Provisioning profile issue in Xcode 7.1.1? - ios

Earlier I was using Xcode 7 it used to show me the provisioning profile for the IPA file which I selected under build settings. But now after update to 7.1.1 whenever I make IPA file then it always show me iOS Team provisioning under provisioning profile section even I have selected the correct provisioning profile.
See screenshot:
Please tell me how to resolve the issue.
In iOS Team Provisioning profile all the UDIDs are added which were previously added by me on developer account.

Go to Certificates, Identifiers & Profiles > Provisioning Profiles
Delete any provisioning profiles that are no longer needed.
Pay careful attention to those that match your app's bundle ID, for example, com.yourdomain.yourappname.
Make sure you have at most one provisioning profile for Development and at most one provisioning profile for Distribution.
Download each provisioning profile and double-click on it in Finder so that it gets installed.
In Xcode:
Go to Your Target > Build Settings > Code Signing
Set all values to be iOS Developer.
Go to Your Target > Build Settings > Provisioning Profile
Set all values to be Automatic.
In Xcode:
To test the changes, create an archive using Product > Archive.
After the archive is built, open the Window > Organizer and Export the archive.
Choose Developer Deployment.
Choose your team.
The provisioning profile display should now be correct for your app in the Summary window, the one that you have shown in your question.

Please follow the steps.
1.Open Xcode
2. then goto Xcode section
3. Select Preferences
4. Account
5. Select your account details
6. Click View Detail
7 .Sync details.


How to see the downloaded provisioning profile in xcode 8.3.2?

How to see the downloaded provisioning profile in xcode 8.3.2? Previously there was a see details button for every added team in xcode. Now I can see a manage certificate button which will list all certificates. Where can I see the downloaded profiles? Is there any way to see the profiles inside xcode? I know we can goto ~Library/MobileDevice/Provisioning Profiles folder and check this.
In Xcode 8.3.2 you can only see the name of the profile and created and expiry date.Project Settings > Select Target In signing section press the icon in front of the Provisioning Profile.
If you just wan't to know that latest profile profile has been download or not. See this

Xcode 8.3 / Xcode 9.0 Refresh provisioning profile devices

I have added some new devices. How can I refresh the provisioning profile, as Xcode 8 automatically manages signing assets?
I have found this question: Refresh devices in team provisioning profile managed by Xcode 7? – but we can't do that in Xcode 8.3.
I don't have the device with me so I manually added it in the portal and also edited the provisioning profile but Xcode is not re-downloading it.
This is what you need to do:
Go to ~/Library/MobileDevice/Provisioning\ Profiles/ and delete all the provisioning profiles from there.
Go to Xcode > Preferences > Accounts and select the Apple ID.
Click Download Manual Profiles or Download All Profiles. And it will download all the provisioning profiles again.
Remove the .mobileprovision file for the app this way :
The command in the terminal is : rm
Step 1. Click on desktop then from top menu Go > Go to Folders...
Step 2. Write/Paste following path and enter:
Step 3. Select Provisioning Profiles folder and delete all provisions profiles in it
Step 4. Go to xCode Preference > Accounts > Apple ID and then click on Download Manual Profiles button
First delete the provisioning profile from ~/Library/MobileDevice/Provisioning\Profiles/ , then edit provisioning profile from developer portal and select all devices while editing Provisioning profile. Then download this profile and open in your Xcode.
To add devices to your provisioning profile in Xcode 8 with automatic code signing, you simply need to build to the device in Xcode. Xcode will add the device's UDID and regenerate the provisioning profile automatically. If you don't have physical access to the device, I don't think there is a way to add it to your provisioning profile without going back to manually managing your devices and profiles.

Xcode 7: "No matching provisioning profiles found"

I've changed the App ID and created a new provisioning profile for it. The new bundle ID and provisioning profile seem to be correctly set in the target's settings, and I get no warning when archiving it. But when I want to export the archive, Xcode shows me a dialog saying:
No matching provisioning profiles found for "Applications/"
And below it says that:
None of the valid provisioning profiles allowed the specified entitlements: application-identifier, beta-reports-active, keychain-access-groups
What I'm missing to check/change?
EDIT: In the warning dialog I'm also shown the buttons "Visit Member Center" and "Import Developer Profile". Do I need to set a developer profile if I just want to export a distribution binary?
Go to Member Center and then "Certificates, identifier and profiles" then create a new developer profile. Download and double click on profile then clean you app. and run.
if not solve. see this video
What resolved the issue was manually setting Provisioning Profile for Debug and Release to the appropriate values, as opposed to choosing Automatic (i.e., set values to your development and distribution provisioning profiles). Based on this SO answer.
This worked for me in Xcode 7.2:
Select your target, then the "General" tab. In the "Identity" section there was a warning that no provisioning profiles were found, and a button that said "Fix issue." I pressed it, and it fixed the issue.
In my case I was missing the automatically generated provisioning profiles because I had changed the bundle ID in an existing project.
I solved this by creating a provisioning profile with an explicit app Bundle ID rather than a Wildcard one.
For Xcode 8 ( As I tried it on 8 and it worked)
First of all clean the project
Select simulator as Generic IOS Device
Then again click on product --> Archive
After the archive is made xcode automatically takes you to orgaiser or else you can click on windows--> organiser.
here you can see all the archive you have made in past.
Now, the main part:
Select an archive you want to export.
Click on export. Its on right side under the "upload to store Button"
When You click it ask to select 1 out of 4 options, select--> Save for Development Deployment (4th option)
After This it fetch the account, Make sure you select the account by which you have made provisional profile or signing certificate.
Thats it, it will start preparing your IPA.
It ask to export your IPA to the preferred location & makes a folder their.
In my case it helped.
No other 3 option gave me same error about provisioning profile but not the 4th one.
If it is not userful by regenerating your Provisioning profile ,you can try to go to TARGETS/Build Settings/Packing/Product Bundle identifier,Maybe you forget change the bundle identifier.

Xcode 6 - Can't pick signing certificate/provisioning profile for Ad-Hoc distribution. Always taken default

To distribute the app we are using Xcode 6.0.1, where we encountered some issues by using the following process:
Added App-Id and distribution provision profile under developer program.
Chose provision profile under build settings and Archive application.
Chose Export option to do Ad-HocDistribute.
But with Xcode 6.0.1, this workflow was changed a bit. I couls still select the Ad-Hoc distribution option, but I cannot select the provisioning profile which I have created under developer program against my App-ID. There were no listing of provisional profile as we use to do in Xcode 5 version.
The Xcode 6.0.1 has tried to match the provisional profile from the dev-program and it returns message as no matching certificate and it automatically created identity as XC Ad Hoc * profile. Once I chose the Export option the XC Ad Hoc* profile has been created automatically under the distribution provision profile option in dev-program.
Under the provision profile all devices has been selected which I have added and listing total devices under my testflight application. Please assist me how to choose my provision profile which I have already created specifically for my application. Its really consume my whole day.
Xcode wanted to automatically sign with the default "XC com.*" wildcard provisioning profile instead of the explicit profile that already had.
To fix this, I just re-generated the profile on the Apple Developer Portal:
1) Go to and find the distribution provisioning profile you want to use.
2) Select it, click "Edit", re-name the profile, and click "Generate".
3) Download the provisioning profile to the Desktop and drag it onto the Xcode 6 icon.
4) Re-start Xcode 6.
5) Open the organizer window and click "Submit" on the archive you built. Xcode will automatically pick your explicit profile instead of the generic one.
In Xcode 7 try to select "Use local signing assets" when selecting team. In my case it automatically selected custom Ad-Hoc profile, instead of XC Ad-Hoc*
It's quite tricky but in your app build settings, you don't have the good provisioning and/or the good code signing identity for the archive mode (RELEASE) and maybe be the bad team too. You have to re set all this things and re archive. You know it's good when Xcode show the good certificate.
Hope you will export your application.
Organizer -> Export worked for me as Organizer -> Upload to App Store and Validate were picking Xcode generated provisioning every-time.
Similar topic discussed here.

How to add a new device to a team provisioning profile

I have a new device for our app to be tested on, so I added it to the provisioning portal.
There are currently two development provisioning profiles - however the provisioning portal will not let me edit the team provisioning profile in order to add the new device.
- But I'm sure this something I've done before as I've previously added new devices as they arrived to enable testing with them.
How can I add the new device if the profile isn't editable? (
(The limit has not been reached, there's only several devices in the portal in total).
For Xcode 5 :
From the Xcode menu select preferences>>Accounts, Select your Apple ID then select Details...
You will get a popup with your Signing Identities and Provisioning Profiles.
Click the Refresh button in the bottom left and the iOS Team Provisioning Profiles get re-generated and downloaded.
You don't have to edit it, click Refresh in Xcode Organizer to make it generate a new one for you automatically.
For new XCode 5 & Xcode 6
Adding Device UDID to Provisioning Profile on
Login to iOS dev center and go to Device section under 'Certificates, Identifiers & Profiles'
Add new Device using UDID
Update Provisioning profile with newly added Device
Once you have added the device and need to update your developer provision profile
Select newly added device in provisioning profile and click Generate
Update XCode with Updated Provisioning Profile
Finally goto XCode --> Preferences --> Accounts --> ViewDetails -->Refresh -->Done
That's All Go for Clean and Build now.
On XCode 7 the answers here are inapplicable. should work (delete the profiles in xcode, and tell it to download them again), BUT unlike the instructions at the link, for XCode Version 7.2.1 (7C1002), you (or at least I) cannot select multiple profiles at once.
Open the Organizer window in Xcode. With your device plugged in to the computer, select your device in the Organizer.
In the area detailing your device's specs, click the button titled "Use for Development". You may need to log in to your Apple Developer profile. Once that's done, your device should be listed as part of the provisioning profile and have the profile installed.
