Delphi - join 2 integer in a Int64 - delphi

I'm working with Delphi and Assembly, so, i had a problem. I used a instruction(RDTSC) in Assembly of getting a 64-bits read time-stamp, the instruction put the numbers separately in two registers EAX and EDX. But it's ok, i get it with Delphi Integer variables. But now, i need to join those variables in 1 of 64-bits. It's like:
Var1 = 46523
var2 = 1236
So i need to put it into one variable like:
Var3 = 465231236
it's like a StrCat, but i'm don't know how to do it. Somebody can help me?

You certainly don't want to concatenate the decimal string representations of the two values. That is not the way you are expected to combine the two 32 bit values returned from RTDSC into a 64 bit value.
Combining 46523 and 1236 should not yield 465231236. That is the wrong answer. Instead, you want to take the high order 32 bits, and put them alongside the low order 32 bits.
You are combining $0000B5BB and $00004D4. The correct answer is either $0000B5BB00004D4 or $00004D40000B5BB, depending on which of the two values are the high and low order parts.
Implement this in code, for instance, using Int64Rec:
Value: UInt64;
Int64Rec(Value).Lo := Lo;
Int64Rec(Value).Hi := Hi;
where Lo and Hi are the low and high 32 bit values returned by RTDSC.
So, bits 0 to 31 are set to the value of Lo, and bits 32 to 63 are set to the value of Hi.
Or it can be written using bitwise operations:
Value := (UInt64(Hi) shl 32) or UInt64(Lo);
If all you need to do is read the time stamp counter, then you don't need to do any of this though. You can implement the function like this:
function TimeStampCounter: UInt64;
The register calling convention requires that a 64 bit value return value is passed back to the caller in EDX:EAX. Since the RDTSC places the values in those exact registers (not a coincidence by the way), you have nothing more to do.
All of this said, rather than using the time stamp counter, it is usually preferable to use the performance counter, which is wrapped by TStopWatch from System.Diagnostics.

The simple way is to use a record
TMyTimestamp = record
case Boolean of
( Value: Int64 );
( Value1: Integer; Value2: Integer );
and you can store/read each value as you like
ts: TMyTimestamp;
ts.Value1 := 46523;
ts.Value2 := 1236;
WriteLn( ts.Value ); // -> 5308579624379
ts.Value := 5308579624379;
WriteLn( ts.Value1 ); // -> 46523
WriteLn( ts.Value2 ); // -> 1236
see: Docwiki: Variant Parts in Records


I want to create a Fibonacci sequence using a for loop, but the integers are not adding up

procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
term1: integer;
term2: integer;
term3: integer;
j: integer;
term1 := (0);
term2 := (1);
for j := 1 to 100 do;
term3 :=( term1 + term2);
term1 := term2;
term2 := term3;
This is what I have so far, but term1 and term2 don't want to add up. I have tried some different things, but for some reason the integers never want to add up.
There are several problems with your code
The semicolon after for j := 1 to 100 do prevents your next code that is withing begin..end block to be run in a loop. Why? The code that is to be run in each cycle of for loop is the one that follows the do until the first semicolon. Since you put semicolon just after the do this basically means that empty block of code is ran in a loop. Your begin..end block comes after that. Removing the semicolon after do will fix that.
You are using Memo1.Text:=inttostr(term3); to write the result into Memo. The problem with this is that this will rewrite entire text of the Memo every time so you will end up with only one line showing the last number. You should use Memo1.Lines.Add(inttostr(term3)); instead so that new line is added each time.
Lastly you are using Integer type for your variables. Since numbers in Fibonacci sequence grows very fast you will quickly exceed the maximum value that can be stored in Integer which in Delphi is Signed 32 bit Integer with a max value of 2147483647. You will have to use bigger integer types like 64 bit Integer type and since you are only dealing with positive numbers you should therefore use Unsigned 64 bit Integer that in declared in Delphi by UInt64 type. You can read more about Delphi default Integer types in documentation. Unfortunately not even UInt64 will is big enough for value of all first 100 numbers of Fibonacci sequence. So you will have to use one of the BigIntegers libraries for Delphi to do this properly. There are several of them available on internet.
You have an erroneous ; on your loop that you need to remove:
for j := 1 to 100 do;

Converting Integer number into hexadecimal number in delphi 7

Write a program to convert an integer number to its hexadecimal representation without using inbuilt functions.
Here is my code, but it is not working. Can anyone tell where is the mistake?
It is giving an error:
"Project raised exception class EAccessViolation with message 'Access violation at address 00453B7B in module 'Project.exe'.Write of address FFFFFFFF'.Process stopped.Use Step or Run to continue."
unit Unit1;
Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Variants, Classes, Graphics, Controls,Forms,
TForm1 = class(TForm)
function hexvalue(num:Integer):Char;
Form1: TForm1;
{$R *.dfm}
function hexvalue(num:Integer):Char;
case num of
10: Result:='A';
11: Result:='B';
12: Result:='C';
13: Result:='D';
14: Result:='E';
15: Result:='F';
else Result:=Chr(num);
InputQuery ('Integer Number','Enter the integer number', intnumber);
while integernum >= 16 do
hexnumber[i]:=hexvalue(integernum mod 16);
integernum:= integernum div 16;
hexnumber[i]:= hexvalue(integernum);
for j:=0 to k do
actualhex[j]:= hexnumber[i];
Since this obviously is a homework assignment, I don't want to spoil it for you and write the solution, but rather attempt to guide you to the solution.
User input
In real code you would need to be prepared for any mistake from the user and check that the input really is integer numbers only and politely ask the user to correct the input if erroneous.
Conversion loop
You have got that OK, using mod 16 for each nibble of integernum and div 16 to move to the next nibble, going from units towards higher order values.
Conversion of nibble to hex character
Here you go wrong. If you would have written out also the cases for 0..9, you could have got the case statement right. As others have commented, Chr() takes an ASCII code. However, using a case statement for such a simple conversion is tedious to write and not very efficient.
What if you would have a lookup table (array) where the index (0..15) directly would give you the corresponding hex character. That would be much simpler. Something like
HexChars: array[_.._] of Char = ('0',_____'F')
I leave it to you to fill in the missing parts.
Forming the result (hex string)
Your second major mistake and the reason for the AV is that you did not set the length of the string hexnumber before attempting to acess the character positions. Another design flaw is that you fill in hexnumber backwards. As a result you then need an extra loop where you reverse the order to the correct one.
There are at least two solutions to solve both problems:
Since you take 32 bit integer type input, the hex representation is not more than 8 characters. Thus you can preset the length of the string to 8 and fill it in from the lower order position using 8 - i as index. As a final step you can trim the string if you like.
Don't preset the length and just concatenate as you go in the loop hexnumber := HexChars[integernum mod 16] + hexnumber;.
Negative values
You did not in any way consider the possibility of negative values in your code, so I assume it wasn't part of the task.
First mistake : String are 1 indexed. Meaning that the index of their first character is 1 and not 0. You initialize "i" to 0 and then try to set hexnumber[i].
Second mistake : Strings might be dynamic, but they don't grow automatically. If you try to access the first character of an empty string, it won't work. You need to call SetLength(HeXNumber, NumberOfDigits). You can calculate the number of digits this way :
NumberOfDigits := Trunc(Log16(integernum)) + 1;
Since Log16 isn't really something that exists, you can either use LogN(16,integernum) or (Log(IntegerNum) / Log(16)) depending on what is available in your version of Delphi.
Note that this might return an invalid value for very, very large value (high INT64 range) due to rounding errors.
If you don't want to go that road, you could replace the instruction by
hexnumber := hexvalue(integernum mod 16) + hexnumber;
which would also remove the need to invert the string at the end.
Third Mistake : Using unsigned integer for loop variable. While this is debatable, the instruction
for I := 0 to Count - 1 do
is common practice in Delphi without checking Count > 0. When count = 0 and using an unsigned loop counter, you'll either get an integer overflow (if you have them activated in your project options) or you'll loop High(I) times, which isn't what you want to be doing.
Fourth mistake : already mentionned : Result:=Chr(num) should be replaced by something like Result := InttoStr(Num)[1].
Personally, I'd implement the function using an array.
HexArr : Array[0..15] of char = ('0', '1',...,'D','E','F');
if InRange(Num, 0, 15) then
Result := HexArr[Num]
//whatever you want

How to get a 64-bit random value in Delphi?

How can I create a random 64-bit integer value in Delphi 2006? The built-in integer-based Random() function seems to return only values between 0 and 2^31.
You can use my GpRandomGen. It implements Marsaglia/Zaman/James algorithm, is extremely fast and supposedly very random. Released as a freeware.
Generate two 32 bit randoms and splice them together.
Similar to #Andreas's answer I like the following (equivalent) implementation:
function Random64: UInt64;
Overlay: packed record
a, b: UInt32;
end absolute Result;
Overlay.a := Random32;
Overlay.b := Random32;
To answer my own question I came up with the following code:
function GetRandomInt64() : int64;
Int64Rec(result).Words[0] := Random(High(Word));
Int64Rec(result).Words[1] := Random(High(Word));
Int64Rec(result).Words[2] := Random(High(Word));
Int64Rec(result).Words[3] := Random(High(Word));
Not sure if this is a valid solution or it will always create the same follow-up number X+1 after a given result number X.
You can generate 64 random bits and interpret the result as an integer. (63 bits if you are working with signed integers and want the result to be non-negative.) Equivalently you can take two random integers in the range 0..2^31-1, plus two extra random bits, and concatenate them to get a random 64-bit integer.
EDIT: I was curious about the statistical properties of pseudo-random numbers generated by concatenating pseudo-random components and found that (apparently) this approach might not work well depending on your pseudo-random generator (of course for true random number generation, as from atmospheric noise, concatenating random bits is no problem). For recreational use, the loss of various statistical properties might be acceptable, but for more serious use you might end up needing a custom pseudo-random generator as #gabr suggested. Here is a related question: Best method of generating a number with 256 random bits?
Create a GUID (eg CoCreateGuid) and cast it to Int64.
function Random64: UInt64;
PCardinal(#result)^ := Random32;
PCardinal(cardinal(#result) + 4)^ := Random32;
where Random32 is your favourite 32-bit unsigned integer random number function.

How to use a TFileStream to read 2D matrices into dynamic array?

I need to read a large (2000x2000) matrix of binary data from a file into a dynamic array with Delphi 2010. I don't know the dimensions until run-time.
I've never read raw data like this, and don't know IEEE so I'm posting this to see if I'm on track.
I plan to use a TFileStream to read one row at a time.
I need to be able to read as many of these formats as possible:
16-bit two's complement binary integer
32-bit two's complement binary integer
64-bit two's complement binary integer
IEEE single precision floating-point
For 32-bit two's complement, I'm thinking something like the code below. Changing to Int64 and Int16 should be straight forward. How can I read the IEEE?
Am I on the right track? Any suggestions on this code, or how to elegantly extend it for all 4 data types above? Since my post-processing will be the same after reading this data, I guess I'll have to copy the matrix into a common format when done.
I have no problem just having four procedures (one for each data type) like the one below, but perhaps there's an elegant way to use RTTI or buffers and then move()'s so that the same code works for all 4 datatypes?
TRowData = array of Int32;
procedure ReadMatrix;
Matrix: array of TRowData;
NumberOfRows: Cardinal;
NumberOfCols: Cardinal;
CurRow: Integer;
NumberOfRows := 20; // not known until run time
NumberOfCols := 100; // not known until run time
SetLength(Matrix, NumberOfRows);
for CurRow := 0 to NumberOfRows do
SetLength(Matrix[CurRow], NumberOfCols);
FileStream.ReadBuffer(Matrix[CurRow], NumberOfCols * SizeOf(Int32)) );
No, AFAIK there's no way to use RTTI to set up multidimensional arrays. But if you're using Delphi 2010, you should be able to use generics, like so:
TRowData<T> = array of T;
procedure ReadMatrix<T>;
Matrix: array of TRowData<T>;
NumberOfRows: Cardinal;
NumberOfCols: Cardinal;
CurRow: Integer;
NumberOfRows := 20; // not known until run time
NumberOfCols := 100; // not known until run time
SetLength(Matrix, NumberOfRows, NumberOfCols);
for CurRow := 0 to NumberOfRows do
FileStream.ReadBuffer(Matrix[CurRow][0], NumberOfCols * SizeOf(T)) );
This will have to be in a class, though, as Delphi 2010 doesn't support standalone procedures with generic types. Once you've got this set up, you can call TWhateverClass.ReadMatrix<integer>, TWhateverClass.ReadMatrix<int64>, TWhateverClass.ReadMatrix<single>, and so on.
Also, if you have a multidimensional array with X dimensions, you can pass X length parameters to SetLength, not just one. So use one call to SetLength(Matrix, NumberOfRows, NumberOfCols) outside the loop, instead of initializing each row separately to the same width.

Char and Chr in Delphi

The difference between Chr and Char when used in converting types is that one is a function and the other is cast
So: Char(66) = Chr(66)
I don't think there is any performance difference (at least I've never noticed any, one probably calls the other).... I'm fairly sure someone will correct me on this!
EDIT Thanks to Ulrich for the test proving they are in fact identical.
EDIT 2 Can anyone think of a case where they might not be identical, e.g. you are pushed towards using one over the other due to the context?
Which do you use in your code and why?
I did a small test in D2007:
program CharChr;
function GetSomeByte: Byte;
Result := Random(26) + 65;
procedure DoTests;
b: Byte;
c: Char;
b := GetSomeByte;
b := GetSomeByte;
b := GetSomeByte;
c := Chr(b);
b := GetSomeByte;
c := Char(b);
Both calls produce the same assembly code:
CharChr.dpr.19: IsCharAlpha(Chr(b));
00403AE0 8A45FF mov al,[ebp-$01]
00403AE3 50 push eax
00403AE4 E86FFFFFFF call IsCharAlpha
CharChr.dpr.21: IsCharAlpha(Char(b));
00403AF1 8A45FF mov al,[ebp-$01]
00403AF4 50 push eax
00403AF5 E85EFFFFFF call IsCharAlpha
CharChr.dpr.24: c := Chr(b);
00403B02 8A45FF mov al,[ebp-$01]
00403B05 8845FE mov [ebp-$02],al
CharChr.dpr.26: c := Char(b);
00403B10 8A45FF mov al,[ebp-$01]
00403B13 8845FE mov [ebp-$02],al
Edit: Modified sample to mitigate Nick's concerns.
Edit 2: Nick's wish is my command. ;-)
The help says: Chr returns the character with the ordinal value (ASCII value) of the byte-type expression, X. *
So, how is a character represented in a computer's memory? Guess what, as a byte*. Actually the Chr and Ord functions are only there for Pascal being a strictly typed language prohibiting the use of bytes* where characters are requested. For the computer the resulting char is still represented as byte* - to what shall it convert then? Actually there is no code emitted for this function call, just as there is no code omitted for a type cast. Ergo: no difference.
You may prefer chr just to avoid a type cast.
Note: type casts shall not be confused with explicit type conversions! In Delphi 2010 writing something like Char(a) while a is an AnsiChar, will actually do something.
**For Unicode please replace byte with integer*
Just an example to make it clear (assuming non-Unicode):
a: Byte;
c: char;
b: Byte;
a := 60;
c := Chr(60);
c := Chr(a);
b := a;
produces similar code
ftest.pas.46: a := 60;
0045836D C645FB3C mov byte ptr [ebp-$05],$3c
ftest.pas.47: c := Chr(60);
00458371 C645FA3C mov byte ptr [ebp-$06],$3c
ftest.pas.48: c := Chr(a);
00458375 8A45FB mov al,[ebp-$05]
00458378 8845FA mov [ebp-$06],al
ftest.pas.49: b := a;
0045837B 8A45FB mov al,[ebp-$05]
0045837E 8845F9 mov [ebp-$07],al
Assigning byte to byte is actually the same as assigning byte to char via CHR().
chr is a function, thus it returns a new value of type char.
char(x) is a cast, that means the actual x object is used but as a different type.
Many system functions, like inc, dec, chr, ord, are inlined.
Both char and chr are fast. Use the one that is most appropriate each time,
and reflects better what you want to do.
Chr is function call, it is a bit (tiny-tiny) more expensive then type cast. But i think Chr is inlined by compiler.
They are identical, but they don't have to be identical. There's no requirement that the internal representation of characters map 1-to-1 with their ordinal values. Nothing says that a Char variable holding the value 'A' must hold the numeric value 65. The requirement is that when you call Ord on that variable, the result must be 65 because that's the code point designated for the letter A in your program's character encoding.
Of course, the easiest implementation of that requirement is for the variable to hold the numeric value 65 as well. Because of this, the function calls and the type-casts are always identical.
If the implementation were different, then when you called Chr(65), the compiler would go look up what character is at code point 65 and use it as the result. When you write Char(65), the compiler wouldn't worry about what character it really represents, as long as the numeric result stored in memory was 65.
Is this splitting hairs? Yes, absolutely, because in all current implementations, they're identical. I liken this to the issue of whether the null pointer is necessarily zero. It's not, but under all implementations, it ends up that way anyway.
chr is typesafe, char isn't: Try to code chr(256) and you'll get a compiler error. Try to code char(256) and you will either get the character with the ordinal value 0 or 1, depending on your computers internal representation of integers.
I'll suffix the above by saying that that applies to pre-unicode Delphi. I don't know if chr and char have been updated to take unicode into account.
