Converting Integer number into hexadecimal number in delphi 7 - delphi

Write a program to convert an integer number to its hexadecimal representation without using inbuilt functions.
Here is my code, but it is not working. Can anyone tell where is the mistake?
It is giving an error:
"Project raised exception class EAccessViolation with message 'Access violation at address 00453B7B in module 'Project.exe'.Write of address FFFFFFFF'.Process stopped.Use Step or Run to continue."
unit Unit1;
Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Variants, Classes, Graphics, Controls,Forms,
TForm1 = class(TForm)
function hexvalue(num:Integer):Char;
Form1: TForm1;
{$R *.dfm}
function hexvalue(num:Integer):Char;
case num of
10: Result:='A';
11: Result:='B';
12: Result:='C';
13: Result:='D';
14: Result:='E';
15: Result:='F';
else Result:=Chr(num);
InputQuery ('Integer Number','Enter the integer number', intnumber);
while integernum >= 16 do
hexnumber[i]:=hexvalue(integernum mod 16);
integernum:= integernum div 16;
hexnumber[i]:= hexvalue(integernum);
for j:=0 to k do
actualhex[j]:= hexnumber[i];

Since this obviously is a homework assignment, I don't want to spoil it for you and write the solution, but rather attempt to guide you to the solution.
User input
In real code you would need to be prepared for any mistake from the user and check that the input really is integer numbers only and politely ask the user to correct the input if erroneous.
Conversion loop
You have got that OK, using mod 16 for each nibble of integernum and div 16 to move to the next nibble, going from units towards higher order values.
Conversion of nibble to hex character
Here you go wrong. If you would have written out also the cases for 0..9, you could have got the case statement right. As others have commented, Chr() takes an ASCII code. However, using a case statement for such a simple conversion is tedious to write and not very efficient.
What if you would have a lookup table (array) where the index (0..15) directly would give you the corresponding hex character. That would be much simpler. Something like
HexChars: array[_.._] of Char = ('0',_____'F')
I leave it to you to fill in the missing parts.
Forming the result (hex string)
Your second major mistake and the reason for the AV is that you did not set the length of the string hexnumber before attempting to acess the character positions. Another design flaw is that you fill in hexnumber backwards. As a result you then need an extra loop where you reverse the order to the correct one.
There are at least two solutions to solve both problems:
Since you take 32 bit integer type input, the hex representation is not more than 8 characters. Thus you can preset the length of the string to 8 and fill it in from the lower order position using 8 - i as index. As a final step you can trim the string if you like.
Don't preset the length and just concatenate as you go in the loop hexnumber := HexChars[integernum mod 16] + hexnumber;.
Negative values
You did not in any way consider the possibility of negative values in your code, so I assume it wasn't part of the task.

First mistake : String are 1 indexed. Meaning that the index of their first character is 1 and not 0. You initialize "i" to 0 and then try to set hexnumber[i].
Second mistake : Strings might be dynamic, but they don't grow automatically. If you try to access the first character of an empty string, it won't work. You need to call SetLength(HeXNumber, NumberOfDigits). You can calculate the number of digits this way :
NumberOfDigits := Trunc(Log16(integernum)) + 1;
Since Log16 isn't really something that exists, you can either use LogN(16,integernum) or (Log(IntegerNum) / Log(16)) depending on what is available in your version of Delphi.
Note that this might return an invalid value for very, very large value (high INT64 range) due to rounding errors.
If you don't want to go that road, you could replace the instruction by
hexnumber := hexvalue(integernum mod 16) + hexnumber;
which would also remove the need to invert the string at the end.
Third Mistake : Using unsigned integer for loop variable. While this is debatable, the instruction
for I := 0 to Count - 1 do
is common practice in Delphi without checking Count > 0. When count = 0 and using an unsigned loop counter, you'll either get an integer overflow (if you have them activated in your project options) or you'll loop High(I) times, which isn't what you want to be doing.
Fourth mistake : already mentionned : Result:=Chr(num) should be replaced by something like Result := InttoStr(Num)[1].
Personally, I'd implement the function using an array.
HexArr : Array[0..15] of char = ('0', '1',...,'D','E','F');
if InRange(Num, 0, 15) then
Result := HexArr[Num]
//whatever you want


I want to create a Fibonacci sequence using a for loop, but the integers are not adding up

procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
term1: integer;
term2: integer;
term3: integer;
j: integer;
term1 := (0);
term2 := (1);
for j := 1 to 100 do;
term3 :=( term1 + term2);
term1 := term2;
term2 := term3;
This is what I have so far, but term1 and term2 don't want to add up. I have tried some different things, but for some reason the integers never want to add up.
There are several problems with your code
The semicolon after for j := 1 to 100 do prevents your next code that is withing begin..end block to be run in a loop. Why? The code that is to be run in each cycle of for loop is the one that follows the do until the first semicolon. Since you put semicolon just after the do this basically means that empty block of code is ran in a loop. Your begin..end block comes after that. Removing the semicolon after do will fix that.
You are using Memo1.Text:=inttostr(term3); to write the result into Memo. The problem with this is that this will rewrite entire text of the Memo every time so you will end up with only one line showing the last number. You should use Memo1.Lines.Add(inttostr(term3)); instead so that new line is added each time.
Lastly you are using Integer type for your variables. Since numbers in Fibonacci sequence grows very fast you will quickly exceed the maximum value that can be stored in Integer which in Delphi is Signed 32 bit Integer with a max value of 2147483647. You will have to use bigger integer types like 64 bit Integer type and since you are only dealing with positive numbers you should therefore use Unsigned 64 bit Integer that in declared in Delphi by UInt64 type. You can read more about Delphi default Integer types in documentation. Unfortunately not even UInt64 will is big enough for value of all first 100 numbers of Fibonacci sequence. So you will have to use one of the BigIntegers libraries for Delphi to do this properly. There are several of them available on internet.
You have an erroneous ; on your loop that you need to remove:
for j := 1 to 100 do;

Constant single using the hex memory value in Delphi

How can I make a single constant based on a hex value where that hex value is an unsigned integer and the raw memory for the single. I would like to do something like this but it doesn't compile and this will try and cast the hex value to a single and then store the result of that cast instead of storing hex value itself:
I get a "Invalid Typecast" error.
For example:
The single value for 1 is stored as $3F800000 in memory. I would like to be able to create a const that lets me set the value using $3F800000 instead of 1.
I have also tried other variations such as this without luck:
I have a method that I use to get the next smallest single when provided with a single value:
PInt32 = ^Int32;
function NextBefore(const aValue: Single): Single;
int32Value: Int32;
// this function ignores special values nan/inf
int32Value := PInt32(#aValue)^;
if (UInt32(int32Value) = $80000000) or (int32Value = 0) then
// special handling needed for -0 and 0. We need to go to the smallest
// negative number.
int32Value := $80800000;
if int32Value >= 0 then
Result := PSingle(#int32Value)^;
This is really useful because we use vector operations that can only do a > or < so we use it to do the equivalent of a >= and a <=. We often check against 0. So where we need get all of the data >= 0 we do something like this:
It would be nicer to provide the other developers with a constant for these types of operations. Trying to use the PSingle format below won't work because the number is not a variable.
In order to declare a single constant with a hex value in such a way that it cannot be altered by code, it can be done in two steps:
Trying to change the value of LARGEST_SINGLE_LESS_THAN_ZERO will give a compiler error: Left side cannot be assigned to.
It's hard to do this cleanly with the constraints of the language. Perhaps the best that you can do is to make a variant record type that has both integer and single fields overlapped.
TSingleIntegerVariantRec = record
case Integer of
0: (I: Integer);
1: (S: Single);
Once you have that type available you can declare typed constants using the integer field, but then read the single field.
LARGEST_SINGLE_LESS_THAN_ZERO: TSingleIntegerVariantRec = (I: $80800000);
If you want to add an extra nuance you could implement an implicit cast operator to Single which would allow you to omit the .S. If you made that operator inline then I suspect the emitted code would be very efficient.
This does what you ask, but I wouldn't claim that it was very elegant. We're I you I would move the code to use the next value down into the library function so that you can pass 0 and shield the consumer of the library from these implementation details.
In other words you would add a ThresholdGTequal method that was implemented like this:
procedure TMyVector.ThresholdGTequal(const Value: Single);
Then the consumers of this code simply write:
and remain oblivious to all of the gnarly implementation details.

Delphi - join 2 integer in a Int64

I'm working with Delphi and Assembly, so, i had a problem. I used a instruction(RDTSC) in Assembly of getting a 64-bits read time-stamp, the instruction put the numbers separately in two registers EAX and EDX. But it's ok, i get it with Delphi Integer variables. But now, i need to join those variables in 1 of 64-bits. It's like:
Var1 = 46523
var2 = 1236
So i need to put it into one variable like:
Var3 = 465231236
it's like a StrCat, but i'm don't know how to do it. Somebody can help me?
You certainly don't want to concatenate the decimal string representations of the two values. That is not the way you are expected to combine the two 32 bit values returned from RTDSC into a 64 bit value.
Combining 46523 and 1236 should not yield 465231236. That is the wrong answer. Instead, you want to take the high order 32 bits, and put them alongside the low order 32 bits.
You are combining $0000B5BB and $00004D4. The correct answer is either $0000B5BB00004D4 or $00004D40000B5BB, depending on which of the two values are the high and low order parts.
Implement this in code, for instance, using Int64Rec:
Value: UInt64;
Int64Rec(Value).Lo := Lo;
Int64Rec(Value).Hi := Hi;
where Lo and Hi are the low and high 32 bit values returned by RTDSC.
So, bits 0 to 31 are set to the value of Lo, and bits 32 to 63 are set to the value of Hi.
Or it can be written using bitwise operations:
Value := (UInt64(Hi) shl 32) or UInt64(Lo);
If all you need to do is read the time stamp counter, then you don't need to do any of this though. You can implement the function like this:
function TimeStampCounter: UInt64;
The register calling convention requires that a 64 bit value return value is passed back to the caller in EDX:EAX. Since the RDTSC places the values in those exact registers (not a coincidence by the way), you have nothing more to do.
All of this said, rather than using the time stamp counter, it is usually preferable to use the performance counter, which is wrapped by TStopWatch from System.Diagnostics.
The simple way is to use a record
TMyTimestamp = record
case Boolean of
( Value: Int64 );
( Value1: Integer; Value2: Integer );
and you can store/read each value as you like
ts: TMyTimestamp;
ts.Value1 := 46523;
ts.Value2 := 1236;
WriteLn( ts.Value ); // -> 5308579624379
ts.Value := 5308579624379;
WriteLn( ts.Value1 ); // -> 46523
WriteLn( ts.Value2 ); // -> 1236
see: Docwiki: Variant Parts in Records

How to prevent wrong inputs (only numbers) in Delphi?

I am trying to build a function/check to prevent wrong inputs from keyboard and I am a little bit lost here.
function ReadInputs : integer;
number : integer;
Write('Set random number (1-10): ');
if NOT((number <= 10) AND (number >= 1)) then
Writeln('Error! Type 1-10!');
until (number >= 1) AND (number <= 10);
result := column;
How to prevent from any other character to be input except numbers 1-10? Why only numbers define in my function is not enough even when I set integer? When I type for example "A" it crash, so what is the right way? Thank you.
As it stands your program will fail with an error if the user inputs something that cannot be converted to an integer. That's because the variable that you passed to Readln is typed as an Integer. That is effectively an assertion that the user enters a number. But you want to be more flexible than that and allow the user to recover from non-numeric input.
What you need to do is read a string. This will always succeed. Then you can decide how to handle that string. For example you would try to convert to integer, and if that succeeded, perform further validity checks.
Perhaps like this:
Input: string;
Num: Integer;
if TryStrToInt(Input, Num) then
// perform checks on Num, etc.
// handle error: the value input was not numeric
You've already had a good answerfrom David H, but a little more explanation might help.
The ReadLn() procedure dates from before applications had GUIs and doesn't really restrict what the user can type in; the user might just press [return] or type characters that aren't digits (or +/-). ReadLn(AnInteger) will succeed if what the user types happens to convert to an integer, otherwise it fails.
On the other hand, Readln(AString) will always succeed, and the problem then is just how to check that it represents an integer, and DH's answer shows you how to do that.
In case you're wondering, a GUI application, you can control what characters an edit control will accept, e.g. by using a TMaskEDit, which allows you specify what character patterns are acceptable (e.g 6 digits and nothing else) - if the user types something which doesn't match the mask, the edit control doesn't accept it. However, even if you use a TMaskEdit, it's best to check that what's been typed in actually converts to the number type you're wanting.
Or you could use this on the OnKeyPress event:
if NOT(key in['0'..'9', #8]) then
key := #0;

Delphi 2009 - Bug? Adding supposedly invalid values to a set

First of all, I'm not a very experienced programmer. I'm using Delphi 2009 and have been working with sets, which seem to behave very strangely and even inconsistently to me. I guess it might be me, but the following looks like there's clearly something wrong:
unit test;
Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms,
Dialogs, StdCtrls;
TForm1 = class(TForm)
Button1: TButton;
Edit1: TEdit;
procedure Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
test: set of 1..2;
var Form1: TForm1;
{$R *.dfm}
procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
test := [3];
if 3 in test then
Edit1.Text := '3';
If you run the program and click the button, then, sure enough, it will display the string "3" in the text field. However, if you try the same thing with a number like 100, nothing will be displayed (as it should, in my opinion). Am I missing something or is this some kind of bug? Advice would be appreciated!
EDIT: So far, it seems that I'm not alone with my observation. If someone has some inside knowledge of this, I'd be very glad to hear about it. Also, if there are people with Delphi 2010 (or even Delphi XE), I would appreciate it if you could do some tests on this or even general set behavior (such as "test: set of 256..257") as it would be interesting to see if anything has changed in newer versions.
I was curious enough to take a look at the compiled code that gets produced, and I figured out the following about how sets work in Delphi 2010. It explains why you can do test := [8] when test: set of 1..2, and why Assert(8 in test) fails immediately after.
How much space is actually used?
An set of byte has one bit for every possible byte value, 256 bits in all, 32 bytes. An set of 1..2 requires 1 byte but surprisingly set of 100..101 also requires one byte, so Delphi's compiler is pretty smart about memory allocation. On the othter hand an set of 7..8 requires 2 bytes, and set based on a enumeration that only includes the values 0 and 101 requires (gasp) 13 bytes!
Test code:
TTestEnumeration = (te0=0, te101=101);
TTestEnumeration2 = (tex58=58, tex101=101);
procedure Test;
var A: set of 1..2;
B: set of 7..8;
C: set of 100..101;
D: set of TTestEnumeration;
E: set of TTestEnumeration2;
ShowMessage(IntToStr(SizeOf(A))); // => 1
ShowMessage(IntToStr(SizeOf(B))); // => 2
ShowMessage(IntToStr(SizeOf(C))); // => 1
ShowMessage(IntToStr(SizeOf(D))); // => 13
ShowMessage(IntToStr(SizeOf(E))); // => 6
The basic model behind the set is the set of byte, with 256 possible bits, 32 bytes.
Delphi determines the required continuous sub-range of the total 32 bytes range and uses that. For the case set of 1..2 it probably only uses the first byte, so SizeOf() returns 1. For the set of 100.101 it probably only uses the 13th byte, so SizeOf() returns 1. For the set of 7..8 it's probably using the first two bytes, so we get SizeOf()=2. This is an especially interesting case, because it shows us that bits are not shifted left or right to optimize storage. The other interesting case is the set of TTestEnumeration2: it uses 6 bytes, even those there are lots of unusable bits around there.
What kind of code is generated by the compiler?
Test 1, two sets, both using the "first byte".
procedure Test;
var A: set of 1..2;
B: set of 2..3;
A := [1];
B := [1];
For those understand Assembler, have a look at the generated code yourself. For those that don't understand assembler, the generated code is equivalent to:
A := CompilerGeneratedArray[1];
B := CompilerGeneratedArray[1];
And that's not a typo, the compiler uses the same pre-compiled value for both assignments. CompiledGeneratedArray[1] = 2.
Here's an other test:
procedure Test2;
var A: set of 1..2;
B: set of 100..101;
A := [1];
B := [1];
Again, in pseudo-code, the compiled code looks like this:
A := CompilerGeneratedArray1[1];
B := CompilerGeneratedArray2[1];
Again, no typo: This time the compiler uses different pre-compiled values for the two assignments. CompilerGeneratedArray1[1]=2 while CompilerGeneratedArray2[1]=0; The compiler generated code is smart enough not to overwrite the bits in "B" with invalid values (because B holds information about bits 96..103), yet it uses very similar code for both assignments.
All set operations work perfectly well IF you test with values that are in the base-set. For the set of 1..2, test with 1 and 2. For the set of 7..8 only test with 7 and 8. I don't consider the set to be broken. It serves it's purpose very well all over the VCL (and it has a place in my own code as well).
In my opinion the compiler generates sub-optimal code for set assignments. I don't think the table-lookups are required, the compiler could generate the values inline and the code would have the same size but better locality.
My opinion is that the side-effect of having the set of 1..2 behave the same as set of 0..7 is the side-effect of the previous lack of optimization in the compiler.
In the OP's case (var test: set of 1..2; test := [7]) the compiler should generate an error. I would not classify this as a bug because I don't think the compiler's behavior is supposed to be defined in terms of "what to do on bad code by the programmer" but in terms of "what to do with good code by the programmer"; None the less the compiler should generate the Constant expression violates subrange bounds, as it does if you try this code:
(code sample)
procedure Test;
var t: 1..2;
t := 3;
At runtime, if the code is compiled with {$R+}, the bad assignment should raise an error, as it does if you try this code:
(code sample)
procedure Test;
var t: 1..2;
i: Integer;
for i:=1 to 3 do
t := i;
According to the official documentation on sets (my emphasis):
The syntax for a set constructor is: [
item1, ..., itemn ] where each item is
either an expression denoting an
ordinal of the set's base type
Now, according to Subrange types:
When you use numeric or character
constants to define a subrange, the
base type is the smallest integer or
character type that contains the
specified range.
Therefore, if you specify
TNum = 1..2;
then the base type will be byte (most likely), and so, if
TSet = set of TNum;
test: TSet;
test := [255];
will work, but not
test := [256];
all according to the official specification.
I have no "inside knowledge", but the compiler logic seems rather transparent.
First, the compiler thinks that any set like set of 1..2 is a subset of set of 0..255. That is why set of 256..257 is not allowed.
Second, the compiler optimizes memory allocation - so it allocates only 1 byte for set of 1..2. The same 1 byte is allocated for set of 0..7, and there seems to be no difference between the both sets on binary level. In short, the compiler allocates as little memory as possible with alignment taken into account (that means for example that compiler never allocates 3 bytes for set - it allocates 4 bytes, even if set fits into 3 bytes, like set of 1..20).
There is some inconsistency in a way the compiler treats sets, which can be demonstrated by the following code sample:
TTestSet = set of 1..2;
TTestRec = packed record
FSet: TTestSet;
FByte: Byte;
Rec: TTestRec;
procedure TForm9.Button3Click(Sender: TObject);
Rec.FSet:= [];
Rec.FByte:= 1; // as a side effect we set 8-th element of FSet
// (FSet actually has no 8-th element - only 0..7)
Assert(8 in Rec.FSet); // The assert should fail, but it does not!
if 8 in Rec.FSet then // another display of the bug
Edit1.Text := '8';
A set is stored as a number and can actually hold values that are not in the enumeration on which the set is based. I would expect an error, at least when Range Checking is on in the compiler options, but this doesn't seem to be the case. I'm not sure if this is a bug or by design though.
It is odd, though:
TNum = 1..2;
TSet = set of TNum;
test: TSet;
test2: TNum;
test2 := 4; // Not accepted
test := [4]; // Accepted
From the top of my head, this was a side effect of allowing non contiguous enumeration types.
The same holds for .NET bitflags: because in both cases the underlying types are compatible with integer, you can insert any integer in it (in Delphi limited to 0..255).
As far as I'm concerned, no bugs there.
For exemple, take the following code
var aByte: Byte;
aByte := 255;
aByte := aByte + 1;
if aByte = 0 then
ShowMessage('Is this a bug?');
Now, you can get 2 result from this code. If you compiled with Range Checking TRUE, an exception will be raise on the 2nd line. If you did NOT compile with Range Checking, the code will execute without any error and display the message dialogs.
The situation you encountered with the sets is similar, except that there is no compiler switch to force an exception to be raised in this situation (Well, as far as I know...).
Now, from your exemple:
test: set of 1..2;
That essentially declare a Byte sized set (If you call SizeOf(Test), it should return 1). A byte sized set can only contain 8 elements. In this case, it can contains [0] to [7].
Now, some exemple:
test := [8]; //Here, we try to set the 9th bit of a Byte sized variable. It doesn't work
Test := [4]; //Here, we try to set the 5th bit of a Byte Sized variable. It works.
Now, I need to admit I would kind of expect the "Constant expression violates subrange bounds" on the first line (but not on 2nd)
So yeah... there might be a small issue with the compiler.
As for your result being inconsistent... I'm pretty sure using set values out of the set's subrange values isn't guaranteed to give consistent result over different version of Delphi (Maybe not even over different compiles... So if your range is 1..2, stick with [1] and [2].
