I'm trying to write failing tests for my network calls but can't find anyway to access the connection settings from within my tests.
This code works fine for testing a success case:
func testRetrieveProducts() {
let expectation = expectationWithDescription("asynchronous request")
Requests().retrieveProducts({ (products) -> () in
// check that we have two arrays returned.
XCTAssert(products.count == 2)
}) { (error) -> () in
XCTFail("Request failed")
waitForExpectationsWithTimeout(5.0, handler: nil)
But I've been looking for a way to test network timeouts, and incorrect data being returned.
I can probably test incorrect data by calling functions individually inside the retrieveProducts function and stubbing stuff out, but doing something as simple as turning off the internet is proving to be quite difficult.
I know we have access to the Network Link Conditioner, but turning this on and off for each test isn't an option.
I'd love to have access to something as simple as:
func testFailRetrieveProducts() {
let expectation = expectationWithDescription("asynchronous request")
Requests().retrieveProducts({ (products) -> () in
}) { (error) -> () in
XCTAssert(error == SomeError.TimeoutError)
waitForExpectationsWithTimeout(5.0, handler: nil)
Any solutions out there that can handle what I'm after, or am I going about this all wrong?
Take a look at this NSHipster article about Apple's Network Link Conditioner. There's a lot of presets and you can create your own custom network profile. Unfortunately there doesn't seem to be a way to throttle the network in code.
A somewhat viable alternative however is to use ReactiveCocoa and model all your network events as SignalProducers. Then you can use the throttle or wait function, depending on your intentions.
I ended up just mocking the network calls, which to be honest is a lot better than performing tests over an actual connection, as these can be very unreliable anyway.
Here's my mock NSURLSession
class MockSession: NSURLSession {
var completionHandler:((NSData!, NSURLResponse!, NSError!) -> Void)?
static var mockResponse: (data: NSData?, urlResponse: NSURLResponse?, error: NSError?)
override class func sharedSession() -> NSURLSession {
return MockSession()
override func dataTaskWithRequest(request: NSURLRequest, completionHandler: (NSData?, NSURLResponse?, NSError?) -> Void) -> NSURLSessionDataTask {
self.completionHandler = completionHandler
return MockTask(response: MockSession.mockResponse, completionHandler: completionHandler)
class MockTask: NSURLSessionDataTask {
typealias Response = (data: NSData?, urlResponse: NSURLResponse?, error: NSError?)
var mockResponse: Response
let completionHandler: ((NSData!, NSURLResponse!, NSError!) -> Void)?
init(response: Response, completionHandler:((NSData!, NSURLResponse!, NSError!) -> Void)?) {
self.mockResponse = response
self.completionHandler = completionHandler
override func resume() {
completionHandler!(mockResponse.data, mockResponse.urlResponse, mockResponse.error)
Here's how I use it in a test:
Note that you still have to use an expectation even though there's no network delay.
func testRetrieveProductsValidResponse() {
let testBundle = NSBundle(forClass: self.dynamicType)
let filepath = testBundle.pathForResource("products", ofType: "txt")
let data = NSData(contentsOfFile: filepath!)
let urlResponse = NSHTTPURLResponse(URL: NSURL(string: "https://anyURL.com")!, statusCode: 200, HTTPVersion: nil, headerFields: nil)
MockSession.mockResponse = (data, urlResponse: urlResponse, error: nil)
let requestsClass = RequestManager()
requestsClass.Session = MockSession.self
let expectation = expectationWithDescription("ready")
requestsClass.retrieveProducts("N/R FOR TEST", branchID: "N/R FOR TEST", products: { (products) -> () in
XCTAssertTrue(products.count == 7)
}) { (error) -> () in
XCTAssertFalse(error == Errors.NetworkError, "Its a network error")
XCTAssertFalse(error == Errors.ParseError, "Its a parse error")
XCTFail("Error not covered by previous asserts. Shouln't get to here anyway.")
waitForExpectationsWithTimeout(3.0, handler: nil)
Finally, I have an accessible property on my RequestManager class that I can swap out with the MockSession when doing my tests.
var Session = NSURLSession.self
How can I mock URLSession.DataTaskPublisher? I have a class Proxy that require to inject a URLSessionProtocol
protocol URLSessionProtocol {
func loadData(from url: URL) -> URLSession.DataTaskPublisher
class Proxy {
private let urlSession: URLSessionProtocol
init(urlSession: URLSessionProtocol) {
self.urlSession = urlSession
func get(url: URL) -> AnyPublisher<Data, ProxyError> {
// Using urlSession.loadData(from: url)
This code was originally used with the traditional version of URLSession with the completion handler. It was perfect since I could easily mock URLSession for testing like Sundell's solution here: Mocking in Swift.
Is it possible to do the same with the Combine Framework?
In the same way that you can inject a URLSessionProtocol to mock a concrete session, you can also inject a mocked Publisher. For example:
let mockPublisher = Just(MockData()).eraseToAnyPublisher()
However, depending on what you do with this publisher you might have to address some weirdnesses with Combine async publishers, see this post for additional discussion:
Why does Combine's receive(on:) operator swallow errors?
The best way to test your client is to use URLProtocol.
You can intercept all your request before she performs the real request on the cloud, and so creates your expectation. Once you have done your expectation, she will be destroyed, so you never make real requests.
Tests more reliable, faster, and you got the control!
You got a little example here: https://www.hackingwithswift.com/articles/153/how-to-test-ios-networking-code-the-easy-way
But it's more powerful than just this, you can do everything you want like: Check your Events/Analytics...
I hope it'll help you!
Since DataTaskPublisher uses the URLSession it is created from, you can just mock that. I ended up creating a URLSession subclass, overriding dataTask(...) to return a URLSessionDataTask subclass, which I fed with the data/response/error I needed...
class URLSessionDataTaskMock: URLSessionDataTask {
private let closure: () -> Void
init(closure: #escaping () -> Void) {
self.closure = closure
override func resume() {
class URLSessionMock: URLSession {
var data: Data?
var response: URLResponse?
var error: Error?
override func dataTask(with request: URLRequest, completionHandler: #escaping (Data?, URLResponse?, Error?) -> Void) -> URLSessionDataTask {
let data = self.data
let response = self.response
let error = self.error
return URLSessionDataTaskMock {
completionHandler(data, response, error)
Then obviously you just want your networking layer using this URLSession, I went with a factory to do this:
protocol DataTaskPublisherFactory {
func make(for request: URLRequest) -> URLSession.DataTaskPublisher
Then in your network layer:
func performRequest<ResponseType>(_ request: URLRequest) -> AnyPublisher<ResponseType, APIError> where ResponseType : Decodable {
.flatMap {
self.dataTaskPublisherFactory.make(for: $0)
.mapError { APIError.urlError($0)} } }
Now you can just pass a mock factory in the test using the URLSession subclass (this one asserts URLErrors are mapped to a custom error, but you could also assert some other condition given data/response):
func test_performRequest_URLSessionDataTaskThrowsError_throwsAPIError() {
let session = URLSessionMock()
session.error = TestError.test
let dataTaskPublisherFactory = mock(DataTaskPublisherFactory.self)
given(dataTaskPublisherFactory.make(for: any())) ~> {
session.dataTaskPublisher(for: $0)
let api = API(dataTaskPublisherFactory: dataTaskPublisherFactory)
let publisher: AnyPublisher<TestCodable, APIError> =
api.performRequest(URLRequest(url: URL(string: "www.someURL.com")!))
let _ = publisher.sink(receiveCompletion: {
switch $0 {
case .failure(let error):
XCTAssertEqual(error, APIError.urlError(URLError(_nsError: NSError(domain: "NSURLErrorDomain", code: -1, userInfo: nil))))
case .finished:
}) { _ in }
The one issue with this is that URLSession init() is deprecated from iOS 13, so you have to live with a warning in your test. If anyone can see a way around that I'd greatly appreciate it.
(Note: I'm using Mockingbird for mocks).
I'm using AWSAppSyncClient to upload files but I'm struggling to connect the upload progress hook with the view.
AWSAppSyncClient is a property of the the application delegate initialized with an S3ObjectManager. The object manager method upload has access to the upload progress via the AWSTransferUtilityUplaodExpression:
expression.progressBlock = {(task, progress) in
DispatchQueue.main.async(execute: {
// Can we update the controller's progress bar here?
print("Progress: \(Float(progress.fractionCompleted))")
My controller invokes the upload by calling perform:
var appSyncClient: AWSAppSyncClient? // retrieved from the app delegate singleton
appSyncClient?.perform(mutation: CreatePostMutation(input: input)) { (result, error) in ...
What I am struggling with: how do I provide the S3ObjectManager a reference to the controller? I thought of instantiating the AWSAppSyncClient in each controller, and maybe using some sort of delegate pattern?
It's probably overkill to instantiate a new client on each view controller. Setup & teardown take a bit of time & system resources to perform, and you'd probably prefer to keep those activities separate from the view controller in any case, just for separation of responsibilities.
There isn't really a good way of registering a per-object listener, since mutations are queued for eventual, asynchronous delivery. Your delegate idea seems like the best approach at this point.
NOTE: Code below is untested, and not thread-safe.
For example, you could declare a singleton delegate that manages watchers for individual views that need to report progress:
class AppSyncS3ObjectManagerProgressWatcher {
typealias ProgressSubscription = UUID
static let shared = AppSyncS3ObjectManagerProgressWatcher()
private var watchers = [UUID: AppSyncS3ObjectManagerProgressDelegate?]()
func add(_ watcher: AppSyncS3ObjectManagerProgressDelegate) -> ProgressSubscription {
let subscription = UUID()
weak var weakWatcher = watcher
watchers[subscription] = weakWatcher
return subscription
func remove(_ subscription: ProgressSubscription?) {
guard let subscription = subscription else {
watchers[subscription] = nil
extension AppSyncS3ObjectManagerProgressWatcher: AppSyncS3ObjectManagerProgressDelegate {
func progressReportingExpression(forDownloadingObject object: AWSS3ObjectProtocol) -> AWSS3TransferUtilityDownloadExpression {
let expression = AWSS3TransferUtilityDownloadExpression()
expression.progressBlock = { _, progress in
self.didReportProgress(forDownloadingObject: object, progress: progress)
return expression
func progressReportingExpression(forUploadingObject object: AWSS3ObjectProtocol & AWSS3InputObjectProtocol) -> AWSS3TransferUtilityUploadExpression {
let expression = AWSS3TransferUtilityUploadExpression()
expression.progressBlock = { _, progress in
self.didReportProgress(forUploadingObject: object, progress: progress)
return expression
func didReportProgress(forDownloadingObject object: AWSS3ObjectProtocol, progress: Progress) {
for watcher in watchers.values {
watcher?.didReportProgress(forDownloadingObject: object, progress: progress)
func didReportProgress(forUploadingObject object: AWSS3ObjectProtocol & AWSS3InputObjectProtocol, progress: Progress) {
for watcher in watchers.values {
watcher?.didReportProgress(forUploadingObject: object, progress: progress)
Wherever you conform S3TransferUtility to S3ObjectManager, you would do something like:
extension AWSS3TransferUtility: AWSS3ObjectManager {
public func download(s3Object: AWSS3ObjectProtocol, toURL: URL, completion: #escaping ((Bool, Error?) -> Void)) {
let completionBlock: AWSS3TransferUtilityDownloadCompletionHandlerBlock = { task, url, data, error -> Void in
if let _ = error {
completion(false, error)
} else {
completion(true, nil)
let progressReportingExpression = AppSyncS3ObjectManagerProgressWatcher
.progressReportingExpression(forDownloadingObject: s3Object)
let _ = self.download(
to: toURL,
bucket: s3Object.getBucketName(),
key: s3Object.getKeyName(),
expression: progressReportingExpression,
completionHandler: completionBlock)
public func upload(s3Object: AWSS3ObjectProtocol & AWSS3InputObjectProtocol, completion: #escaping ((_ success: Bool, _ error: Error?) -> Void)) {
let completionBlock : AWSS3TransferUtilityUploadCompletionHandlerBlock = { task, error -> Void in
if let _ = error {
completion(false, error)
} else {
completion(true, nil)
let progressReportingExpression = AppSyncS3ObjectManagerProgressWatcher
.progressReportingExpression(forUploadingObject: s3Object)
let _ = self.uploadFile(
bucket: s3Object.getBucketName(),
key: s3Object.getKeyName(),
contentType: s3Object.getMimeType(),
expression: progressReportingExpression,
completionHandler: completionBlock
).continueWith { (task) -> Any? in
if let err = task.error {
completion(false, err)
return nil
And then in the progress reporting view:
override func awakeFromNib() {
progressSubscription = AppSyncS3ObjectManagerProgressWatcher.shared.add(self)
func didReportProgress(forUploadingObject object: AWSS3InputObjectProtocol & AWSS3ObjectProtocol, progress: Progress) {
// TODO: Filter by object local URI/key/etc to ensure we're updating the correct progress
print("Progress received for \(object.getKeyName()): \(progress.fractionCompleted)")
self.progress = progress
As I noted, this code is untested, but it should outline a general approach for you to start from. I'd welcome your feedback and would like to hear what approach you eventually settle on.
Finally, please feel free to open a feature request on our issues page: https://github.com/awslabs/aws-mobile-appsync-sdk-ios/issues
I have a small question. I want to have a function like this:
func performGetRequest(targetURL: NSURL!, completion: (data: NSData?, HTTPStatusCode: Int, error: NSError?) -> Void) {
let request = NSMutableURLRequest(URL: targetURL)
request.HTTPMethod = "GET"
let sessionConfiguration = NSURLSessionConfiguration.defaultSessionConfiguration()
let session = NSURLSession(configuration: sessionConfiguration)
let task = session.dataTaskWithRequest(request, completionHandler: { (data: NSData?, response: NSURLResponse?, error: NSError?) -> Void in
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), { () -> Void in
completion(data: data, HTTPStatusCode: (response as! NSHTTPURLResponse).statusCode, error: error)
I found on appcoda.com but with the option to do something when the data is loaded an finished parsing. Something like:
UIView.animateWithDuration(3.0, delay: 0, options: .CurveEaseIn, animations: { () -> Void in
}, completion: {finished in
My full plan is to load json data from two specific pages, the second json link is generated out of the data from the first json. So I what to start a http request after the first one is finished.
When the second is finished I want to call a function that change the my View from loadscreen to mainView.
You can simply call the animation code within the completion handler of performGetRequest:
func aFunction() {
performGetRequest(yourURL) { (data, HTTPStatusCode, error) in
if error == nil {
func animate() {
UIView.animateWithDuration(3.0, delay: 0, options: .CurveEaseIn, animations: { () -> Void in
}, completion: {finished in
Instead of simple request you can rely on Alamofire or another http/post-request open source libraries. Otherwise, you can use NSURLSessionDataTask / NSURLSessionDownloadTask with corresponding completion handlers
Hope this may help
I have a function in which i am calling a network call as,
func newtorkCall() {
//some other code
NSURLConnection.sendAsynchronousRequest(request, queue: NSOperationQueue.mainQueue(), completionHandler: {(response:
NSURLResponse!, data: NSData!, error: NSError!) -> Void in
if (data != nil) {
//save the data in a variable temp
this is working fine and i am getting the data.
But i want to mock this NSURLConnection.sendAsynchronousRequest in unit testing so that i can hardcode the data and pass it to the variable temp in the source code and test it.
How can I do it?
I am writing a FileProvider extension (NSFileProviderExtension) for iOS. When "itemChangedAtURL" is called, I want to take the data from the NSURL and commit it back to my server. The problem I am having is that I will use Alamofire to make a request call and the request will never fire. I have tried setting backgroundSessionConfigurationWithIdentifier and using a sharedContainerIdentifier but none of that worked either. The same alamofire calls worked outside of the FileProvider extension. Does anyone know how exactly I have to setup NSURLSession or Alamofire to get this to work correctly?
I ran into this similar problem with AFNetworking. I decided to wrap my calls in a block based on what I read in http://z43studio.com/2015/04/storage-providers/
override func itemChangedAtURL(url: NSURL) {
var manager = AFHTTPSessionManager()
var request = manager.requestSerializer.multipartFormRequestWithMethod("PUT", URLString: "http://somewhere.awesome", parameters: nil, constructingBodyWithBlock: { (data: AFMultipartFormData!) -> Void in
var res = data.appendPartWithFileURL(fileUrl, name: "custom_name", error: nil)
}, error: nil)
var semaphore = dispatch_semaphore_create(0)
let task:NSURLSessionDataTask = manager.uploadTaskWithStreamedRequest(request, progress: nil,
completionHandler: {(response: NSURLResponse!, responseObject: AnyObject!, error: NSError!) -> Void in
if ((error) != nil) {
// Attempt to recover - otherwise release
} else {
dispatch_semaphore_wait(semaphore, DISPATCH_TIME_FOREVER)