a way to register my App off this screen. Where is the "Add new app" link??
I'm going in circles. Help appreciated.
It's not possible to register an App under a Business account, and you have to create (or lend) a personal account. And keep in mind: Facebook frowns upon incorrect information, so should be a legit person or your account will be suspended when (not if) they find out.
Secondly you have to authorize your Facebook account. For example: by entering mobile phone no. and entering code from a text FB will send you (more info: or entering CC information (more info:
When you (finally) have an authenticated account: Is the location you should be looking at.
Over at Step 1 describes the creation of a Facebook App. (rather simple, by clicking on "Create New App")
Hope this helps! Good luck!
I believe the problem is that you are attempting to create a Facebook App with your "page user". IE you clicked "Use Facebook as..." and clicked on one of your pages.
You can not create an application in this way. Applications must be created by "real" users. You're going to want to follow that tutorial you posted to and use your user.
If you are hesitant to use your own account, ask your boss to use his or request from your clients login credentials to open the application on their account.
The reason behind this is so that Facebook can track "bad" applications back to real people, people who had to verify their account by submitting a mobile phone or credit card number.
